All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ How Islam seems to be getting even with the UK for the Balfour Declaration and the existence of Israel ]

After the June 2017 Islamist terrorist attack, which killed seven persons, Prime Minster May appeared in public and stated that "enough was enough." She said that there was "far too much tolerance of extremism." On the surface, it appeared that the Prime Minister had actually had enough of the Islamist ideology, extremism and terrorism in the UK.

Alas, the words turned out to be just the usual empty platitudes from No 10. Shortly after the PM's statement, Hezbollah and Hamas flags were openly flown in London during the Al Quds Day March on June 18, 2017. Not only did the UK government fail to attempt to stop this Hezbollah inspired march; the UK police assisted them by providing security and protection.

It is not just the Prime Minister who is the problem. In Manchester last May, after the suicide bombing which killed 22 and injured hundreds at the door of a music concert, the mayor, Andy Burnham, had some advice: what was needed was for everyone to "work together" and "terrorists will never beat us." Mayor Burnham also said that the best plan was to "carry on with day to day life". How come he failed to say that the best plan was not to "carry on"; that perhaps the best plan was to cease submitting to the will of a foreign ideology and act to counter its schools, proxies, fundraisers, apologists and front groups?

The problem in the UK is not just the fear instilled in the body politic by terrorist attacks. The well-documented sexual assaults by South Asian and Muslim mass-rape gangs attacking children in the UK is another major crime wave crushing the confidence of the British in their own government.

(full article online)

Is the United Kingdom an Islamist Colony?

There have been Islamic terrorist attacks against Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Spain over the course of many years. Israel's existence is not the cause of these attacks nor is the Balfour Declaration. A sick religion is the cause.
The attacks started as an excuse for Western involvement in Muslim land after 1973, and the existence of Israel, something they continue to dream about destroying someday.

They have learned that they cannot win wars against the West, and that is why the slow invasion and very heavy attacks are being preferred. All with the intension of the West, and Israel giving in from the inside.

Yes, I just don't want Americans or Europeans to say, "If it wasn't for Israel, Muslims would never have attacked us on 9/11 or in these other attacks."
[ How Islam seems to be getting even with the UK for the Balfour Declaration and the existence of Israel ]

After the June 2017 Islamist terrorist attack, which killed seven persons, Prime Minster May appeared in public and stated that "enough was enough." She said that there was "far too much tolerance of extremism." On the surface, it appeared that the Prime Minister had actually had enough of the Islamist ideology, extremism and terrorism in the UK.

Alas, the words turned out to be just the usual empty platitudes from No 10. Shortly after the PM's statement, Hezbollah and Hamas flags were openly flown in London during the Al Quds Day March on June 18, 2017. Not only did the UK government fail to attempt to stop this Hezbollah inspired march; the UK police assisted them by providing security and protection.

It is not just the Prime Minister who is the problem. In Manchester last May, after the suicide bombing which killed 22 and injured hundreds at the door of a music concert, the mayor, Andy Burnham, had some advice: what was needed was for everyone to "work together" and "terrorists will never beat us." Mayor Burnham also said that the best plan was to "carry on with day to day life". How come he failed to say that the best plan was not to "carry on"; that perhaps the best plan was to cease submitting to the will of a foreign ideology and act to counter its schools, proxies, fundraisers, apologists and front groups?

The problem in the UK is not just the fear instilled in the body politic by terrorist attacks. The well-documented sexual assaults by South Asian and Muslim mass-rape gangs attacking children in the UK is another major crime wave crushing the confidence of the British in their own government.

(full article online)

Is the United Kingdom an Islamist Colony?

There have been Islamic terrorist attacks against Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Spain over the course of many years. Israel's existence is not the cause of these attacks nor is the Balfour Declaration. A sick religion is the cause.
The attacks started as an excuse for Western involvement in Muslim land after 1973, and the existence of Israel, something they continue to dream about destroying someday.

They have learned that they cannot win wars against the West, and that is why the slow invasion and very heavy attacks are being preferred. All with the intension of the West, and Israel giving in from the inside.

Yes, I just don't want Americans or Europeans to say, "If it wasn't for Israel, Muslims would never have attacked us on 9/11 or in these other attacks."
Some will either way. They believe what they want to believe.
Pal Media Watch is reporting a truly disturbing story but one that seems to define the status of women in so much of the Islamic Middle East. In the wondrous social order (such as it is). of fatah'istan, one of many benefits offered to women by the politico-religious ideology of "Feverishly Delusional Retrogrades" is gender equality. I don't mean to say that Islamism is retrograde in its bias against women (well, okay, maybe I do), but just picture the righteous, macho Islamo-high-five as a young girl is fitted with a bomb under her mandatory "Fem-tent".

Having female terrorist leaders is proof of gender equality in Fatah, says Abbas' Secretary General - PMW Bulletins

Having female terrorist leaders is proof of gender equality in Fatah,
says Abbas' Secretary General

  • Mughrabi's leading a group of male terrorists is "testimony" to gender equality within Fatah, says Abbas' Secretary General
  • It is our "educational responsibility" to "return the glory to the fighting Palestinian women such as Dalal Mughrabi," says school principal
  • Fatah named another course after murderer Mughrabi
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

At a recent ceremony at the El-Bireh High School for Girls, school principal Nida Abd Rabbo announced that promoting terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi as a role model to female students is an "educational responsibility":

"It's [the Al-Yasser Cultural Forum's] goal is to strengthen the affiliation with Palestine and its history, and to adhere to the Palestinian identity, because this is a great educational responsibility. The forum's goal is also to return the glory to the fighting Palestinian girls and women such as Dalal Mughrabi and others who sacrificed their lives for Palestine, and also to provide information and knowledge to these female students during recesses..."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 19, 2018
Yes, the poor Amalekites and Egyptians who stood in Moses' way. So innocent!

" The Native American scholar Robert Warrior (Osage) was once a student of Said’s and has written movingly about the elder’s influence on his own thinking. In an influential 1989 essay called “Canaanites, Cowboys, and Indians,” Warrior expanded on Said’s perception that the Exodus narrative left little to rejoice in if read “with Canaanite eyes.” ....Putting the Canaanites at the center of the story completely upends Exodus as a paradigmatic liberation narrative."

Malinowitz is obviously subscribing to the "Palestinians are Canaanites" myth, whether literally or figuaratively, because the analogy between the Israelites destroying the Canaanites and the Jews supposedly expelling the Arabs is too irresistible.

Yet the idea of a Palestinian national liberation movement that has been based on terrorism since the 1920s does not unsettle the sensitive stomachs of these "progressives."

(full article online)

The Passover story is too Zionist for the "progressives" at Mondoweiss ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestinian nationalism is not up for debate. Certainly, Palestinian misogyny is not up for discussion. The fiction of "pinkwashing" is not up for debate. The absurd idea that Zionism targets women specifically is not up for debate. Arab antisemitism is not even a remote possibility for discussion.

But the idea of Jewish nationalism - that a people that have been a nation for thousands of years should be allowed to have a state today - that is up for debate "at a minimum."

The absurd statement is followed by a highly biased reading list of anti-Israel pseudo-academia to buttress the argument that while every possible idea is welcome on campus, Jewish nationalism is beyond the pale.

(full article online)

It is worth reminding ourselves how screwed up the campuses have become ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Come to think of it, anywhere in Europe or the Arab States, there is space for a country called Palestine. They are welcome to it ]

Sweden’s ambassador to Israel on Tuesday claimed there was a tendency in Israel to “demonize” his country and in particular foreign minister Margot Wallstrom.

In an interview with i24news, the ambassador, Magnus Hellgren, also insisted he doesn’t see the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement as anti-Semitic.

Relations between Israel and Sweden have been tense in recent years. Wallstrom in particular has come under fire for her harsh anti-Israel comments.

(full article online)

Swedish envoy: 'There's a tendency in Israel to demonize Sweden'
Not at all surprising. The insanity of rewarding islamic terrorism has been viewed as an entitlement by Arabs-Moslems as the West has spent decades drenching these retrogrades in welfare money without demanding accountability.

PMW Exclusive: PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror - PMW Bulletins

PMW Exclusive:
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror

- 7.47% of the PA's operational budget is for salaries to terrorist prisoners, released terrorists, and payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded

- The PA has 2 budget categories rewarding terror; together they equal 44% of anticipated foreign aid

- New in 2018 Budget: For the first time since 2014, the PA is directly paying the Commission of Prisoners, which pays the salaries to terrorist prisoners; as a result, the PA now fits Israel's criteria to be declared a terror organization
  • Total PA 2018 operational budget: 16.559 billion shekels ($4.76 billion)
  • Salaries to terrorist prisoners: 550 million shekels ($158 million)
  • Payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded: 687 million shekels ($197 million)
  • Total expenditure in budget categories rewarding terror = 1.237 billion shekels ($355 million)
  • For comparison: PA Ministry of Health which serves the entire population of 5 million has a budget of 1.787 billion shekels, a mere 44% more than 1.237 billion shekels serving the recipients in the two budget categories rewarding terror
Not at all surprising. The insanity of rewarding islamic terrorism has been viewed as an entitlement by Arabs-Moslems as the West has spent decades drenching these retrogrades in welfare money without demanding accountability.

PMW Exclusive: PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror - PMW Bulletins

PMW Exclusive:
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror

- 7.47% of the PA's operational budget is for salaries to terrorist prisoners, released terrorists, and payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded

- The PA has 2 budget categories rewarding terror; together they equal 44% of anticipated foreign aid

- New in 2018 Budget: For the first time since 2014, the PA is directly paying the Commission of Prisoners, which pays the salaries to terrorist prisoners; as a result, the PA now fits Israel's criteria to be declared a terror organization
  • Total PA 2018 operational budget: 16.559 billion shekels ($4.76 billion)
  • Salaries to terrorist prisoners: 550 million shekels ($158 million)
  • Payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded: 687 million shekels ($197 million)
  • Total expenditure in budget categories rewarding terror = 1.237 billion shekels ($355 million)
  • For comparison: PA Ministry of Health which serves the entire population of 5 million has a budget of 1.787 billion shekels, a mere 44% more than 1.237 billion shekels serving the recipients in the two budget categories rewarding terror
PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror
Do you have a copy of their budget saying that?
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