All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ How many Jews lived in Judea and Samaria before they were expelled? People speak of Jews as if they never lived there or did not belong there, at least since 1948 when they were all expelled. Oh, and never mind how many lived in TransJordan for 3800 years.....until 1948 ]

How many Jews live in Judea and Samaria?
A Bleeding Heart Is a Warning Sign of Imminent Death

Bailing out these savages instead of letting them face the full consequences of their incompetence violates the laws of nature. They will continue to be a threat to world progress if they don't self-exterminate because of their obsolete primitive instincts. Calling helping out subhumans "humanitarian" is a contradiction in terms.
Three Arab security guards verbally attacked an Israeli booth at the Berlin International Tourism Fair, Israel Hayom journalist Eldad Beck reported.

Beck described the incident as "unprecedented," and noted that it included cries of, "Free Palestine!"

(full article online)

Arab security guards attack Israeli booth
3) What aspects do you feel are often overlooked/what are the misconceptions relating to the experience of Jews from the Arab world?
"I almost chose the title 'Three colonisations'. The first is the colonisation of the indigenous peoples of the Middle East and North Africa by the Arabs and Islam. The second is the 19th century European colonisation: this 'liberated' the Jews from their servile dhimmi status, but ultimately betrayed them. The third colonisation is that of the history books. Jews from Arab countries have been systematically ignored and their history distorted: Israel is blamed for ending 14 centuries of 'peaceful coexistence' between Jews and Arabs."

4) I have heard you mention that the term Arab-Jew is anachronistic, Jews having come before Arabs, can you expand a little on your objection to the term?
"Yes, the Jews are pre-Arab by 1,000 years. I object to the term because it is imprecise. The Jews of the Babylonian exile also settled in Persia, a non-Arab country. Not all Jews speak Arabic. Nowadays, the expression "Arab Jew" is used by Anti-Zionists to infer that Jews are Arabs of the Jewish faith. Therefore, they are not a people with a right to self-determination."

(full article online)

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries: 'History of Jews from Arab lands has been distorted'
The project’s logo includes a reference to UN GA resolution 194 of December 1948.

“The new logo shows the UN logo and the number 194, which relates to UN General Assembly Resolution 194 […], a map of “Palestine” in the colors of the Palestinian flag, with no reference to the existence of the State of Israel; a hand holding a key, the symbol of the so-called right of the Palestinian refugees to return to the places they lived in 70 years ago.”

Any BBC journalist intending to cover this propaganda campaign should of course be aware of the fact that Resolution 194 is non-binding, that it does not specifically relate to Palestinian refugees (despite long-standing BBC claims to that effect) and – contrary to often heard assertions – neither does it grant any unconditional ‘right of return’. Rather, it recommends that refugees be allowed to return to their homeland if they wish to “live at peace with their neighbours”. Also worth remembering is the fact that the Arab states voted against that UN GA resolution.

(full article online)

Hamas agitprop requires BBC journalists to brush up on UN resolution
However, Morocco’s Justice and Development Party (PJD), its ruling political party, was offended by the display of Israeli national pride.

PJD, an Islamist conservative party, stated that “raising the flag of the Zionist entity and playing its anthem for the first time in the history of the Kingdom of Morocco is a step toward normalization, which is unacceptable and provocative to the feelings of the Moroccan people.”

(full article online)

Israeli Anthem Played at Moroccan Judo Tournament; Arabs Furious
"International Women's Day"

In the Islamist mini-caliphate of 7th century fatah'istan, there's an inversion of reality when celebrating women.

"From the sea of blood of the Martyrs we will create a state"

Well, in the retrograde mindset of islamics, women forced into their "Shame Sacks" are good for something.

International Women’s Day or Women’s Terror Day? - PMW Bulletins

International Women's Day or Women's Terror Day?
For Fatah it's the same!

Fatah student movement's role model on Women's Day:
Female terrorist Dalal Mughrabi who led murder of 37
"The Bride of March"


  • “Sisters of Dalal” (Fatah’s women’s committee in Palestinian universities) gave out cards at An-Najah National University:
"In honor of March 8 [International Women's Day]
And in honor of the soul of the Martyr of March
Dalal Mughrabi
Surround yourself with great things
And ignore those who do not believe in you,
As you are half of the universe and even more"
  • Text on Fatah Shabiba's logo on card:

"From the sea of blood of the Martyrs we will create a state"

Actually, no. You retrograde Arabs-Moslems won't create a state and you won't create a "bride of march". They will simply create generation after generation of "brides of Frankenstein" Death Cultists.
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