All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Terror victim's family, West Point classmates plead with senators: Stop 'Pay for Slay'

Terror victim's family, West Point classmates plead with senators: Stop 'Pay for Slay'

They were on one of the most meaningful deployments of their lives.

A group of West Point graduates fanned out on a mission for one of their fallen classmates, along with his parents and sister. Their battlefield was not in a foreign land, but the marble halls of the U.S. Senate on Capitol Hill.

"Our mission is to make sure people are aware of the Taylor Force Act. It's addressing the 'pay for slay.' The Palestinians have a reward program for terrorism committed in Israel and Taylor was a victim," said Taylor's father, Stuart.

Yep. This. I agree with nearly all of this assessment.

Recognize Gaza as an independent state and make "Palestine" a province of Jordan.
It's not a solution, it's a suicide.

For Israel?

How so?
Pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders" plus a terrorist Palestinian state. Ideal conditions to destroy Israel.

Israel is too strong to be destroyed. It's an open secret that Israel has nukes.
His main argument against Erdogan's actions today is that the Ottomans didn't prevent Jews from moving to their historic homeland, thereby associating him somehow with the early Zionists.

The only way the argument makes sense is if one assumes that the audience is thoroughly antisemitic.

To be fair, there is less of this sort of thing in Arab media in recent years, but there is still plenty of such overt Jew-hatred, associating one's enemies with Jews as a means to discredit them in the Arab mind.

(full article online)

Arab columnists still try to discredit their political enemies by associating them with Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yep. This. I agree with nearly all of this assessment.

Recognize Gaza as an independent state and make "Palestine" a province of Jordan.
It's not a solution, it's a suicide.

For Israel?

How so?
Pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders" plus a terrorist Palestinian state. Ideal conditions to destroy Israel.

Israel is too strong to be destroyed. It's an open secret that Israel has nukes.
Israeli Nuclear Threats and Blackmail
Yep. This. I agree with nearly all of this assessment.

Recognize Gaza as an independent state and make "Palestine" a province of Jordan.
It's not a solution, it's a suicide.

For Israel?

How so?
Pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders" plus a terrorist Palestinian state. Ideal conditions to destroy Israel.

Israel is too strong to be destroyed. It's an open secret that Israel has nukes.
Israeli Nuclear Threats and Blackmail
You are feeling lonely today. Ahhhhhhh

Yep. This. I agree with nearly all of this assessment.

Recognize Gaza as an independent state and make "Palestine" a province of Jordan.
It's not a solution, it's a suicide.

For Israel?

How so?
Pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders" plus a terrorist Palestinian state. Ideal conditions to destroy Israel.

I didn't say anything about "67 borders" and would not suggest them.

And Gaza is incapable of destroying Israel.

On the contrary, I think Jordan would be an excellent ally with Israel to keep the more extreme factions within Jordan's sovereign territory under control.

Yep. This. I agree with nearly all of this assessment.

Recognize Gaza as an independent state and make "Palestine" a province of Jordan.
It's not a solution, it's a suicide.

For Israel?

How so?
Pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders" plus a terrorist Palestinian state. Ideal conditions to destroy Israel.

I didn't say anything about "67 borders" and would not suggest them.

And Gaza is incapable of destroying Israel.

On the contrary, I think Jordan would be an excellent ally with Israel to keep the more extreme factions within Jordan's sovereign territory under control.
OK. May be I misunderstood 'make "Palestine" a province of Jordan'. What did you mean?

I mentioned Gaza as additional factor.

Jordan is an enemy of Israel.
Yep. This. I agree with nearly all of this assessment.

Recognize Gaza as an independent state and make "Palestine" a province of Jordan.
It's not a solution, it's a suicide.

For Israel?

How so?
Pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders" plus a terrorist Palestinian state. Ideal conditions to destroy Israel.

I didn't say anything about "67 borders" and would not suggest them.

And Gaza is incapable of destroying Israel.

On the contrary, I think Jordan would be an excellent ally with Israel to keep the more extreme factions within Jordan's sovereign territory under control.
OK. May be I misunderstood 'make "Palestine" a province of Jordan'. What did you mean?

I mentioned Gaza as additional factor.

Jordan is an enemy of Israel.

Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1994.
Yep. This. I agree with nearly all of this assessment.

Recognize Gaza as an independent state and make "Palestine" a province of Jordan.
It's not a solution, it's a suicide.

For Israel?

How so?
Pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders" plus a terrorist Palestinian state. Ideal conditions to destroy Israel.

I didn't say anything about "67 borders" and would not suggest them.

And Gaza is incapable of destroying Israel.

On the contrary, I think Jordan would be an excellent ally with Israel to keep the more extreme factions within Jordan's sovereign territory under control.
OK. May be I misunderstood 'make "Palestine" a province of Jordan'. What did you mean?

I mentioned Gaza as additional factor.

Jordan is an enemy of Israel.
Jordan has a Peace Treaty with Israel. Some Jordanians do not want peace with Israel, which is different from Jordan being an enemy of Israel.

Palestine is probably refers to the "State of Palestine, which is what Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) would be.

Jordan wanted to annex the "West Bank" in 1950, but was not allowed to.

Until Gaza or the PA/ PLO reject violence and are ready to come to the table and negotiate, there will not be any State of Palestine.

Gaza, for me, is a separate State from the PA. But their desire is to destroy Israel, unite all the land West of the river Jordan and then fight between themselves......which is what they have been doing anyway for the past few decades.
OK. May be I misunderstood 'make "Palestine" a province of Jordan'. What did you mean?

I mentioned Gaza as additional factor.

Jordan is an enemy of Israel.

I disagree. Jordan has a peace treaty with Israel. And it seems to me they are natural allies against some of the more extreme elements in the ME. It is in their mutual best interests to continue to be allies. It would certainly NOT be in Jordan's best interests to invade or otherwise start a war with Israel.

The hope, in making Palestine part of Jordan (perhaps as a separate, semi-autonomous province), is to take some of the fight out of the Arab Palestinians and remove the Jewish people as the object or symbol of their victimhood. Jordan would be able to lay a restraining hand on those extremists still seeking to destroy Israel, both symbolically and practically, whilst also building a viable economy either as part of Jordan, or eventually, possibly, as an independent state.

I think it just softens the whole conflict. The Arab Palestinians would be in conflict with Jordan for independence (a relatively mild conflict, if one at all and an easy fix). And Jordan and Israel would be able to work out an equitable territory division. It ends the "occupation". Keeps Israel demographically safe. Hastens Arab Palestinian independence (should they continue to want it). Keeps Israel secure. Maintains Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem, while assigning Jordan her "special role".

Seems to me to be a win for everyone.
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