All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Has anyone heard of any Palestinian citizens of Israel who want to leave to go live in some surrounding Arab country?
[ Now we can breathe more easily. Iran does not intend to destroy Israel at least for the next 25 years ]

The subjects of the submissions to the festival are:

Why down with Israel?
The Quds-occupier regime (Israel) and human rights;
The Quds-occupier regime (Israel) and oppression;
How did the Quds-occupier regime (Israel) form?
The Quds-occupier regime (Israel) and Islamophobia;
The Quds-occupier regime (Israel) and terrorism promotion;
Zionist child- killing regime;
The Quds-occupier regime (Israel) would not survive the next 25 years;
Israel, a cancerous tumor;
Israel, a fake, racist and colonialist regime

Note that Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says that Israel's destruction is not merely a prediction but an active plan by Iran.

There is a large countdown clock in Tehran showing the supposed number of days Israel has left before it is destroyed in 2040, since Khamenei made his prediction in 2015.

It is unclear why the festival shows 25 years instead of 22 years to adjust for the original timeframe. Maybe it isn't as catchy, and this festival is all about creating memes.

One other part about the announcement that is interesting
The organizers will work with 2,400 anti-Israel NGOs in Europe, North America, Latin America, and Eastern Asia to promote the festival across the world, Qomi said.2400 anti-Israel NGOs? That's more than one NGO for every 3000 Israeli Jews.

(full article online)

Iran creates festival to countdown Israel's destruction within 25 years ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Quoted from remarks found here:

Let me say, today in particular, one word on the closure yesterday of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem in protest to certain Israeli steps planned or announced. We hope that a solution can be found quickly. Jerusalem is a holy city to the three monotheistic religions. This special status and character of the city must be preserved and respected by all. And I am saying this, in particular, standing next to you, as His Majesty [Abdullah II] King of Jordan has a very special role - a very appreciated role - when it comes to the Holy Places in Jerusalem. He knows that he can always count on our full support. And I think that the developments yesterday showed that there is a special attention we need to pay to this aspect.

Comments like these lead me to cement my position that Jerusalem absolutely must remain united under the sovereignty of Israel. We must excise any idea that certain religious monuments or places deserve "special consideration" outside of the sovereign of that territory. It is a concept which is rejected by all other nations, regardless of the religious sanctity of many places in the world, and is applied only to Israel.

There is absolutely no reason for normal sovereignty over her own territory be removed from Israel. Israel has demonstrated time and again her ability to respect all three monotheistic religions within her territory (even at great expense to the Jewish people). On the other hand; Palestine, Gaza, Jordan, the EU, the UN and its missions have consistently denied Israel her absolute right to sovereignty over her territory and the Jewish People's right to worship and practice their faith. How can the Jewish people expect the EU to uphold their rights to worship in their own holy places under Arab Muslim rule when they can't even do it NOW under Israeli rule? The idea is preposterous.

The relationship between any particular religion and the sovereign under which she practices should be entirely between the sovereign and the religion -- including taxation, property laws and all other affairs normally granted to sovereigns.
AND....indigenous peoples around the world should be appalled that sacred sites can be usurped and then removed from the care of the indigenous peoples to whom they belong.
I found it hilarious that the Grand Mufti (hey - this is not just a regular, pedestrian Mufti but rather the Grand Poobah of Mufti’dom, thank you very much), has threatened “disasters of wars, anarchy“™️. It doesn’t really matter why, does it?

I’ll presume the good Mufti will want to include some islamo-rock chucking, tire burning, Islamics burning down their own neighborhoods and some world-class whining and seething on the part of the Arabs-Moslems posing as “Pal’istanians”

So why is this news? This is every other day in the Islamo hood.

PA Mufti warns of “disasters of wars,” if US embassy is moved - PMW Bulletins

PA Mufti warns of "disasters of wars, anarchy,
and instability" in region,
US embassy move to Jerusalem is
"blatant attack on Arabs and Muslims"

Mufti implicitly encourages violence and Martyrdom,
urging Palestinians and Muslims to
"sacrifice all that is dear to them"

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik

After the announcement by the US State Department last week that the US embassy will be moved to Jerusalem on May 14, 2018, the Palestinian Authority's Grand Mufti warned that such a move will lead to "disasters of wars" in the entire world, as it is perceived as an "attack" on all Muslims:

"He [the Mufti] explained that the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem, if it is carried out, will not be an attack on the Palestinians alone, but rather a blatant attack on the Arabs and Muslims throughout the world, ...and that it will not serve peace and security in the region, but rather bring upon it disasters of wars, anarchy, and instability."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 26, 2018]

He further implicitly encouraged Palestinians and Muslims to use violence and seek Martyrdom, stating that they will "sacrifice all that is dear to them":

"[The Mufti] added that the residents of Jerusalem and all of the Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims will not submit to this blatant attack, and will sacrifice all that is dear to them in order to confront the American stubbornness."

The PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the embassy move "a direct aggression towards our people," regarding it as "a provocative declaration and a blow to the sensibilities of the Arabs and Muslims." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 26, 2018]
I found it hilarious that the Grand Mufti (hey - this is not just a regular, pedestrian Mufti but rather the Grand Poobah of Mufti’dom, thank you very much), has threatened “disasters of wars, anarchy“™️. It doesn’t really matter why, does it?

I’ll presume the good Mufti will want to include some islamo-rock chucking, tire burning, Islamics burning down their own neighborhoods and some world-class whining and seething on the part of the Arabs-Moslems posing as “Pal’istanians”

So why is this news? This is every other day in the Islamo hood.

PA Mufti warns of “disasters of wars,” if US embassy is moved - PMW Bulletins

PA Mufti warns of "disasters of wars, anarchy,
and instability" in region,
US embassy move to Jerusalem is
"blatant attack on Arabs and Muslims"

Mufti implicitly encourages violence and Martyrdom,
urging Palestinians and Muslims to
"sacrifice all that is dear to them"

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik

After the announcement by the US State Department last week that the US embassy will be moved to Jerusalem on May 14, 2018, the Palestinian Authority's Grand Mufti warned that such a move will lead to "disasters of wars" in the entire world, as it is perceived as an "attack" on all Muslims:

"He [the Mufti] explained that the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem, if it is carried out, will not be an attack on the Palestinians alone, but rather a blatant attack on the Arabs and Muslims throughout the world, ...and that it will not serve peace and security in the region, but rather bring upon it disasters of wars, anarchy, and instability."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 26, 2018]

He further implicitly encouraged Palestinians and Muslims to use violence and seek Martyrdom, stating that they will "sacrifice all that is dear to them":

"[The Mufti] added that the residents of Jerusalem and all of the Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims will not submit to this blatant attack, and will sacrifice all that is dear to them in order to confront the American stubbornness."

The PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the embassy move "a direct aggression towards our people," regarding it as "a provocative declaration and a blow to the sensibilities of the Arabs and Muslims." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 26, 2018]
Can't say the didn't give a fair warning
I found it hilarious that the Grand Mufti (hey - this is not just a regular, pedestrian Mufti but rather the Grand Poobah of Mufti’dom, thank you very much), has threatened “disasters of wars, anarchy“™️. It doesn’t really matter why, does it?

I’ll presume the good Mufti will want to include some islamo-rock chucking, tire burning, Islamics burning down their own neighborhoods and some world-class whining and seething on the part of the Arabs-Moslems posing as “Pal’istanians”

So why is this news? This is every other day in the Islamo hood.

PA Mufti warns of “disasters of wars,” if US embassy is moved - PMW Bulletins

PA Mufti warns of "disasters of wars, anarchy,
and instability" in region,
US embassy move to Jerusalem is
"blatant attack on Arabs and Muslims"

Mufti implicitly encourages violence and Martyrdom,
urging Palestinians and Muslims to
"sacrifice all that is dear to them"

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik

After the announcement by the US State Department last week that the US embassy will be moved to Jerusalem on May 14, 2018, the Palestinian Authority's Grand Mufti warned that such a move will lead to "disasters of wars" in the entire world, as it is perceived as an "attack" on all Muslims:

"He [the Mufti] explained that the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem, if it is carried out, will not be an attack on the Palestinians alone, but rather a blatant attack on the Arabs and Muslims throughout the world, ...and that it will not serve peace and security in the region, but rather bring upon it disasters of wars, anarchy, and instability."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 26, 2018]

He further implicitly encouraged Palestinians and Muslims to use violence and seek Martyrdom, stating that they will "sacrifice all that is dear to them":

"[The Mufti] added that the residents of Jerusalem and all of the Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims will not submit to this blatant attack, and will sacrifice all that is dear to them in order to confront the American stubbornness."

The PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the embassy move "a direct aggression towards our people," regarding it as "a provocative declaration and a blow to the sensibilities of the Arabs and Muslims." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 26, 2018]
Can't say the didn't give a fair warning

Did you steal that nonsense from Juan Cole?
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