All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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No fewer than 250 missionaries from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea and Russia are currently touring the country as part of an extensive campaign of Christian sects.

The peak of their activity will take place on Independence Day - as hundreds of thousands of citizens go out and crowds gather for the holiday.

(full article online)

'Missionary attack on Independence Day'
An Israeli man who was beaten in an anti-Semitic attack while wearing a traditional Jewish skullcap in Berlin told German television on Wednesday night that he was not Jewish but wanted to find out whether it was safe to walk in the street dressed as a Jew.

“I am not Jewish, I am an Israeli and I grew up in Israel in an Arab family,” Adam Armush, 21, told broadcaster Deutsche Welle. “It was an experience for me to wear the skullcap and go out into the street yesterday.”

He said he filmed the attack on him and a second man as evidence “for the police and for the German people and even the world to see how terrible it is these days as a Jew to go through Berlin streets.”

(full article online)

Man attacked in Berlin for wearing kippa is Israeli Arab
“If you finally were to decide to end your war against us in Israel, finally decide that you love your children more than you hate us, finally decide that instead of trying to destroy Israel you want it to help you accommodate to modernity, you will find our hands extended in friendship.”

(full article online)

Open Letter to the Muslim World: End Your War with Israel
Ahead of Independence Day celebrations in the Jewish state, The Associated Press took stock of what Israel has accomplished in 70 years — and where things stand in peace efforts.

Unfortunately, the international wire service unnecessarily botched three facts, all easily verifiable and all cumulatively undermining my confidence in AP. This isn’t a malicious hatchet job, just several points of carelessness. AP is better than this.

(full article online)

AP’s Three-Way Independence Day Botch
“If you finally were to decide to end your war against us in Israel, finally decide that you love your children more than you hate us, finally decide that instead of trying to destroy Israel you want it to help you accommodate to modernity, you will find our hands extended in friendship.”

(full article online)

Open Letter to the Muslim World: End Your War with Israel
Does that mean that Israel is willing to give back everything it has stolen?
“If you finally were to decide to end your war against us in Israel, finally decide that you love your children more than you hate us, finally decide that instead of trying to destroy Israel you want it to help you accommodate to modernity, you will find our hands extended in friendship.”

(full article online)

Open Letter to the Muslim World: End Your War with Israel
Does that mean that Israel is willing to give back everything it has stolen?
The indigenous people cannot "steal" their own ancient homeland, only take it back.

And the Jews have done so.
“If you finally were to decide to end your war against us in Israel, finally decide that you love your children more than you hate us, finally decide that instead of trying to destroy Israel you want it to help you accommodate to modernity, you will find our hands extended in friendship.”

(full article online)

Open Letter to the Muslim World: End Your War with Israel
Does that mean that Israel is willing to give back everything it has stolen?
When the Muslims revive all the people they have murdered.
The driver and his not-yet-apprehended comrades were planning to celebrate Israel’s Independence Day by massacring Israeli Jews. If not for the Reihan checkpoint, they would have succeeded. When a catastrophe is averted due to some chance occurrence, we consider it miraculous. Maybe we should call this one the Reihan Miracle.

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that the discovery of the truck-terrorist’s plot was not reported in the Washington Post or on CNN. Highlighting the value of Israel’s checkpoints does not suit the pro-Palestinian narrative that is so common among the international media.

If the truck driver had managed to smuggle his explosives through the checkpoint and carried out the attack, the media no doubt would have covered it. But they probably would have claimed the bombing was just a Palestinian response to the “humiliation” caused by the checkpoints, which are “occupying” their territory.

(full article online)

Israeli checkpoint stops another massacre
“Ms. Brown,” wrote Bowles, “wants to use Facebook’s existing Watch product — a service introduced in 2017 as a premium product with more curation that has nonetheless been flooded with far-right conspiracy programming like ‘Palestinians Pay $400 million Pensions For Terrorist Families.’”

As those of us who are in the reality based community know, the Palestinian Authority’s financial support of terrorists and their families is very, very far from a conspiracy, far-right or otherwise. Reading Bowles’s report, for example, Lahav Harkov, the Knesset reporter for The Jerusalem Post, took to Twitter to share some of her meticulous reporting on the Palestinian pay-for-slay program with Bowles: Read the real news, and you’ll learn that, in 2017, the PA doled out more than $347 million to families of terrorists who had murdered Jews, increasing the amount to $403 million this year. Between 2013 and 2017, the PA spent $1.12 billion on supporting terrorists and their families, as Yosef Kuperwasser, the former head of the IDF intelligence’s research branch, reported in Tablet last May.

This information, of course, was available to Bowles and to anyone else with Internet access, and only she and her editors may know whether it was malice or sheer incompetence that stopped her from looking up a simple fact before presenting it as an ideologically tainted conspiracy theory. But here’s what we do know:

(full article online)

The New York Times Dismisses Palestinian Payments to Terrorists as a 'Far-Right Conspiracy'

Arab students at Ben Gurion University
Flash 90

On Monday morning, the The Knesset's Ministerial Committee for Matters of the Arab Population approved a plan to invest 20 million NIS in the construction of buildings for hi-tech companies and in hi-tech services in Arab villages. As part of the plan, the Israeli government will pave access roads to the new industrial zones.

(full article online)

Number of Arab high school graduates rises
I suspect that, in the hope of achieving some Islamo street cred, the PA is going to try and put on their best show of defiance in front of the Great Satan. My hope is that the US government chooses to quickly turn off the money spigot that drenches the islamic terrorists parading around as "Pal'istanians"

PMW Submission to US State Department: PA fails to implement terms of Taylor Force Act - PMW Bulletins

PMW Special Report:
PA fails to implement terms of
Taylor Force Act

  • The Taylor Force Act passed on March 23, 2018
  • The Taylor Force Act conditions US direct budgetary assistance to the PA on the PA's cancellation of its payments to terrorists and their families
  • The Secretary of State is required to certify within 30 days of the enactment of the Taylor Force Act whether the PA has met the conditions set in it
The following is PMW's report, prepared for the US Secretary of State, which shows that the PA has failed to implement the conditions set in the Taylor Force Act.

By Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch
[ Just as it happened in Europe centuries ago, some Arabs realize that expelling Jews is not good for their countries ]

A Saudi journalist recently discussed in his weekly column for London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat the oppression of Jews in Arab countries that led those Jews to emigrate and reestablish their lives elsewhere.

The journalist, Hussein Shubakshi, wrote that Jews living in “the Mashreq,” the eastern part of the Arab world, were forced to leave for other countries after facing systematic oppression and confiscation of their property, despite being “pillars of the economy and of culture and art” in their respective countries. Citing examples of Jewish families that went on to be financially successful elsewhere, Shubakshi asserted that Jewish emigration from Arab countries constituted a loss to “the Arab economy and to Arab society, which failed to be tolerant and became an emblem of exclusion.”

(full article online)

'We oppressed Jews - and lost their contribution'
“Ms. Brown,” wrote Bowles, “wants to use Facebook’s existing Watch product — a service introduced in 2017 as a premium product with more curation that has nonetheless been flooded with far-right conspiracy programming like ‘Palestinians Pay $400 million Pensions For Terrorist Families.’”

As those of us who are in the reality based community know, the Palestinian Authority’s financial support of terrorists and their families is very, very far from a conspiracy, far-right or otherwise. Reading Bowles’s report, for example, Lahav Harkov, the Knesset reporter for The Jerusalem Post, took to Twitter to share some of her meticulous reporting on the Palestinian pay-for-slay program with Bowles: Read the real news, and you’ll learn that, in 2017, the PA doled out more than $347 million to families of terrorists who had murdered Jews, increasing the amount to $403 million this year. Between 2013 and 2017, the PA spent $1.12 billion on supporting terrorists and their families, as Yosef Kuperwasser, the former head of the IDF intelligence’s research branch, reported in Tablet last May.

This information, of course, was available to Bowles and to anyone else with Internet access, and only she and her editors may know whether it was malice or sheer incompetence that stopped her from looking up a simple fact before presenting it as an ideologically tainted conspiracy theory. But here’s what we do know:

(full article online)

The New York Times Dismisses Palestinian Payments to Terrorists as a 'Far-Right Conspiracy'
I never hear about it except from the right wingnut crowd. Usually from Israeli propaganda orgs.
“Ms. Brown,” wrote Bowles, “wants to use Facebook’s existing Watch product — a service introduced in 2017 as a premium product with more curation that has nonetheless been flooded with far-right conspiracy programming like ‘Palestinians Pay $400 million Pensions For Terrorist Families.’”

As those of us who are in the reality based community know, the Palestinian Authority’s financial support of terrorists and their families is very, very far from a conspiracy, far-right or otherwise. Reading Bowles’s report, for example, Lahav Harkov, the Knesset reporter for The Jerusalem Post, took to Twitter to share some of her meticulous reporting on the Palestinian pay-for-slay program with Bowles: Read the real news, and you’ll learn that, in 2017, the PA doled out more than $347 million to families of terrorists who had murdered Jews, increasing the amount to $403 million this year. Between 2013 and 2017, the PA spent $1.12 billion on supporting terrorists and their families, as Yosef Kuperwasser, the former head of the IDF intelligence’s research branch, reported in Tablet last May.

This information, of course, was available to Bowles and to anyone else with Internet access, and only she and her editors may know whether it was malice or sheer incompetence that stopped her from looking up a simple fact before presenting it as an ideologically tainted conspiracy theory. But here’s what we do know:

(full article online)

The New York Times Dismisses Palestinian Payments to Terrorists as a 'Far-Right Conspiracy'
I never hear about it except from the right wingnut crowd. Usually from Israeli propaganda orgs.

You've never heard of the welfare fraud fund that sustains the invented people called "Pal'istanians"?

The fraud is known as UNRWA.
Life tends to be cheap in islam'istan. It's truly a shame that such a debilitating pathology of glorifying death and celebrating the infliction of suffering in an an act of mass murder / suicide is forced on children.

Fatah names camp for kids after arch-terrorist responsible for murder of 125 Israelis - PMW Bulletins

Fatah names camp for kids after arch-terrorist
responsible for murder of 125 Israelis

  • The Martyr Abu Jihad Camp was held at PA National Security Forces facility

  • PA Ministry of Information: "Abu Jihad, the one of a kind military mind... his heritage will remain... a source of inspiration for our resistance"
  • PA Ministry of Education: Radio broadcasts in all PA schools "were dedicated to talking about the life of Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir"
  • Fatah: "Those who outlined their path in blood cannot disappear, We are loyal to your path, O heroes"
  • Fatah: "Let us continue attacking"
  • Fatah: "A people whose leaders are Martyrs will triumph, Allah willing"
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Palestinians Tortured by P.A. for Preventing Terror, Saving Israelis
Julie Stahl,
Chris Mitchell

JERUSALEM, Israel – What do you call a man who saves the lives of innocent men, wo

CBN News has closely followed the controversial practice known as "pay-to-slay" in which the Palestinian Authority government rewards terrorists for attacking Israel. Now we have accounts of how the P.A. has brutally tortured its own citizens who try to save lives by preventing terror attacks.

Palestinians Tortured by P.A. for Preventing Terror, Saving Israelis
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