All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Gisha used to never mention anything about Hamas restricting movement in Gaza until I shamed them into reluctantly admitting that, yes, sometimes Palestinians hurt themselves. The NGO's anti-Israel propaganda has been consistent and grossly unfair for years. When their own statistics started contradicting their anti-Israel claims - they simply removed the statistics from their homepage.

Now they are brainwashing children to hate Israel as well.

(full article online)

Israeli NGO Gisha makes anti-Israel "Willy Wonka" cartoon ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Gisha used to never mention anything about Hamas restricting movement in Gaza until I shamed them into reluctantly admitting that, yes, sometimes Palestinians hurt themselves. The NGO's anti-Israel propaganda has been consistent and grossly unfair for years. When their own statistics started contradicting their anti-Israel claims - they simply removed the statistics from their homepage.

Now they are brainwashing children to hate Israel as well.

(full article online)

Israeli NGO Gisha makes anti-Israel "Willy Wonka" cartoon ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

And some people still wonder why the Israel/Palestinian conflict goes on without end.
So there are Israelis who own apartments in Palestinian areas - and no one is calling them "settlers."

There are Israelis who own business in the West Bank - and no one is calling for those businesses to be boycotted. On the contrary, Palestinians happily buy products from these Israelis.

The only difference between these Israelis and the Israelis who the world insists are illegal and obstacles to peace is that these Israelis aren't Jewish.

(full article online)

There are lots of Israelis living in and owning stores in the West Bank - but they aren't "settlers." Only Jews can be "settlers." ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
So there are Israelis who own apartments in Palestinian areas - and no one is calling them "settlers."

There are Israelis who own business in the West Bank - and no one is calling for those businesses to be boycotted. On the contrary, Palestinians happily buy products from these Israelis.

The only difference between these Israelis and the Israelis who the world insists are illegal and obstacles to peace is that these Israelis aren't Jewish.

(full article online)

There are lots of Israelis living in and owning stores in the West Bank - but they aren't "settlers." Only Jews can be "settlers." ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The difference is that the Arab Israelis do not take Israel with them.
So there are Israelis who own apartments in Palestinian areas - and no one is calling them "settlers."

There are Israelis who own business in the West Bank - and no one is calling for those businesses to be boycotted. On the contrary, Palestinians happily buy products from these Israelis.

The only difference between these Israelis and the Israelis who the world insists are illegal and obstacles to peace is that these Israelis aren't Jewish.

(full article online)

There are lots of Israelis living in and owning stores in the West Bank - but they aren't "settlers." Only Jews can be "settlers." ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The difference is that the Arab Israelis do not take Israel with them.
What an amazing dumb reply.

They are either Israelis or they are not.

They are either Jordanians or they are not. The same with German Arabs, British Arabs, American Arabs, etc.

So on and so forth.

What a "dumb, uneducated" answer you just gave to that article.
So there are Israelis who own apartments in Palestinian areas - and no one is calling them "settlers."

There are Israelis who own business in the West Bank - and no one is calling for those businesses to be boycotted. On the contrary, Palestinians happily buy products from these Israelis.

The only difference between these Israelis and the Israelis who the world insists are illegal and obstacles to peace is that these Israelis aren't Jewish.

(full article online)

There are lots of Israelis living in and owning stores in the West Bank - but they aren't "settlers." Only Jews can be "settlers." ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The difference is that the Arab Israelis do not take Israel with them.
What an amazing dumb reply.

They are either Israelis or they are not.

They are either Jordanians or they are not. The same with German Arabs, British Arabs, American Arabs, etc.

So on and so forth.

What a "dumb, uneducated" answer you just gave to that article.
Went right over your head, I see.
So there are Israelis who own apartments in Palestinian areas - and no one is calling them "settlers."

There are Israelis who own business in the West Bank - and no one is calling for those businesses to be boycotted. On the contrary, Palestinians happily buy products from these Israelis.

The only difference between these Israelis and the Israelis who the world insists are illegal and obstacles to peace is that these Israelis aren't Jewish.

(full article online)

There are lots of Israelis living in and owning stores in the West Bank - but they aren't "settlers." Only Jews can be "settlers." ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The difference is that the Arab Israelis do not take Israel with them.
What an amazing dumb reply.
Yes, because only you know what is swimming in your head.

They are either Israelis or they are not.

They are either Jordanians or they are not. The same with German Arabs, British Arabs, American Arabs, etc.

So on and so forth.

What a "dumb, uneducated" answer you just gave to that article.
Went right over your head, I see.
To say something as dumb as "They do not take Israel with them", as if you actually know why these Arab Israelis go visit areas A or B, and if they actually do not take ANYTHING which says Israel, or Made in Israel.

How would you know?
What is it that you actually know hidden in your bunker?

Maybe some of them are proud of being Israeli and would not live under the PA for anything, because they can always move to Areas A and B and live under Abbas and Fatah, right?

Maybe they consider themselves lucky that they have the rights they do have in Israel, which they would never have under the PA or any other Arab Muslim country?

Again, maybe as usual, you keep dreaming things up and never know how to explain what you meant.

But you did not get to understand what the article was about, did you?

Did That ....go over your head?
The difference is that the Arab Israelis do not take Israel with them.

This statement lacks clarity. What does it mean "take Israel with them"? How does one "take Israel with them"? How would one measure "taking Israel with them"?

Well, from what I gather from the article, these Arab Israelis are students who are being transported from the Galilee or other Arab parts of Israel to the West Bank, or they live in dorms or student apartments (temporary lodging) nearby. Technically then, they haven't "settled" permanently in the West Bank. It's tremendously racist, though, that Israeli Jews may not enter those PA-controlled areas of the West Bank, but Israeli Arabs CAN enter those areas.
An appeal to the prime minister to approve the sacrifice of the Passover in the place of the Temple on the Temple Mount

The headquarters of the Temple organizations believe that the global and regional upheavals are ripe for the possibility of renewing the Temple service and sacrificing the Passover sacrifice.

In her address to the prime minister, they make it clear that they are marching "in the footsteps of the greatest rabbis of all generations who tried with the authorities to obtain permission to sacrifice victims in general, and the Passover sacrifice in particular."

"We are asking for your approval for the renewal of the main commandment of Passover, bringing the Passover sacrifice to the site of our Temple," they wrote, claiming that his offering would "allow the eating of the sacrifice on the Seder night and finally stop the orphanage of the seder that we were accustomed to during the years of exile."

According to them, if the permit is given, "we can do so on short notice and within a short time." This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary."

"We are prepared and practiced in the entire process," they wrote to her. "After the grace of heaven we were able to hold public prayers of the Passover sacrifice in the presence of thousands, with the blessings and heads of the greatest rabbis, city rabbis and yeshiva heads, and in coordination with the security forces."

In the letter, they note that since the destruction of the Temple many attempts have been made to renew the work of the victims. Including in the days of the Tannaim during the period of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, and by "our Rabbis, the Ba'alei HaTosefot, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and his son-in-law, the Chatam Sofer, the Chafetz Chaim and the Teshuva, Rabbi Kook and his disciple Hagar Harlap."

They appeal to the prime minister to "redeem the holy place from its destruction, its desolation and its plunder, and all Israel will be rewarded to its servant again as it is written in our Torah, and to eat from the Pesachim and the altars."

Indeependent ?
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[The Arab clan which was gifted TransJordan and expelled all the Jews from their homes and lands. The government of Jordan continues to refuse to give any Jews citizenship to the country. Does this equal Apartheid? ]

The Jordan Times is lying.

Every Arabic article about this memorandum doesn't say a word about Israelis - only Jews. And the memorandum itself, reproduced below, doesn't mention Israelis - only Jews.

18 members of Jordan's parliament eagerly signed a memo that is explicitly and unambiguously antisemitic. They did this without any fear of backlash from their fellow parliamentarians or Arab media.

Their own media happily whitewashed it in English.

And over a month later - not one Arabic site that I can find has even the slightest negative thing to say about a potential law to exclude Jews from a law that everyone else in the world can take advantage of.

(full article online)

Jordanian MPs want to prevent Jewish investors from becoming citizens. Not Israelis - Jews. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Dozens of demonstrators gathered Friday morning outside the French Consulate in Jerusalem, protesting France’s “subversive activities against Israel.”

The demonstration, organized by the Zionist student NGO Im Tirtzu and the Israel Is Forever foundation, was held in response to the indictment of two French consulate workers who were charged with smuggling dozens of weapons from the Gaza Strip to Judea and Samaria, Im Tirtzu said in a press release.

According to the demonstrators, the recent incident was merely the latest episode in a series of anti-Israel activities undertaken by consulate workers.

(full article online)

Demonstrators at French Consulate: ‘Stop Subversive Activities Against Israel’
I am reminded of what Menachem Begin said in 1981 to the US for its desire to "punish" Israel:

" Are we a vassal state of yours? Are we a banana republic? Are we youths of fourteen who, if they don't behave properly, are slapped across the fingers?"

As I wrote in January after a similar statement from Ward:

The UK has more children under 18 in prison than Israel has in custody - 912, as of November, compared to about 300 in Israeli detention.
The UK's youth prisons are hotbeds of gang violence and makeshift weapons, and children are deprived of basic social services. One child dies in a UK prison every month!
The government is doing little to fix the problems.
Imagine the outcry if, say, France or Germany would publicly reproach the UK over its treatment of child prisoners. Imagine if Netanyahu issued a statement of concern over whether Great Britain is really doing everything it can to reduce the 11% of incarcerated youths who have attempted suicide.
No one blinks when Western nations chide Israel for its actions, but they would never say a word about any other Western nation's actions.

(full article online)

The UK's condescending press release to Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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