All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Thank you to all of my supporters for your generosity and your encouragement of an independent press! Checks to

Juan Cole
P. O. Box 32509
Los Angeles, CA

Clauses in the 3 April 1949 Armistice Agreements specified that Israelis would have access to the religious sites in East Jerusalem. However, Jordan refused to implement this clause arguing that Israel's refusal to permit the return of Palestinians to their homes in West Jerusalem voided that clause in the agreement.
Jordanian annexation of the West Bank - Wikipedia
Thank you to all of my supporters for your generosity and your encouragement of an independent press! Checks to

Juan Cole
P. O. Box 32509
Los Angeles, CA


I hope you will make a donation as compensation for the material you plagiarized.
Somehow, after hearing American poetry and jazz and learning about non-violent approaches to conflict resolutions, Gaza still descended into the hellhole it is now where violence is considered the best way to solve any issue.

What were the goals of this American Corner? What exactly was it meant to do?

And the Jerusalem consulate does very similar programs throughout the West Bank. What does it accomplish? Who gets converted to American style thinking? Where is even one "success" story?

(full article online)

When does diplomacy mean naivete? US outreach to Gaza, 2008 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Somehow, after hearing American poetry and jazz and learning about non-violent approaches to conflict resolutions, Gaza still descended into the hellhole it is now where violence is considered the best way to solve any issue.

What were the goals of this American Corner? What exactly was it meant to do?

And the Jerusalem consulate does very similar programs throughout the West Bank. What does it accomplish? Who gets converted to American style thinking? Where is even one "success" story?

(full article online)

When does diplomacy mean naivete? US outreach to Gaza, 2008 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What was the point?
Somehow, after hearing American poetry and jazz and learning about non-violent approaches to conflict resolutions, Gaza still descended into the hellhole it is now where violence is considered the best way to solve any issue.

What were the goals of this American Corner? What exactly was it meant to do?

And the Jerusalem consulate does very similar programs throughout the West Bank. What does it accomplish? Who gets converted to American style thinking? Where is even one "success" story?

(full article online)

When does diplomacy mean naivete? US outreach to Gaza, 2008 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What was the point?
They apparently learned that they cannot compete with the Quran's teachings of hatred for the other and supremacy over Jews and Christians.

Islam is about submission to their religion and never being conquered by any other.

They tried, but most Muslims are not ready for peace with all others for the foreseeable future.

Only when they find the need to make peace, they will make peace.
[ At long last..... ]

Prince William will travel to Israel this summer, in the first-ever official visit by the British royal family to the Jewish state, his residence declared Thursday.

While royals have traveled to Israel in the past, no member of the British monarchy has ever come to country on an official tour.

(full article online)

Prince William to visit Israel this summer, in first official trip by UK royal
Purim and natural hate

As I was reading the megillah this Purim, it occurred to me that the most resonant part of the story today is that Haman's hate for Jews was so irrational, although he pretended to justify it using weak arguments that people are more than willing to swallow to justify their own bigotry.

It is exactly the same today, as the Israel-haters are completely irrational. Their hate comes first, and their justifications come later. Answer their points and they will come up with others, because the entire basis of their antipathy to Jews is baseless, irrational hate.

The biggest lie they say is that they are "pro-Palestinian."

It just occurred to be that people who claim to be "pro-Palestinian" - like the entire staff at Electronic Intifada - are against any Palestinian being naturalized in any Arab country, and in fact they will say they are against Palestinians becoming citizens of any other country until they can "return" to destroy Israel. To these supposed lovers of all things Palestinian, they demand that millions of Arabs with Palestinian ancestry remain stateless, indefinitely.

What love they show!

But there is one recent exception where they fought mightily for a Palestinian to be a citizen of another country.

Terrorist Rasmea Odeh, as they fought hard to allow her to remain an American citizen. And even that they tried to justify on the basis of whatever crazy legal arguments they could find to hang their love for a murderer of Jews on.

Purim teaches us that the haters of Jews and Israel aren't ever going to go away. All we can do is win, over and over again.

Purim and natural hate ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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