All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Israel is in the midst of a terror wave few people outside of Israel know about, because the international media is not reporting about it.

Although it is rarely described as such even in Israel, the terror wave has been ongoing for twenty-nine months – from September 2015 and until the present. In January 2018, according to the latest figures from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were a total of 332 terrorist incidents, resulting in one murder and 16 injured. The incidents included 2 stabbings/attempted stabbings; 2 shootings; 1 ramming attack; 4 roadside bombs; 251 stone-throwing attacks and 45 Molotov cocktails.

Most of the mainstream media, which is constantly obsessing over ‘fake news’, is not reporting any of these terrorist attacks, which is ironic, as nothing could possibly be more fake than deliberately omitting to report news. Especially because the omission only happens in order to advance the specific and insidious agenda of portraying Israel as the ‘aggressor’ and the Arabs as perpetual, ‘oppressed victims’.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 13 September 2015, 62 innocent people have been killed in terrorist attacks and 899 people have been wounded. There have been 192 stabbing attacks and 139 attempted stabbings; 173 shooting attacks and 61 vehicular (ramming) attacks. In addition, riots and other types of attacks occur almost daily: rock throwing (6481), roadside/pipe bombs (187) and Molotov cocktails/grenades (1320). Furthermore, in the south, Hamas & Co. has launched innumerable rockets and mortar shells on Israel from Gaza, 64 of which have fallen in Israel. In 2017, 54 terrorist attacks were successfully carried out, while 400 terrorist attacks, including 13 suicide attacks and 8 kidnappings, as well as 1,100 potential lone-wolf attacks, were prevented.

(full article online)

News the Media Isn't Giving You
Israel is in the midst of a terror wave few people outside of Israel know about, because the international media is not reporting about it.

Although it is rarely described as such even in Israel, the terror wave has been ongoing for twenty-nine months – from September 2015 and until the present. In January 2018, according to the latest figures from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were a total of 332 terrorist incidents, resulting in one murder and 16 injured. The incidents included 2 stabbings/attempted stabbings; 2 shootings; 1 ramming attack; 4 roadside bombs; 251 stone-throwing attacks and 45 Molotov cocktails.

Most of the mainstream media, which is constantly obsessing over ‘fake news’, is not reporting any of these terrorist attacks, which is ironic, as nothing could possibly be more fake than deliberately omitting to report news. Especially because the omission only happens in order to advance the specific and insidious agenda of portraying Israel as the ‘aggressor’ and the Arabs as perpetual, ‘oppressed victims’.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 13 September 2015, 62 innocent people have been killed in terrorist attacks and 899 people have been wounded. There have been 192 stabbing attacks and 139 attempted stabbings; 173 shooting attacks and 61 vehicular (ramming) attacks. In addition, riots and other types of attacks occur almost daily: rock throwing (6481), roadside/pipe bombs (187) and Molotov cocktails/grenades (1320). Furthermore, in the south, Hamas & Co. has launched innumerable rockets and mortar shells on Israel from Gaza, 64 of which have fallen in Israel. In 2017, 54 terrorist attacks were successfully carried out, while 400 terrorist attacks, including 13 suicide attacks and 8 kidnappings, as well as 1,100 potential lone-wolf attacks, were prevented.

(full article online)

News the Media Isn't Giving You
Israel really needs to stop its war.
Israel is in the midst of a terror wave few people outside of Israel know about, because the international media is not reporting about it.

Although it is rarely described as such even in Israel, the terror wave has been ongoing for twenty-nine months – from September 2015 and until the present. In January 2018, according to the latest figures from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were a total of 332 terrorist incidents, resulting in one murder and 16 injured. The incidents included 2 stabbings/attempted stabbings; 2 shootings; 1 ramming attack; 4 roadside bombs; 251 stone-throwing attacks and 45 Molotov cocktails.

Most of the mainstream media, which is constantly obsessing over ‘fake news’, is not reporting any of these terrorist attacks, which is ironic, as nothing could possibly be more fake than deliberately omitting to report news. Especially because the omission only happens in order to advance the specific and insidious agenda of portraying Israel as the ‘aggressor’ and the Arabs as perpetual, ‘oppressed victims’.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 13 September 2015, 62 innocent people have been killed in terrorist attacks and 899 people have been wounded. There have been 192 stabbing attacks and 139 attempted stabbings; 173 shooting attacks and 61 vehicular (ramming) attacks. In addition, riots and other types of attacks occur almost daily: rock throwing (6481), roadside/pipe bombs (187) and Molotov cocktails/grenades (1320). Furthermore, in the south, Hamas & Co. has launched innumerable rockets and mortar shells on Israel from Gaza, 64 of which have fallen in Israel. In 2017, 54 terrorist attacks were successfully carried out, while 400 terrorist attacks, including 13 suicide attacks and 8 kidnappings, as well as 1,100 potential lone-wolf attacks, were prevented.

(full article online)

News the Media Isn't Giving You
Israel really needs to stop its war.
According to your sentence, Israel is at war with itself. It started it, it must end it.

End it already!!!!! LOL

When the "native Palestinians" stop the war they started in 1920 against the Jews and Israel, Israel will do the same. Not before.
Israel is in the midst of a terror wave few people outside of Israel know about, because the international media is not reporting about it.

Although it is rarely described as such even in Israel, the terror wave has been ongoing for twenty-nine months – from September 2015 and until the present. In January 2018, according to the latest figures from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were a total of 332 terrorist incidents, resulting in one murder and 16 injured. The incidents included 2 stabbings/attempted stabbings; 2 shootings; 1 ramming attack; 4 roadside bombs; 251 stone-throwing attacks and 45 Molotov cocktails.

Most of the mainstream media, which is constantly obsessing over ‘fake news’, is not reporting any of these terrorist attacks, which is ironic, as nothing could possibly be more fake than deliberately omitting to report news. Especially because the omission only happens in order to advance the specific and insidious agenda of portraying Israel as the ‘aggressor’ and the Arabs as perpetual, ‘oppressed victims’.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 13 September 2015, 62 innocent people have been killed in terrorist attacks and 899 people have been wounded. There have been 192 stabbing attacks and 139 attempted stabbings; 173 shooting attacks and 61 vehicular (ramming) attacks. In addition, riots and other types of attacks occur almost daily: rock throwing (6481), roadside/pipe bombs (187) and Molotov cocktails/grenades (1320). Furthermore, in the south, Hamas & Co. has launched innumerable rockets and mortar shells on Israel from Gaza, 64 of which have fallen in Israel. In 2017, 54 terrorist attacks were successfully carried out, while 400 terrorist attacks, including 13 suicide attacks and 8 kidnappings, as well as 1,100 potential lone-wolf attacks, were prevented.

(full article online)

News the Media Isn't Giving You
Israel really needs to stop its war.

Palestinian mentality. That THEIR terrorism must be stopped by Israel and not by them. But that the way to stop it is to permit it until it is ensured that no Arabs have to live in the presence of Jews.
Israel is in the midst of a terror wave few people outside of Israel know about, because the international media is not reporting about it.

Although it is rarely described as such even in Israel, the terror wave has been ongoing for twenty-nine months – from September 2015 and until the present. In January 2018, according to the latest figures from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were a total of 332 terrorist incidents, resulting in one murder and 16 injured. The incidents included 2 stabbings/attempted stabbings; 2 shootings; 1 ramming attack; 4 roadside bombs; 251 stone-throwing attacks and 45 Molotov cocktails.

Most of the mainstream media, which is constantly obsessing over ‘fake news’, is not reporting any of these terrorist attacks, which is ironic, as nothing could possibly be more fake than deliberately omitting to report news. Especially because the omission only happens in order to advance the specific and insidious agenda of portraying Israel as the ‘aggressor’ and the Arabs as perpetual, ‘oppressed victims’.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 13 September 2015, 62 innocent people have been killed in terrorist attacks and 899 people have been wounded. There have been 192 stabbing attacks and 139 attempted stabbings; 173 shooting attacks and 61 vehicular (ramming) attacks. In addition, riots and other types of attacks occur almost daily: rock throwing (6481), roadside/pipe bombs (187) and Molotov cocktails/grenades (1320). Furthermore, in the south, Hamas & Co. has launched innumerable rockets and mortar shells on Israel from Gaza, 64 of which have fallen in Israel. In 2017, 54 terrorist attacks were successfully carried out, while 400 terrorist attacks, including 13 suicide attacks and 8 kidnappings, as well as 1,100 potential lone-wolf attacks, were prevented.

(full article online)

News the Media Isn't Giving You
Israel really needs to stop its war.
According to your sentence, Israel is at war with itself. It started it, it must end it.

End it already!!!!! LOL

When the "native Palestinians" stop the war they started in 1920 against the Jews and Israel, Israel will do the same. Not before.

What amazes me is when the Pali's kill one or more Israeli's Israel retaliates & then the Pali's & their supporters like Tinhead bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israelis. A classic case of Palestinian mentality.
BBC 2 sent a real soldier, Iraq war veteran Col. Tim Collins, to look at Sderot and Gaza. He saw the evidence of secondary mosque explosions that Goldstone didn't. He interviews Gaza rocket makers and gets chased out of Rafah where the weapons smugglers work. He honestly looks at one of the bigger accidents of the war, where the Gaza doctor's daughters were killed, and shows how difficult it would be for Israelis to have distinguished the civilians.

Wish I could embed it.

(h/t t34zakat)
UPDATE: Here's the article about the video that includes most of the text, from (h/t Gaia)
Inside the Gaza Strip – subjected to a short but bloody war against Israeli forces that ended in January 2009, and under the control of the Islamist militant movement Hamas - Colonel Tim Collins drove up to a massive roadside poster.

“It shows the Legoland town of Sderot [southern Israel] being bombarded by unguided weapons,” said the Colonel. “[Responding to] this is what the Israelis say the attack was all about. But this poster wasn’t produced by an Israeli PR company. It was paid for by Hamas, and they’ve got their badge on it – showing a war crime by any standard.”

The main target for the rocket fire depicted in the Hamas roadside billboard had indeed been the small Israeli border town of Sderot.

(full article online)

Great BBC video on Gaza ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But the Sophie McNeill phenomenon goes well beyond our private feelings. The ABC is one of Australia's most influential and significant national institutions. You don't have to be, to use Ms McNeill's inappropriate term, an Israeli activist to be outraged at the soft-pedaling she does on those who see value and even redemption in Palestinian Arab terrorism as the Tamimi clan do.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 21-Feb-18: News industry activism, its tendentious outcomes and the Tamimis
Israel is in the midst of a terror wave few people outside of Israel know about, because the international media is not reporting about it.

Although it is rarely described as such even in Israel, the terror wave has been ongoing for twenty-nine months – from September 2015 and until the present. In January 2018, according to the latest figures from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were a total of 332 terrorist incidents, resulting in one murder and 16 injured. The incidents included 2 stabbings/attempted stabbings; 2 shootings; 1 ramming attack; 4 roadside bombs; 251 stone-throwing attacks and 45 Molotov cocktails.

Most of the mainstream media, which is constantly obsessing over ‘fake news’, is not reporting any of these terrorist attacks, which is ironic, as nothing could possibly be more fake than deliberately omitting to report news. Especially because the omission only happens in order to advance the specific and insidious agenda of portraying Israel as the ‘aggressor’ and the Arabs as perpetual, ‘oppressed victims’.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 13 September 2015, 62 innocent people have been killed in terrorist attacks and 899 people have been wounded. There have been 192 stabbing attacks and 139 attempted stabbings; 173 shooting attacks and 61 vehicular (ramming) attacks. In addition, riots and other types of attacks occur almost daily: rock throwing (6481), roadside/pipe bombs (187) and Molotov cocktails/grenades (1320). Furthermore, in the south, Hamas & Co. has launched innumerable rockets and mortar shells on Israel from Gaza, 64 of which have fallen in Israel. In 2017, 54 terrorist attacks were successfully carried out, while 400 terrorist attacks, including 13 suicide attacks and 8 kidnappings, as well as 1,100 potential lone-wolf attacks, were prevented.

(full article online)

News the Media Isn't Giving You
Israel really needs to stop its war.

Palestinian mentality. That THEIR terrorism must be stopped by Israel and not by them. But that the way to stop it is to permit it until it is ensured that no Arabs have to live in the presence of Jews.

Israel should end their Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions so Palestinians can remain where they are on their stolen land & start treating them like their own Arab brothers do in surrounding Arab countries. Anyone ever hear any Palestinian or Palestinian supporter bitches about that? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
On Thursday, Hotovely told American Jewish leaders that Israel is currently engaged in talks with 10 different countries regarding the relocation of their embassies.

Speaking with members of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, currently visiting Israel as part of their annual leadership mission to Israel, Hotovely briefed leaders on the progress made towards securing the embassy relocations.

"We are in a dialogue with over ten countries to transfer their embassies to our capital, Jerusalem," said Hotovely.

"We want to see at least another 10 countries that will transfer their embassies to Jerusalem after the US in the coming years."

(full article online)

Hotovely: '10 more countries in talks to move embassies to Jerusalem'
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