All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Doesn't Israel Pay the widows of IDF soldiers?

Really? You really see this as equivalent?

You think Elor Azaria's family should be paid 5 times his normal salary while he is in prison? And you would champion Israeli government officials instructing soldiers and LEO's to randomly attack Arab Palestinians with weapons and give their families a "bonus" pay if they got caught and ended up in prison or killed during the attack?

The hypocrisy and double standards are ASTOUNDING.
An appeal to the prime minister to approve the sacrifice of the Passover in the place of the Temple on the Temple Mount

The headquarters of the Temple organizations believe that the global and regional upheavals are ripe for the possibility of renewing the Temple service and sacrificing the Passover sacrifice.

In her address to the prime minister, they make it clear that they are marching "in the footsteps of the greatest rabbis of all generations who tried with the authorities to obtain permission to sacrifice victims in general, and the Passover sacrifice in particular."

"We are asking for your approval for the renewal of the main commandment of Passover, bringing the Passover sacrifice to the site of our Temple," they wrote, claiming that his offering would "allow the eating of the sacrifice on the Seder night and finally stop the orphanage of the seder that we were accustomed to during the years of exile."

According to them, if the permit is given, "we can do so on short notice and within a short time." This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary."

"We are prepared and practiced in the entire process," they wrote to her. "After the grace of heaven we were able to hold public prayers of the Passover sacrifice in the presence of thousands, with the blessings and heads of the greatest rabbis, city rabbis and yeshiva heads, and in coordination with the security forces."

In the letter, they note that since the destruction of the Temple many attempts have been made to renew the work of the victims. Including in the days of the Tannaim during the period of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, and by "our Rabbis, the Ba'alei HaTosefot, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and his son-in-law, the Chatam Sofer, the Chafetz Chaim and the Teshuva, Rabbi Kook and his disciple Hagar Harlap."

They appeal to the prime minister to "redeem the holy place from its destruction, its desolation and its plunder, and all Israel will be rewarded to its servant again as it is written in our Torah, and to eat from the Pesachim and the altars."

Indeependent ?

"This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary." "

Indeependent I have a Koshi with these words, do You know that halachah?
Is there any discussion about such practices in the US?

The majority of Halachic experts in their 70s and above who have spent their entire lives learning Torah interpret the relevant Tanach verses as indicating that the Temple retains it's sanctity and thus no one is allowed to enter the area.

The issue of being T'mai is pertinent only when the Jews are in possession of The Temple and governing the Land of Israel.
This verse can easily be taken out of context by irrational fools.

Ok thanks, I don't think they actually assumed someone would let them, more to raise the issue into public arena.

What about going out on the streets, forests calling for ben-David?
If I remember correctly Rambam was writing about an obligation to go to the streets with Shofarot during clear time of trouble. Do You hear calls for that?

It's called telecommunication.
Judaism is a communal life.
When something alarming is occurring, it is imperative to alert all humans.
An appeal to the prime minister to approve the sacrifice of the Passover in the place of the Temple on the Temple Mount

The headquarters of the Temple organizations believe that the global and regional upheavals are ripe for the possibility of renewing the Temple service and sacrificing the Passover sacrifice.

In her address to the prime minister, they make it clear that they are marching "in the footsteps of the greatest rabbis of all generations who tried with the authorities to obtain permission to sacrifice victims in general, and the Passover sacrifice in particular."

"We are asking for your approval for the renewal of the main commandment of Passover, bringing the Passover sacrifice to the site of our Temple," they wrote, claiming that his offering would "allow the eating of the sacrifice on the Seder night and finally stop the orphanage of the seder that we were accustomed to during the years of exile."

According to them, if the permit is given, "we can do so on short notice and within a short time." This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary."

"We are prepared and practiced in the entire process," they wrote to her. "After the grace of heaven we were able to hold public prayers of the Passover sacrifice in the presence of thousands, with the blessings and heads of the greatest rabbis, city rabbis and yeshiva heads, and in coordination with the security forces."

In the letter, they note that since the destruction of the Temple many attempts have been made to renew the work of the victims. Including in the days of the Tannaim during the period of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, and by "our Rabbis, the Ba'alei HaTosefot, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and his son-in-law, the Chatam Sofer, the Chafetz Chaim and the Teshuva, Rabbi Kook and his disciple Hagar Harlap."

They appeal to the prime minister to "redeem the holy place from its destruction, its desolation and its plunder, and all Israel will be rewarded to its servant again as it is written in our Torah, and to eat from the Pesachim and the altars."

Indeependent ?

"This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary." "

Indeependent I have a Koshi with these words, do You know that halachah?
Is there any discussion about such practices in the US?

The majority of Halachic experts in their 70s and above who have spent their entire lives learning Torah interpret the relevant Tanach verses as indicating that the Temple retains it's sanctity and thus no one is allowed to enter the area.

The issue of being T'mai is pertinent only when the Jews are in possession of The Temple and governing the Land of Israel.
This verse can easily be taken out of context by irrational fools.

Ok thanks, I don't think they actually assumed someone would let them, more to raise the issue into public arena.

What about going out on the streets, forests calling for ben-David?
If I remember correctly Rambam was writing about an obligation to go to the streets with Shofarot during clear time of trouble. Do You hear calls for that?

It's called telecommunication.
Judaism is a communal life.
When something alarming is occurring, it is imperative to alert all humans.

Ok telecommunications are all set for all humanity to hear,
now back into community - we have a rabbi in Israel who openly prayed for Gog and Magog and advertised it all around the towns. Why not cry and alert now instead of waiting for Ishmael to make us suffer more? BeRahamim.

Something is really missing...
" וכך כתב ראש הישיבה הר' ש. זת"ע פה בא"י:

"עצם יסוד וקיום המדינה כפי שהיא, אף שברור שזה מההשגחה העליונה,
,אבל לפי מה שמסרו לנו החז"ל בסוף מסכת סוטה מה שיהיה בעקבתא דמשיחא נתקימו כולן במלואן לא חסר דבר
וספרי הח"ח זכרונו לחיי' העולם הבא מלאים מזה, כולם נקתיי'מו בהנהלת המדינה ובחוקותיה!"

הרב א.י.

Indeependent maybe I'm not making sense out of ignorance or it's not the place to discuss such things, I just wonder how much it comes up in the golah.
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The resolution made no mention of how Palestinian women’s rights are impacted by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, or their patriarchal society, nor were Palestinian victims of honor killings mentioned.

The UN commission ended the session by ignoring the world’s major abusers of women’s rights, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and many others.

Worse, Saudi Arabia officially joined the CSW later that afternoon, joining Iran as a member.

(full article online)

Same Day: UN Women's Rights Commission Condemns Israel, Welcomes Saudi Arabia - UN Watch
The resolution made no mention of how Palestinian women’s rights are impacted by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, or their patriarchal society, nor were Palestinian victims of honor killings mentioned.

The UN commission ended the session by ignoring the world’s major abusers of women’s rights, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and many others.

Worse, Saudi Arabia officially joined the CSW later that afternoon, joining Iran as a member.

(full article online)

Same Day: UN Women's Rights Commission Condemns Israel, Welcomes Saudi Arabia - UN Watch

Saudi Arabia joins Iran... CSW must be a place where diplomats thinks they treat hangover. "Sign here please.."

May someone give that building the appropriate license of a mental institution?
An appeal to the prime minister to approve the sacrifice of the Passover in the place of the Temple on the Temple Mount

The headquarters of the Temple organizations believe that the global and regional upheavals are ripe for the possibility of renewing the Temple service and sacrificing the Passover sacrifice.

In her address to the prime minister, they make it clear that they are marching "in the footsteps of the greatest rabbis of all generations who tried with the authorities to obtain permission to sacrifice victims in general, and the Passover sacrifice in particular."

"We are asking for your approval for the renewal of the main commandment of Passover, bringing the Passover sacrifice to the site of our Temple," they wrote, claiming that his offering would "allow the eating of the sacrifice on the Seder night and finally stop the orphanage of the seder that we were accustomed to during the years of exile."

According to them, if the permit is given, "we can do so on short notice and within a short time." This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary."

"We are prepared and practiced in the entire process," they wrote to her. "After the grace of heaven we were able to hold public prayers of the Passover sacrifice in the presence of thousands, with the blessings and heads of the greatest rabbis, city rabbis and yeshiva heads, and in coordination with the security forces."

In the letter, they note that since the destruction of the Temple many attempts have been made to renew the work of the victims. Including in the days of the Tannaim during the period of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, and by "our Rabbis, the Ba'alei HaTosefot, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and his son-in-law, the Chatam Sofer, the Chafetz Chaim and the Teshuva, Rabbi Kook and his disciple Hagar Harlap."

They appeal to the prime minister to "redeem the holy place from its destruction, its desolation and its plunder, and all Israel will be rewarded to its servant again as it is written in our Torah, and to eat from the Pesachim and the altars."

Indeependent ?

"This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary." "

Indeependent I have a Koshi with these words, do You know that halachah?
Is there any discussion about such practices in the US?

The majority of Halachic experts in their 70s and above who have spent their entire lives learning Torah interpret the relevant Tanach verses as indicating that the Temple retains it's sanctity and thus no one is allowed to enter the area.

The issue of being T'mai is pertinent only when the Jews are in possession of The Temple and governing the Land of Israel.
This verse can easily be taken out of context by irrational fools.

Ok thanks, I don't think they actually assumed someone would let them, more to raise the issue into public arena.

What about going out on the streets, forests calling for ben-David?
If I remember correctly Rambam was writing about an obligation to go to the streets with Shofarot during clear time of trouble. Do You hear calls for that?

It's called telecommunication.
Judaism is a communal life.
When something alarming is occurring, it is imperative to alert all humans.

Ok telecommunications are all set for all humanity to hear,
now back into community - we have a rabbi in Israel who openly prayed for Gog and Magog and advertised it all around the towns. Why not cry and alert now instead of waiting for Ishmael to make us suffer more? BeRahamim.

Something is really missing...

Spend 40 years studying the concept of Gog and Magog before you get too upset.
It’s a concept of opposing forces with a, hopefully, happy outcome.
All extremists call for a quick result and that’s what this rabbi is hoping for.
The concept of extreme action to get quick results is universal to all mankind.
The residents of Amona, who were evacuated 14 months ago, entered their homes in Amichai, the new village that was built for them.The residents entered and populated the area at a festive ceremony held in the village itself.

The head of the Shomron Regional Council, Avi Roeh, said that "sometimes it seems that everything was destroyed and everything that was built collapses, but we as believing Jews sons of believers and I always say that in our generation we have the right to learn from the history of the Jewish people. And to continue to strengthen the hold on the Land of Israel. "


Amona's chairman of the struggle, Avihai Boaron, said that "out of an endless confession to God for all the good that has been rewarded for us, we look forward to entering the Promised Land on the eve of the Freedom Holiday on the tenth of Nissan, In the new village of Amichai, which we were able to establish with our hearts' blood, with determination and faith, love for the Land and for Zionism. "

לאחר 14 חודשים: תושבי עמונה נכנסו לביתם ביישוב החדש
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[ How Islam seems to be getting even with the UK for the Balfour Declaration and the existence of Israel ]

After the June 2017 Islamist terrorist attack, which killed seven persons, Prime Minster May appeared in public and stated that "enough was enough." She said that there was "far too much tolerance of extremism." On the surface, it appeared that the Prime Minister had actually had enough of the Islamist ideology, extremism and terrorism in the UK.

Alas, the words turned out to be just the usual empty platitudes from No 10. Shortly after the PM's statement, Hezbollah and Hamas flags were openly flown in London during the Al Quds Day March on June 18, 2017. Not only did the UK government fail to attempt to stop this Hezbollah inspired march; the UK police assisted them by providing security and protection.

It is not just the Prime Minister who is the problem. In Manchester last May, after the suicide bombing which killed 22 and injured hundreds at the door of a music concert, the mayor, Andy Burnham, had some advice: what was needed was for everyone to "work together" and "terrorists will never beat us." Mayor Burnham also said that the best plan was to "carry on with day to day life". How come he failed to say that the best plan was not to "carry on"; that perhaps the best plan was to cease submitting to the will of a foreign ideology and act to counter its schools, proxies, fundraisers, apologists and front groups?

The problem in the UK is not just the fear instilled in the body politic by terrorist attacks. The well-documented sexual assaults by South Asian and Muslim mass-rape gangs attacking children in the UK is another major crime wave crushing the confidence of the British in their own government.

(full article online)

Is the United Kingdom an Islamist Colony?
[ How Islam seems to be getting even with the UK for the Balfour Declaration and the existence of Israel ]

After the June 2017 Islamist terrorist attack, which killed seven persons, Prime Minster May appeared in public and stated that "enough was enough." She said that there was "far too much tolerance of extremism." On the surface, it appeared that the Prime Minister had actually had enough of the Islamist ideology, extremism and terrorism in the UK.

Alas, the words turned out to be just the usual empty platitudes from No 10. Shortly after the PM's statement, Hezbollah and Hamas flags were openly flown in London during the Al Quds Day March on June 18, 2017. Not only did the UK government fail to attempt to stop this Hezbollah inspired march; the UK police assisted them by providing security and protection.

It is not just the Prime Minister who is the problem. In Manchester last May, after the suicide bombing which killed 22 and injured hundreds at the door of a music concert, the mayor, Andy Burnham, had some advice: what was needed was for everyone to "work together" and "terrorists will never beat us." Mayor Burnham also said that the best plan was to "carry on with day to day life". How come he failed to say that the best plan was not to "carry on"; that perhaps the best plan was to cease submitting to the will of a foreign ideology and act to counter its schools, proxies, fundraisers, apologists and front groups?

The problem in the UK is not just the fear instilled in the body politic by terrorist attacks. The well-documented sexual assaults by South Asian and Muslim mass-rape gangs attacking children in the UK is another major crime wave crushing the confidence of the British in their own government.

(full article online)

Is the United Kingdom an Islamist Colony?

There have been Islamic terrorist attacks against Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Spain over the course of many years. Israel's existence is not the cause of these attacks nor is the Balfour Declaration. A sick religion is the cause.
[ How Islam seems to be getting even with the UK for the Balfour Declaration and the existence of Israel ]

After the June 2017 Islamist terrorist attack, which killed seven persons, Prime Minster May appeared in public and stated that "enough was enough." She said that there was "far too much tolerance of extremism." On the surface, it appeared that the Prime Minister had actually had enough of the Islamist ideology, extremism and terrorism in the UK.

Alas, the words turned out to be just the usual empty platitudes from No 10. Shortly after the PM's statement, Hezbollah and Hamas flags were openly flown in London during the Al Quds Day March on June 18, 2017. Not only did the UK government fail to attempt to stop this Hezbollah inspired march; the UK police assisted them by providing security and protection.

It is not just the Prime Minister who is the problem. In Manchester last May, after the suicide bombing which killed 22 and injured hundreds at the door of a music concert, the mayor, Andy Burnham, had some advice: what was needed was for everyone to "work together" and "terrorists will never beat us." Mayor Burnham also said that the best plan was to "carry on with day to day life". How come he failed to say that the best plan was not to "carry on"; that perhaps the best plan was to cease submitting to the will of a foreign ideology and act to counter its schools, proxies, fundraisers, apologists and front groups?

The problem in the UK is not just the fear instilled in the body politic by terrorist attacks. The well-documented sexual assaults by South Asian and Muslim mass-rape gangs attacking children in the UK is another major crime wave crushing the confidence of the British in their own government.

(full article online)

Is the United Kingdom an Islamist Colony?

There have been Islamic terrorist attacks against Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Spain over the course of many years. Israel's existence is not the cause of these attacks nor is the Balfour Declaration. A sick religion is the cause.
The attacks started as an excuse for Western involvement in Muslim land after 1973, and the existence of Israel, something they continue to dream about destroying someday.

They have learned that they cannot win wars against the West, and that is why the slow invasion and very heavy attacks are being preferred. All with the intension of the West, and Israel giving in from the inside.
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