All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The post does not mention why they were supposedly “kidnapped” and “beaten” – perhaps because Israel discovered they were time travelers who also have an uncanny ability to pose for an identical photo years apart as different people?

Note the information in this older report (also from an anti-Israel source) – they have a different surname, there is no mention of the brothers being beaten, they were released after several hours, and the reason for their detainment was they were suspected of throwing stones at the light rail (which would not be surprising, despite their age).

(full article online)

Latest Blood Libel: The Kidnapping & Beating Of Time-Traveling Palestinian Youth
I love this disclaimer on the bottom.

The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.​

They won't even say for sure if it is Israel.
I love this disclaimer on the bottom.

The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.​

They won't even say for sure if it is Israel.

Indeed, that tends to shoot down in flames your invented "country of Pally'land".
If HRW was serious about Israeli banks having the "responsibility" to honor principles of internationally recognized human rights, it would say that no company can do business in any country - and certainly cannot loan money to any country - that engages in alleged human rights abuses.

Yet, according to HRW and every other human rights organization, virtually every country is guilty of human rights abuses.

Only Israel has such a uniquely evil system called "settlements" where Jews can live in their historic homeland that deserves the demand that even domestic companies must divest from them.

Oh, wait. Morocco builds settlements. "Hundreds of thousands of Moroccan settlers were encouraged to enter Western Sahara with state-subsidised property and employment, under the army's protection." Yet HRW does not say a word about international humanitarian law and Moroccan settlements. It would be laughable to see a paper by HRW demanding that Moroccan banks stop giving loans to Moroccans living in land Morocco occupies. After all, the EU even invests in companies in Western Sahara.

Turkey builds settlements. "A group of mainland Turkish people ... settled in Northern Cyprus since the Turkish invasion in 1974. It is estimated that these settlers and their descendants (not including Turkish soldiers) now make up about half the population of the North." Yet HRW does not demand any company stop investing in Turkish settlements in Northern Cyprus.

(full article online)

HRW makes up international law, again ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There are no exceptions listed in international law for the reasons a population is where it is.

While is is obvious to legal scholars that dismantling entire communities and forcing the population to move elsewhere is a serious violation of international human rights law, the only people on the planet that no one cares about in this context just so happen to all be Jewish. Every one of them. (Arabs who moved cross the Green Line, and there are thousands of them, are not considered "settlers" and therefore, have human rights.)

No one is saying to dismantle settlements in Crimea or Western Sahara or Northern Cyprus and force the civilians there to move. And this includes scores of legal scholars who have not said a word against the widespread assumption that Jewish settlers must be forcibly transferred.

This is more than just bias. This is the culmination of decades of anti-Israel propaganda that has affected international law itself and how legal scholars think. The hypocrisy and the double standards literally could not be any more clear. Arab and socialist propaganda combined with biased "human rights" groups and supposed "impartial" bodies like the UN and the ICRC have cumulatively decided that some 800,000 Jews simply are not protected by international humanitarian law the way every single other person on Earth is.

(full article online)

The only people in the world without human rights protection are the Jews of Judea and Samaria ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
UN report reviews effects of Israel's 50-year occupation of the Palestinian territories and settlement growth.
The report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), published on Tuesday, said the performance of the Palestinian economy is "far below potential", while unemployment has persisted at levels rarely seen worldwide since the Great Depression.

"2017 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem; the longest occupation in recent history. For the Palestinian people, these were five decades of de-development, suppressed human potential and denial of the basic human right to development, with no end in sight," the report states.

Key findings
  • Israeli settler population growth rate has surpassed the Palestinian population growth rate; current settler population stands between 600,000 and 750,000
  • 10 percent of the Palestinian labour force is employed in Israel and the settlements
  • Unemployment rates are 42 percent in Gaza and 18 percent in the West Bank
  • In 2016, imports from Israel into the occupied Palestinian territories exceeded exports to Israel by $2.6bn
  • Since 1995, GDP in Gaza has shrunk by 23 percent
  • Restrictions by Israel on importation of fertilisers adds $28.6m to agricultural production costs
  • Donor support to the Palestinian economy dropped by 38 percent between 2014 and 2016
"Instead of the hoped-for two-State solution envisaged by the United Nations and the international community, occupation is currently even more entrenched, while its complex socioeconomic toll has worsened over time."

Among other issues, the report reviews the steady decline in gross domestic product (GDP) growth over the past two decades, the imposition of Palestinian economic dependence on Israel, the theft of Palestinian natural resources, and Gaza's isolation. It reaffirms a previous finding that the Palestinian economy would be at least twice as large if the occupation were lifted.

Israeli government plans to retaliate against Amnesty International over settlements campaign

“The reports that the Israeli government plans to punish Amnesty International over its settlements campaign are deeply alarming. While we have not been officially informed of any such action by the authorities, if true, this would be a serious setback to freedom of expression and an ominous sign for the ability of human rights NGOs in Israel to operate freely and without arbitrary interference.”
Reports Israeli government plans to retaliate against Amnesty International over settlements campaign

The Israel Anti-Boycott Act would extend the 1977 law to international organizations, such as the United Nations or even the European Union, that might parallel the Arab League’s original “blacklist” of companies doing business with Israel, which was the heart of its boycott.

(full article online)

Opinion | It’s time to update America’s important anti-boycott law for Israel
It will still be legal for the people to boycott the companies that do business with Israel.
Millions and Millions of dollars poured into Gaza from the US, EU, UN, Arab countries,

UNRWA. Look it up.
Do they donate cash?

UNWRA does not do infrastructure.

Go and tell them that:

Our programme was established in Gaza to improve the living conditions of Palestine refugees through the planning, design and construction of UNRWA facilities, shelters, schools and health centres, as well as through comprehensive planning for the environmental health sector. Our programme also works on the restoration of sewerage and drainage works, water wells and wastewater treatment in Palestine refugee camps and surrounding areas.

After establishing a coordination mechanism for the entry of construction materials into Gaza in 2010, UNRWA initiated a recovery and reconstruction plan. Since then, 34 schools and 3 health centres have been constructed, along with a large-scale project to build 752 housing units in Rafah, funded by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Other initiatives include rehousing projects funded by Japan, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, which built a total of 650 units in Khan Younis.

Infrastructure & Camp Improvement in the Gaza Strip | UNRWA

Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed more than $5 billion in bilateral economic and non-lethal security assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians in apparent support of (1) promoting the prevention or mitigation of terrorism against Israel; (2) fostering stability, prosperity, and self-governance in the West Bank that may aid Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic prospects; and (3) meeting humanitarian needs. The long-term utility of U.S. aid in encouraging regional stability and Palestinian economic and political self- sufficiency might depend to some extent on progress toward a political solution that addresses Palestinian national aspirations and Israeli security demands.

EU and others are tired of helping the charity known as the Palestinians:

What EU shift in financial support policy means for Gaza
How much cash does Hamas get? How much aid goes to improve Palestine's economy and how much is just subsistence? How much goes to benefit Israel?

And Tinheads response is a garbage propaganda video, as usual.
The Israel Anti-Boycott Act would extend the 1977 law to international organizations, such as the United Nations or even the European Union, that might parallel the Arab League’s original “blacklist” of companies doing business with Israel, which was the heart of its boycott.

(full article online)

Opinion | It’s time to update America’s important anti-boycott law for Israel
It will still be legal for the people to boycott the companies that do business with Israel.
You should be more worried about US taxpayer money being no longer going to your Pali terrorist training camps under the guise of "UN schools".
an official of the Sephardi kollels (religious study centers) in Jerusalem, Avraham Behar Avraham...obtained recognition for the status and rights of Jews at the site from the Turkish authorities. This was, in practice, the original firman (royal decree) issued by the Ottoman authorities in Turkey recognizing Jewish rights at Rachel’s Tomb.

The firman was necessary since the Muslims disputed ownership by the Jews of Rachel’s Tomb and even tried by brute force to prevent Jewish visits to the site. From time to time Jews were robbed or beaten by Arab residents of the vicinity, and even the protection money that was paid did not always prevail. Avraham Behar Avraham approached the authorities in Istanbul on this matter and in 1827 the Turks issued the firman that gave legal force to Rachel’s Tomb being recognized as a Jewish holy site.

(full article online)

My Right Word: And That Other Holy Site
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