All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

I don't believe he did. EoZ writes:

Instructs the Conciliation Commission to facilitate the repatriation, resettlement and economic and social rehabilitation of the refugees and the payment of compensation, and to maintain close relations with the Director of the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees and, through him, with the appropriate organs and agencies of the United Nations (emphasis added)

That is word-for-word from Article 11, paragraph 2 of the resolution.
Indeed, but he missed paragraph 1

11. Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible;​

The options in Paragraph 2 are a matter of individual choice.

Indeed, but history is unequivocal in its demonstration of Arabs-Moslems being unable and unwilling to "live at peace with their neighbours".
Are remontrating racism a bit?
Compensation has to be viewed in the whole context of losses on both sides.

Absolutely. And if we use Team Palestine's rules that descendants of refugees remain refugees there are millions of Jewish refugees still waiting repatriation, resettlement and compensation. And unlike Palestinian Arab "refugees" -- Jewish refugees are outside their country of nationality and owing to their well-founded fear of persecution are unable to return and are therefore ACTUALLY refugees. We need to get on this.

There're lands in Syria, beyond the Golans as one example, which were taken from Jewish citizens of Syria, now Israeli citizens, that were taken by force, as a direct result of a joint Arab effort to turn the whole Jewish community in the middle east into refugees.
Yes. There is that.


New map of Jewish land holdings in Syria

In December, I wrote about the little-known fact that the Jewish National Fund owns some 53 square kilometers of land in Syria. I showed a map of some of their holdings made in the 1930s:

Now, Guy Bechor writes (in Hebrew) many fascinating details on this story, about how a member of Hovevei Zion named David Rosenberg encouraged the purchase of land in the Hauran and tried to get Jews to settle there. Some did, in various settlements with names like Tiferet Binyamin and Nachalat Moshe. The settlements were attacked by Arabs and the Turks disallowed any further Jews from moving in, which doomed the enterprise.

The land was owned by the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA), which gave the lands to the JNF in the 1950s.

Here are his maps:

Bechor also shows a Hebrew poster for a tour to visit these lands in the summer of 1935 - since there were no fences along the borders, Jews could just take a trip to Syria to visit historic Jewish lands in the Golan and Hauran.

Wanna talk about reparations? Special refugee status?
Get ready to sell Your pants.

Wanna talk about reparations? Special refugee status?
Get ready to sell Your pants.

You don't know what it means to be a refugee, you Islam hating troll. I will keep my pants. I'm not a Jew - I don't sell just anything for money.

Wanna talk about reparations? Special refugee status?
Get ready to sell Your pants.

You don't know what it means to be a refugee, you Islam hating troll. I will keep my pants. I'm not a Jew - I don't sell just anything for money.

Our moral judge is getting angry and has an antisemitic twitching.:102:

Done case.
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And yet you slaughter the Palestinians. Would think opression taught you empathy but nough:pout:

You just don't get it, do you? You create a false moral equivalency between persecution, pogroms, genocide and defense against persecution, pogroms, genocide. There is no moral equivalency between someone who says, "We are going to rip the hearts out of Jews" and then brings a bomb to a place where there are Jews and someone who says, "Back away from the fence, or I will be forced to defend us."

What persecution, pogroms, genocide taught Jews is that when people tell you who they are -- believe them.

Wanna talk about reparations? Special refugee status?
Get ready to sell Your pants.

You don't know what it means to be a refugee, you Islam hating troll. I will keep my pants. I'm not a Jew - I don't sell just anything for money.

Our moral judge.
I take that as a compliment.

Thank You for showing what a lowlife filth Israel is standing against on a daily basis.
Guys like you never fail to remind Israelis the value of outside opinions.
d someone who says, "Back away from the fence, or I will be forced to defend us."





That's what you do.



Two #BDS-holes hacked :113:
And You never deliver, You may think that international law is this code word You can use to force other behave at Your whimsies.

Couldn't be more wrong.
And does that "touch" somehow what I just - or ever - said?:icon_rolleyes:

Feel free to return when You find an international law,
that obliges Israel to open doors to a hostile population.

Ok, really.

We're talking about different topics. I was only referring to international law. I don't know what you're getting upset about.

Your opinion is not international law.

Do I have to exlpain on fingers?

I think I found what is called a achille's heel on you. I never accused you, never - here on this - accused Israel - in fact I've been more than distracted - and yet you are upset.

What made you feel that upset was not me - but something else. Perhaps what is called a shame button. Like if someone sometime has been humiliated over stealing - whether they stole or not - the very thought of that they may have or might steal triggers strong disproportional feelings of shame. Of course I don't know if you feel shame, but you do seem triggered.

I'm saying Arabs owe Israelis hundreds of billions in damages.
That You get offended by simple facts is not my problem. Your team itself sets the frame to allow Israelis demand reparations.
And does that "touch" somehow what I just - or ever - said?:icon_rolleyes:

Feel free to return when You find an international law,
that obliges Israel to open doors to a hostile population.

Ok, really.

We're talking about different topics. I was only referring to international law. I don't know what you're getting upset about.

Your opinion is not international law.

Do I have to exlpain on fingers?

I think I found what is called a achille's heel on you. I never accused you, never - here on this - accused Israel - in fact I've been more than distracted - and yet you are upset.

What made you feel that upset was not me - but something else. Perhaps what is called a shame button. Like if someone sometime has been humiliated over stealing - whether they stole or not - the very thought of that they may have or might steal triggers strong disproportional feelings of shame. Of course I don't know if you feel shame, but you do seem triggered.

I'm saying Arabs owe Israelis hundreds of billions of damages.
That You get offended by simple facts is not my problem. Your team itself sets the frame to allow Israelis demand reparations.
Feel free to return when You find an international law,
that obliges Israel to open doors to a hostile population.

Ok, really.

We're talking about different topics. I was only referring to international law. I don't know what you're getting upset about.

Your opinion is not international law.

Do I have to exlpain on fingers?

I think I found what is called a achille's heel on you. I never accused you, never - here on this - accused Israel - in fact I've been more than distracted - and yet you are upset.

What made you feel that upset was not me - but something else. Perhaps what is called a shame button. Like if someone sometime has been humiliated over stealing - whether they stole or not - the very thought of that they may have or might steal triggers strong disproportional feelings of shame. Of course I don't know if you feel shame, but you do seem triggered.

I'm saying Arabs owe Israelis hundreds of billions of damages.
That You get offended by simple facts is not my problem. Your team itself sets the frame to allow Israelis demand reparations.

Never confuse being offended with being right.
Ok, really.

We're talking about different topics. I was only referring to international law. I don't know what you're getting upset about.

Your opinion is not international law.

Do I have to exlpain on fingers?

I think I found what is called a achille's heel on you. I never accused you, never - here on this - accused Israel - in fact I've been more than distracted - and yet you are upset.

What made you feel that upset was not me - but something else. Perhaps what is called a shame button. Like if someone sometime has been humiliated over stealing - whether they stole or not - the very thought of that they may have or might steal triggers strong disproportional feelings of shame. Of course I don't know if you feel shame, but you do seem triggered.

I'm saying Arabs owe Israelis hundreds of billions of damages.
That You get offended by simple facts is not my problem. Your team itself sets the frame to allow Israelis demand reparations.

Never confuse being offended with being right.
So i should not confuse you having been offended for having been right?

It's okay - to be honest I don't care very much.
Your opinion is not international law.

Do I have to exlpain on fingers?

I think I found what is called a achille's heel on you. I never accused you, never - here on this - accused Israel - in fact I've been more than distracted - and yet you are upset.

What made you feel that upset was not me - but something else. Perhaps what is called a shame button. Like if someone sometime has been humiliated over stealing - whether they stole or not - the very thought of that they may have or might steal triggers strong disproportional feelings of shame. Of course I don't know if you feel shame, but you do seem triggered.

I'm saying Arabs owe Israelis hundreds of billions of damages.
That You get offended by simple facts is not my problem. Your team itself sets the frame to allow Israelis demand reparations.

Never confuse being offended with being right.
So i should not confuse you having been offended for having been right?

It's okay - to be honest I don't care very much.

Yeah this thread is exactly about the insistent denial of anti-Israeli posters to face reality, and inability to form a cohesive argument when presented with facts.

I think I found what is called a achille's heel on you. I never accused you, never - here on this - accused Israel - in fact I've been more than distracted - and yet you are upset.

What made you feel that upset was not me - but something else. Perhaps what is called a shame button. Like if someone sometime has been humiliated over stealing - whether they stole or not - the very thought of that they may have or might steal triggers strong disproportional feelings of shame. Of course I don't know if you feel shame, but you do seem triggered.

I'm saying Arabs owe Israelis hundreds of billions of damages.
That You get offended by simple facts is not my problem. Your team itself sets the frame to allow Israelis demand reparations.

Never confuse being offended with being right.
So i should not confuse you having been offended for having been right?

It's okay - to be honest I don't care very much.

Yeah this thread is exactly about the insistent denial of anti-Israeli posters to face reality, and inability to form a cohesive argument when presented with facts.
Now now - you give your emotions too much power.
I'm saying Arabs owe Israelis hundreds of billions of damages.
That You get offended by simple facts is not my problem. Your team itself sets the frame to allow Israelis demand reparations.

Never confuse being offended with being right.
So i should not confuse you having been offended for having been right?

It's okay - to be honest I don't care very much.

Yeah this thread is exactly about the insistent denial of anti-Israeli posters to face reality, and inability to form a cohesive argument when presented with facts.
Now now - you give your emotions too much power.

I'm an Israeli, it's natural that I'm invested emotionally in this conflict,
but emotions don't change the facts, neither of which You were able to address.

That's why we've seen You run like a scared duck for the last couple pages.

Never confuse being offended with being right.
So i should not confuse you having been offended for having been right?

It's okay - to be honest I don't care very much.

Yeah this thread is exactly about the insistent denial of anti-Israeli posters to face reality, and inability to form a cohesive argument when presented with facts.
Now now - you give your emotions too much power.

I'm an Israeli, it's natural that I'm invested emotionally in this conflict,
but emotions don't change the facts, neither of which You were able to address.

That's why we've seen You run like a scared duck for the last couple pages.
Why do you talk if you have nothing to say..:cuckoo:
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