All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

First off, you quote from a Policy study site that gives OPINION, NOT the Congressional Research Service that I used that just reports the FACTS. My post was to disprove a previous statement regarding Israeli "independence".

Big difference.

But let me just pull the rug out from your link: The United States has been documented in supporting despots and dictators in that region and throughout the world 35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists

So all this crap about Israel being some bastion of truth and a firebreak against the evil of the world is just that.....crap. And the true progressive Israeli's know this.
Can I have the link to the Congressional Research Service, please.
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

I agree.
I say let Israel do the same work and sell it to the US for 10billion rather than take the 3.8B and give over the specifications.
As usual, you're not making sense. Faced with the FACTS that WITHOUT America subsidizing Israel's military and basic economy via various items, it would have ceased to exist decades ago. So how in the world is Israel going to reverse the situation and do the postulated insanity that you are proposing when it doesn't have the resources to do so? My God, man! Is it too much for you to just act like a mature, rational adult and concede a point?
Exactly where did you get the idea that without the US military aid, and maybe some economic one, Israel would have ceased to exist long ago?

What does Startup Nation means to you, because that is what Israel is better known for.

Here are some of the things Israel helps the US with, in return for the military and economic help:

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.
Are you truly trying to reason with The Defiant One?
No, just another insipidly intellectually stubborn wonk like yourself.
I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Dig deeper into the health topics you care about most. Subscribe to our facts-first newsletter today.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

First off, you quote from a Policy study site that gives OPINION, NOT the Congressional Research Service that I used that just reports the FACTS. My post was to disprove a previous statement regarding Israeli "independence".

Big difference.

But let me just pull the rug out from your link: The United States has been documented in supporting despots and dictators in that region and throughout the world 35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists

So all this crap about Israel being some bastion of truth and a firebreak against the evil of the world is just that.....crap. And the true progressive Israeli's know this.
Can I have the link to the Congressional Research Service, please.
Exactly which part of the report troubles you? Which page?
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

"Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine"
Cannot say it in your own words? What does that sentence mean?

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Since when is Wiki-pedia a reliable source of information? It's been DOCUMENTED to it's susceptibility to any members add's fact checking leaves much to be desired. Small wonder you found what you needed to hear there.

Now the ADL does a good job explaining why they find JVP a fringe element on the subject. Mind you, if it weren't for the plethora of documented cases regarding the zionistic bent justifying the apartheid treatment of Palestinians, JVP probably wouldn't exist.

But these things happen, so they do.

And I seem to recall a similar reaction when world respected humanitarian former President Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
Note that Haaretz is an Israeli based paper that is no well liked by zionist or the Likund....but damned if they can fault their journalistic integrity.
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Dig deeper into the health topics you care about most. Subscribe to our facts-first newsletter today.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

First off, you quote from a Policy study site that gives OPINION, NOT the Congressional Research Service that I used that just reports the FACTS. My post was to disprove a previous statement regarding Israeli "independence".

Big difference.

But let me just pull the rug out from your link: The United States has been documented in supporting despots and dictators in that region and throughout the world 35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists

So all this crap about Israel being some bastion of truth and a firebreak against the evil of the world is just that.....crap. And the true progressive Israeli's know this.
Can I have the link to the Congressional Research Service, please.
I gave this to your like minded brethren Indeependent you should pay attention. But for the sake of argument, here it is again
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Dig deeper into the health topics you care about most. Subscribe to our facts-first newsletter today.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

"Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine"
Cannot say it in your own words? What does that sentence mean?

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Since when is Wiki-pedia a reliable source of information? It's been DOCUMENTED to it's susceptibility to any members add's fact checking leaves much to be desired. Small wonder you found what you needed to hear there.

Now the ADL does a good job explaining why they find JVP a fringe element on the subject. Mind you, if it weren't for the plethora of documented cases regarding the zionistic bent justifying the apartheid treatment of Palestinians, JVP probably wouldn't exist.

But these things happen, so they do.

And I seem to recall a similar reaction when world respected humanitarian former President Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
Note that Haaretz is an Israeli based paper that is no well liked by zionist or the Likund....but damned if they can fault their journalistic integrity.

Have you been to Israel?
Have you, with your eyes, seen apartheid against any non Jews over there?
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


Stay informed about COVID-19
Get the latest updates and research-backed information on the novel coronavirus direct to your inbox.

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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

First off, you quote from a Policy study site that gives OPINION, NOT the Congressional Research Service that I used that just reports the FACTS. My post was to disprove a previous statement regarding Israeli "independence".

Big difference.

But let me just pull the rug out from your link: The United States has been documented in supporting despots and dictators in that region and throughout the world 35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists

So all this crap about Israel being some bastion of truth and a firebreak against the evil of the world is just that.....crap. And the true progressive Israeli's know this.
Can I have the link to the Congressional Research Service, please.
I gave this to your like minded brethren Indeependent you should pay attention. But for the sake of argument, here it is again
I saw it. Exactly what part bothers you.

Tell me of any country the US gives money to, which gives anything back to the US
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Dig deeper into the health topics you care about most. Subscribe to our facts-first newsletter today.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

"Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine"
Cannot say it in your own words? What does that sentence mean?

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Since when is Wiki-pedia a reliable source of information? It's been DOCUMENTED to it's susceptibility to any members add's fact checking leaves much to be desired. Small wonder you found what you needed to hear there.

Now the ADL does a good job explaining why they find JVP a fringe element on the subject. Mind you, if it weren't for the plethora of documented cases regarding the zionistic bent justifying the apartheid treatment of Palestinians, JVP probably wouldn't exist.

But these things happen, so they do.

And I seem to recall a similar reaction when world respected humanitarian former President Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
Note that Haaretz is an Israeli based paper that is no well liked by zionist or the Likund....but damned if they can fault their journalistic integrity.

Have you been to Israel?
Have you, with your eyes, seen apartheid against any non Jews over there?
so Jimmy Carter is a liar? Haaretz is a rag because it dares not to parrot what you like? Are you implementing a requirement of on site reviews for EVERY topic before discussion on this site?
Seems to me you've been faced with information you can't readily dismiss, so you're blowing smoke. Carry on.
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

"Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine"
Cannot say it in your own words? What does that sentence mean?

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Since when is Wiki-pedia a reliable source of information? It's been DOCUMENTED to it's susceptibility to any members add's fact checking leaves much to be desired. Small wonder you found what you needed to hear there.

Now the ADL does a good job explaining why they find JVP a fringe element on the subject. Mind you, if it weren't for the plethora of documented cases regarding the zionistic bent justifying the apartheid treatment of Palestinians, JVP probably wouldn't exist.

But these things happen, so they do.

And I seem to recall a similar reaction when world respected humanitarian former President Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
Note that Haaretz is an Israeli based paper that is no well liked by zionist or the Likund....but damned if they can fault their journalistic integrity.
Some South Africans do not agree with your "plethora of documented cases" . They went to Israel. Where was the Apartheid they were taught about, the one worse than the one they lived themselves?

ā€œIā€™m deprived because of things that happened during apartheid,ā€ Mokgomole told the audience at U.C. Davis. A member of the youth wing of the African National Congress, he spoke with a thick accent that he blamed on the subpar education received by many black South Africans.

ā€œIā€™m here to reclaim my story, our narrative. We believe that organizations like BDS are abusing the word ā€˜apartheid,ā€™ abusing our story.ā€

Mokgomole was part of a U.S. speaking tour sponsored by the pro-Israel group StandWithUs in partnership with South Africa-Israel Forum. Branded ā€œReclaiming My Story,ā€ the tour has been featuring black South Africans defending Israel against charges of apartheid.

ā€œIt irritates us that the apartheid analogy is used,ā€ Benji Shulman, a white South African who accompanied the tour, told the audience in Davis. ā€œI think it annoys all sorts of Jewish communities around the world, but the difference with the South African Jewish community is that [our country] invented the thing.ā€

Shulman said that black Africans like Mithi and Mokgomole ā€” who defend Israel against accusations of apartheid ā€” are effective advocates against the claim because they and their families personally suffered under the racist policies of the South African government.

Mokgomole reversed his stand on Israel after he was among the 11 protesters disciplined by university officials for disrupting the recital. At that point, he started looking more closely at the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and he found out there was a lot he needed to learn.

Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

First off, you quote from a Policy study site that gives OPINION, NOT the Congressional Research Service that I used that just reports the FACTS. My post was to disprove a previous statement regarding Israeli "independence".

Big difference.

But let me just pull the rug out from your link: The United States has been documented in supporting despots and dictators in that region and throughout the world 35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists

So all this crap about Israel being some bastion of truth and a firebreak against the evil of the world is just that.....crap. And the true progressive Israeli's know this.
Can I have the link to the Congressional Research Service, please.
I gave this to your like minded brethren Indeependent you should pay attention. But for the sake of argument, here it is again
I saw it. Exactly what part bothers you.

Tell me of any country the US gives money to, which gives anything back to the US
Okay, once more the cheap seats; follow the chronology of the posts.....a statement was made asserting that unlike other countries, Israeli is the LEAST recipient of US financial and military support, and is prolific due to that near-independence.
All I did was just supply the valid, documented FACTS to prove otherwise.
That's it. No other agenda or assertion or inference.
If that one fact changing exchange bothers you, then I suggest you disengage from the dicussion.
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Get the latest updates and research-backed information on the novel coronavirus direct to your inbox.

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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Dig deeper into the health topics you care about most. Subscribe to our facts-first newsletter today.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

"Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine"
Cannot say it in your own words? What does that sentence mean?

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Since when is Wiki-pedia a reliable source of information? It's been DOCUMENTED to it's susceptibility to any members add's fact checking leaves much to be desired. Small wonder you found what you needed to hear there.

Now the ADL does a good job explaining why they find JVP a fringe element on the subject. Mind you, if it weren't for the plethora of documented cases regarding the zionistic bent justifying the apartheid treatment of Palestinians, JVP probably wouldn't exist.

But these things happen, so they do.

And I seem to recall a similar reaction when world respected humanitarian former President Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
Note that Haaretz is an Israeli based paper that is no well liked by zionist or the Likund....but damned if they can fault their journalistic integrity.

Have you been to Israel?
Have you, with your eyes, seen apartheid against any non Jews over there?
so Jimmy Carter is a liar? Haaretz is a rag because it dares not to parrot what you like? Are you implementing a requirement of on site reviews for EVERY topic before discussion on this site?
Seems to me you've been faced with information you can't readily dismiss, so you're blowing smoke. Carry on.
In other words, you did not go to Israel, and you did not get to see Apartheid with your own eyes.

The difference to me is, that part of this problem is that the Palestinians have chosen to use terrorism. And every time they've chosen to use terrorism, the Israelis have come into the territories, or they have closed the territories, and they have made it more difficult for the Palestinians to have regular life. There's not doubt that the Israelis have confiscated Palestinian lands, confiscated Palestinian lands illegally. But if you tell the Arab-Israeli conflict, and you tell the history of it, you cannot unpack it in such a way that one side is just seen to be responsible. History always tells us that truth is some place in between.

How about all the South Africans who have visited Israel and have not seen the Apartheid that Jimmy Carter says he saw?

What do you make of that?
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

"Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine"
Cannot say it in your own words? What does that sentence mean?

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Since when is Wiki-pedia a reliable source of information? It's been DOCUMENTED to it's susceptibility to any members add's fact checking leaves much to be desired. Small wonder you found what you needed to hear there.

Now the ADL does a good job explaining why they find JVP a fringe element on the subject. Mind you, if it weren't for the plethora of documented cases regarding the zionistic bent justifying the apartheid treatment of Palestinians, JVP probably wouldn't exist.

But these things happen, so they do.

And I seem to recall a similar reaction when world respected humanitarian former President Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
Note that Haaretz is an Israeli based paper that is no well liked by zionist or the Likund....but damned if they can fault their journalistic integrity.
Some South Africans do not agree with your "plethora of documented cases" . They went to Israel. Where was the Apartheid they were taught about, the one worse than the one they lived themselves?

ā€œIā€™m deprived because of things that happened during apartheid,ā€ Mokgomole told the audience at U.C. Davis. A member of the youth wing of the African National Congress, he spoke with a thick accent that he blamed on the subpar education received by many black South Africans.

ā€œIā€™m here to reclaim my story, our narrative. We believe that organizations like BDS are abusing the word ā€˜apartheid,ā€™ abusing our story.ā€

Mokgomole was part of a U.S. speaking tour sponsored by the pro-Israel group StandWithUs in partnership with South Africa-Israel Forum. Branded ā€œReclaiming My Story,ā€ the tour has been featuring black South Africans defending Israel against charges of apartheid.

ā€œIt irritates us that the apartheid analogy is used,ā€ Benji Shulman, a white South African who accompanied the tour, told the audience in Davis. ā€œI think it annoys all sorts of Jewish communities around the world, but the difference with the South African Jewish community is that [our country] invented the thing.ā€

Shulman said that black Africans like Mithi and Mokgomole ā€” who defend Israel against accusations of apartheid ā€” are effective advocates against the claim because they and their families personally suffered under the racist policies of the South African government.

Mokgomole reversed his stand on Israel after he was among the 11 protesters disciplined by university officials for disrupting the recital. At that point, he started looking more closely at the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and he found out there was a lot he needed to learn.

Nice try, but "some" are not the majority. Case in point:

Deploying the experience of Black South Africans to defend apartheid in Palestine is bad enough, but when set against the thriving pro-Palestine movement in South Africa, it becomes obscene. The African National Congress, the South African Communist Party, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the Economic Freedom Fighters, the Pan African Congress, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, the South African Federations of Trade Unions and many other sections of South African civil society have loudly condemned Israelā€™s treatment of Palestinians and acknowledged its similarity to Apartheid. While Zionist Black South Africans do exist, their influence outside of fundamentalist Christianity and the bourgeois Democratic Alliance party is minuscule compared with that of figures such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandelaā€™s family. Vashti | Israel is an apartheid state ā€“ and South Africans agree

Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Dig deeper into the health topics you care about most. Subscribe to our facts-first newsletter today.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

First off, you quote from a Policy study site that gives OPINION, NOT the Congressional Research Service that I used that just reports the FACTS. My post was to disprove a previous statement regarding Israeli "independence".

Big difference.

But let me just pull the rug out from your link: The United States has been documented in supporting despots and dictators in that region and throughout the world 35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists

So all this crap about Israel being some bastion of truth and a firebreak against the evil of the world is just that.....crap. And the true progressive Israeli's know this.
Can I have the link to the Congressional Research Service, please.
I gave this to your like minded brethren Indeependent you should pay attention. But for the sake of argument, here it is again
I saw it. Exactly what part bothers you.

Tell me of any country the US gives money to, which gives anything back to the US
Okay, once more the cheap seats; follow the chronology of the posts.....a statement was made asserting that unlike other countries, Israeli is the LEAST recipient of US financial and military support, and is prolific due to that near-independence.
All I did was just supply the valid, documented FACTS to prove otherwise.
That's it. No other agenda or assertion or inference.
If that one fact changing exchange bothers you, then I suggest you disengage from the dicussion.
It does not bother me, I simply am not understanding what your point is, as you seem to say that you want the US to stop its aid to Israel.

Do you want the US to stop aid to all countries, which would be fair, or only to Israel, as you view it to be a fascist, apartheid State?
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

"Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine"
Cannot say it in your own words? What does that sentence mean?

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Since when is Wiki-pedia a reliable source of information? It's been DOCUMENTED to it's susceptibility to any members add's fact checking leaves much to be desired. Small wonder you found what you needed to hear there.

Now the ADL does a good job explaining why they find JVP a fringe element on the subject. Mind you, if it weren't for the plethora of documented cases regarding the zionistic bent justifying the apartheid treatment of Palestinians, JVP probably wouldn't exist.

But these things happen, so they do.

And I seem to recall a similar reaction when world respected humanitarian former President Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
Note that Haaretz is an Israeli based paper that is no well liked by zionist or the Likund....but damned if they can fault their journalistic integrity.
Some South Africans do not agree with your "plethora of documented cases" . They went to Israel. Where was the Apartheid they were taught about, the one worse than the one they lived themselves?

ā€œIā€™m deprived because of things that happened during apartheid,ā€ Mokgomole told the audience at U.C. Davis. A member of the youth wing of the African National Congress, he spoke with a thick accent that he blamed on the subpar education received by many black South Africans.

ā€œIā€™m here to reclaim my story, our narrative. We believe that organizations like BDS are abusing the word ā€˜apartheid,ā€™ abusing our story.ā€

Mokgomole was part of a U.S. speaking tour sponsored by the pro-Israel group StandWithUs in partnership with South Africa-Israel Forum. Branded ā€œReclaiming My Story,ā€ the tour has been featuring black South Africans defending Israel against charges of apartheid.

ā€œIt irritates us that the apartheid analogy is used,ā€ Benji Shulman, a white South African who accompanied the tour, told the audience in Davis. ā€œI think it annoys all sorts of Jewish communities around the world, but the difference with the South African Jewish community is that [our country] invented the thing.ā€

Shulman said that black Africans like Mithi and Mokgomole ā€” who defend Israel against accusations of apartheid ā€” are effective advocates against the claim because they and their families personally suffered under the racist policies of the South African government.

Mokgomole reversed his stand on Israel after he was among the 11 protesters disciplined by university officials for disrupting the recital. At that point, he started looking more closely at the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and he found out there was a lot he needed to learn.

Nice try, but "some" are not the majority. Case in point:

Deploying the experience of Black South Africans to defend apartheid in Palestine is bad enough, but when set against the thriving pro-Palestine movement in South Africa, it becomes obscene. The African National Congress, the South African Communist Party, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the Economic Freedom Fighters, the Pan African Congress, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, the South African Federations of Trade Unions and many other sections of South African civil society have loudly condemned Israelā€™s treatment of Palestinians and acknowledged its similarity to Apartheid. While Zionist Black South Africans do exist, their influence outside of fundamentalist Christianity and the bourgeois Democratic Alliance party is minuscule compared with that of figures such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandelaā€™s family. Vashti | Israel is an apartheid state ā€“ and South Africans agree

Well, Defiant, you do live up to your name. Defiant under any show to the contrary.

But then, you have still not travelled to Israel and have not seen it with your own eyes, and continue to depend on anti Israel Christian, Muslims and even Jews to prove your point and continue to believe what you 100% have come to believe.
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of ā€œvaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.ā€ Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that ā€œIsrael is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.ā€

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column ā€” titled ā€œAs Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestineā€ ā€” was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the countryā€™s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israelā€™s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israelā€™s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine ā€” double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using ā€” U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech ā€” would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the countryā€™s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israelā€™s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israelā€™s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

ā€œIn a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,ā€ Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

ā€œBecause everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means weā€™ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,ā€ Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israelā€™s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israelā€™s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years ā€” equating to about 5.2 million people ā€” by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the countryā€™s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the governmentā€™s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy ā€” and save the economy ā€” the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout ā€œOperation Back to Life.ā€ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30ā€“40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahuā€™s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individualā€™s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is ā€œnot ethically, not legally, and not morally
,ā€ she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israelā€™s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to ā€œlearn how to take care of themselves.ā€

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israelā€™s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israelā€™s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty Internationalā€™s deputy regional director:

ā€œIsraelā€™s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli governmentā€™s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.ā€

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organizationā€™s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the countryā€™s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesnā€™t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic
goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historicalties dating
from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion (current, or
noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to
Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
[From your source (what many Anti Israel Posters will not discuss]

Strategic Reasons for Continuing U.S. Support​

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israelā€™s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israelā€™s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israelā€™s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

U.S. Aid Increases as Israel Grows Stronger​

The pattern of U.S. aid to Israel is revealing. Immediately following Israelā€™s spectacular victory in the 1967 war, when it demonstrated its military superiority in the region, U.S. aid shot up by 450%. Part of this increase, according to the New York Times, was apparently related to Israelā€™s willingness to provide the U.S. with examples of new Soviet weapons captured during the war. Following the 1970-71 civil war in Jordan, when Israelā€™s potential to curb revolutionary movements outside its borders became apparent, U.S. aid increased another sevenfold. After attacking Arab armies in the 1973 war were successfully countered by the largest U.S. airlift in history, with Israel demonstrating its power to defeat surprisingly strong Soviet-supplied forces, military aid increased by another 800%. These increases paralleled the British decision to withdraw its forces from ā€œeast of the Suez,ā€ which also led to the massive arms sales and logistical cooperation with the Shahā€™s Iran, a key component of the Nixon Doctrine.

(full article online)

"Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine"
Cannot say it in your own words? What does that sentence mean?

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
Neither....there are Israelis who see a different approach: JVPā€™s Approach to Zionism
These....are your JVP members:

  • The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community" viewed "Jewish Voice for Peace as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews ."
Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel activist group that advocates for a complete economic, cultural and academic boycott of the state of Israel. JVP rejects the view that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragic dispute over land which has been perpetuated by a cycle of violence, fear, and distrust on both sides, in favor of the belief that Israeli policies and actions are motivated by deeply rooted Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

JVP considers supporters of Israel, or even critics of Israel who do not hew to JVPā€™s own extreme views, to be complicit in Israelā€™s purported acts of racist oppression of Palestinians. JVP leaders believe that expressing support for Israel, or not challenging mainstream Jewish organizations that support Israel, must also be viewed as an implicit attack on people of color and all marginalized groups in the United States. JVPā€™s energetic proselytizing of this view ā€“ especially among other social justice groups -- has created a hostile environment for many progressive Jews. In a sense, JVP is extending its boycott agenda to include not just Israel but its American supporters as well.

More troubling, JVPā€™s dissemination of the view that Israel and its U.S. supporters are fundamentally racist oppressors of non-Jews has the effect of perpetuating the classic anti-Jewish stereotype of Jews as self-centered elitists, disdainful of non-Jews, who are focused on their own interests, sometimes at othersā€™ expense. Additionally, JVPā€™s ongoing insistence that virtually all criticism of Israel cannot be anti-Semitic gives cover to anti-Semites who couch their malice toward Jews as mere anti-Zionism.

Since when is Wiki-pedia a reliable source of information? It's been DOCUMENTED to it's susceptibility to any members add's fact checking leaves much to be desired. Small wonder you found what you needed to hear there.

Now the ADL does a good job explaining why they find JVP a fringe element on the subject. Mind you, if it weren't for the plethora of documented cases regarding the zionistic bent justifying the apartheid treatment of Palestinians, JVP probably wouldn't exist.

But these things happen, so they do.

And I seem to recall a similar reaction when world respected humanitarian former President Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
Note that Haaretz is an Israeli based paper that is no well liked by zionist or the Likund....but damned if they can fault their journalistic integrity.

Have you been to Israel?
Have you, with your eyes, seen apartheid against any non Jews over there?
so Jimmy Carter is a liar? Haaretz is a rag because it dares not to parrot what you like? Are you implementing a requirement of on site reviews for EVERY topic before discussion on this site?
Seems to me you've been faced with information you can't readily dismiss, so you're blowing smoke. Carry on.
In other words, you did not go to Israel, and you did not get to see Apartheid with your own eyes.

The difference to me is, that part of this problem is that the Palestinians have chosen to use terrorism. And every time they've chosen to use terrorism, the Israelis have come into the territories, or they have closed the territories, and they have made it more difficult for the Palestinians to have regular life. There's not doubt that the Israelis have confiscated Palestinian lands, confiscated Palestinian lands illegally. But if you tell the Arab-Israeli conflict, and you tell the history of it, you cannot unpack it in such a way that one side is just seen to be responsible. History always tells us that truth is some place in between.

How about all the South Africans who have visited Israel and have not seen the Apartheid that Jimmy Carter says he saw?

What do you make of that?
Not "other words", kid....I'm pointing DIRECTLY TO THE SHEER IDIOCY OF YOUR REQUIREMENT FOR A DEBATE ON THE SUBJECT. If one has to do a recon of an area or country to have a discussion based on reports by reputable sources, then YOU would ONLY discuss what you personally visited. Now, how long does one have to live in the area/region before you accept them in a discussion or debate? You see kid, if you're going to exact standards to defend your inability to disprove someone else's statements you jolly well better be able to have a logical and rational criteria to support that standard.

As for your article casting doubt on Jimmy Carter's assessment, here's something that you ignore or downplay from the author, "... It's possible he had meetings, he had communications with all sorts of people that I never saw."
A fascinating admission which does not stop the author from making all types of general assessments for Carter's entire trip and subsequent book. Mind you, the only real disagreement about the "apartheid" reference is that he feels that the Palestinians are not given sufficient blame for their predicament. I personally will say this....had Israel NOT created this apartheid situation, Hamaas would never had reached it's level of popularity...or only alternative to the status quo.

Carry on.
Did Jimmy Carter and others who accuse Israel of Apartheid witness this to come to that conclusion?


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