All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Though we can speculate, we don't really know what the dead shooter's problems were. But if all or some of them were economic, he and the loathsome PA leadership under president-for-life Mahmoud Abbas have just solved them.

As Palestinian Media Watch observes in a bulletin a few hours ago and as we have written extensively (click "Rewards for Terror" to view dozens of our posts on this painful subject), the Palestinian Authority pays salaries to terrorists and to families of dead attackers - "martyrs" in their terminology - as part of an incentive scheme that ensures the blood keeps flowing.
According to PA regulations, the murderer's family will immediately receive a 6,000 shekel grant and an additional 2,600 shekels each month for life, based on the following formula:
  • 1,400 shekels each month - base allowance;
  • 400 shekels additional each month for each wife;
  • 200 shekels additional each month for each child.
This terrorist had one wife and four children so his family will receive 2,600 shekel every month for life.The PA is perpetually broke, and always will be as long as there are foreign aid providers ready to respond to their malevolent pan-handling. The notorious PA Rewards for Terror scheme can only continue because of the willingness of the providers of foreign aid to pretend not to know about the payments scheme and its enabling role in the despicable culture of death the Abbas regime, and Arafat before him, stitched together to ensure the perpetuation of their people's misery and a steady stream of martyrs' funerals.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 26-Sep-17: At Har Adar's entrance, an Arab-on-Israeli shooter with problems and a solution
This article in Felesteen describes exactly what is so horrible with "normalization" - and is a great example of how the West fails miserably when we assume that everyone has the same hopes, aspirations and thought processes.

We don't.
Normalization with the Zionist occupation is a psychological reflection of the state of defeat before the enemy. We are strengthened when we weaken and disappear when we rise, but normalization is the beginning of the break and the end of national sense of self. It is known that normalization will necessarily negate our right to liberation and freedom.

[Opposition to normalization is] still an important bulwark in the face of all attempts to erase the Arab consciousness of the nature of the enemy based on denial of the other, and draw him to economic dependence and political slavery, under the pressure of the media and international institutions with him.
Anti-Zionism? Check.
Antisemitism? Check.
Anti-peace? Check.
Zero-sum mentality? Check.

But most important is that the Arabs are looking at BDS and similar efforts as a lost cause, and see the train of Israeli-Arab peace is nearly unstoppable,

(full article online)

Why Palestinians hate "normalization" with Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"I don't think it is such a big deal," answers al-Mahdi. "The Palestinians themselves have normalized their relations with Israel.

"The Palestinian cause has delayed the progress of the Arab world, and has been exploited by the Arab regimes to oppress their peoples, under the guise of the struggle for the sake of Palestine. I believe that the Palestinians are handling their cause by themselves.

"Ask any Sudanese working in the Gulf or anywhere, and he will tell you that wherever he meets a Palestinian, that Palestinian feels nothing for him. He's immediately plotting how to get me fired from the company. They are ungrateful for the empathy they received from the Arab world."

Describing the Israelis, al-Mahdi says, "They have the moral values of Westerners. They operate scientifically. They have a democratic regime, their presidents stand trial and go to jail," and al-Mahdi laughs heartily at the very mention. "They have a transparent regime, whether you agree with them or not."

The interviewer, clearly entertained, chides, "You're not planning to get some Israeli companies here to develop citrus for us, are you?", and laughs.

Al-Mahdi answers, "Well, I think that technology has no nationality. You shouldn't care where you get that technology from."

(full article online)

Sudan Investment Minister candidly praises Israel

Sure work permits is an occupation thing.

Mexicans, Canadians, Europeans, etc, all of them can get work permits to work in the USA mainly because the USA OCCUPIES
their lands.

Isn't that how it works?

ONLY countries which are occupying other people's lands give work permits.

UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc give work permits because they are on "Occupied" land.

You post one asinine thing after another.

We simply cannot write your stuff at all. Only you.

They are dying because people like you continue to feed and incite them to die for NOTHING.
Nothing but land they are not being allowed to live on like normal human beings because they are being used as weapons to kill others FOR the land .

You have no shame, at all, as all of those Arabs who depend on jobs in Israel, or with Jews in Judea and Samaria would most certainly choose to have a good job with good people and which pays well, gives them a good living rather than play this stupid game the PA, Hamas and you play.

For the Arabs sake, STOP.

Sure work permits is an occupation thing.

Mexicans, Canadians, Europeans, etc, all of them can get work permits to work in the USA mainly because the USA OCCUPIES
their lands.

Isn't that how it works?

ONLY countries which are occupying other people's lands give work permits.

UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc give work permits because they are on "Occupied" land.

You post one asinine thing after another.

We simply cannot write your stuff at all. Only you.

They are dying because people like you continue to feed and incite them to die for NOTHING.
Nothing but land they are not being allowed to live on like normal human beings because they are being used as weapons to kill others FOR the land .

You have no shame, at all, as all of those Arabs who depend on jobs in Israel, or with Jews in Judea and Samaria would most certainly choose to have a good job with good people and which pays well, gives them a good living rather than play this stupid game the PA, Hamas and you play.

For the Arabs sake, STOP.
Of course you missed the point.
Citizen Strangers Minority Rights in the State of Israel

[A review on the book. Why is it so one sided? The Arab leaders are absolved, why? The idea of destroying Israel, even before it was recreated, and all the riots and 1936-39 war, where is it? Does the author talk about it? Is she aware of the whole history? Does she believe that Jews are colonizers from Europe, like the British or the French with no connection to the land?]

ByJ.J. Surbeckon November 22, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition
Funny, there is not a single comment about the UN Partition plan, its rejection by the Arabs, their following attack on Israel with the declared goal of destroying the nascent Jewish state, etc. In other words, I'm afraid what we have here is yet another pseudo-academic exercise exhonerating the Arabs from any responsibility for their fate, and blaming the Jews for everything that happened to them. The terminology used is so passé it's downright boring: colonialism, settlers, ethnic cleansing, etc... No need to buy the book. You know exactly what you'll get. One more work devoid of academic integrity and intellectual honesty. Next!

Sure work permits is an occupation thing.

Mexicans, Canadians, Europeans, etc, all of them can get work permits to work in the USA mainly because the USA OCCUPIES
their lands.

Isn't that how it works?

ONLY countries which are occupying other people's lands give work permits.

UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc give work permits because they are on "Occupied" land.

You post one asinine thing after another.

We simply cannot write your stuff at all. Only you.

They are dying because people like you continue to feed and incite them to die for NOTHING.
Nothing but land they are not being allowed to live on like normal human beings because they are being used as weapons to kill others FOR the land .

You have no shame, at all, as all of those Arabs who depend on jobs in Israel, or with Jews in Judea and Samaria would most certainly choose to have a good job with good people and which pays well, gives them a good living rather than play this stupid game the PA, Hamas and you play.

For the Arabs sake, STOP.
Of course you missed the point.

You have no points. Only BS. And this amazingly "cute" one sentences you like to sprinkle around. :)
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.

A State has the obligation to defend its citizens.
It has to keep everything it has stolen.

IF the Palestinians have the "right" to resist the "occupation" of their lands then the Jewish people have the SAME right to resist the occupation of what was stolen from them.

Its your stupid zero sum game again that there can only be one winner of the entire territory and that only one group has rights. The problem with the zero sum game, for Palestinians, is that they are going to lose it.
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.

A State has the obligation to defend its citizens.
It has to keep everything it has stolen.

Israel has to keep everything which has been stolen from it, by the Arab and European invaders.

It has already given up 77% of its land to Arab thieves, namely the Hashemites.
Gaza is also gone.

It will never give up on its rights to Judea and Samaria and ALL of Israel, no matter how many murderers the Arabs can fabricate on a daily basis.
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.

A State has the obligation to defend its citizens.
It has to keep everything it has stolen.

IF the Palestinians have the "right" to resist the "occupation" of their lands then the Jewish people have the SAME right to resist the occupation of what was stolen from them.

Its your stupid zero sum game again that there can only be one winner of the entire territory and that only one group has rights. The problem with the zero sum game, for Palestinians, is that they are going to lose it.
Pfffft, you and your Israeli talking points. Is there any proof that any of those Zionists ever owned any land in Palestine?
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.

A State has the obligation to defend its citizens.
It has to keep everything it has stolen.

IF the Palestinians have the "right" to resist the "occupation" of their lands then the Jewish people have the SAME right to resist the occupation of what was stolen from them.

Its your stupid zero sum game again that there can only be one winner of the entire territory and that only one group has rights. The problem with the zero sum game, for Palestinians, is that they are going to lose it.
Pfffft, you and your Israeli talking points. Is there any proof that any of those Zionists ever owned any land in Palestine?

Pffft, Pfft, Pfft.....

It is not about owning land, it is about being the First Nations and indigenous people ON THAT LAND.

Most Arabs do not have any ownership on any of the land because most Arabs immigrated from the end of the 19th century looking for work offered by Jews.

Most Arabs did not own any land, because the few who did own any during the Ottoman time, were living outside of that land, and many sold what they had to the Jews.

So, YES, Jews, Zionists or not, did have proof of ownership of a lot of the land.

They bought the swamp land which was turned into Tel-Aviv. They bought a lot of land Arabs/Muslims did not live on, or want to live on because it was deserts or swamps.

Pffft !!!!!
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