All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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No, the objective's are to present facts which will of course cause israel to be defamed by it's actions

israel could end BDS anytime it want's to stop the blockade and offer equal rights

LOL, you are so ignorant.

Do not stay that way. :)
Enlighten us with your opinion :9:
Did you not want to reply?

Sooooo Sorry! I have not been reading your posts.

Lets see. Israel stops the blockade started because Hamas started firing rockets into Israel after 2007, in order to stop Hamas from acquiring any worse weapons which could be fired into Israel and kill even more civilians than they have and destroy even more buildings, etc than they have so far. Luckily not many.

One does not offer "equal rights" to those committed in destroying your country, Israel, and killing all the citizens in it just because they are Jews.

It is written in the Hamas Charter.
It was a dream of Al Husseini.

Israel and most Jews REFUSE to help these barbarians turn their dream into reality.

Fine, do not like the reply. Expect "equal rights".

I think Israel needs to have the equal right to destroy Hamas and put an end to the nightmare Hamas created since 2007 and FREE the People of Gaza for a better future without their barbaric leaders.

During interviews in the early to mid 2000s, Buttu claimed (on several media outlets) that “between the period of 1997 until the year 2000 there wasn’t a single Israeli who died of a suicide bombing inside Israel”. However, as CAMERA revealed at the time, 24 Israeli civilians were killed in six separate Palestinian suicide attacks during that period.

During the 2009-09 Israeli war with Hamas, Buttu bizarrely alleged, during interviews on CNN and Fox News, that rockets fired from Gaza “do not have explosive heads.” In fact, Palestinian rockets carried between 9-18 kilograms of explosives.

At a Harvard conference in 2012, she repeated the lie about ‘rockets without explosive heads’ and added another one, claiming that “there weren’t any grad rockets fired in 2008 and 2009.” Actually, as CAMERA revealed, dozens were fired.

(full article online)

Guardian op-ed by Diana Buttu claims Palestinians are arrested for ‘criticising Israel’
Wearing a 'Free Balochistan' T-shirt, the English Defense League founder describes the history of the beleaguered Balochistan, detailing the oppression he says the Baloch people have suffered from under Pakistan and noting the five major conflicts that were fought between Balochistan and Pakistan. According to Robinson, Pakistan benefits tremendously from Balochistan's natural resources while denying the proceeds to the native people.

(full article online)

'Free Palestine? Why not Balochistan?'
Wearing a 'Free Balochistan' T-shirt, the English Defense League founder describes the history of the beleaguered Balochistan, detailing the oppression he says the Baloch people have suffered from under Pakistan and noting the five major conflicts that were fought between Balochistan and Pakistan. According to Robinson, Pakistan benefits tremendously from Balochistan's natural resources while denying the proceeds to the native people.

(full article online)

'Free Palestine? Why not Balochistan?'
Typical Israeli propaganda bullshit. Why do they single out Israel? They don't.

Huwaida Arraf (ISM and Free Gaza) and Radhika Sainath (Palestine Legal)

US-Backed Bahraini Forces Deport 2 American Peace Activists Acting As Human Rights Observers

Wearing a 'Free Balochistan' T-shirt, the English Defense League founder describes the history of the beleaguered Balochistan, detailing the oppression he says the Baloch people have suffered from under Pakistan and noting the five major conflicts that were fought between Balochistan and Pakistan. According to Robinson, Pakistan benefits tremendously from Balochistan's natural resources while denying the proceeds to the native people.

(full article online)

'Free Palestine? Why not Balochistan?'
Typical Israeli propaganda bullshit. Why do they single out Israel? They don't.

Huwaida Arraf (ISM and Free Gaza) and Radhika Sainath (Palestine Legal)

US-Backed Bahraini Forces Deport 2 American Peace Activists Acting As Human Rights Observers

Bahrain. They kill civilians and steal stuff.

Just like Israel.
Wearing a 'Free Balochistan' T-shirt, the English Defense League founder describes the history of the beleaguered Balochistan, detailing the oppression he says the Baloch people have suffered from under Pakistan and noting the five major conflicts that were fought between Balochistan and Pakistan. According to Robinson, Pakistan benefits tremendously from Balochistan's natural resources while denying the proceeds to the native people.

(full article online)

'Free Palestine? Why not Balochistan?'

Oh yes. Let us not forget Pakistan. The country we give billions to so they could hide bin Laden on us Americans.
Why would there be any Palestinian faces in the room? The author of the piece has, himself, acknowledged that none of the cycling will be going through any Palestinian areas. The only politics that are being laid bare are Abraham’s as he seeks to find way to turn the story into one concerning BDS and politics rather than sport.

(full article online)

Pedaling a BDS Narrative | HonestReporting
Har Adar is a quiet little village just beyond the Green Line in an area that has rarely witnessed any tensions or violence. The gates to Har Adar were not about restricting Palestinian movement but allowing Palestinians to work in an Israeli community in an area characterized by peaceful relations. CNN‘s headline, however, refers to a “West Bank crossing.”

(full article online)

Har Adar Terror Attack: Headline Fails | HonestReporting
n other words, when it is convenient for a particular purpose the BBC is perfectly happy to acknowledge both the existence and the scale of terrorism against Israelis. But when the corporation reports on (some of) those attacks in Israel, it deliberately refrains from describing them as terror because it is concerned about its own image and does “not wish to appear to be taking sides”.

(fulll article online)

The BBC’s terror definition of convenience
A real newspaper would compile all these statistics. A newspaper with an anti-Jewish bias, however, would do exactly what Haaretz did.

(Not surprisingly, Arab media is republishing the Haaretz report as gleeful proof that Jews are constantly attacking Muslim holy sites - using this photo as representative of "Jews."While any attack is too many, 53 attacks over 8 years is about one every two months, which is hardly an epidemic.)

(full article online)

A textbook case of media bias that most people would miss ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[more information about the Arab who killed 3 Jews today. He worked for Jews, with Jews. When will any of these Arabs turn against other Arabs, especially the PA which forces them to accept the reality they live in?]

The terrorist, 37-year-old Beit Surik resident Nimer Mahmoud Ahmed Aljamal, had “significant personal and family problems,” Shin Bet internal security agency officials said, “including problems involving domestic violence.”

According to a report by Kan, Aljamal’s wife left him several weeks ago, moving to Jordan and leaving Aljamal to care for the couple’s four children.

Before Aljamal went on a murderous rampage at the entrance to Har Adar Tuesday, he penned a letter for his wife in which he called himself “a terrible husband” and alluded to his plans to carry out a terror attack on Israelis.

Report: Terrorist had history of domestic abuse
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