All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ Actually, Jews should have the right to their ancient homes in TransJordan, where they were attacked and expelled by the Hashemite clan in 1925. But the clan is afraid of allowing Jews to live there, at all. That, and they are keeping the old idea of keeping Jews from what may have become Arab/Muslim land, following in Mohammad's footsteps at Khaybar. ]

In a piece in Arabi21, writer Rami al-Jundi shows that this logic scares Arabs in other ways. In an effort to discredit the Saudi Crown Prince Salman's seeming recognition of a Jewish people and their rights to a state, he notes that if that is true, then there is a "Jewish right to return to Bani Qinqaa Al-Nadeer and Khaybar" in Saudi Arabia.

Al-Jundi moans that "his declaration is a clear and unequivocal political recognition of the right of the Jews in a state in the occupied Palestinian territories, which is contrary to what Arab leaders have done over the past years. "

I am not aware of any Jews clamoring to return to Khaybar, the site that Arab antisemites like to remind us was a place that Mohammed massacred Jews. But the logic isn't that Jews aren't a people, but that if Arabs recognize them to be what they actually are then their own political positions are compromised, so better to push out a fiction of Jews not being a people.

This fear of Jews demanding a right to "return" to their old cities in Arab lands might make interesting leverage in other contexts, though!

(full article online)

"If Jews have the right to a land, they have a right to return to Saudi Arabia too" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The judges for the awards included:

HB Patriarch Theophilus III – Patriarch of the Holy City, Palestine and Jordan, who has been fighting to annul the sales of church property to Jews in Jerusalem.

And also HE Sheikh Dr Ali Gomaa – former Grand Mufti of the Arab Republic of Egypt, who has preached:

One day this miracle will take place, when the Palestinians and all the Muslims will fight the Jews until even the stone and the tree will talk, except for the Ghardaq. That is what the hadith says. In Egypt, we have turned this into "Ghardaqa." The city of Ghardaqa is named after the Gharqad trees planted there. They changed the order of the letters, but it's the same thing.
Some people question the reliability of this hadith, but it is 100% authentic and will come true. Look how the Jews are planting Gharqad trees all over the West Bank. They know that it will protect them when they hide behind it. They believe these sacred texts, while some Muslims doubt them. But most of the Muslims believe in these texts and will continue to do so.Yes, the people who judge a competition for religious tolerance are themselves intolerant. And they are chosen as representatives by supposedly moderate, tolerant Jordan.

(full article online)

Jordan interfaith award judges include antisemites ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
True, for the first time in 2,000 years Jews had their own military and intelligence apparatus. On the other hand, because Israel is both a Jewish and a democratic state, it has become a convenient political target for those demonizing Jews and democracy, whether they are on the right or the left.

Over a decade ago in her book, Wisse wrote anti-Semitism is “a shared pretext for the nobleman who lost his property, the weaver who lost his customers to the machine, and the politician who needed an explanation for whatever was going wrong.”

This is true in today’s political climate, she said.

In Europe and the United States, both sides of the political spectrum use anti-Semitic tropes and demonstrations to blame Jews for a multitude of issues, whether it’s changing demographics, uncertain employment, Russian interference in elections, or the Palestinian-Israel conflict.

Regarding the last point, it wasn’t until the 1970s that Wisse came to believe the conflict was becoming intractable. She said she remembers feeling elated when Egyptian president Anwar Sadat stepped onto Israeli soil.

“It was a great moment, one that was very hopeful, but it didn’t last long. That’s the last time in my life that I will feel that way. One has to be cautious about, and wary of, that way of thinking,” Wisse said. “Not just that he was assassinated, but the Arab League was formed and the only thing that held them together, and still holds them together, is their common enmity toward Israel.”

(full article online)

Harvard prof who escaped Europe on eve of WWII dissects world’s oldest hatred
So if you accept that this report proves Israel is an "apartheid state" you must agree that so are many, many other states that also fall under that definition.

UN ESCWA members define themselves as apartheid states, by their own definition ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel is worse than South Africa.

That's apartheid, dude.

There is lot of evidence of Jew-hatred in the Arab and Muslim world, but perhaps the most telling is the desire - actually, the pressing need - to associate one's enemies with Jews.

Egyptian (both Islamist and secular), Turkish, Saudi Arabian leaders have all been damned with the accusations of being secretly Jewish. Fatah and Hamas trade accusations of being Zionist. Malaysian political parties love to accuse their opponents of having Jewish ties. It comes up all the time in Arab and Muslim media.

The latest being published today is about the Qatari royal family. It's a doozy.

Ban Thamer al-Ani, an Iraqi "researcher" with a master's degree from the University of Baghdad - so you know her academic credentials are impeccable - wrote a book called "Iran and Qatar's plots against the Middle East." In it she reveals the startling truth.

Ban says that Iran and Qatar are relying on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to destroy the Arab world.

(full article online)

"Qatari ruling family descended from a Jewish pig farmer" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It does appear that there is a growing realization that all the billions of kuffar welfare dollars heaped on Arabs-Moslems has literally been wasted, stolen by fraud and mismanagement and squandered on people who have no desire to build a workable society.

Lets hope the voice of those with a conscience will gain momentum and we can turn off the money spigot that pays islamic terrorists.

14 Members of Congress call to stop aid to PA, citing PMW documentation

14 Members of Congress call to stop aid to PA, citing PMW documentation - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Last week, Palestinian Media Watch sent a report to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with copies to members of Congress documenting that the Palestinian Authority had failed to implement the four conditions demanded by the Taylor Force Act, and thus were ineligible for further American funding.

Following PMW's report, 14 members of Congress sent a letter to the Secretary of State citing the documentation in PMW's report, and concluding: "... we urge you to immediately suspend all aid payments to the Palestinian Authority." [Washington Free Beacon, May 1, 2018]

PMW's report exposed that the Palestinian Authority budget for 2018 includes payments to terrorists and the families of so-called "Martyrs." PMW's report also included the following statement by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas explicitly rejecting America's demands to stop paying salaries to terrorist prisoners:
[ If it is Muslims on Muslims.....nobody cares ]

According to a column in the Lebanese paper Al-Nahar written by Ahmad Ayyash and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Hezbollah’s “involvement in the Syria war is not confined to military action aimed at propping up the Syrian regime. [Its goals] extend much further than that, and have to do with an Iranian settlement project whose implementation began several years ago. The aim [of this project] is changing the demography [of Syria] by settling [it with members of] Iran-backed [Shi’ite] militias from Afghanistan, Lebanon, and other countries in the region.”

Ayyash accused the world of “ignoring the ongoing plan of demographic cleansing, as part of which tens of thousands of Syrians were transferred from their homes in Ghouta to northern Syria several days ago, and thousands of others left eastern Al-Qalamun, near Damascus, [as part of a move] ‘brokered by Russia,’”

(full article online)

Hezbollah ‘Settlers’ Changing Syria’s Demography Under Iranian Direction
Titled “Giro d’Italia: Chris Froome in spotlight at start in Jerusalem“, the report included amplification of statements made in a press release put out by an NGO with a long record of anti-Israel campaigning that is frequently uncritically quoted and promoted by the BBC.

“Others see little more than a concerted effort to present an image of Israel to the world at odds with the reality. Amnesty International has accused Israel of trying to “sportwash” its reputation, as protests continue in the Gaza Strip that have so far led to the death of 35 Palestinian protestors.”

Obviously the ‘Great Return March’ events which Hamas and other terror groups have been staging weekly since the end of March have nothing whatsoever to do with the cycling race that is ostensibly the topic of this report but Fordyce nevertheless chose to amplify Amnesty International’s opportunistic false linkage and delegitimisation.

Moreover, the report also included ‘analysis’ from the BBC Jerusalem bureau’s Yolande Knell which likewise encouraged sports fans to view the sporting event in a political light.

(full article online)

Political messaging in BBC Sport report on bike race
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