All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Gosh I wonder how many Arab Israeli citizens want to leave Israel to go live in some Arab country? Let us ask Tinmore.
"Hamas is encouraging the population to hold protests out of distress, and to disrupt order near the Israel-Gaza border.

"Hamas is abusing and will continue to abuse these protests and to place in them Hamas operatives, even if they are dressed as civilians. This is a clear and transparent process. Hamas is investing money into these protests, instead of investing money into health, water infrastructure, and protection of the environment. Therefore, do not allow Hamas to use women, children, and the innocent population.

"We will work determinedly and with a heavy hand against any damage to Israel's security infrastructure and any attempt to enter Israel."

(full article online)

IDF foils infiltration attempt
An appeal to the prime minister to approve the sacrifice of the Passover in the place of the Temple on the Temple Mount

The headquarters of the Temple organizations believe that the global and regional upheavals are ripe for the possibility of renewing the Temple service and sacrificing the Passover sacrifice.

In her address to the prime minister, they make it clear that they are marching "in the footsteps of the greatest rabbis of all generations who tried with the authorities to obtain permission to sacrifice victims in general, and the Passover sacrifice in particular."

"We are asking for your approval for the renewal of the main commandment of Passover, bringing the Passover sacrifice to the site of our Temple," they wrote, claiming that his offering would "allow the eating of the sacrifice on the Seder night and finally stop the orphanage of the seder that we were accustomed to during the years of exile."

According to them, if the permit is given, "we can do so on short notice and within a short time." This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary."

"We are prepared and practiced in the entire process," they wrote to her. "After the grace of heaven we were able to hold public prayers of the Passover sacrifice in the presence of thousands, with the blessings and heads of the greatest rabbis, city rabbis and yeshiva heads, and in coordination with the security forces."

In the letter, they note that since the destruction of the Temple many attempts have been made to renew the work of the victims. Including in the days of the Tannaim during the period of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, and by "our Rabbis, the Ba'alei HaTosefot, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and his son-in-law, the Chatam Sofer, the Chafetz Chaim and the Teshuva, Rabbi Kook and his disciple Hagar Harlap."

They appeal to the prime minister to "redeem the holy place from its destruction, its desolation and its plunder, and all Israel will be rewarded to its servant again as it is written in our Torah, and to eat from the Pesachim and the altars."

Indeependent ?

"This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary." "

Indeependent I have a Koshi with these words, do You know that halachah?
Is there any discussion about such practices in the US?
An appeal to the prime minister to approve the sacrifice of the Passover in the place of the Temple on the Temple Mount

The headquarters of the Temple organizations believe that the global and regional upheavals are ripe for the possibility of renewing the Temple service and sacrificing the Passover sacrifice.

In her address to the prime minister, they make it clear that they are marching "in the footsteps of the greatest rabbis of all generations who tried with the authorities to obtain permission to sacrifice victims in general, and the Passover sacrifice in particular."

"We are asking for your approval for the renewal of the main commandment of Passover, bringing the Passover sacrifice to the site of our Temple," they wrote, claiming that his offering would "allow the eating of the sacrifice on the Seder night and finally stop the orphanage of the seder that we were accustomed to during the years of exile."

According to them, if the permit is given, "we can do so on short notice and within a short time." This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary."

"We are prepared and practiced in the entire process," they wrote to her. "After the grace of heaven we were able to hold public prayers of the Passover sacrifice in the presence of thousands, with the blessings and heads of the greatest rabbis, city rabbis and yeshiva heads, and in coordination with the security forces."

In the letter, they note that since the destruction of the Temple many attempts have been made to renew the work of the victims. Including in the days of the Tannaim during the period of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, and by "our Rabbis, the Ba'alei HaTosefot, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and his son-in-law, the Chatam Sofer, the Chafetz Chaim and the Teshuva, Rabbi Kook and his disciple Hagar Harlap."

They appeal to the prime minister to "redeem the holy place from its destruction, its desolation and its plunder, and all Israel will be rewarded to its servant again as it is written in our Torah, and to eat from the Pesachim and the altars."

Indeependent ?

"This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary." "

Indeependent I have a Koshi with these words, do You know that halachah?
Is there any discussion about such practices in the US?

The majority of Halachic experts in their 70s and above who have spent their entire lives learning Torah interpret the relevant Tanach verses as indicating that the Temple retains it's sanctity and thus no one is allowed to enter the area.

The issue of being T'mai is pertinent only when the Jews are in possession of The Temple and governing the Land of Israel.
This verse can easily be taken out of context by irrational fools.
An appeal to the prime minister to approve the sacrifice of the Passover in the place of the Temple on the Temple Mount

The headquarters of the Temple organizations believe that the global and regional upheavals are ripe for the possibility of renewing the Temple service and sacrificing the Passover sacrifice.

In her address to the prime minister, they make it clear that they are marching "in the footsteps of the greatest rabbis of all generations who tried with the authorities to obtain permission to sacrifice victims in general, and the Passover sacrifice in particular."

"We are asking for your approval for the renewal of the main commandment of Passover, bringing the Passover sacrifice to the site of our Temple," they wrote, claiming that his offering would "allow the eating of the sacrifice on the Seder night and finally stop the orphanage of the seder that we were accustomed to during the years of exile."

According to them, if the permit is given, "we can do so on short notice and within a short time." This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary."

"We are prepared and practiced in the entire process," they wrote to her. "After the grace of heaven we were able to hold public prayers of the Passover sacrifice in the presence of thousands, with the blessings and heads of the greatest rabbis, city rabbis and yeshiva heads, and in coordination with the security forces."

In the letter, they note that since the destruction of the Temple many attempts have been made to renew the work of the victims. Including in the days of the Tannaim during the period of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, and by "our Rabbis, the Ba'alei HaTosefot, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and his son-in-law, the Chatam Sofer, the Chafetz Chaim and the Teshuva, Rabbi Kook and his disciple Hagar Harlap."

They appeal to the prime minister to "redeem the holy place from its destruction, its desolation and its plunder, and all Israel will be rewarded to its servant again as it is written in our Torah, and to eat from the Pesachim and the altars."

Indeependent ?

"This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary." "

Indeependent I have a Koshi with these words, do You know that halachah?
Is there any discussion about such practices in the US?

The majority of Halachic experts in their 70s and above who have spent their entire lives learning Torah interpret the relevant Tanach verses as indicating that the Temple retains it's sanctity and thus no one is allowed to enter the area.

The issue of being T'mai is pertinent only when the Jews are in possession of The Temple and governing the Land of Israel.
This verse can easily be taken out of context by irrational fools.

Ok thanks, I don't think they actually assumed someone would let them, more to raise the issue into public arena.

What about going out on the streets, forests calling for ben-David?
If I remember correctly Rambam was writing about an obligation to go to the streets with Shofarot during clear time of trouble. Do You hear calls for that?
An appeal to the prime minister to approve the sacrifice of the Passover in the place of the Temple on the Temple Mount

The headquarters of the Temple organizations believe that the global and regional upheavals are ripe for the possibility of renewing the Temple service and sacrificing the Passover sacrifice.

In her address to the prime minister, they make it clear that they are marching "in the footsteps of the greatest rabbis of all generations who tried with the authorities to obtain permission to sacrifice victims in general, and the Passover sacrifice in particular."

"We are asking for your approval for the renewal of the main commandment of Passover, bringing the Passover sacrifice to the site of our Temple," they wrote, claiming that his offering would "allow the eating of the sacrifice on the Seder night and finally stop the orphanage of the seder that we were accustomed to during the years of exile."

According to them, if the permit is given, "we can do so on short notice and within a short time." This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary."

"We are prepared and practiced in the entire process," they wrote to her. "After the grace of heaven we were able to hold public prayers of the Passover sacrifice in the presence of thousands, with the blessings and heads of the greatest rabbis, city rabbis and yeshiva heads, and in coordination with the security forces."

In the letter, they note that since the destruction of the Temple many attempts have been made to renew the work of the victims. Including in the days of the Tannaim during the period of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, and by "our Rabbis, the Ba'alei HaTosefot, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and his son-in-law, the Chatam Sofer, the Chafetz Chaim and the Teshuva, Rabbi Kook and his disciple Hagar Harlap."

They appeal to the prime minister to "redeem the holy place from its destruction, its desolation and its plunder, and all Israel will be rewarded to its servant again as it is written in our Torah, and to eat from the Pesachim and the altars."

Indeependent ?

"This is "in accordance with the halachah that the commandment of the Pesach sacrifice is performed even in impurity and without a sanctuary." "

Indeependent I have a Koshi with these words, do You know that halachah?
Is there any discussion about such practices in the US?

The majority of Halachic experts in their 70s and above who have spent their entire lives learning Torah interpret the relevant Tanach verses as indicating that the Temple retains it's sanctity and thus no one is allowed to enter the area.

The issue of being T'mai is pertinent only when the Jews are in possession of The Temple and governing the Land of Israel.
This verse can easily be taken out of context by irrational fools.

Ok thanks, I don't think they actually assumed someone would let them, more to raise the issue into public arena.

What about going out on the streets, forests calling for ben-David?
If I remember correctly Rambam was writing about an obligation to go to the streets with Shofarot during clear time of trouble. Do You hear calls for that?

Actually written Hatzotzrot instead of Shofarot...

א] מצות עשה מן התורה לזעוק ולהריע בחצוצרות על כל צרה שתבא על הצבור. שנאמר על הצר הצורר אתכם והרעותם בחצוצרות. כלומר כל דבר שייצר לכם כגון בצורת ודבר וארבה וכיוצא בהן זעקו עליהן והריעו:

ב] ודבר זה מדרכי התשובה הוא. שבזמן שתבוא צרה ויזעקו עליה ויריעו ידעו הכל שבגלל מעשיהם הרעים הורע להן ככתוב עונותיכם הטו וגו'. וזה הוא שיגרום להסיר הצרה מעליהם:

ג] אבל אם לא יזעקו ולא יריעו אלא יאמרו דבר זה ממנהג העולם אירע לנו וצרה זו נקרה נקרית. הרי זו דרך אכזריות וגורמת להם להדבק במעשיהם הרעים. ותוסיף הצרה צרות אחרות. הוא שכתוב בתורה והלכתם עמי בקרי והלכתי גם אני עמכם בחמת קרי. כלומר כשאביא עליכם צרה כדי שתשובו אם תאמרו שהיא קרי אוסיף לכם חמת אותו קרי:

(הרמב"ם, הלכות תענית)
Palestinian and Israeli Officials Debate PA Payments to Terrorists

Kuperwasser: “These payments have nothing to do with whether these families are weak or not. They don’t have to go through any financial needs test to get the money. The only reason they get the money is because they carry out terror attacks against Israelis.” “More than that, they get more money if they carry out worse attacks because the more time you spend in prison, which means that you carried out an attack that caused more damage, the payments grow with the time. When you reach the really heavy sentences like more than 20 years, you get a salary from the Palestinian Authority that is five times more than the average salary….They call them prisoners of war and define them in their law as ‘the fighting sector of the Palestinian Authority’.” “Is there a justification that the United States will give the Palestinians money in order to pay salaries to terrorists to kill Israelis? Is there any logic behind that?”
Palestinian and Israeli Officials Debate PA Payments to Terrorists

Kuperwasser: “These payments have nothing to do with whether these families are weak or not. They don’t have to go through any financial needs test to get the money. The only reason they get the money is because they carry out terror attacks against Israelis.” “More than that, they get more money if they carry out worse attacks because the more time you spend in prison, which means that you carried out an attack that caused more damage, the payments grow with the time. When you reach the really heavy sentences like more than 20 years, you get a salary from the Palestinian Authority that is five times more than the average salary….They call them prisoners of war and define them in their law as ‘the fighting sector of the Palestinian Authority’.” “Is there a justification that the United States will give the Palestinians money in order to pay salaries to terrorists to kill Israelis? Is there any logic behind that?”

The Israeli putz kept pounding on Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

Doesn't Israel Pay the widows of IDF soldiers?
Palestinian and Israeli Officials Debate PA Payments to Terrorists

Kuperwasser: “These payments have nothing to do with whether these families are weak or not. They don’t have to go through any financial needs test to get the money. The only reason they get the money is because they carry out terror attacks against Israelis.” “More than that, they get more money if they carry out worse attacks because the more time you spend in prison, which means that you carried out an attack that caused more damage, the payments grow with the time. When you reach the really heavy sentences like more than 20 years, you get a salary from the Palestinian Authority that is five times more than the average salary….They call them prisoners of war and define them in their law as ‘the fighting sector of the Palestinian Authority’.” “Is there a justification that the United States will give the Palestinians money in order to pay salaries to terrorists to kill Israelis? Is there any logic behind that?”

The Israeli putz kept pounding on Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

Doesn't Israel Pay the widows of IDF soldiers?

IDF soldiers duty = protect the country

Palestinians "soldiers" and civilians' duty (including children as young as 11 ) = kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Absolutely the same.

Anything else you would like to compare?
Palestinian and Israeli Officials Debate PA Payments to Terrorists

Kuperwasser: “These payments have nothing to do with whether these families are weak or not. They don’t have to go through any financial needs test to get the money. The only reason they get the money is because they carry out terror attacks against Israelis.” “More than that, they get more money if they carry out worse attacks because the more time you spend in prison, which means that you carried out an attack that caused more damage, the payments grow with the time. When you reach the really heavy sentences like more than 20 years, you get a salary from the Palestinian Authority that is five times more than the average salary….They call them prisoners of war and define them in their law as ‘the fighting sector of the Palestinian Authority’.” “Is there a justification that the United States will give the Palestinians money in order to pay salaries to terrorists to kill Israelis? Is there any logic behind that?”

The Israeli putz kept pounding on Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

Doesn't Israel Pay the widows of IDF soldiers?

IDF soldiers duty = protect the country

Palestinians "soldiers" and civilians' duty (including children as young as 11 ) = kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Absolutely the same.

Anything else you would like to compare?

Indeed, your intelligence to a stump.
Palestinian and Israeli Officials Debate PA Payments to Terrorists

Kuperwasser: “These payments have nothing to do with whether these families are weak or not. They don’t have to go through any financial needs test to get the money. The only reason they get the money is because they carry out terror attacks against Israelis.” “More than that, they get more money if they carry out worse attacks because the more time you spend in prison, which means that you carried out an attack that caused more damage, the payments grow with the time. When you reach the really heavy sentences like more than 20 years, you get a salary from the Palestinian Authority that is five times more than the average salary….They call them prisoners of war and define them in their law as ‘the fighting sector of the Palestinian Authority’.” “Is there a justification that the United States will give the Palestinians money in order to pay salaries to terrorists to kill Israelis? Is there any logic behind that?”

The Israeli putz kept pounding on Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

Doesn't Israel Pay the widows of IDF soldiers?

IDF soldiers duty = protect the country

Palestinians "soldiers" and civilians' duty (including children as young as 11 ) = kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Absolutely the same.

Anything else you would like to compare?

Indeed, your intelligence to a stump.

It provides schools supplies to orphans beginning first grade, hosts weekend vacations for widows and widowers in Israel and, in some cases, provides its members with financial assistance up to NIS 10,000 ($2,600).

In addition to hosting the orphans’ bar mitzvah group ceremonies, the IDFWO also celebrates the religious occasions and holidays of its non-Jewish members.

Chairperson of the IDF Widows and Orphans Organization, Tami Shelach, hands out gifts to Bedouin Muslim widows in southern Israel on September 28, 2016. (IDFWO)
“We have Druze and Christians and Muslim widows,” Shelach noted.

Last month, for instance, the group held a special event to hand out gifts to Bedouin Muslim widows in southern Israel.

For head of IDF Widows and Orphans group, Yom Kippur a reminder of a love lost
Palestinian and Israeli Officials Debate PA Payments to Terrorists

Kuperwasser: “These payments have nothing to do with whether these families are weak or not. They don’t have to go through any financial needs test to get the money. The only reason they get the money is because they carry out terror attacks against Israelis.” “More than that, they get more money if they carry out worse attacks because the more time you spend in prison, which means that you carried out an attack that caused more damage, the payments grow with the time. When you reach the really heavy sentences like more than 20 years, you get a salary from the Palestinian Authority that is five times more than the average salary….They call them prisoners of war and define them in their law as ‘the fighting sector of the Palestinian Authority’.” “Is there a justification that the United States will give the Palestinians money in order to pay salaries to terrorists to kill Israelis? Is there any logic behind that?”

The Israeli putz kept pounding on Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

Doesn't Israel Pay the widows of IDF soldiers?

You have fallen down and bumped your head again, right?
Intense Video: Watch Israeli Police Take Out a Palestinian Terrorist During Temple Mount Attack

Intense Video: Watch Israeli Police Take Out a Palestinian Terrorist During Temple Mount Attack

Therefore, to gain Palestinian acceptance, Israel must return to its old policy of deterrence, of punishing Palestinians severely when they aggress. One example: When three family members were murdered in July 2017 while sitting down to Sabbath dinner in the Israeli West Bank town of Halamish, the Israeli response should have been to construct new buildings in Halamish and extend its boundaries.

That's deterrence; it's more than tough tactics, which Israeli governments already pursue; it means developing consistent policies to break rejectionism and encourage Palestinian acceptance of Israel. It implies a strategy to crush irredentist Palestinian ambitions so as finally to end the demonizing of Jews and Israel, recognize historic Jewish ties to Jerusalem, "normalize" relations with Israelis, close the suicide factories, and shutter the entire machinery of warfare. This process will be neither easy nor quick: it requires Palestinians to suffer the bitter crucible of defeat, with its attendant deprivation, destruction, and despair. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut.

A change of heart implies, not just a permanent absence of violence against Israelis but shutting down completely, everywhere from the United Nations to the university campus, the Palestinian-driven campaign of delegitimizing Israel.

If Palestinian defeat is good for Israel, it is ironically even better for Palestinians, who will finally be liberated from ugly ambitions, revolutionary rhetoric, and genocidal fantasies. An educated and skilled people can then improve its life by building its polity, economy, society, and culture. Think of this as a miniature version of post-1945 Germany. And if diplomacy is now premature, issues such as Jerusalem, borders, and resources can be fruitfully discussed after a Palestinian defeat. The two-state solution, an absurdity at present (it means asking Israel to strengthen its mortal enemy) will make good sense after a Palestinian defeat.

(full article online)

Why Palestinians Need an Israel Victory
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