All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The Times back-down attracted some public reaction in addition to Ambassador Dayan’s description of it as “correction of the year.” An editor at the New York Post, Seth Mandel, commented, “Amazing. Basically all NYT stories on Israel and Judaism are incomplete until the correction is posted.”

A former Israeli diplomat, Lenny Ben-David, noted that the correction “may be seen by 1% of those who read [the] original article.”

The Times original claim had provoked a furor, as The Algemeiner reported. The article had read: “Ms. Brown wants to use Facebook’s existing Watch product — a service introduced in 2017 as a premium product with more curation that has nonetheless been flooded with far-right conspiracy programming like ‘Palestinians Pay $400 Million Pensions For Terrorist Families’ — to be a breaking news destination.”

Liel Leibowitz wrote in Tablet that only the article’s author “and her editors may know whether it was malice or sheer incompetence that stopped her from looking up a simple fact before presenting it as an ideologically tainted conspiracy theory.”

(full article online)

New York Times Issues ‘Correction of The Year’ on Pay-To-Slay
[ Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc wearing the Kippah. Unfortunately, Never Again does not have much of a meaning in Europe these days as attacks on Jews continue ]

A video of the assault, filmed by one of the Israeli victims, went viral on social media and sparked widespread revulsion.

The issue of anti-Semitism is particularly fraught in Germany, which has gone to great lengths to atone for its Nazi past and whose political class takes deep pride in the growth of the now 200,000-strong Jewish community.

However, a number of high-profile incidents in recent months have stoked fears of a possible resurgence of anti-Semitism from both the far-right and a large influx of predominantly Muslim asylum-seekers since 2015.

(full article online)

Germans join Jews for kippah-wearing protest against new wave of anti-Semitism
If any of you ever has the opportunity to visit the “occupied” Palestinians, you’ll be surprised to discover that the Israeli “occupiers” whom Mr. Schindler taught you about are nowhere to be found. There’s no Israeli military governor. The Israeli military administration that once ruled the Palestinian-inhabited areas was dismantled long ago.

The Palestinians’ schools are run by Palestinian principals and teachers. The courts have Palestinian judges. The streets are policed by the Palestinian police and security forces. When elections are held, the candidates and the voters are all Palestinians. Pretty much the only thing that the P.A. can’t do is import tanks, planes, Iranian “volunteers” or North Korean missiles.

The only time Israeli troops enter Palestinian-inhabited areas is when they are chasing down a terrorist. Going into some Palestinian town for an hour or two to catch a bomb-thrower or a sniper hardly constitutes an “occupation” of the Palestinians.

Yes, Israel has checkpoints set up along its border with the P.A., and it’s a shame if that inconveniences some Palestinian travelers. Just like it’s a shame that every one of us is inconvenienced every time we have to go through a security checkpoint at an American airport. But checkpoints are set up in Israel and in U.S. airports for the same good reason: to keep terrorists from blowing us up. That’s not an “occupation.” That’s called self-defense.

The current situation in the territories is not a perfect solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. But we live in an imperfect world. The current arrangements in the territories allow nearly all of the Palestinians to live under their own government. They live in an entity that is close to statehood in every respect except for the few aspects that would most endanger Israel’s existence.

(full article online)

‘No,’ Mr. Schindler, there is no ‘occupation’
[ Truly, it is a Muslim thing. Think Palestinians in Gaza are the only ones indoctrinating their children to be martyrs? ]

Another tweet states, “The AKP is preparing Turkish children in Europe for war: In Austrian ATIB mosques operated by the Turkish state, young boys in military uniforms are prepared to die as martyr [sic], playing ‘dead soldiers’ who are wrapped in the Turkish flag.”





( full article and photos online)

Erdogan Grooming Child Martyrs | Clarion Project
Left-wing and Arab enemies of Israel make a number of accusations that they repeat as if they were facts. Here I take apart those myths from a left-wing Arab perspective.

I summarize the facts, but I include many links to other articles that provide further background. Some of the articles referenced are mine, where I reference serious sources not considered pro-Israel, including Haaretz, BBC, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, and The Huffington Post. I also reference pro-Israel sources that are known for their journalistic integrity, including The Times of Israel, The Jerusalem Post, and The Gatestone Institute.

This article is not for everyone. It is intended only for a narrow audience: People who are willing to base their opinions on facts and not lies. Others are kindly advised to stay away, lest they be contaminated by facts that they would rather continue ignoring.

(full article online)

Debunking 25 left-wing and Arab myths from a left-wing Arab perspective
I’ll bet you didn’t know this.

Terrorism has no link to Islam, says Arab League

Terrorism has no link to Islam, says Arab League


Governance & Politics

Javed Hamim Kakar
Apr 16, 2018 - 12:25
KABUL (Pajhwok): The 29th Arab Summit -- Al-Quds Summit -- has strongly condemned attempts to link terrorism to Islam, a religion that sets great store by peace.

Leaders and heads of Arab countries, who met in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, issued the call in a unanimous declaration on Sunday

“We affirm the illegality of the American decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We categorically refuse to recognise Al-Quds as the capital of Israel, where East Al-Quds will remain the capital of Palestine.

Yes, the meeting of these Peaceful Inner Strugglers™️ was held in the KSA, the very region where a desert Arab warlord stole ruthlessly from existing religions and invented the most fascistic, hateful politico-religious ideology ever to be unleashed upon mankind.
Yes, Israel has checkpoints set up along its border with the P.A.,
Most check points are inside the West Bank.
[And this is exactly why the checkpoints exist, to curb the Muhammedan festival of attacking Jews, anytime they like.
Now, a 1400 year Festival even more of them participate in it.

When the Muhammedans choose Respect and Peace over killing Jews, then the checkpoints will be gone]

B'Tselem, a far-left Israeli group, that deals in human rights violations, publishes an on-listing ["Checkpoints in the West Bank and Gaza"] which catalogues what you would expect from the name. Here's how it describes the checkpoint:

al-Walajah / Malha / ‘Ein Yalu
Permanently staffed Last checkpoint before Israel
Located on the Green Line. Staffed around the clock by the military, Border Police, and private security companies. Closed to Palestinians, with the exception of East Jerusalem residents.

In the very early hours of this morning (Friday), a little after 1:00 am according to this Hebrew social media report, members of the Israeli Border Guard (Mishmar Hagvul - the border security branch of the national police) did exactly what security personnel are supposed to do when everything works right: they spotted what they called a "suspicious" vehicle en route to Jerusalem right at the crossing. This one had yellow Israeli license plates, and on closer inspection was found to be driven by a pair of Palestinian Arabs who we now know are residents of Hebron and nearby Beit Jala.

Times of Israel says

Security forces arrested two West Bank Palestinians who tried to enter Israel with a pipe bomb Thursday night, police said. A statement from police said the “suspicious” vehicle carrying the Palestinians was stopped at the Ein Yael checkpoint in southern Jerusalem. A search of the vehicle yielded the homemade explosive device, a knife, and tens of thousands of shekels in cash and checks, it said. An army sapper was called to the scene to defuse the pipe bomb. The suspects were detained for questioning.Israel National News, quoting an Israel Police statement said

"Border Police soldiers and police officers are deployed around the clock in the Jerusalem area to locate and inspect vehicles and suspects in order to protect the lives of Israeli citizens."

The suspects have now been taken for interrogation. Neither they nor their weapons of war would have been intercepted if the checkpoint were not there (and they knew it was so they took an unsuccessful calculated risk) and the security personnel were less alert.

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 27-Apr-18: On Jerusalem's southern edge, an overnight intercept appears to have thwarted an armed terror attack
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An IDF soldier stands next to a blindfolded Palestinian prisoner. (photo credit:" REUTERS/IDF HANDOUT)
Defense Ministry exposes Palestinian terror price list of how much prisoners get on crime scale.

The Palestinian Authority paid terrorists and their families over $347 million last year, according to its own records, the Defense Ministry reported to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday.

The average income of a Palestinian is $580 per month, which is what the PA pays terrorists who are sentenced to three to five years in prison.

The PA pays terrorists who are sentenced to 20 years or more in prison – in other words, those who committed more severe crimes, and likely were involved in killing Israelis – five times that each month for the rest of their lives.

Terrorists who are Israeli citizens receive a $145 bonus, which, when added to the amount PA pays for the most severe crimes, comes to over $2,900 a month, more than the average Israeli income of around $2,700. There are also increases in pay for being married and for each child a terrorist has.

Palestinian Authority paid terrorists nearly $350 million in 2017

Islamic terrorism pays, for as long as the west continues to finance it

As far as paragraph 2 is concerned, that shows J-Street's hypocrisy even more. Haaretz reported in February:
Israel presented humanitarian assistance plans at the gathering for the rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip with a focus on desalination, electricity and natural gas infrastructure projects in addition to upgrading of the industrial zone at the Erez border crossing with Israel. The total cost of the projects is estimated at a billion dollars, which Israel asked the international community to fund.Isn't this what J-Street is demanding with the Sanders letter? Yet J-Street did not say a word in support of Israel's plan to build Gaza's infrastructure in ways that would help Gazans and not endanger Israelis.

J-Street doesn't give a damn about Gazans. They are just using them to bash Israel - just like the Palestinian Authority itself. As far as I can tell, J-Street never once condemned Mahmoud Abbas for restricting medicine and power to Gaza.

(full article online)

J-Street effectively trying to help Hamas smuggle bombs into Gaza ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Had Iyad Abuheweila and David Halbfinger made even a half-hearted effort to provide just part of the context above, their depiction of Saber al-Gerim could have been a magnificent, Pulitzer-prize worthy condemnation of the death cult of Hamas, perhaps helping to steer a few responsible adults in the West to end Gaza’s reign of terror. Instead, naturally, they put the blame on the Jewish state.

“The protests, with an outdoor festival’s schedule of fun and games, performances and creative programming — and carnage every Friday — is meant to build to a climax on May 15, the day Palestinians mark the Nakba, or catastrophe, of their flight and expulsion when Israel was established 70 years ago,” they report, depicting the obvious reason: “Israel continues to treat the tiny coastal enclave like a deadly virus to be quarantined and, other than that, more or less tunes it out.”

Never mind that the main source of power in Gaza, when its Arab providers fail, is the Israel Electric Company, which uses Israeli customers’ fees to feed Gaza’s lines; never mind that Israel remains the only reliable shipping source for Gaza, forgiving the terror-smuggling and processing the goods on truck convoys to the crossings; never mind that Israeli hospitals continue to take in critical patients from Gaza when no one else would. Makes no difference how much or how little Israel is doing, every failure and every measure of cruelty of Hamas against its people and of the PA against the people under Hamas is ignored in favor of casting the blame on the Jewish state.

(full article online)

NY Times’ Infantile Support for Gaza Rioters Empowers Reactionary Regime
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