All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Israel’s Foreign Agents Don’t Register, Why Should Russia’s?
The Department of Justice has ordered Russia’s U.S.-based RT news network to begin registering as Russian foreign agents under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act. The law requires US-based agents of foreign principals to disclose financial information and activities in regular public filings overseen by a designated DOJ office. Over the years FARA has been amended to exclude bona fide news organizations. The Department of Justice order breaks a long period of unfettered access to the U.S. by foreign press agencies, many directly and indirectly financed by foreign governments.

Although RTs viewership in the United States is minuscule compared to major domestic broadcast and cable news outlets, over the years RT has made many enemies in Washington. The network’s slogan, "Question More," and financial resources allowed it to televise stories that US networks, under the perpetual threat of loss of "access" to newsmakers, boycotts and organized pressure campaigns, cannot. Nowhere was this more evident than RT’s relentless coverage of Israel and its US lobby. RT covered Benjamin Netanyahu’s connection to the Arnon Milchan nuclear trigger smuggling ring, the diversion of weapons grade uranium from a toxic plant in Pennsylvania to Israel, and details of a massive Israeli-lobby orchestratedpropaganda campaign in the United States. A FARA order could mean RT’s departure from the American scene. This could reduce the number of news packages on topics prohibited in America – located in the triple-digit channel nether-region of the cable lineup, but archived and well-viewed online with 2.2 million YouTube subscribers – to zero.

With new scrutiny of Russian activities following allegations of meddling in the U.S. electoral process, the FARA order should come as no surprise. The Department of Justice can be expected to deploy resources far in excess of the meager 9-person team working in the FARA department in order to finally "get Russia." However, RT could attempt to use the tactics of another FARA target – the Israel lobby – to avoid registering.

Israel’s Foreign Agents Don't Register, Why Should Russia's? - Original

Dang, this must really hurt. Why the Jews, but not you Paleshitian Muslims? Is there a reason the Spanish prefer the Jews? Time to get the F out?

Rights of return: Spain, Jews and the Palestinians

Spain has further opened its doors to the descendants of Jews expelled from its land half a millennium ago – though the actual application process remains as mysterious as alchemy.

It is welcome that Spain is striving to right a historical wrong. However, what is overlooked in Spain’s public atonement is that it was not only Jews who were expelled during the Reconquista and the subsequent Inquisition, but also an untold number of Muslims.

A decade or so after the fall of Granada and the expulsion of the Jews who refused to embrace Christianity, Muslims were given the option either to convert or leave. But even the converts, known as Moriscos, were forced out a century later.

This omission has caused some anger among North African Muslims. Jamal Bin Ammar al-Ahmar, an Algerian professor at the Ferhat Abbas University in Sétif, was outraged by “the injustice inflicted on the Muslim population of Andalusia who are still suffering in the diaspora in exile since 1492."

Sure, Muslims who invaded Spain and took over the southern part of the country and colonized it, should be accorded the same right as Jews, who did not invade and colonize, but had simply immigrated and were an integral part of the country and helped it prosper for many centuries - they are one and the same.

Jews did not miss Spain.
Some Muslims crow about reconquering Andalusia, as well as all the other parts in Europe the Moors or the Ottomans once conquered.

One and the same for sure :)
Kurds, however, have a long history of connections to Israel, both when Jews lived in Kurdistan before the foundation of Israel and after, when Israel sent clandestine assistance to Kurds resisting Iraqi oppression. In recent years Israeli politicians have increasingly expressed open support for Kurds. In conversations I’ve had with Kurdish soldiers, politicians and locals, they generally see Israel and their people as facing the same enemies, whether it is Saddam Hussein’s genocide in the 1980s or Islamist extremism such as ISIS more recently. Today Iran and its Shia militias across the region threaten Kurds and Israel.

(full article online)

IN PICTURES: Kurds are flying Israeli flags at independence rallies
Kurds, however, have a long history of connections to Israel, both when Jews lived in Kurdistan before the foundation of Israel and after, when Israel sent clandestine assistance to Kurds resisting Iraqi oppression. In recent years Israeli politicians have increasingly expressed open support for Kurds. In conversations I’ve had with Kurdish soldiers, politicians and locals, they generally see Israel and their people as facing the same enemies, whether it is Saddam Hussein’s genocide in the 1980s or Islamist extremism such as ISIS more recently. Today Iran and its Shia militias across the region threaten Kurds and Israel.

(full article online)

IN PICTURES: Kurds are flying Israeli flags at independence rallies
Kurds provided safe haven for Jews who were escaping the Arab Muslim pogroms.
"....Therefore, the Sephardim must adhere to this reality. They must exercise their masters over the Palestinians, so that the Palestinians remain oppressed as a guarantee for their survival as masters. Therefore, they are among the greatest opponents of the two-state solution or the end of the occupation !!"

Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that Sephardic Jews escaped Arab countries where they were being persecuted and understand a thing or two first-hand about Arab antisemitism. It couldn't possibly be that they understand the Arab mentality and that they know exactly the games being played by Palestinians to appear "peaceful" to credulous Westerners who want to believe that everyone thinks the same way.

Jews from Arab countries know better.

(full article online)

Palestinians "explain" why Jews from Arab countries hate Palestinians more than Ashkenazic Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Mr. Salaita’s been on a roller coaster ride since being hired to join the faculty of the Native American Studies department at University of Illinois (despite having no qualifications for the job), followed by his u n-hiring by school leaders unwilling to give lifelong employment to someone advocating violence on Twitter, followed by a lawsuit and boycott of the university (which, among other things, destroyed the department he was going to join), followed by his decamping to American University of Beirut in Lebanon, followed by his being let go from that university as well.

And who is to blame for this string of disasters that have left him academically homeless (although not bereft of speaking gigs, it appears): the evil Jews (whoops! I mean “Zionists”) whose power apparently extends to academic institutions in nations at war with the Jewish state.

(full article online)

The reality of Technion-Cornell vs. the rants of Steven Salaita (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Looking into the gaping maw of theocratic totalitarianism / islamic fear societies is just as unpleasant as you might have thought.

Palestinians Imprison Journalists for Exposing Corruption

Palestinians Imprison Journalists for Exposing Corruption
by Khaled Abu Toameh
September 18, 2017 at 5:00 am

  • Harb's ordeal began in June 2016, when she published an investigative report that disclosed how Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) were using medical care to blackmail Palestinian patients. Her report exposed how some physicians and Hamas and PA officials were demanding bribes in return for issuing permits to patients to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment in Israel, the West Bank and Arab and Western countries. Those who cannot afford to pay the bribes are left to die in understaffed and under equipped Palestinian hospitals.

  • Instead of launching an investigation against those involved in the corruption scandal, Hamas chose to punish the journalist who revealed how patients were being mistreated and abused by senior health officials.
Nothing like a good fatwa to rile the islamic-rabble.

Fatwa against Muslims studying Israeli curriculum

Ramallah: Jerusalem’s top Imam, Shaikh Ekrima Sabri, has issued a fatwa (religious pronouncement) against studying the Israeli curriculum in occupied East Jerusalem, stating that Muslim families who send their children to schools that teach the Jewish syllabus are sinners.


Shaikh Sabri, who heads the Supreme Muslim Council in occupied East Jerusalem, says that learning the curriculum imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities runs totally contrary to Islamic teachings and regulations.

Shaikh Sabri said parents should be aware of the dangers posed by the Israeli educational agenda to current and future generations of Palestinian Muslims. “The Israeli curriculum is strictly against our traditions, customs, history, religion, legacy, civilisation and values,” he told Gulf News in an exclusive interview.
One important mechanism for this protection of human rights abuses is the so-called “Like-Minded Group,” consisting usually of Algeria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, China, Cuba, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. As a superb new Human Rights Watch report on China’s own abuses of the UN system, entitled The Costs of International Advocacy, states:

These countries have demonstrated political solidarity in the [Security] Council and have worked together to weaken the universality of human rights standards and resist the Council’s ability to adopt country-specific approaches. They have shielded repressive governments from scrutiny by filling speakers’ lists with promoters of these countries’ human rights records during Universal Periodic Reviews, and giving uncritical statements from friendly governments and Government-Organized NGOs (GONGOs).

(full article online)

“Like-Minded” Dictatorships and the United Nations
[ All about being Muslim and wanting territory back, nothing to do with the Palestinians and their right to a State]

Despite saber-rattling from Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, most analysts believe the group is both deterred by the threat of Israeli military response and too weakened by fighting in Syria alongside regime forces to mount an offensive against Israel. But with Iran and Iranian-backed militias gaining a foothold in Syria, including near Israel’s border, tensions have ramped up amid concerns the group may actually be bolstered, with new rocket capabilities provided by Tehran.

“All the tactics have changed and there are new surprises now that will shock the Israelis,” one fighter told NBC. “The atmosphere with the guys is very relaxed. We’re happy and we have high morale. We just want one word so we can go in, fight them and kill them.”

(full article online)

Hezbollah fighters filmed near Israeli border raring for battle
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