All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Why should Palestine's domestic policies be shaped by foreign name callers?

Why do the Palestinians accept Billions of Dollars from any foreign country?

They must renounce the endless acceptance of money from others, including Israel, and all the Arab countries.

Let there be Peace already !!
Why do the Palestinians accept Billions of Dollars from any foreign country?
Because Israel will not allow them to make their own money.

BS and you know it. Tell that to all the idiots you know. They will believe you. :)
Why do you post here when you know so little?

Oh, that's right, you know all of Israel's bullshit talking points.

I could make a list if you want but what about the Palestinians who have orange groves in Jaffa. How much does Israel allow them to make? Or the Bedouins in the Negev whose crops were poisoned by Israel? Or the farmers in the West Bank whose land is on the other side of the wall. I could go on and on and on.

Yes, go on and on and on and on with Pallywood videos.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?

Bedouins in Israel are Israeli, or Israeli residents. Have nothing to do with your Palestinian nightmare, of all the Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Let the PA or Hamas take care of their Arab citizens in Gaza, areas A and B of the Oslo Accord.

Remember the Oslo Accord? What was that defunct agreement all about? Most Arabs have never read the printed excuse for taking more and more concessions from Israel.

When you present facts, real facts, let me know. I am going to take a nap until you do.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?
You missed the entire point.

Try again.
Why do the Palestinians accept Billions of Dollars from any foreign country?

They must renounce the endless acceptance of money from others, including Israel, and all the Arab countries.

Let there be Peace already !!
Why do the Palestinians accept Billions of Dollars from any foreign country?
Because Israel will not allow them to make their own money.

BS and you know it. Tell that to all the idiots you know. They will believe you. :)
Why do you post here when you know so little?

Oh, that's right, you know all of Israel's bullshit talking points.

I could make a list if you want but what about the Palestinians who have orange groves in Jaffa. How much does Israel allow them to make? Or the Bedouins in the Negev whose crops were poisoned by Israel? Or the farmers in the West Bank whose land is on the other side of the wall. I could go on and on and on.

Yes, go on and on and on and on with Pallywood videos.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?

Bedouins in Israel are Israeli, or Israeli residents. Have nothing to do with your Palestinian nightmare, of all the Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Let the PA or Hamas take care of their Arab citizens in Gaza, areas A and B of the Oslo Accord.

Remember the Oslo Accord? What was that defunct agreement all about? Most Arabs have never read the printed excuse for taking more and more concessions from Israel.

When you present facts, real facts, let me know. I am going to take a nap until you do.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?
You missed the entire point.

Try again.

The entire point is that the welfare fraud endowment called UNRWA is just too good for Arabs-Moslems to let go of.
Because Israel will not allow them to make their own money.

BS and you know it. Tell that to all the idiots you know. They will believe you. :)
Why do you post here when you know so little?

Oh, that's right, you know all of Israel's bullshit talking points.

I could make a list if you want but what about the Palestinians who have orange groves in Jaffa. How much does Israel allow them to make? Or the Bedouins in the Negev whose crops were poisoned by Israel? Or the farmers in the West Bank whose land is on the other side of the wall. I could go on and on and on.

Yes, go on and on and on and on with Pallywood videos.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?

Bedouins in Israel are Israeli, or Israeli residents. Have nothing to do with your Palestinian nightmare, of all the Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Let the PA or Hamas take care of their Arab citizens in Gaza, areas A and B of the Oslo Accord.

Remember the Oslo Accord? What was that defunct agreement all about? Most Arabs have never read the printed excuse for taking more and more concessions from Israel.

When you present facts, real facts, let me know. I am going to take a nap until you do.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?
You missed the entire point.

Try again.

The entire point is that the welfare fraud endowment called UNRWA is just too good for Arabs-Moslems to let go of.

Its getting deep in here.
BS and you know it. Tell that to all the idiots you know. They will believe you. :)
Why do you post here when you know so little?

Oh, that's right, you know all of Israel's bullshit talking points.

I could make a list if you want but what about the Palestinians who have orange groves in Jaffa. How much does Israel allow them to make? Or the Bedouins in the Negev whose crops were poisoned by Israel? Or the farmers in the West Bank whose land is on the other side of the wall. I could go on and on and on.

Yes, go on and on and on and on with Pallywood videos.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?

Bedouins in Israel are Israeli, or Israeli residents. Have nothing to do with your Palestinian nightmare, of all the Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Let the PA or Hamas take care of their Arab citizens in Gaza, areas A and B of the Oslo Accord.

Remember the Oslo Accord? What was that defunct agreement all about? Most Arabs have never read the printed excuse for taking more and more concessions from Israel.

When you present facts, real facts, let me know. I am going to take a nap until you do.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?
You missed the entire point.

Try again.

The entire point is that the welfare fraud endowment called UNRWA is just too good for Arabs-Moslems to let go of.

Its getting deep in here.

Nice dodge.
Why do you post here when you know so little?

Oh, that's right, you know all of Israel's bullshit talking points.

I could make a list if you want but what about the Palestinians who have orange groves in Jaffa. How much does Israel allow them to make? Or the Bedouins in the Negev whose crops were poisoned by Israel? Or the farmers in the West Bank whose land is on the other side of the wall. I could go on and on and on.

Yes, go on and on and on and on with Pallywood videos.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?

Bedouins in Israel are Israeli, or Israeli residents. Have nothing to do with your Palestinian nightmare, of all the Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Let the PA or Hamas take care of their Arab citizens in Gaza, areas A and B of the Oslo Accord.

Remember the Oslo Accord? What was that defunct agreement all about? Most Arabs have never read the printed excuse for taking more and more concessions from Israel.

When you present facts, real facts, let me know. I am going to take a nap until you do.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?
You missed the entire point.

Try again.

The entire point is that the welfare fraud endowment called UNRWA is just too good for Arabs-Moslems to let go of.

Its getting deep in here.

Nice dodge.

Good response to a load of crap.
Why do the Palestinians accept Billions of Dollars from any foreign country?

They must renounce the endless acceptance of money from others, including Israel, and all the Arab countries.

Let there be Peace already !!
Why do the Palestinians accept Billions of Dollars from any foreign country?
Because Israel will not allow them to make their own money.

BS and you know it. Tell that to all the idiots you know. They will believe you. :)
Why do you post here when you know so little?

Oh, that's right, you know all of Israel's bullshit talking points.

I could make a list if you want but what about the Palestinians who have orange groves in Jaffa. How much does Israel allow them to make? Or the Bedouins in the Negev whose crops were poisoned by Israel? Or the farmers in the West Bank whose land is on the other side of the wall. I could go on and on and on.

Yes, go on and on and on and on with Pallywood videos.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?

Bedouins in Israel are Israeli, or Israeli residents. Have nothing to do with your Palestinian nightmare, of all the Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Let the PA or Hamas take care of their Arab citizens in Gaza, areas A and B of the Oslo Accord.

Remember the Oslo Accord? What was that defunct agreement all about? Most Arabs have never read the printed excuse for taking more and more concessions from Israel.

When you present facts, real facts, let me know. I am going to take a nap until you do.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?
You missed the entire point.

Try again.

I missed nothing.

You are ignorant on how the Palestinians try everything to be dependent on other Arabs and the West in order to make Israel look bad, that is your problem.

The Kings and Emperors of Gaza and the PA get rich, the other clans stay in poverty and without jobs and desperate to get rid of Israel which continues to help them so that they will not be in a horrible situation.
They get jobs in Area C and Israel. They get to come to study in Israel.

What has Abbas done with the Billions of dollars poured into the PA after the Oslo Accords? Go get his accountant to tell you.

You know nothing of Muslim Arab society, on how clans work, etc etc

Much less on how all of those who are not on the right side of Hamas and the PA are the ones who are going to continue to pay for not being from the right Arab clans.

Stay ignorant. What else is there for you to do?
But the second paragraph is more interesting, even if it is boilerplate.

Abdullah says that the lack of peace will embolden terrorists. This is trite, and false. After all, the Island of Peace massacre occurred after Israel and Jordan's peace treaty. Was this because of frustration at no peace - or frustration that Jewish girls can freely visit a place they couldn't go to before?

The entire "frustration" meme is an excuse to avoid looking at the core issue: Arabs refuse to accept Israel, even if some of them re forced to pretend they do for politicl reasons. But deep down, the vast, vast majority of Arabs look at Jewish sovereign presence in the Middle East as just as temporary as the Crusader control of Jerusalem. If they are patient, the Jews will eventually be forced out.

No one in Jordan's schools is being taught that peace with Israel is a wonderful thing and that Israel is a full member of the region. And this is the most "moderate" of Israel's neighbors, by far.

(full article online)

King Abdullah's everyday lies ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Because Israel will not allow them to make their own money.

BS and you know it. Tell that to all the idiots you know. They will believe you. :)
Why do you post here when you know so little?

Oh, that's right, you know all of Israel's bullshit talking points.

I could make a list if you want but what about the Palestinians who have orange groves in Jaffa. How much does Israel allow them to make? Or the Bedouins in the Negev whose crops were poisoned by Israel? Or the farmers in the West Bank whose land is on the other side of the wall. I could go on and on and on.

Yes, go on and on and on and on with Pallywood videos.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?

Bedouins in Israel are Israeli, or Israeli residents. Have nothing to do with your Palestinian nightmare, of all the Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Let the PA or Hamas take care of their Arab citizens in Gaza, areas A and B of the Oslo Accord.

Remember the Oslo Accord? What was that defunct agreement all about? Most Arabs have never read the printed excuse for taking more and more concessions from Israel.

When you present facts, real facts, let me know. I am going to take a nap until you do.

So, you are telling me that the PA pays better than Jewish employers? Or that the PA did not try to stop Arabs from going to area C or Israel for jobs, or better jobs?
You missed the entire point.

Try again.

I missed nothing.

You are ignorant on how the Palestinians try everything to be dependent on other Arabs and the West in order to make Israel look bad, that is your problem.

The Kings and Emperors of Gaza and the PA get rich, the other clans stay in poverty and without jobs and desperate to get rid of Israel which continues to help them so that they will not be in a horrible situation.
They get jobs in Area C and Israel. They get to come to study in Israel.

What has Abbas done with the Billions of dollars poured into the PA after the Oslo Accords? Go get his accountant to tell you.

You know nothing of Muslim Arab society, on how clans work, etc etc

Much less on how all of those who are not on the right side of Hamas and the PA are the ones who are going to continue to pay for not being from the right Arab clans.

Stay ignorant. What else is there for you to do?

You only give the Israeli propaganda half of the story. For example:

Israel will bulldoze Palestinian greenhouses in Gaza.

Then Israel will brag about doing the Palestinians a favor by allowing them to work in Israeli greenhouses.
And that gets us to the core difference between guilt and shame: The shamed want nothing so much as to divest themselves of their shame, and if those onto whom they wish to shift the shame are also responsible for one’s shaming (as in “Europe will never forgive the Jews for the Holocaust“), then so much the better. Hence the Europeans with their global shame for the Holocaust, and the Arabs with their global shame for their massive civilizational failure, which is symbolized in their own eyes in their failure to strangle infant Israel in its cradle—both share a special supersessionist, shame-driven, eagerness to degrade Israel in order that the “Jewish State’s” shame will replace their own.

(full article online)

Love of the Land: Shame Divestment: Europe's adoption of the Israeli-Nazi/Palestinian-Jew replacement narrative - by Richard Landes
Israel will bulldoze Palestinian greenhouses in Gaza.


And this is three years before Hamas won the elections.

Exactly what Gaza greenhouses were going to be bulldozed?
Photos please.

Archive28 October 2003

Activists say this is an intentional tactic on part of the Israeli military who hope its construction will go unnoticed. The wall began in agricultural areas in eastern Rafah, where several acres of agricultural land, including olive and citrus groves and greenhouses, were demolished.

Wall that breaks Rafah's heart
Over the period under study, 1 July 2002 – 31 March 2003, Israeli occupying forces razed approximately 3135.6 donums of Palestinian agricultural land and destroyed 357 irrigation networks, 102 wells, 65 greenhouses and 46 water pumps.
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