All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Many times. What is he saying from 6:00 to 7:50 What is the significance?

Quit being so obtuse. He states that the independent State for the Jewish homeland could have come into being at any time from 1920. Where is the self-contradiction and where is the contradiction with Kontorovich?

What ARE you trying to argue here? The territory HAD borders. Borders are normally transferred from one political entity to another with a change of sovereignty. Do you dispute that?
That is not what he was talking about.
As always, you are not discussing, you are just messing around.

He clearly states that the Jews would have had a State from 1920 to 1948, any time after 1920, had it not been for the British back stabbing the Jews with Article #6 by cutting down the Jewish right to immigrate into their own homeland.

Is there a problem with that? What is it?

What did you understand from 6 to 7:50 minutes into the video that you are bringing it up? Or let us say it, what is it that you did misunderstand about it?
It is you who misunderstood what he said. He said that a condition had to be met. That condition was a Jewish majority. If Palestine was given to the Jews, why would this be important? If the Palestinians had no sovereignty in the land that should not make a difference. But it did.

After the Treaty of Lausenne, The Palestinians became the sovereigns and citizens of Palestine. If a representative government was established with the Jews in the minority there would not be a Jewish state. Britain had the Mandate for 30 years and never established a representative government for that reason. The plan was, through mass immigration, to pack Palestine with Jews and when they became the majority then a government could be established. This never happened. The plan failed and Britain left Palestine without establishing a government.


It was only a matter of time before you erroneously and falsely tried to connect the Treaty of Lausanne with creation of your invented “country of Pally’land”.

I suppose the last dozen times you failed to support that claim gives credence to another attempt.
You haven't been following my posts.
Quit being so obtuse. He states that the independent State for the Jewish homeland could have come into being at any time from 1920. Where is the self-contradiction and where is the contradiction with Kontorovich?

What ARE you trying to argue here? The territory HAD borders. Borders are normally transferred from one political entity to another with a change of sovereignty. Do you dispute that?
That is not what he was talking about.
As always, you are not discussing, you are just messing around.

He clearly states that the Jews would have had a State from 1920 to 1948, any time after 1920, had it not been for the British back stabbing the Jews with Article #6 by cutting down the Jewish right to immigrate into their own homeland.

Is there a problem with that? What is it?

What did you understand from 6 to 7:50 minutes into the video that you are bringing it up? Or let us say it, what is it that you did misunderstand about it?
It is you who misunderstood what he said. He said that a condition had to be met. That condition was a Jewish majority. If Palestine was given to the Jews, why would this be important? If the Palestinians had no sovereignty in the land that should not make a difference. But it did.

After the Treaty of Lausenne, The Palestinians became the sovereigns and citizens of Palestine. If a representative government was established with the Jews in the minority there would not be a Jewish state. Britain had the Mandate for 30 years and never established a representative government for that reason. The plan was, through mass immigration, to pack Palestine with Jews and when they became the majority then a government could be established. This never happened. The plan failed and Britain left Palestine without establishing a government.


It was only a matter of time before you erroneously and falsely tried to connect the Treaty of Lausanne with creation of your invented “country of Pally’land”.

I suppose the last dozen times you failed to support that claim gives credence to another attempt.
You haven't been following my posts.

Your posts are silly YouTube videos.
Explain. Give ~time on video where this occurs.
Many times. What is he saying from 6:00 to 7:50 What is the significance?

Quit being so obtuse. He states that the independent State for the Jewish homeland could have come into being at any time from 1920. Where is the self-contradiction and where is the contradiction with Kontorovich?

What ARE you trying to argue here? The territory HAD borders. Borders are normally transferred from one political entity to another with a change of sovereignty. Do you dispute that?
That is not what he was talking about.
As always, you are not discussing, you are just messing around.

He clearly states that the Jews would have had a State from 1920 to 1948, any time after 1920, had it not been for the British back stabbing the Jews with Article #6 by cutting down the Jewish right to immigrate into their own homeland.

Is there a problem with that? What is it?

What did you understand from 6 to 7:50 minutes into the video that you are bringing it up? Or let us say it, what is it that you did misunderstand about it?
It is you who misunderstood what he said. He said that a condition had to be met. That condition was a Jewish majority. If Palestine was given to the Jews, why would this be important? If the Palestinians had no sovereignty in the land that should not make a difference. But it did.

After the Treaty of Lausenne, The Palestinians became the sovereigns and citizens of Palestine. If a representative government was established with the Jews in the minority there would not be a Jewish state. Britain had the Mandate for 30 years and never established a representative government for that reason. The plan was, through mass immigration, to pack Palestine with Jews and when they became the majority then a government could be established. This never happened. The plan failed and Britain left Palestine without establishing a government.
The Arabs had NO sovereignty on the land. Ask the Ottomans.

It was the Jewish Homeland, and it was for the Jews to return to their land and become the majority in it again.

But the Arabs kept attacking and the British kept capitulating to the Arab demands and Jews only became a majority in some of the areas and not all of it by 1948.

TranJordan became Jew free in 1925.
Jewish cities became Jew free in 1929 thanks to the Arabs rioting and attacking Jews, and then the British expelling them from those areas.

The Arabs (Al Husseini ) understood very well that once the Jews immigrated into the Mandate and they became the majority, the Muslims would become subjects to the Jews. And that was unacceptable to him and Islam.

The UN disagrees with you.

The Jews showed the UN that they had built an infrastructure and a government and they were ready to become independent of the Mandate, like the other three Mandates.

Arabs and Jews became the "Palestinians" under the British Mandate for Palestine. The name was chosen by the British because of the Romans having changed the name from Judea to Syria Palestina. The Arabs were not around, then.

The Arabs were offered a partition during the 1936-39 war. They rejected it because they wanted sovereignty of it all, a future Pan Arab Caliphate.

The Jews accepted the partition in 1937. And again when the UN offered the partition and the Jews showed that they were ready for it in November of 1947.

The UN acceptance of the future Jewish State is what got the Arabs started again with attacks on Jews until May 14, 1948 when Israel declared Independence.

Next day, all the Arab Muslim countries invaded in order to destroy the new State which had been approved by the UN.

It was not up to the British to establish a government in the Mandate for Palestine.

Which government did they establish for the Mandate of Iraq?
Or the French for the Mandates of Lebanon and Syria?

It was always up to the people living in those Mandates to create an infrastructure and a government which would work and therefore be able to function as a State.

Keep dreaming.
The Death Cult is literally falling over themselves in celebration of another of their mass murdering heroes.


PMW Bulletins
Murder of 11 was "greatest and most wonderful quality operation," says Fatah in video and Facebook post - PMW Bulletins

Murder of 11 was "greatest and most wonderful quality operation," says Fatah in video and Facebook post

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Apr. 9, 2018
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The video shows pictures of each of the terrorists who committed the Savoy terror attack posing with weapons, as well as the planner of the attack, arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who the PA has credited with planning attacks in which they claim 125 were murdered.

Why yes, "greatest and most wonderful quality operation," (killing Jews and Christians) by appeasing the musings of a 7th Arab warlord and his rabid Jew hatreds is a mental disorder still shared by Arabs-Moslems today.

If You're not a Jew...there's no scandal.
Chinese tourists with a flag of Israel on the Temple Mount.
It's a dynamic painfully obvious. Arabs-Moslems seem especially susceptible to belief in the most outrageous conspiracy theories.

I suspect an element of that dynamic derives from the politico-religious superstitions which are reinforced by a cultural / social dynamic that tends to be tribal and inculated with the "us vs. them" mentality of Islamist fascism.

PMW Bulletins

To avenge the Crusaders’ defeat by Muslims, the West created Israel - PMW Bulletins

To avenge the Crusaders’ defeat by Muslims, the West created Israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Apr. 10, 2018

Op-ed in official PA daily:
To avenge the Crusaders’ defeat by Muslims,
the Capitalist West created Israel

Israel is a “colonialist satanic plant”

“This Zionist project is a temporary project”
  • The West created Israel:
- “to get rid of the problem of the Jewish ghetto”

- “to settle accounts with the Arabs... over the defeats [Arab Muslims] inflicted on the Crusaders”

- to serve “global capitalism’s goals and plans to take control of the resources of the Arab nation’s peoples”
  • Israel - “the colonialist satanic plant” - will not survive because the “Zionist project... is a project that rejects life”
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Algerian TV screened a documentary last month about the 2000-year history of Jews in Algeria. The documentary was quite positive towards Jews altogether. You can see the first part, with English subtitles, here.

The film includes a testimony to a Jew named Hussein who talks about his life in Algeria and the difficulties he faces because he is Jewish, although he is an Algerian.

"I am an Algerian like you, I love this country, I am Jewish," he says. But most remaining Jews in Algeria hide their origins.

There has been quite a backlash by people upset over the pro-Jewish documentary.

Al Quds, the UK-based pan-Arab news site, writes that while a couple of people interviewed liked the film, most others were aghast.

(full article online)

Algerians upset over documentary that makes Algerian Jews look good ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Here is the depth of Jordan's supposed respect for religious sites, from JTA, November 2, 1967:

A shocking record of destruction and desecration of Jewish holy places in and around Old Jerusalem during 19 years of Jordanian rule was documented today in the report of an inter-ministerial committee that was appointed after the Six-Day War to determine the state of Jewish shrines in Jordan held territory.
The findings of the committee were summarized by Zerach Warhaftig, Minister of Religious Affairs, at a press conference here. As examples of the wanton disregard of the religious rights of others, Mr. Warhaftig noted the destruction of all but two of the 58 synagogues in the Jewish quarter of the Old City and the almost total destruction of the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives which has been in continuous use for more than 2,000 years.
The cemetery was one of the Jewish holy places to which access was promised by the Jordanians in the 1949 armistice agreements although the promise was never observed. Tombstones were carried away for purposes ranging from fortifying mortar positions to building lavatories and the report says, documentary evidence and eye witnesses “make it clear beyond doubt that the desecration of the cemetery was carried out by Jordanian authorities for official purposes.”

Israel needs to respond to each and every such statement from Jordan with a demand for an apology and financial compensation for the damage done to synagogues and graves over 19 years of when Jerusalem was Judenrein. It is way past time that Israel remains silent when absurd allegations of desecration are hurled at Jews who politely and respectfully walk on their holiest spot - a place where the entire idea of Islamic sanctity is derived from the Jewish veneration for that area.

Only when every dollar is repaid and a heartfelt apology given will Israel be willing to engage in a discussion of respect for holy places - a discussion where Jordan will still come out poorly, today.
(full article online)

Nation that destroyed scores of synagogues lectures Israel on religious sensitivity ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ahead of the Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism, which will be marked next Wednesday, the National Insurance Institute said on Friday that the number of civilians killed in terrorist attacks since the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 stands at 3,134. This figure also includes 122 foreign nationals killed in terrorist attacks in Israel and 100 Israelis who died abroad.

(full article online)

The numbers behind the murderous attacks
Ahead of the Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism, which will be marked next Wednesday, the National Insurance Institute said on Friday that the number of civilians killed in terrorist attacks since the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 stands at 3,134. This figure also includes 122 foreign nationals killed in terrorist attacks in Israel and 100 Israelis who died abroad.

(full article online)

The numbers behind the murderous attacks
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.
Ahead of the Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism, which will be marked next Wednesday, the National Insurance Institute said on Friday that the number of civilians killed in terrorist attacks since the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 stands at 3,134. This figure also includes 122 foreign nationals killed in terrorist attacks in Israel and 100 Israelis who died abroad.

(full article online)

The numbers behind the murderous attacks
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.
You are the only chicken feeding himself with the garbage you can get against Israel and Jews.

One counts something as a crime by the numbers.
Only in the Jew hating world of fools like you.
Ahead of the Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism, which will be marked next Wednesday, the National Insurance Institute said on Friday that the number of civilians killed in terrorist attacks since the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 stands at 3,134. This figure also includes 122 foreign nationals killed in terrorist attacks in Israel and 100 Israelis who died abroad.

(full article online)

The numbers behind the murderous attacks
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.
You are the only chicken feeding himself with the garbage you can get against Israel and Jews.

One counts something as a crime by the numbers.
Only in the Jew hating world of fools like you.
Did your source provide info for both sides or is it just a propaganda organization.
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