All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Arabs-Moslems have an illness known as gee-had.

There is a cure.

Masked militants from the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, a military wing of Hamas, march with their weapons, during a large-scale drill across the Gaza strip

Jerusalem threatened Saturday to attack “terrorist targets’’ in Gaza, after Israeli gunfire killed 16 Palestinians at massive protests along a border fence a day earlier.

Israeli Gen. Ronen Manelis accused Hamas, the militant group that rules Gaza, of using the protests as an excuse for launching attacks on Israel. It wasn’t clear whether he meant possible future attacks, or Israel’s claim that demonstrators fired the first shots Friday.
It’s funny to see these dregs prance around during their goofy fashion parades. Strange how these dregs are nowhere to be found while they’re urging women and children are into a war zone.


Masked militants from the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, a military wing of Hamas, march with their weapons, during a large-scale drill across the Gaza strip.
British taxpayers gave £20m to Palestinian schools which teach children martyrdom and jihad | Daily Mail Online

British taxpayers gave £20m to Palestinian schools which teach children that martyrdom and jihad are 'the most important meanings in life'

By MailOnline Reporter04:15 EDT 01 Apr 2018, updated 15:33 EDT 01 Apr 2018

MailOnline Reporter04:15 EDT 01 Apr 2018, updated 15:33 EDT 01 Apr 2018


Actually, I think that vacant minded islamo-minions dying to secure the bank accounts of the Hamas and Fatah dictators is what gives meaning to their short, miserable lives.
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Just really vile.

Fatah: "My rifle's fire is the death of the enemies and music to my ears" - PMW Bulletins

Fatah to Palestinians:
"My rifle's fire is the death of the enemies
and music to my ears"

Palestinian political analyst:
Fatah will return to "armed struggle,"
i.e., terror and violence,
if Abbas' demands are not met


Abbas to the UN:
"We have been committed to fostering a culture of peace,

rejection of violence"

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
The 24-year-old says he e-mailed a variety of University of Toronto (U of T) professors that specialize in that area and got receptive responses — except for the one from Jens Hanssen.

Hanssen, an associate professor of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean History in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, replied almost immediately with a scathing e-mail accusing Blaff of being an agent of the Israeli government.

He claimed that Blaff, a former Hasbara fellow, was sent to the U of T campus by the new Israeli ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy to indoctrinate students, professors and administrators into thinking anti-Israel activities are a bad thing.
Hanssen teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on settler colonialism in Palestine; International Relations, counter-insurgency and decolonization in the Middle East; and urban colonialism in the modern Mediterranean.

(full article online)

University of Toronto professor accuses student of being an Israeli agent ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It is rather impossible that the Jews even approached the Dome of the Rock, let alone prayed there, since that is off-limits to religious Jews according to practically everyone.

Today's story is juicier:
Approximately 260 Israeli settlers on Tuesday forced their way into al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, marking the fourth day of Passover holiday.
Department of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs affirmed that the settlers stormed the holy shrine from the Israeli-controlled al-Magharibeh Gate and performed their Talmudic rituals under heavy police protection.
Over the past two days, more than 500 settlers broke into the Mosque in total provocation to Palestinian worshipers.Yes, walking through a gate is "forcing themselves."

I'm always amazed how the Arabs know that the visitors are all "settlers."

(full article online)

"Hundreds of settlers force themselves into Al Aqsa" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It’s funny to see these dregs prance around during their goofy fashion parades. Strange how these dregs are nowhere to be found while they’re urging women and children are into a war zone.


Masked militants from the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, a military wing of Hamas, march with their weapons, during a large-scale drill across the Gaza strip.

And still there are some who wonder why no peace between Israel & the Palerstinians.
Operation Living Together is being carried out in conjunction with academic experts, the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel and IDF trackers. The Jordanian army is also taking part in the conservation efforts.

The fence is expected to be completed within a year.

One purpose of the operation is to help migrating birds and animals access drinking water by strategically dispersing mobile water tankers in the area.

Operation Living Together was inspired by lessons from the construction of the Egyptian border fence. While vital from a security perspective, the fence adversely affected animals previously accustomed to freely moving on both sides of the border. To provide a solution, the fence was fitted with specially designed crossings that allow only wildlife to move back and forth.

(full article online)

Soldiers on Israel’s border with Jordan do more than defend lives – Israel Hayom
I suspect that when the ebb and flow life is defined by how quickly and spectacularly one can commit mass murder / suicide in the name of an ancient Arab warlord, life will forever be viewed as cheap and disposable.

Palestinian flag is wonderful "soaked in the blood of the Martyrs," says Abbas’ Fatah - PMW Bulletins

Fatah: “How wonderful and mighty you are,

O flag of Palestine,
when you are soaked in the blood of the Martyrs”


  • Fatah: “We are sowing our land from the veins, from the arteries, and from blood, and from the inner heart we will build our state and will not relinquish”
by Nan Jacques Zilberdik

A bloodied Palestinian flag lying on the ground is reason to rejoice according to Abbas’ Fatah Movement’s Bethlehem branch, which posted the photo above with text glorifying the spilling of “the blood of the Martyrs”:

Posted text: “How wonderful and mighty you are, O flag of Palestine, when you are soaked in the blood of the Martyrs (Shahids)”
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Bethlehem Branch, March 31, 2018
Putting the had in gee-had.

Arab-Israeli Conflict
13:51 | 04/04/18
2 minute read.

Israeli Navy arrests ten terrorists from Gaza on southern seas, April 4, 2018 (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The Shin Bet and IDF foiled the plot, which would use one boat as a decoy and two others to attack and board an Israeli navy vessel in order to kill and capture the sailors
UK: Funding Textbooks That Teach Children to Blow Themselves Up

UK: Funding Textbooks That Teach Children to Blow Themselves Up.

  • Any government genuinely interested in promoting peace would withdraw funding from any entity -- wherever in the world it was -- which taught violence as such a core part of its curriculum.
  • Another textbook urges that "Giving one's life, sacrifice, fight, jihad and struggle are the most important meanings of life."
  • This is the true scandal for Britain: that while the UK government fails to pump the resources needed into helping young British children to grow up literate and numerate in Britain, it pumps millions of pounds into the Palestinian Authority to make sure that Palestinian children think that a career of violence is a career worth pursuing.
Webb could at this point have clarified to listeners that the Gaza Strip has not been ‘occupied’ for nearly thirteen years. He could have asked the PA minister about his government’s cutting of electricity and medical care and supplies for the deprived people of Gaza as ways to put pressure on Hamas. He could also – given the fact that this publicity stunt organised by Hamas and other Gaza terror factions rests on the so-called ‘right of return’ – have asked Sabri Saydam if he agrees with that demand aimed at destroying the Jewish state – especially seeing as just over a year ago the BBC provided a platform for Saydam’s repeated insistence that all Palestinians support the two-state solution.

Webb however did none of that. Instead he twice asked whether or not the people taking part in the propaganda stunt should “go home…for their own safety” and listeners heard Saydam promote the falsehood that “this is not a Hamas orchestrated kind of demonstration”.

After Webb had asked a question concerning “the charge…that you are cynically using the lives of civilians, including children, to create the kind of tensions and violence that focuses the attention of the world on this area”, Saydam suddenly disappeared from the broadcast.
The impression of events that Justin Webb was trying to communicate to BBC Radio 4 listeners is blatantly obvious. Webb’s portrayal includes only ‘peaceful protesters’ and “kids… running around next to the fence” and his quoted – but unverified – casualty figures are sourced (as has been the case all too often in the past) from a terror organisation that is party to the violence.

Equally unsurprising is the opportunistic dusting off of the ‘disproportionate’ charge and the miraculous but entirely predictable transformation of a breakfast news show presenter into a self-appointed expert on military strategy and the laws of armed combat.

(full article online)

BBC Radio 4 dusts off the ‘expert’ hats and ‘disproportionate’ meme
The New Israel Fund (NIF) this week denied PM Netanyahu’s accusation that it sent a letter to the Rwandan government asking it to reject a deal to absorb illegal migrants from Israel. We found the letter.

Here is the full text of the letter to the Rwandan president, as boasted by ACRI, signed by “seven leading human rights organizations,” including several NIF-funded NGOs. It was published originally by The Rwandan on November 27, 2017, under the headline “Kagame Do not accept African Refugees who are deported from Israel by force.

“His Excellency Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda,

“We are turning to you, and to the people of Rwanda, with an urgent request.

“Rwanda and Israel have an ongoing special relationship. However, this relationship cannot include trading in African lives.

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is telling the Israeli public that Rwanda has agreed to take on African refugees from Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu says that the refugees will be forced to leave: if they do not agree to go to Rwanda, they will be put in prison forever.

“We trust in you, and the people of Rwanda, that you will not agree to this denial of liberty. We hope and trust you will not agree that African refugees are caged and traded in this way.

“We call on you to make it clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu – Rwanda will not take refugees who do not come of their own free will.

“We urge you to use your friendship with Netanyahu to remind him – Israel is a country of refugees, it should open its heart to those who have fled Eritrea and Sudan and give them shelter.“

ASSAF-Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Physicians for Human Rights -Israel

Hotline for Refugees and Migrants

Amnesty International Israel

Kav La’Oved – Workers’ Hotline

HIAS Israel

(full article online)

SPECIAL REPORT: The Letter NIF Affiliates Sent to Rwanda Asking to Kill Israel’s Migrant Deal
The Norwegian People’s Aid, on Tuesday issued a statement saying it has “reached agreement on a settlement with the US authorities and will pay the US authorities 2,025,000 US Dollars due to an unintentional breach of a clause in an agreement made with USAID in 2012.”

The NPA has been receiving grants from USAID, and, according to the US Justice Dept., “each year it applied for aid, the NPA wrongly indicated on forms it had not and would not provide aid to any organization on the US list,” because doing so would violate the False Claims Act.

(full article online)

Norwegian NGO to Pay $2 Million for Lying about Supporting Gaza Terrorists
Well, isn't this nice.


Israeli fire kills Palestinian at Gaza border, with more protests ahead

Hamas said on Thursday it would pay $3,000 to the family of anyone killed in the protests, $500 for critically injuries and $200 for more minor injuries. Israeli leaders say that such payments serve to instigate violence.

Pretty neat. Hamas has a Chinese menu, so to speak, of cash payments for willing and vacant-.minded Death Cultists. Who says islamic terrorism doesnt pay?

As you might expect, there's a premium payed for dead Death Cultists. However, it seems to me that there's a big pay cut to those Death Cultists who merely sustain crippling injuries.
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