All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Mr. Salaita’s been on a roller coaster ride since being hired to join the faculty of the Native American Studies department at University of Illinois (despite having no qualifications for the job), followed by his u n-hiring by school leaders unwilling to give lifelong employment to someone advocating violence on Twitter, followed by a lawsuit and boycott of the university (which, among other things, destroyed the department he was going to join), followed by his decamping to American University of Beirut in Lebanon, followed by his being let go from that university as well.

And who is to blame for this string of disasters that have left him academically homeless (although not bereft of speaking gigs, it appears): the evil Jews (whoops! I mean “Zionists”) whose power apparently extends to academic institutions in nations at war with the Jewish state.

(full article online)

The reality of Technion-Cornell vs. the rants of Steven Salaita (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Steven Salaita case in detail. Steven Salaita starts @ 23:00

Mr. Salaita’s been on a roller coaster ride since being hired to join the faculty of the Native American Studies department at University of Illinois (despite having no qualifications for the job), followed by his u n-hiring by school leaders unwilling to give lifelong employment to someone advocating violence on Twitter, followed by a lawsuit and boycott of the university (which, among other things, destroyed the department he was going to join), followed by his decamping to American University of Beirut in Lebanon, followed by his being let go from that university as well.

And who is to blame for this string of disasters that have left him academically homeless (although not bereft of speaking gigs, it appears): the evil Jews (whoops! I mean “Zionists”) whose power apparently extends to academic institutions in nations at war with the Jewish state.

(full article online)

The reality of Technion-Cornell vs. the rants of Steven Salaita (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Steven Salaita case in detail. Steven Salaita starts @ 23:00

Those who attack free speech for those who are pro America and pro Israel are crying that they are being denied free speech?
Sorry, hate speech which is the kind which incites others to attack and harm Americans and Jews all over the world, in Universities, etc, etc.

Let us all cry for Mr. Salaita. A HERO in tin's eyes. :)
Mr. Salaita’s been on a roller coaster ride since being hired to join the faculty of the Native American Studies department at University of Illinois (despite having no qualifications for the job), followed by his u n-hiring by school leaders unwilling to give lifelong employment to someone advocating violence on Twitter, followed by a lawsuit and boycott of the university (which, among other things, destroyed the department he was going to join), followed by his decamping to American University of Beirut in Lebanon, followed by his being let go from that university as well.

And who is to blame for this string of disasters that have left him academically homeless (although not bereft of speaking gigs, it appears): the evil Jews (whoops! I mean “Zionists”) whose power apparently extends to academic institutions in nations at war with the Jewish state.

(full article online)

The reality of Technion-Cornell vs. the rants of Steven Salaita (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Steven Salaita case in detail. Steven Salaita starts @ 23:00

Those who attack free speech for those who are pro America and pro Israel are crying that they are being denied free speech?
Sorry, hate speech which is the kind which incites others to attack and harm Americans and Jews all over the world, in Universities, etc, etc.

Let us all cry for Mr. Salaita. A HERO in tin's eyes. :)

Where has he harmed anyone?
Mr. Salaita’s been on a roller coaster ride since being hired to join the faculty of the Native American Studies department at University of Illinois (despite having no qualifications for the job), followed by his u n-hiring by school leaders unwilling to give lifelong employment to someone advocating violence on Twitter, followed by a lawsuit and boycott of the university (which, among other things, destroyed the department he was going to join), followed by his decamping to American University of Beirut in Lebanon, followed by his being let go from that university as well.

And who is to blame for this string of disasters that have left him academically homeless (although not bereft of speaking gigs, it appears): the evil Jews (whoops! I mean “Zionists”) whose power apparently extends to academic institutions in nations at war with the Jewish state.

(full article online)

The reality of Technion-Cornell vs. the rants of Steven Salaita (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Steven Salaita case in detail. Steven Salaita starts @ 23:00

Those who attack free speech for those who are pro America and pro Israel are crying that they are being denied free speech?
Sorry, hate speech which is the kind which incites others to attack and harm Americans and Jews all over the world, in Universities, etc, etc.

Let us all cry for Mr. Salaita. A HERO in tin's eyes. :)

Where has he harmed anyone?

Where did Hitler harm anyone with his speeches against Jews?
Remember, he did not kill ONE Jew himself.
So, where was the harm?
Mr. Salaita’s been on a roller coaster ride since being hired to join the faculty of the Native American Studies department at University of Illinois (despite having no qualifications for the job), followed by his u n-hiring by school leaders unwilling to give lifelong employment to someone advocating violence on Twitter, followed by a lawsuit and boycott of the university (which, among other things, destroyed the department he was going to join), followed by his decamping to American University of Beirut in Lebanon, followed by his being let go from that university as well.

And who is to blame for this string of disasters that have left him academically homeless (although not bereft of speaking gigs, it appears): the evil Jews (whoops! I mean “Zionists”) whose power apparently extends to academic institutions in nations at war with the Jewish state.

(full article online)

The reality of Technion-Cornell vs. the rants of Steven Salaita (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Steven Salaita case in detail. Steven Salaita starts @ 23:00

Those who attack free speech for those who are pro America and pro Israel are crying that they are being denied free speech?
Sorry, hate speech which is the kind which incites others to attack and harm Americans and Jews all over the world, in Universities, etc, etc.

Let us all cry for Mr. Salaita. A HERO in tin's eyes. :)

Where has he harmed anyone?

Where did Hitler harm anyone with his speeches against Jews?
Remember, he did not kill ONE Jew himself.
So, where was the harm?

Off topic deflection.
Mr. Salaita’s been on a roller coaster ride since being hired to join the faculty of the Native American Studies department at University of Illinois (despite having no qualifications for the job), followed by his u n-hiring by school leaders unwilling to give lifelong employment to someone advocating violence on Twitter, followed by a lawsuit and boycott of the university (which, among other things, destroyed the department he was going to join), followed by his decamping to American University of Beirut in Lebanon, followed by his being let go from that university as well.

And who is to blame for this string of disasters that have left him academically homeless (although not bereft of speaking gigs, it appears): the evil Jews (whoops! I mean “Zionists”) whose power apparently extends to academic institutions in nations at war with the Jewish state.

(full article online)

The reality of Technion-Cornell vs. the rants of Steven Salaita (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Steven Salaita case in detail. Steven Salaita starts @ 23:00

Those who attack free speech for those who are pro America and pro Israel are crying that they are being denied free speech?
Sorry, hate speech which is the kind which incites others to attack and harm Americans and Jews all over the world, in Universities, etc, etc.

Let us all cry for Mr. Salaita. A HERO in tin's eyes. :)

Where has he harmed anyone?

Where did Hitler harm anyone with his speeches against Jews?
Remember, he did not kill ONE Jew himself.
So, where was the harm?

Off topic deflection.

BS on your part, deflection :)
The Steven Salaita case in detail. Steven Salaita starts @ 23:00

Those who attack free speech for those who are pro America and pro Israel are crying that they are being denied free speech?
Sorry, hate speech which is the kind which incites others to attack and harm Americans and Jews all over the world, in Universities, etc, etc.

Let us all cry for Mr. Salaita. A HERO in tin's eyes. :)

Where has he harmed anyone?

Where did Hitler harm anyone with his speeches against Jews?
Remember, he did not kill ONE Jew himself.
So, where was the harm?

Off topic deflection.

BS on your part, deflection :)

Says the guy whose whole life swirls around BS.
Those who attack free speech for those who are pro America and pro Israel are crying that they are being denied free speech?
Sorry, hate speech which is the kind which incites others to attack and harm Americans and Jews all over the world, in Universities, etc, etc.

Let us all cry for Mr. Salaita. A HERO in tin's eyes. :)
Where has he harmed anyone?

Where did Hitler harm anyone with his speeches against Jews?
Remember, he did not kill ONE Jew himself.
So, where was the harm?
Off topic deflection.

BS on your part, deflection :)
Says the guy whose whole life swirls around BS.

I would go and talk to Jesus, if I were you.
Ignorance is no excuse for your lies.
"Thou shalt not lie", especially against HIS people. :)
[ I posted before that the Arab leaders do not care about their poor citizens or residents. Unfortunately, that seems to be the case of too many Syrians and other refugees who have found their way to Europe. What to do? They do not want to take care of their Arab fellowmen, like the Palestinians, now many more are lost not being able to find a country which will let them have a normal life. It was never this way before 100 years ago.
When will the world wake up about both people, and take care of them as they do with any other refugees? ]

Hello Refugees! |
While the West continues to shower the Islamic terrorists in fatah and Hamas with infidel welfare dollars, behind them, in ski masks, are Hizbollocks, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Islamic Jihad and other Islamic terrorist sympathizers and organizations. The Islamic terrorists who manage these groups are the same misfits who persuade children to strap a bomb to their body in a short life spent learning to destroy themselves.

These Islamic misfits have never hid their intention of redrawing the map of the Middle East as exclusively Islamist. While I don't see a chance in hell of these two competing tribes of 7th century misfits cobbling together a lasting government, it might be fun to watch these idiots pick where they left off and get back to unfinished business left as a result of their 2006 civil war.

Fatah Spokesman: Fatah will never recognize Israel - PMW Bulletins


PMW Bulletins
Fatah Spokesman: Fatah will never recognize Israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Fatah spokesman to Hamas:
Don't recognize Israel;
Fatah doesn't and never will

"The armed resistance, popular resistance,
and everything is also legitimate"

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Fatah and Hamas announced yesterday that they are moving ahead towards Palestinian reconciliation and possible national elections. While the international community is waiting to see the final terms of a Palestinian unity agreement, the fundamental messages of non-recognition of Israel and support for the use of terror against Israel are principles that Fatah and Hamas already agree upon.
While the West continues to shower the Islamic terrorists in fatah and Hamas with infidel welfare dollars, behind them, in ski masks, are Hizbollocks, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Islamic Jihad and other Islamic terrorist sympathizers and organizations. The Islamic terrorists who manage these groups are the same misfits who persuade children to strap a bomb to their body in a short life spent learning to destroy themselves.

These Islamic misfits have never hid their intention of redrawing the map of the Middle East as exclusively Islamist. While I don't see a chance in hell of these two competing tribes of 7th century misfits cobbling together a lasting government, it might be fun to watch these idiots pick where they left off and get back to unfinished business left as a result of their 2006 civil war.

Fatah Spokesman: Fatah will never recognize Israel - PMW Bulletins


PMW Bulletins
Fatah Spokesman: Fatah will never recognize Israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Fatah spokesman to Hamas:
Don't recognize Israel;
Fatah doesn't and never will

"The armed resistance, popular resistance,
and everything is also legitimate"

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Fatah and Hamas announced yesterday that they are moving ahead towards Palestinian reconciliation and possible national elections. While the international community is waiting to see the final terms of a Palestinian unity agreement, the fundamental messages of non-recognition of Israel and support for the use of terror against Israel are principles that Fatah and Hamas already agree upon.

There will never be a unity government between Hamas & Fatah.
The story says "According to Ma'ariv, the settlers performed a Talmudic ritual inside the Ibrahimi Mosque and left the area this morning."

The "Talmudic ritual," of course, is praying. But that doesn't sound quite as sinister, does it?

Muslims always denied Jews from visiting this site when it was under Muslim rule. Even though they know quite well that Isaac and Jacob and their wives, interred there, have nothing to do with Islamic history besides the Koran claiming them as "prophets."

This wholesale theft of an entire history seems a bit more serious than Israelis saying falafel is their national dish. But there are more articles about how Israel's supposed "cultural appropriation" than Muslim theft and attempted theft.

(full article online)

Remember, Muslims want to take away ALL Jewish holy sites ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hezbollah exists to keep israel out of Lebanon, they won't invade israel unless provoked
Israel holds largest military drill in 20 years ‘simulating war’ with Hezbollah
The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has deployed thousands of air, sea and land personnel to the Lebanese border for its biggest military drill in almost two decades, a show of strength designed to intimate Hezbollah and Iran even as their power grows in neighbouring Syria.
Beginning Monday night, soldiers and reservists are simulating a 10-day-long war with the Lebanese militant group to prepare for “preserving the current stability in the northern sector”, a military official said, as well as “scenarios we’ll be facing in the next confrontation with Hezbollah”.

The ‘Or Hadagan’ or ‘Light of the Grain’ drill - which has taken 18 months to plan - will utilise fighter planes, ships, submarines, drones, cyber and canine units and Israel’s missile defence system. Two field hospitals and trucks and helicopters for evacuating casualties will also be set up.

Elite units will also practice disarming bombs and locating and fighting in the tunnels Hezbollah is believed to have dug in south Lebanon.

The exercise will begin with small border skirmishes and escalate into a full-scale war - with the ultimate aim of permanently vanquishing the Lebanese opponents. Soldiers playing the role of the enemy will don Hezbollah’s signature yellow and green flag and guerilla-style uniforms as well as fake weapons and explosive vests.
Israel holding biggest military drill in 20 years to ‘simulate war’ with Hezbollah

of course the Lebanese will monitor these drills up close
Israel holds largest military drill in 20 years ‘simulating war’ with Hezbollah
The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has deployed thousands of air, sea and land personnel to the Lebanese border for its biggest military drill in almost two decades, a show of strength designed to intimate Hezbollah and Iran even as their power grows in neighbouring Syria.
Beginning Monday night, soldiers and reservists are simulating a 10-day-long war with the Lebanese militant group to prepare for “preserving the current stability in the northern sector”, a military official said, as well as “scenarios we’ll be facing in the next confrontation with Hezbollah”.

The ‘Or Hadagan’ or ‘Light of the Grain’ drill - which has taken 18 months to plan - will utilise fighter planes, ships, submarines, drones, cyber and canine units and Israel’s missile defence system. Two field hospitals and trucks and helicopters for evacuating casualties will also be set up.

Elite units will also practice disarming bombs and locating and fighting in the tunnels Hezbollah is believed to have dug in south Lebanon.

The exercise will begin with small border skirmishes and escalate into a full-scale war - with the ultimate aim of permanently vanquishing the Lebanese opponents. Soldiers playing the role of the enemy will don Hezbollah’s signature yellow and green flag and guerilla-style uniforms as well as fake weapons and explosive vests.
Israel holding biggest military drill in 20 years to ‘simulate war’ with Hezbollah

of course the Lebanese will monitor these drills up close

Hmm! Israel preparing to go to war with Hezbollah. Thanks for the great news. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
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