All the hate Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans has finally paid off

That's what you've learned, eh? that you learned that, what are you going to do about it?
Wow...listen to the dyke talking tough. That's twice now that she's posted "what are you going to do about it"? She's reveling in the fact that conservatives were shot at in an attempted mass-murder and she's daring someone to do something about.

Let me tell ya bodecea, you are one tough dyke from behind your keyboard. I can't imagine anyone would want to tangle with you, internet warrior. I guess when you're a woman who is built like a nose tackle and you can't get your shit together in your own head, it manifests itself this way.
I'm simply asking what you are going to do about this and you go on a tirade about me and my sexual orientation and your perception of me as an "internet warrior". Interesting spin off you got going there. And yet, you dodged answering my question. I asked it because I want to know....what ARE you going to do about it?
Well now, your post just confirmed your hypocrisy.
What "hypocrisy"? Name one way in which the U.S. Constitution has been violated under the Trump Administration. I dare you.

Thanks for playing. You may go now.
Trump spent 2 years promoting hatred and nastiness and yet the democratic party is somehow the bad guy when some nut case goes crazy? Do you fuckers ever listen to yourself.

We want nutcases like this guy to get mental health help
We want to restrict him from having a gun
and we sure as fuck aint going around saying how we need to be a more heartless and cut throat society.

Trump promoted hatred? Quotes?


He offered to pay the legal bills of his brownshirts at his rallies if they wanted to beat up some dissenters.

And? Why were those "dissenters" at a Trump rally? How would the left had felt if every time Bernie or Hillary opened their mouths they would get shouted down. Their aim was to disrupt. They deserved an ass kicking.

Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

What convenient memory loss.

What's disgusting is him telling his fans to punch, hit and even kill and he'd pay their legal bills.

136 mass shootings since the cheeto took office but because it was Repubs who were targeted, he finally took time out from screwing us over and addressed the nation.


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He told his supporters to kill those who disagree with him?



The title of this thread is so would have to be blind not to see that when the Left Wing mainstream media hammers every hour of every day this message of hatred .....this is the result.

This is not going to end well.
I'm simply asking what you are going to do about this
Nice passive/aggressive attempt there, sweetie. You're acting like an asshole taunting everyone with "what are you going to do about it".

Let's hope that President Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress correctly labels the left as terrorists and deals with them as such. That's the correct way to handle this situation. As far as me personally, I'll do what I've always done. Keep myself armed and alert. I will defend myself up to and including the use of lethal force if necessary.

There...that's WHAT I'M GOING TO DO ABOUT IT....bitch.

The title of this thread is so would have to be blind not to see that when the Left Wing mainstream media hammers every hour of every day this message of hatred .....this is the result.

This is not going to end well.
So...who are you blaming for this attack?
The title of this thread is so would have to be blind not to see that when the Left Wing mainstream media hammers every hour of every day this message of hatred .....this is the result.This is not going to end well.
Look at their posts.

This has been a really, really ugly day.
Trump spent 2 years promoting hatred and nastiness and yet the democratic party is somehow the bad guy when some nut case goes crazy? Do you fuckers ever listen to yourself.

We want nutcases like this guy to get mental health help
We want to restrict him from having a gun
and we sure as fuck aint going around saying how we need to be a more heartless and cut throat society.

Trump promoted hatred? Quotes?

Is that a trick question?

No trick. If what you say is true, you should have tons of quotes.


New Video Juxtaposes Trump’s Hate Speech With Violent Images From America’s Past

Not a problem
Trump spent 2 years promoting hatred and nastiness and yet the democratic party is somehow the bad guy when some nut case goes crazy? Do you fuckers ever listen to yourself.

We want nutcases like this guy to get mental health help
We want to restrict him from having a gun
and we sure as fuck aint going around saying how we need to be a more heartless and cut throat society.
President Trump has never shown hatred on been nasty. Hate comes from Liberak Democrat's side.

Isn't it amazing that Trump suddenly became hateful and nasty when he decided to run for president? He hobnobbed with the rich and famous his whole life, and you can see him partying with numerous Democratic and liberal big shots.

If he was so hateful and nasty, why didn't they distance themselves from him long ago?

Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.
Look, fuckface, the asshole that committed those crimes did so on his own. Here on this board, it is not the liberals that are constantly threatening their imagined enemies with guns, or bragging how many guns and how much ammo they have. And how many times did you assholes post ape parodies of President Obama? How many times did they post pictures of him in a noose?

I did not approve of the actions of those that suggest violence against the GOP or the President. I did not approve of the actions of those that suggested violence against the Dems or President Obama. That kind of action has no place in our democracy. And your accusations are completely hypocritical. You have suggested violence against those that have different political persuasion than you.

Maybe you can compare the actions of the conservatives after Obama was elected and the actions of the left after the election of Trump and truthfully tell me you don't see a difference?

And how many times did you assholes post ape parodies of President Obama?
What the fuck does a parody have to do with attempted murder, asshole?!? And an "ape parody" is about one billionth as horrific as this shit...


The title of this thread is so would have to be blind not to see that when the Left Wing mainstream media hammers every hour of every day this message of hatred .....this is the result.

This is not going to end well.
So...who are you blaming for this attack?

The Left and the Left wing media......whipping up to a frenzy their message of hate.

I blame them.
Isn't it amazing that Trump suddenly became hateful and nasty when he decided to run for president? He hobnobbed with the rich and famous his whole life, and you can see him partying with numerous Democratic and liberal big shots.
Boom! Exactly Mark! Here is how "hateful and nasty" he was and how much Kathy Griffin hated him for that...

Trump spent 2 years promoting hatred and nastiness and yet the democratic party is somehow the bad guy when some nut case goes crazy? Do you fuckers ever listen to yourself.

We want nutcases like this guy to get mental health help
We want to restrict him from having a gun
and we sure as fuck aint going around saying how we need to be a more heartless and cut throat society.

Trump promoted hatred? Quotes?

Is that a trick question?

No trick. If what you say is true, you should have tons of quotes.


New Video Juxtaposes Trump’s Hate Speech With Violent Images From America’s Past

Not a problem

Comparing Trump to Hitler? All I can say

The shooter was a Democrat, and a Bernie Sanders supporter. That much is confirmed.

You people are responsible, all of you.

All the hate you ginned up, did you think there would be no consequences?

There have been riots and I'm sure even at least one or two murders because of the hate the leftist media has ginned up over Trump's election and subsequent actions. They get ignored usually but this can't be ignored. It hits the empire right in the balls and you can bet they'll pass a silly law over it. Maybe a sensible one but I'm not hopeful.

The media is responsible for numerous deaths of police and civilians along with Soros' funding of leftist agitprop groups like BLM. They've destroyed millions in private property and people's livelihood. They're habitual criminals and they've been encouraged by that meat puppet faggot. Trump slaughtered their globabble whining prized pig, I hope he goes after Soros and throws him and his vile offspring out of the country forever. Freeze and use their assets for the wall. He can even land them safely in Beijing for all I care as long as they're broke and can't come back.

This picture really sums up...look at the blood and carnage of President Trump. Had anyone dared to this with Barack Insane Obama, the left would have taken to the streets to riot and assault people. This shit here manifested itself today with an attempted mass-murder.

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