All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Torture, Israeli-style - as Described by the Interrogators Themselves

For years, the Israeli establishment has tried to conceal what happens in interrogation rooms. When interrogators use torture – or “special means,” to use the establishment’s term – the concealment efforts are redoubled. Even when testimony of torture reaches the public, the system does everything it can to leave the interrogators’ role in darkness, including signing lenient plea bargains with suspects who were tortured to ensure that the conspiracy of silence remains unbroken.
People who have undergone interrogation have described various methods, from interrogators screaming in their ear, to blows, to being forced into painful positions for long periods. To date, however, all these descriptions have come from the complainants.
But recently, a conversation among interrogators in the presence of several witnesses provided a chance to hear from the interrogators themselves about the kinds of torture used in major cases, who approved it and what information it produced.
Torture, Israeli-style - as described by the interrogators themselves
Israel Tortures Palestinian Children, Amnesty Report Says
Israel engaged in extensive human rights violations in 2016, including detaining or continuing to imprison thousands of Palestinians without charges or trial, torturing many of those held in custody, promoting illegal settlements in the West Bank and severely hampering the movement of Palestinians, according to the Amnesty International Annual Report, published on Wednesday.
The report found that among those tortured and detained under administrative orders were also children. Methods of torture included beatings, painful shackling and sleep deprivation. Among 110 Palestinians killed last year by Israeli forces, the report charged, some posed no threat to life and thus were shot unlawfully.
Israel tortures Palestinian children, Amnesty report says
[Is Thomas Suarez a real person or a Pen Name? There is no biography or any kind of information on this author despite the fact that he has written a few books. No photos, nothing.
Anyone here has any idea on how to find the information on him? ]

Alongside Jonathan Hoffman, I spent part of the summer inside the National Archives at Kew, checking some of the sources that Thomas Suarez had used to build his argument for the book ‘State of Terror’. The findings were inexcusable. Suarez distorted the documents to such a degree that history was unrecognisable.

At times Suarez had simply inverted the meaning of a document. At others, I felt we were looking at entirely different files. From the perspective of someone who respects historicity and spends much time sewing together the complex tapestry of historical context, Thomas Suarez is an academic charlatan.

Recently, Thomas Suarez has been spreading his hate-filled mythical tale in the United States. He also found time to respond to the report. What an empty response it was.

Thomas Suarez, an academic charlatan. State of Terror is hateful fiction

I found this review on Amazon by Jonathan Hoffman:
(needless to say, either all other reviewers have never been to Israel, know anything about what happened before 1948, or are simply uncaring of the Jewish Nation) Customer reviews: State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel

So, I will ask again as I did not find anything on him.

WHO IS Thomas Suarez?
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