All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Not at all surprising. The insanity of rewarding islamic terrorism has been viewed as an entitlement by Arabs-Moslems as the West has spent decades drenching these retrogrades in welfare money without demanding accountability.

PMW Exclusive: PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror - PMW Bulletins

PMW Exclusive:
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror

- 7.47% of the PA's operational budget is for salaries to terrorist prisoners, released terrorists, and payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded

- The PA has 2 budget categories rewarding terror; together they equal 44% of anticipated foreign aid

- New in 2018 Budget: For the first time since 2014, the PA is directly paying the Commission of Prisoners, which pays the salaries to terrorist prisoners; as a result, the PA now fits Israel's criteria to be declared a terror organization
  • Total PA 2018 operational budget: 16.559 billion shekels ($4.76 billion)
  • Salaries to terrorist prisoners: 550 million shekels ($158 million)
  • Payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded: 687 million shekels ($197 million)
  • Total expenditure in budget categories rewarding terror = 1.237 billion shekels ($355 million)
  • For comparison: PA Ministry of Health which serves the entire population of 5 million has a budget of 1.787 billion shekels, a mere 44% more than 1.237 billion shekels serving the recipients in the two budget categories rewarding terror
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror
Do you have a copy of their budget saying that?

Where is your evidence disproving the above?

Just borrowing a tactic you choose to use.
There is an awakening, an acknowledgement that funding Islamic terrorism only abets Islamic terrorism.

Some ways to make certain that you don't get your Islamic terrorist problem under control are: pretending you don't have an Islamic terrorist problem; giving islamic terrorists the privilege of entitlements to government non-interference, and telling your islamic terrorists that when they engage in terror, it's really everyone else's fault.

US and Israel leaders respond to PMW report on PA 2018 budget calling to cut funding to PA - PMW Bulletins

US and Israel leaders respond
to PMW report on PA 2018 budget
calling to cut funding to PA

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch reported that the Palestinian Authority will continue to pay salaries to imprisoned and released terrorists and allowances to families of dead terrorist "Martyrs," according to the PA's new budget for 2018.

US and Israeli leaders have responded to PMW's report with calls to cut funding to the PA.

On March 23, 2018 the US passed the Taylor Force Act - a law named after US citizen Taylor Force who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Tel Aviv on March 8, 2016, which calls to cut almost all funding to the PA if it continues payments to terrorists and their families.

PMW's report highlights that the PA in defiance of the US is continuing to reward terror and will now lose its American funding.

The following are some of the immediate responses by legislators and government leaders to PMW's report:

US Senator Charles Schumer:

"[The PA's terror payments budget] is exactly why we passed the Taylor Force Act. Now the Palestinian Authority will face additional financial consequences for its abhorrent policy."
[Algemeiner, March 28, 2018]

US Congressman Doug Lamborn:
"It seems like the Palestinian Authority did not receive the message we tried to send by passing this law, so now we have to ensure that the US will slash its funding to it."
[Algemeiner, March 28, 2018]

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman:
"Mahmoud Abbas the terror supporter has removed the mask and taken the gloves off. We will act for a quick decision on deducting the salary money that Mahmoud Abbas is transferring to terrorists and we will stop this absurdity."
[Official Twitter account of Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman,
March 28, 2018]
There is an awakening, an acknowledgement that funding Islamic terrorism only abets Islamic terrorism.

Some ways to make certain that you don't get your Islamic terrorist problem under control are: pretending you don't have an Islamic terrorist problem; giving islamic terrorists the privilege of entitlements to government non-interference, and telling your islamic terrorists that when they engage in terror, it's really everyone else's fault.

US and Israel leaders respond to PMW report on PA 2018 budget calling to cut funding to PA - PMW Bulletins

US and Israel leaders respond
to PMW report on PA 2018 budget
calling to cut funding to PA

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch reported that the Palestinian Authority will continue to pay salaries to imprisoned and released terrorists and allowances to families of dead terrorist "Martyrs," according to the PA's new budget for 2018.

US and Israeli leaders have responded to PMW's report with calls to cut funding to the PA.

On March 23, 2018 the US passed the Taylor Force Act - a law named after US citizen Taylor Force who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Tel Aviv on March 8, 2016, which calls to cut almost all funding to the PA if it continues payments to terrorists and their families.

PMW's report highlights that the PA in defiance of the US is continuing to reward terror and will now lose its American funding.

The following are some of the immediate responses by legislators and government leaders to PMW's report:

US Senator Charles Schumer:

"[The PA's terror payments budget] is exactly why we passed the Taylor Force Act. Now the Palestinian Authority will face additional financial consequences for its abhorrent policy."
[Algemeiner, March 28, 2018]

US Congressman Doug Lamborn:
"It seems like the Palestinian Authority did not receive the message we tried to send by passing this law, so now we have to ensure that the US will slash its funding to it."
[Algemeiner, March 28, 2018]

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman:
"Mahmoud Abbas the terror supporter has removed the mask and taken the gloves off. We will act for a quick decision on deducting the salary money that Mahmoud Abbas is transferring to terrorists and we will stop this absurdity."
[Official Twitter account of Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman,
March 28, 2018]
WOW, all that foreign name calling.
Not at all surprising. The insanity of rewarding islamic terrorism has been viewed as an entitlement by Arabs-Moslems as the West has spent decades drenching these retrogrades in welfare money without demanding accountability.

PMW Exclusive: PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror - PMW Bulletins

PMW Exclusive:
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror

- 7.47% of the PA's operational budget is for salaries to terrorist prisoners, released terrorists, and payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded

- The PA has 2 budget categories rewarding terror; together they equal 44% of anticipated foreign aid

- New in 2018 Budget: For the first time since 2014, the PA is directly paying the Commission of Prisoners, which pays the salaries to terrorist prisoners; as a result, the PA now fits Israel's criteria to be declared a terror organization
  • Total PA 2018 operational budget: 16.559 billion shekels ($4.76 billion)
  • Salaries to terrorist prisoners: 550 million shekels ($158 million)
  • Payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded: 687 million shekels ($197 million)
  • Total expenditure in budget categories rewarding terror = 1.237 billion shekels ($355 million)
  • For comparison: PA Ministry of Health which serves the entire population of 5 million has a budget of 1.787 billion shekels, a mere 44% more than 1.237 billion shekels serving the recipients in the two budget categories rewarding terror
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror
Do you have a copy of their budget saying that?

Where is your evidence disproving the above?

Just borrowing a tactic you choose to use.
Your typical duck.
Is it just me, or does it seem like we Westerners are just kind of standing by idly as an islamist terrorist franchise unabashedly acknowledges its part in Islamic terrorism.

PA officially rejects Taylor Force Act - PMW Bulletins

PA officially rejects Taylor Force Act

US legislation conditions US aid to the PA
on the cessation of PA rewarding terror
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

On March 23, the United States enacted the Taylor Force Act which cuts almost all aid to the Palestinian Authority if it continues paying salaries to terrorists and allowances to families of dead terrorists. Even before the final vote in the US Congress, PA leaders announced that they rejected the Taylor Force Act and would not stop rewarding terrorists as the United States demanded.

The following are some of the reactions before and following the US passing of the law.

Before the enactment of the Taylor Force Act:

Mahmoud Abbas to PLO Central Council:
“We will continue to pay them”

"There is something that the Americans are telling us to stop - the salaries of the Martyrs and the Martyrs' families. Of course we categorically reject this. We will not under any circumstances allow anyone to harm the families of the prisoners, the wounded, and the Martyrs. They are our children and they are our families. They honor us, and we will continue to pay them before the living."
[Official PA TV, Jan. 14, 2018]
Not at all surprising. The insanity of rewarding islamic terrorism has been viewed as an entitlement by Arabs-Moslems as the West has spent decades drenching these retrogrades in welfare money without demanding accountability.

PMW Exclusive: PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror - PMW Bulletins

PMW Exclusive:
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror

- 7.47% of the PA's operational budget is for salaries to terrorist prisoners, released terrorists, and payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded

- The PA has 2 budget categories rewarding terror; together they equal 44% of anticipated foreign aid

- New in 2018 Budget: For the first time since 2014, the PA is directly paying the Commission of Prisoners, which pays the salaries to terrorist prisoners; as a result, the PA now fits Israel's criteria to be declared a terror organization
  • Total PA 2018 operational budget: 16.559 billion shekels ($4.76 billion)
  • Salaries to terrorist prisoners: 550 million shekels ($158 million)
  • Payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded: 687 million shekels ($197 million)
  • Total expenditure in budget categories rewarding terror = 1.237 billion shekels ($355 million)
  • For comparison: PA Ministry of Health which serves the entire population of 5 million has a budget of 1.787 billion shekels, a mere 44% more than 1.237 billion shekels serving the recipients in the two budget categories rewarding terror
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror
Do you have a copy of their budget saying that?

Where is your evidence disproving the above?

Just borrowing a tactic you choose to use.
Your typical duck.

Ya Allah. You embarrassed youself again.
There is an awakening, an acknowledgement that funding Islamic terrorism only abets Islamic terrorism.

Some ways to make certain that you don't get your Islamic terrorist problem under control are: pretending you don't have an Islamic terrorist problem; giving islamic terrorists the privilege of entitlements to government non-interference, and telling your islamic terrorists that when they engage in terror, it's really everyone else's fault.

US and Israel leaders respond to PMW report on PA 2018 budget calling to cut funding to PA - PMW Bulletins

US and Israel leaders respond
to PMW report on PA 2018 budget
calling to cut funding to PA

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch reported that the Palestinian Authority will continue to pay salaries to imprisoned and released terrorists and allowances to families of dead terrorist "Martyrs," according to the PA's new budget for 2018.

US and Israeli leaders have responded to PMW's report with calls to cut funding to the PA.

On March 23, 2018 the US passed the Taylor Force Act - a law named after US citizen Taylor Force who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Tel Aviv on March 8, 2016, which calls to cut almost all funding to the PA if it continues payments to terrorists and their families.

PMW's report highlights that the PA in defiance of the US is continuing to reward terror and will now lose its American funding.

The following are some of the immediate responses by legislators and government leaders to PMW's report:

US Senator Charles Schumer:

"[The PA's terror payments budget] is exactly why we passed the Taylor Force Act. Now the Palestinian Authority will face additional financial consequences for its abhorrent policy."
[Algemeiner, March 28, 2018]

US Congressman Doug Lamborn:
"It seems like the Palestinian Authority did not receive the message we tried to send by passing this law, so now we have to ensure that the US will slash its funding to it."
[Algemeiner, March 28, 2018]

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman:
"Mahmoud Abbas the terror supporter has removed the mask and taken the gloves off. We will act for a quick decision on deducting the salary money that Mahmoud Abbas is transferring to terrorists and we will stop this absurdity."
[Official Twitter account of Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman,
March 28, 2018]
WOW, all that foreign name calling.

WOW. All your spamming over the hurt feelings you have.
Even though I've been closely following the Death Cult's atrocities for some years now, there are still times when I am snapped violently into the chilling realization of the human cost it exacts to appease its hateful Gods ie: muhammud and the allah god.

“It's our… moral obligation” to pay terrorist salaries, says director of PLO Commission of Prisoners. “We’re proud of this”
Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake: "I’ll quote [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas: ... 'Until the last day of my life, we won't stop this support. It's important' ... The family of every Palestinian prisoner receives social aid. We’re proud of this, not ashamed of it, and we say this openly, because it's our national, human, and moral obligation, and the obligation of the struggle. It is supported by the Palestinian leadership and by the Palestinian government."

[Official PA TV, PLO Institutions, Feb. 26, 2018]
Last edited:
Even though I've been closely following the Death Cult's atrocities for some years now, there are still times when I am snapped violently into the chilling realization of the human cost it exacts to appease its hateful Gods ie: muhammud and the allah god.

“It's our… moral obligation” to pay terrorist salaries, says director of PLO Commission of Prisoners. “We’re proud of this”
Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake: "I’ll quote [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas: ... 'Until the last day of my life, we won't stop this support. It's important' ... The family of every Palestinian prisoner receives social aid. We’re proud of this, not ashamed of it, and we say this openly, because it's our national, human, and moral obligation, and the obligation of the struggle. It is supported by the Palestinian leadership and by the Palestinian government."

[Official PA TV, PLO Institutions, Feb. 26, 2018]

“It's our… moral obligation” to pay terrorist salaries, says director of PLO Commission of Prisoners. “We’re proud of this”
No he didn't. That is a lie.
Even though I've been closely following the Death Cult's atrocities for some years now, there are still times when I am snapped violently into the chilling realization of the human cost it exacts to appease its hateful Gods ie: muhammud and the allah god.

“It's our… moral obligation” to pay terrorist salaries, says director of PLO Commission of Prisoners. “We’re proud of this”
Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake: "I’ll quote [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas: ... 'Until the last day of my life, we won't stop this support. It's important' ... The family of every Palestinian prisoner receives social aid. We’re proud of this, not ashamed of it, and we say this openly, because it's our national, human, and moral obligation, and the obligation of the struggle. It is supported by the Palestinian leadership and by the Palestinian government."

[Official PA TV, PLO Institutions, Feb. 26, 2018]

“It's our… moral obligation” to pay terrorist salaries, says director of PLO Commission of Prisoners. “We’re proud of this”
No he didn't. That is a lie.

Wow, you spoke to Abbas on Skype or some other device.

I am impressed.

Chamdilah !!!
The Secret World of the Palestinian Authority

A report published this week offers a rare glance into the secret world of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which was established in 1994 in accordance with the Oslo Accords signed between Israel and the PLO.

Entitled "Integrity and Combating Corruption: Palestine 2017," the AMAN report reviews the status of corruption and lack of transparency and accountability in the Palestinian Authority during 2017.

It is one of the most comprehensive reports looking into the widespread corruption and squandering of public funds by the Palestinian Authority leadership.

The report found, for example, that the Palestinian Authority had invested $17.5 million in building a "presidential palace" for Abbas. The palace is built on an area of 4,700 square meters.

After facing criticism over the project, Abbas decided to convert the palace into a huge national library.
The Secret World of the Palestinian Authority

A report published this week offers a rare glance into the secret world of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which was established in 1994 in accordance with the Oslo Accords signed between Israel and the PLO.

Entitled "Integrity and Combating Corruption: Palestine 2017," the AMAN report reviews the status of corruption and lack of transparency and accountability in the Palestinian Authority during 2017.

It is one of the most comprehensive reports looking into the widespread corruption and squandering of public funds by the Palestinian Authority leadership.

The report found, for example, that the Palestinian Authority had invested $17.5 million in building a "presidential palace" for Abbas. The palace is built on an area of 4,700 square meters.

After facing criticism over the project, Abbas decided to convert the palace into a huge national library.
That is why 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to leave.
The Secret World of the Palestinian Authority

A report published this week offers a rare glance into the secret world of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which was established in 1994 in accordance with the Oslo Accords signed between Israel and the PLO.

Entitled "Integrity and Combating Corruption: Palestine 2017," the AMAN report reviews the status of corruption and lack of transparency and accountability in the Palestinian Authority during 2017.

It is one of the most comprehensive reports looking into the widespread corruption and squandering of public funds by the Palestinian Authority leadership.

The report found, for example, that the Palestinian Authority had invested $17.5 million in building a "presidential palace" for Abbas. The palace is built on an area of 4,700 square meters.

After facing criticism over the project, Abbas decided to convert the palace into a huge national library.
That is why 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to leave.

I have no reason to accept your propaganda as true.

It doesnt matter what Arabs-Moslems want. Their dictators will not leave.
The Secret World of the Palestinian Authority

A report published this week offers a rare glance into the secret world of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which was established in 1994 in accordance with the Oslo Accords signed between Israel and the PLO.

Entitled "Integrity and Combating Corruption: Palestine 2017," the AMAN report reviews the status of corruption and lack of transparency and accountability in the Palestinian Authority during 2017.

It is one of the most comprehensive reports looking into the widespread corruption and squandering of public funds by the Palestinian Authority leadership.

The report found, for example, that the Palestinian Authority had invested $17.5 million in building a "presidential palace" for Abbas. The palace is built on an area of 4,700 square meters.

After facing criticism over the project, Abbas decided to convert the palace into a huge national library.
That is why 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to leave.

I have no reason to accept your propaganda as true.

It doesnt matter what Arabs-Moslems want. Their dictators will not leave.
Indeed, the US and others give the PA money and guns to stay in power.
The Secret World of the Palestinian Authority

A report published this week offers a rare glance into the secret world of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which was established in 1994 in accordance with the Oslo Accords signed between Israel and the PLO.

Entitled "Integrity and Combating Corruption: Palestine 2017," the AMAN report reviews the status of corruption and lack of transparency and accountability in the Palestinian Authority during 2017.

It is one of the most comprehensive reports looking into the widespread corruption and squandering of public funds by the Palestinian Authority leadership.

The report found, for example, that the Palestinian Authority had invested $17.5 million in building a "presidential palace" for Abbas. The palace is built on an area of 4,700 square meters.

After facing criticism over the project, Abbas decided to convert the palace into a huge national library.
That is why 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to leave.

I have no reason to accept your propaganda as true.

It doesnt matter what Arabs-Moslems want. Their dictators will not leave.
Indeed, the US and others give the PA money and guns to stay in power.

Indeed, your goofy conspiracy theories are always a hoot.

I suppose you have a handy conspiracy theory to explain Arabs-Moslems voting in the Hamas version of the PA dictators.

It’s really a shame that you consistently hide behind the victim complex while never acknowledging that you are the self-created victim.
Palestinians pay terrorists directly, thumb nose at Taylor Force Act

Palestinians pay terrorists directly, thumb nose at Taylor Force Act
March 28, 2018

In defiance of US lawmakers’ passage of the Taylor Force Act, which slashes most US aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) unless it stops paying salaries to terrorist prisoners and their families, the PA announced via its 2018 budget that it will continue to reward terrorists even more directly than in previous years.

In 2018, the PA is devoting 44% of anticipated foreign aid to rewarding terror, with close to 7.5% of the PA’s entire operational budget earmarked for salaries to terrorist prisoners, released terrorists, and families of killed or wounded terrorists. In total, the Palestinian government will shell out $355 million to reward terrorism in 2018.
Spencer posits that Muslim groups are using these hate crimes to enforce criminal penalties on people for criticizing Islam. Canada is doing that now with Motion M-103. So, if anti-Muslim hate crimes don’t exist, they simply are invented. There are so many anti-Muslim hate-crimes that have turned out to be faked by Muslims themselves, that it calls into question whether any of these incidents happened at all. It is peculiar that in our day and age, victim-hood is a prized and coveted status. This is the crazy world that we live in.

On the other hand, how often are anti-semitic attacks against Jews reported with reactions from Prime Ministers and Mayors? Anti-semitic attacks are on the rise everywhere, especially by Muslims across the West, yet the media and the policitians are silent.

So why the double standard?

(full article online)

Muslims are now faking anti-Muslim hate crimes
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