All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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A Passover favorite in Israel.


The article is about a 70th anniversary celebration that the Israel embassy is throwing, using a classic antisemitic caricature of a Jew to get Egyptians angry that such an event could take place in Egypt.

YNet reports that Egyptian officials tried to get the event canceled, ostensibly for "security reasons" but in fact because of their insane hatred of anything Israeli. When Israel pushed back and insisted that the event would go on, the officials apparently leaked the invitation to Rose al-Youssef with the intent of inciting Egyptians to be angry.

(full article online)

Egyptian magazine uses antisemitic caricature to incite against Israel 70 anniversary event ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is antisemitic:

" Can the power of the U.S. Jewish lobby really be so strong that we are blinded to Israel’s atrocities? Aside from the votes that are paid for by that lobby, there seems to be a mindless philosophy that, because the Jews have historically suffered so much, we must never criticize them. Even Dr. Spock would frown on this type of parenting. It doesn’t make a naughty child any better when parents decline all discipline, just because little Suzie had a nasty owie two weeks ago."

Yes, Robinson is comparing the Holocaust with "little Suzie's nasty owie two weeks ago."

This is antisemitic:

" Oh, yes, the Jews know all about concentration camps, but they seem unable to muster any human compassion for the suffering of their neighbors. Instead of a normal and healthy outgrowth of empathy, Israel has instead become the monster."

The "Jews are acting like Nazis" meme is a modern blood libel.

(full article online)

Antisemitic op-ed in Salt Lake City Tribune ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

First signs go up for US embassy in Jerusalem

First signs go up for US embassy in Jerusalem

May 7, 2018

A worker erects a road sign for the new US embassy in Jerusalem on May 7, 2018
A worker erects a road sign for the new US embassy in Jerusalem on May 7, 2018 (AFP Photo/THOMAS COEX)
Jerusalem (AFP) - Workmen on Monday put up street signs to the US embassy due to open in Jerusalem in one week, a move hailed as historic by Israel but loathed by Palestinians.

Municipal workers erected signposts reading "US Embassy" in Hebrew, Arabic and English around the site, currently a US consular building, in the city's Arnona neighbourhood.

Breaking with decades of US diplomacy and international consensus President Donald Trump announced on December 6 the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the transfer of the embassy, located until now in Tel Aviv
Quite clearly, some politico-religious ideologies are not given to improve or refine the human condition. In terms of civilization, it was, and still is islamism which clings to an ancient theocratic code that demonstrably denigrates and condemns non-islamics

Gaza Muslim cleric: “It is an honor for us” to have been “chosen by Allah to fight” and “strike fear” in the Jews

Gaza Muslim cleric: “It is an honor for us” to have been “chosen by Allah to fight” and “strike fear” in the Jews


“Allah said to us about the Jews: ‘Whenever they kindle the fire of war, Allah extinguishes it.’ They slay the prophets and people who command justice. They are the philosophers of terrorism and crime, people of treachery and deceit, who slayed the prophets of Allah. It is an honor for us, here on this blessed land, to have been chosen by Allah to fight them and to strike fear in them.”
oh the Irony,the Israel apologists,NEVER read links or watch videos that document Israles atrocities.:rolleyes:
oh the Irony,the Israel apologists,NEVER read links or watch videos that document Israles atrocities.:rolleyes:
One thing consistent about Zionists is that they absolutely refuse to learn anything. You can prove them wrong by posting actual documents and tomorrow they will come back with the same old shit. And next week. And next month. And next year.
oh the Irony,the Israel apologists,NEVER read links or watch videos that document Israles atrocities.:rolleyes:
One thing consistent about Zionists is that they absolutely refuse to learn anything. You can prove them wrong by posting actual documents and tomorrow they will come back with the same old shit. And next week. And next month. And next year.
Yes, anything to keep those Christian and Muslim murderers from achieving their goal of doing away with all the Jews in the world.

We have history and facts.

You have a narrative and the desperate need to see Jews gone from the planet.

We choose life and to defend it.
oh the Irony,the Israel apologists,NEVER read links or watch videos that document Israles atrocities.:rolleyes:
One thing consistent about Zionists is that they absolutely refuse to learn anything. You can prove them wrong by posting actual documents and tomorrow they will come back with the same old shit. And next week. And next month. And next year.
Yes, anything to keep those Christian and Muslim murderers from achieving their goal of doing away with all the Jews in the world.

We have history and facts.

You have a narrative and the desperate need to see Jews gone from the planet.

We choose life and to defend it.
If you are right, why do you have to lie?
oh the Irony,the Israel apologists,NEVER read links or watch videos that document Israles atrocities.:rolleyes:
One thing consistent about Zionists is that they absolutely refuse to learn anything. You can prove them wrong by posting actual documents and tomorrow they will come back with the same old shit. And next week. And next month. And next year.
Yes, anything to keep those Christian and Muslim murderers from achieving their goal of doing away with all the Jews in the world.

We have history and facts.

You have a narrative and the desperate need to see Jews gone from the planet.

We choose life and to defend it.
If you are right, why do you have to lie?
When is your next psychiatrist session?
Deal with your paranoia about Jews being liars.

You only fool Fools like yourself, and no one else.

Am Israel Chai
oh the Irony,the Israel apologists,NEVER read links or watch videos that document Israles atrocities.:rolleyes:
One thing consistent about Zionists is that they absolutely refuse to learn anything. You can prove them wrong by posting actual documents and tomorrow they will come back with the same old shit. And next week. And next month. And next year.

YouTube videos (especially the Press TV videos you're fond of), hardly qualify as "actual documents".
For some reason, possibly a tear in the space-time continuum, we Westerners continue to fund the islamic Death Cult.

Terrorists who murder Israelis receive millions in rewards from the Palestinian Authority

Terrorists who murder Israelis receive millions in rewards from the Palestinian Authority

According to calculations presented by Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, the Palestinian Authority will pay the terrorist who broke into the home of the Solomon family and slaughtered three of its members a whopping NIS 12,604,000 ($3,478,015) over the course of his lifetime.
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