All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Israel will bulldoze Palestinian greenhouses in Gaza.


And this is three years before Hamas won the elections.

Exactly what Gaza greenhouses were going to be bulldozed?
Photos please.

Archive28 October 2003

Activists say this is an intentional tactic on part of the Israeli military who hope its construction will go unnoticed. The wall began in agricultural areas in eastern Rafah, where several acres of agricultural land, including olive and citrus groves and greenhouses, were demolished.

Wall that breaks Rafah's heart
Over the period under study, 1 July 2002 – 31 March 2003, Israeli occupying forces razed approximately 3135.6 donums of Palestinian agricultural land and destroyed 357 irrigation networks, 102 wells, 65 greenhouses and 46 water pumps.

What the Israelis have done and continue to do to the indigenous Palestinian people is manifestly criminal and the proof of it in their own faces as well as the civilized world's. When this has to be argued then you are talking to a concrete wall.
What the Israelis have done and continue to do to the indigenous Palestinian people is manifestly criminal and the proof of it in their own faces as well as the civilized world's. When this has to be argued then you are talking to a concrete wall.

Right?! I mean, how DARE Israel defend itself from an Intifada! The NERVE! The HORROR!

The worst punishment Israel could ever inflict upon the Palestinians would be to make them live under self determination without Israel to provide for them any longer.

Why isn't Israel doing this? I mean, Israel is evil and criminal, right? Why aren't they "punishing" the Palestinians with self-determination?
Because they want control, maybe it's not just an israeli thing, more of a jewish trait, they crave control and on someone else's dime
Israel will bulldoze Palestinian greenhouses in Gaza.


And this is three years before Hamas won the elections.

Thank you. So this is all stuff that happened years ago before the disengagement. No longer relevant to bring up.

This is still applicable today. It is in the response to Israeli bullshit about providing jobs for Palestinians.

What have you got against Palestinians? Why do wish them unemployment & starvation? Oh well, just Palestinian mentality I guess.

Victory for BDS as SodaStream’s last Palestinian workers lose their jobs

The worst punishment Israel could ever inflict upon the Palestinians would be to make them live under self determination without Israel to provide for them any longer.

Why isn't Israel doing this? I mean, Israel is evil and criminal, right? Why aren't they "punishing" the Palestinians with self-determination?
Because they want control, maybe it's not just an israeli thing, more of a jewish trait, they crave control and on someone else's dime
Spoken like a true IslamoNazi.
Yet SOAS is just an example of what can and will happen, wherever the perfect storm is created. Anti-Zionist activists, funding and the social and ethnic make-up of the students. Nobody has any interest in addressing the problem. At SOAS, Jews are not just a minority, they are a hunted minority. If you are Jewish with a soft spot for Israel you hide in the undergrowth or become prey. At a place like SOAS, which is so dependent on pacifying the mob, the Jews are left unprotected.

(full article online)

Why you shouldn't just shrug your shoulders at SOAS
Israel’s Foreign Agents Don’t Register, Why Should Russia’s?
The Department of Justice has ordered Russia’s U.S.-based RT news network to begin registering as Russian foreign agents under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act. The law requires US-based agents of foreign principals to disclose financial information and activities in regular public filings overseen by a designated DOJ office. Over the years FARA has been amended to exclude bona fide news organizations. The Department of Justice order breaks a long period of unfettered access to the U.S. by foreign press agencies, many directly and indirectly financed by foreign governments.

Although RTs viewership in the United States is minuscule compared to major domestic broadcast and cable news outlets, over the years RT has made many enemies in Washington. The network’s slogan, "Question More," and financial resources allowed it to televise stories that US networks, under the perpetual threat of loss of "access" to newsmakers, boycotts and organized pressure campaigns, cannot. Nowhere was this more evident than RT’s relentless coverage of Israel and its US lobby. RT covered Benjamin Netanyahu’s connection to the Arnon Milchan nuclear trigger smuggling ring, the diversion of weapons grade uranium from a toxic plant in Pennsylvania to Israel, and details of a massive Israeli-lobby orchestratedpropaganda campaign in the United States. A FARA order could mean RT’s departure from the American scene. This could reduce the number of news packages on topics prohibited in America – located in the triple-digit channel nether-region of the cable lineup, but archived and well-viewed online with 2.2 million YouTube subscribers – to zero.

With new scrutiny of Russian activities following allegations of meddling in the U.S. electoral process, the FARA order should come as no surprise. The Department of Justice can be expected to deploy resources far in excess of the meager 9-person team working in the FARA department in order to finally "get Russia." However, RT could attempt to use the tactics of another FARA target – the Israel lobby – to avoid registering.

Israel’s Foreign Agents Don't Register, Why Should Russia's? - Original
Israel’s Foreign Agents Don’t Register, Why Should Russia’s?
The Department of Justice has ordered Russia’s U.S.-based RT news network to begin registering as Russian foreign agents under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act. The law requires US-based agents of foreign principals to disclose financial information and activities in regular public filings overseen by a designated DOJ office. Over the years FARA has been amended to exclude bona fide news organizations. The Department of Justice order breaks a long period of unfettered access to the U.S. by foreign press agencies, many directly and indirectly financed by foreign governments.

Although RTs viewership in the United States is minuscule compared to major domestic broadcast and cable news outlets, over the years RT has made many enemies in Washington. The network’s slogan, "Question More," and financial resources allowed it to televise stories that US networks, under the perpetual threat of loss of "access" to newsmakers, boycotts and organized pressure campaigns, cannot. Nowhere was this more evident than RT’s relentless coverage of Israel and its US lobby. RT covered Benjamin Netanyahu’s connection to the Arnon Milchan nuclear trigger smuggling ring, the diversion of weapons grade uranium from a toxic plant in Pennsylvania to Israel, and details of a massive Israeli-lobby orchestratedpropaganda campaign in the United States. A FARA order could mean RT’s departure from the American scene. This could reduce the number of news packages on topics prohibited in America – located in the triple-digit channel nether-region of the cable lineup, but archived and well-viewed online with 2.2 million YouTube subscribers – to zero.

With new scrutiny of Russian activities following allegations of meddling in the U.S. electoral process, the FARA order should come as no surprise. The Department of Justice can be expected to deploy resources far in excess of the meager 9-person team working in the FARA department in order to finally "get Russia." However, RT could attempt to use the tactics of another FARA target – the Israel lobby – to avoid registering.

Israel’s Foreign Agents Don't Register, Why Should Russia's? - Original
Why Spain is standing up to BDS — for now
Israel’s Foreign Agents Don’t Register, Why Should Russia’s?
The Department of Justice has ordered Russia’s U.S.-based RT news network to begin registering as Russian foreign agents under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act. The law requires US-based agents of foreign principals to disclose financial information and activities in regular public filings overseen by a designated DOJ office. Over the years FARA has been amended to exclude bona fide news organizations. The Department of Justice order breaks a long period of unfettered access to the U.S. by foreign press agencies, many directly and indirectly financed by foreign governments.

Although RTs viewership in the United States is minuscule compared to major domestic broadcast and cable news outlets, over the years RT has made many enemies in Washington. The network’s slogan, "Question More," and financial resources allowed it to televise stories that US networks, under the perpetual threat of loss of "access" to newsmakers, boycotts and organized pressure campaigns, cannot. Nowhere was this more evident than RT’s relentless coverage of Israel and its US lobby. RT covered Benjamin Netanyahu’s connection to the Arnon Milchan nuclear trigger smuggling ring, the diversion of weapons grade uranium from a toxic plant in Pennsylvania to Israel, and details of a massive Israeli-lobby orchestratedpropaganda campaign in the United States. A FARA order could mean RT’s departure from the American scene. This could reduce the number of news packages on topics prohibited in America – located in the triple-digit channel nether-region of the cable lineup, but archived and well-viewed online with 2.2 million YouTube subscribers – to zero.

With new scrutiny of Russian activities following allegations of meddling in the U.S. electoral process, the FARA order should come as no surprise. The Department of Justice can be expected to deploy resources far in excess of the meager 9-person team working in the FARA department in order to finally "get Russia." However, RT could attempt to use the tactics of another FARA target – the Israel lobby – to avoid registering.

Israel’s Foreign Agents Don't Register, Why Should Russia's? - Original

Dang, this must really hurt. Why the Jews, but not you Paleshitian Muslims? Is there a reason the Spanish prefer the Jews? Time to get the F out?

Rights of return: Spain, Jews and the Palestinians

Spain has further opened its doors to the descendants of Jews expelled from its land half a millennium ago – though the actual application process remains as mysterious as alchemy.

It is welcome that Spain is striving to right a historical wrong. However, what is overlooked in Spain’s public atonement is that it was not only Jews who were expelled during the Reconquista and the subsequent Inquisition, but also an untold number of Muslims.

A decade or so after the fall of Granada and the expulsion of the Jews who refused to embrace Christianity, Muslims were given the option either to convert or leave. But even the converts, known as Moriscos, were forced out a century later.

This omission has caused some anger among North African Muslims. Jamal Bin Ammar al-Ahmar, an Algerian professor at the Ferhat Abbas University in Sétif, was outraged by “the injustice inflicted on the Muslim population of Andalusia who are still suffering in the diaspora in exile since 1492."
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