All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Arab-Israeli Conflict

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Palestinians Increase Payments to Terrorists to $403 Million, March 6, 2018

The Palestinian Authority paid terrorists and their families over $347 million in 2017.

The Palestinian Authority increased its payments to terrorists and their families in 2018 by nearly $56 million, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Avi Dichter (Likud) said overnight Monday, when a bill to discourage the practice passed a first reading.

Dichter pointed out that President Mahmoud Abbas authorized the 2018 PA budget on Sunday, and that there is a PA law that says 7% of each budget must go to paying terrorists, or to their families, if they’re killed in the act.

The increase “means that the PA will employ more terrorists as PA workers,” Dichter said. “Except that the terrorists who work for the PA have a special quality – they are employed both as dead and living terrorists.
Palestinians increase payments to terrorists to $403 million

Arab-Israeli Conflict

3 minute read.

Palestinians Increase Payments to Terrorists to $403 Million, March 6, 2018

The Palestinian Authority paid terrorists and their families over $347 million in 2017.

The Palestinian Authority increased its payments to terrorists and their families in 2018 by nearly $56 million, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Avi Dichter (Likud) said overnight Monday, when a bill to discourage the practice passed a first reading.

Dichter pointed out that President Mahmoud Abbas authorized the 2018 PA budget on Sunday, and that there is a PA law that says 7% of each budget must go to paying terrorists, or to their families, if they’re killed in the act.

The increase “means that the PA will employ more terrorists as PA workers,” Dichter said. “Except that the terrorists who work for the PA have a special quality – they are employed both as dead and living terrorists.
Hostile Action Casualties
Hostile action casualties and their families are entitled by law to monetary remuneration and various benefits to assist and support them in their recovery, such as monthly payments, rehabilitation, annual grants and lump-sum grants.
Hostile Action Casualties - Benefits | ביטוח לאומי
Palestinians increase payments to terrorists to $403 million

Arab-Israeli Conflict

3 minute read.

Palestinians Increase Payments to Terrorists to $403 Million, March 6, 2018

The Palestinian Authority paid terrorists and their families over $347 million in 2017.

The Palestinian Authority increased its payments to terrorists and their families in 2018 by nearly $56 million, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Avi Dichter (Likud) said overnight Monday, when a bill to discourage the practice passed a first reading.

Dichter pointed out that President Mahmoud Abbas authorized the 2018 PA budget on Sunday, and that there is a PA law that says 7% of each budget must go to paying terrorists, or to their families, if they’re killed in the act.

The increase “means that the PA will employ more terrorists as PA workers,” Dichter said. “Except that the terrorists who work for the PA have a special quality – they are employed both as dead and living terrorists.
Hostile Action Casualties
Hostile action casualties and their families are entitled by law to monetary remuneration and various benefits to assist and support them in their recovery, such as monthly payments, rehabilitation, annual grants and lump-sum grants.
Hostile Action Casualties - Benefits | ביטוח לאומי

Appears to be a sound program.


Did you steal that from Juan Cole?

As usual, you're utterly befuddled.

You should just resign yourself to continued plagiarizing from Juan Cole.
Thank you to all of my supporters for your generosity and your encouragement of an independent press! Checks to

Juan Cole
P. O. Box 32509
Los Angeles, CA

As usual, you're utterly befuddled.

You should just resign yourself to continued plagiarizing from Juan Cole.
Thank you to all of my supporters for your generosity and your encouragement of an independent press! Checks to

Juan Cole
P. O. Box 32509
Los Angeles, CA

Thanks. You cut and pasted that before and you were instructed to donate following your plagiarizing from that site.

How much did you donate?
interviewed here on France24 where he claims to support peace, and also that he cannot return to "Palestine" because Israel would arrest him because of his support of Palestinian rights. When pressed about whether he attempted to return home, he said that he had been detained for hours at the airport but he never says that he was not allowed back.

Even so, he has supposedly applied for asylum in France because of his oppression. He does have residence there but as far as I can tell he never received asylum.

He told the Jerusalem Post in 2014 "“I have many Israeli friends from my work as a peace activist. ... I believe in peace and support peace, because violence begets violence.”
But he has posted on Facebook that he supports a Hamas terrorist named Mohammed Basset Al Harob, who murdered 3 people in a shooting and ramming attack on Nov 19, 2015. The victims were an 18 year old American Jew, an Israeli Jewish father of 4 and a Palestinian bystander.

(full article online)
"Peaceful" Palestinian marathoner supports terror ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
No link to the claims or facebook? :bsflag:

Lazy , very lazy.

What else needs to be done for you?
Palestinians always have problems.

Good for Israel. There is absolutely no obligation for Israel to permit those who glorify or incite violence entry into their country.
The ISIS wannabes (ISIS-lite) occupying the disputed territories, otherwise masquerading as Pal’istanians, are learning the ways of their co-religionists currently dragging Europe into the abyss.

Same ideology, same Korans, same murderous tactics.

Arab Terrorist Hits 4 Israelis in Car-ramming Attack

An Arab motorist rammed his car into two IDF soldiers, a Border Policeman and a pedestrian on Sunday morning in the northern Israeli city of Acre (Akko).

“The investigation of the incident, as well as the findings from the scene and documentary materials, indicate that this was a nationalistic attack,” police said in a statement. The driver, 51, is from the northern Arab-Israeli town of Shfar’am, they said.

The victims, reportedly in their 20s, were taken to a nearby hospital in Nahariya with light injuries. The wounded border policeman managed to shoot and neutralize the assailant, who is in critical condition, police said.
The indefatigable David Collier has published a long two-part report about a secret Facebook Group called ‘Palestine Live’ that includes among its membership Holocaust deniers, antisemites and conspiracy theorists.

Part one of the report can be found here and part two here.

The item promoted by Green appears to be Knell’s April 23rd 2016 report from Gush Etzion.

Whether or not Yolande Knell’s editors know about her membership in a secret group of anti-Israel activists where discussions are rife with anti-Israel conspiracy theory, gross antisemitism and Holocaust denial is unclear. What is however once again very obvious is that Knell’s position as an ‘impartial’ BBC correspondent reporting from the corporation’s Jerusalem bureau is severely compromised.

(full article online)

BBC reporter revealed to be member of secret anti-Israel Facebook group
In the normal, rational, 21st century western world, the acts of aiding, abetting, promoting, assisting, furthering Islamic terrorism is a prisonable offense. In the alternate reality of Islamic mini-caliphates, it’s the norm.

PMW in Knesset says government should arrest PA leaders who incited murder - PMW Bulletins

PMW in Knesset calls on government

to initiate legal proceedings against PA leaders
for inciting murder

  • Steps are necessary to prevent terror wave in next two months in anticipation of the US opening its embassy in Jerusalem on May 14.
By PMW Staff

Yesterday Palestinian Media Watch made a presentation at the Knesset, at the invitation of the "Lobby for Promoting Recognition of Israel's Victory."

PMW's director Itamar Marcus presented an overview of Palestinian terror from 1996 until today, documenting the direct connection between terror incitement by Palestinian leaders and the repeated Palestinian terror campaigns that have left nearly 1500 Israelis murdered since 1994. PMW's Head of Legal Strategies Maurice Hirsch explained that Israeli law permits the arrest of Palestinian leaders on charges of incitement. Short statements were also made by 7 members of Knesset, as well as by 5 family members of Israelis who had been murdered by Palestinian terrorists in the 2015-2016 terror wave.

Marcus' presentation showed that while Israel did its utmost to arrest the terrorists who prepared and committed terror attacks, it gave immunity to the PA leaders who were directly responsible for the terror campaigns. Even when PA leaders' explicit incitement to murder was captured by PMW on PA TV, none of those leaders were ever arrested.
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