All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ How many Arabs from Gaza got to work in Egypt from 1948 to 1967? How many since 1967?
Where is Egypt's offer to give jobs to Arabs from Gaza to help solve the unemployment issue in that area?
Never happened? Never will ?
Arabs not helping Arabs, even those clans which did come from Egypt?
Now, the Hamas is not daring to attack Egypt in any way, for food, work, health. Only Israel. As per the Hamas charter. ]

Diplomat from Gulf Arab state pushes plan under which Israel would allow 5,000 Gaza workers into Israel in bid to end balloon terror wave.

(full article online)

Qatar: End Gaza riots by letting Gazans work in Israel

Not a horrible idea except the order of events is reversed. You don't reward violence with goodies. You require the violence to stop before they get goodies. Standard parenting for small children. Good behaviour gets rewarded, bad behaviour does not. Rewarding violence and terrorism will only encourage more terrorism. Especially with certain aspects of the Arab Palestinian mindset.

So the response should be that permits for employment or trade will be happily granted after a period without any sort of violence. None. Zip. Nada. Zero.
Many times the Palestinians have proposed that both sides stop their violence. Israel has always refused to stop theirs.

Got an extra feedline to give?

This thread is very passive aggressive.
It seems that the Australian Conservative party is not thrilled with Islamic terrorists claiming they should be spit on. Australia took a reasonable position that its welfare money donated to Arabs-Moslems has certain conditions attached: such as the welfare dollars cannot be used to finance Islamic terrorism. Seemingly, not such an unreasonable demand. However, Islamic terrorists are not reasonable people.

A Palestinian official says Australia should be ‘spit on’ (…/6222e9beff77591b7be4f464…) for heeding Cory Bernardi’s call to axe foreign aid funding to the Palestinian Authority after terrorism concerns. The official’s slur vindicates the Conservative Party’s call and the government’s response……

Lovely, lovely folks those welfare dependent retrogrades.
It seems that the Australian Conservative party is not thrilled with Islamic terrorists claiming they should be spit on. Australia took a reasonable position that its welfare money donated to Arabs-Moslems has certain conditions attached: such as the welfare dollars cannot be used to finance Islamic terrorism. Seemingly, not such an unreasonable demand. However, Islamic terrorists are not reasonable people.

A Palestinian official says Australia should be ‘spit on’ (…/6222e9beff77591b7be4f464…) for heeding Cory Bernardi’s call to axe foreign aid funding to the Palestinian Authority after terrorism concerns. The official’s slur vindicates the Conservative Party’s call and the government’s response……

Lovely, lovely folks those welfare dependent retrogrades.
And I bet he didn't see that one coming.:50::laugh:
Largely confirming what has been documented elsewhere.

New Analysis Confirms Hamas Organized Violent Gaza Border Riots

The vast majority of Palestinian fatalities during violent demonstrations on the Israel-Gaza border were members or affiliates of terrorist organizations – primarily Hamas.

Of the 112 reported deaths from March 30 to May 14, 93 people (83 percent) belonged to or were associated with terrorist groups, according to a new analysis from the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

Most of the dead connected to terrorist groups – 63 people – were Hamas members. This figure is consistent with assessments offered by two senior Hamas officials as the violence played out. Salah Bardawil claimed that Hamas members represented half of the total deaths and boasted that of 62 people killed on May 14, 50 were Hamas members. Hamas political chief Yayha Sinwar claimed more than 60 Hamas deaths on that day.

Oh my. I hope no korans were martyred during the gee-had.
For now, the Israeli military’s humanitarian-aid project “Operation Good Neighbor” continues after seven years of the Syrian civil war: It includes tons of food, clothes, toys, field equipment, generators, tents, blankets, and crates of medicine requested via telephone by desperate Syrian doctors. Israeli citizens throughout various Golan Heights communities are all engaged in collecting the most goods they can for Syrian refugees. In the special overnight operations earlier this week—always within the parameters of a cautious military action—Israeli soldiers opened the gates and delivered the items across the border. And from there, medical personnel associated with the Israel Defense Forces provided treatment to the wounded and the sick. Those who were seriously injured were loaded onto trucks and helicopters. Those with devastating injuries (and for whom you might say were beyond help) were quickly transported to Nahariya’s Galilee Medical Center, where they were treated by an incredible team of surgeons, including Dr. Eyal Sela, who not only took the time to speak with us but showed us amazing, horrific images. Here, we learn that a man can save another, even when the prospect of doing so seems impossible. We saw faces where only foreheads and eyes were left, skulls reconstructed from nothingness with a reinvented nose, mouth and chin; limbs smashed and grafted prostheses. Transplants, extensions, computer inventions. Some 5,000 people have been taken care in the little hospital.

(full article online)

Syrians flee towards hospitals of the ‘enemy’
For now, the Israeli military’s humanitarian-aid project “Operation Good Neighbor” continues after seven years of the Syrian civil war: It includes tons of food, clothes, toys, field equipment, generators, tents, blankets, and crates of medicine requested via telephone by desperate Syrian doctors. Israeli citizens throughout various Golan Heights communities are all engaged in collecting the most goods they can for Syrian refugees. In the special overnight operations earlier this week—always within the parameters of a cautious military action—Israeli soldiers opened the gates and delivered the items across the border. And from there, medical personnel associated with the Israel Defense Forces provided treatment to the wounded and the sick. Those who were seriously injured were loaded onto trucks and helicopters. Those with devastating injuries (and for whom you might say were beyond help) were quickly transported to Nahariya’s Galilee Medical Center, where they were treated by an incredible team of surgeons, including Dr. Eyal Sela, who not only took the time to speak with us but showed us amazing, horrific images. Here, we learn that a man can save another, even when the prospect of doing so seems impossible. We saw faces where only foreheads and eyes were left, skulls reconstructed from nothingness with a reinvented nose, mouth and chin; limbs smashed and grafted prostheses. Transplants, extensions, computer inventions. Some 5,000 people have been taken care in the little hospital.

(full article online)

Syrians flee towards hospitals of the ‘enemy’
Spacing would do marvels you know.
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Here is more of the unhinged stuttering and mumbling coming from the Fatah version of Islamic Terrorist Welfare Fraud, Intl. Inc.

"We don’t want your flour, your wheat, or your aid”

That's fine Mahmoud. As much as your blustering will hurt my feelings, maybe do the honorable thing and return the kuffar welfare dollars you have been given already this year, you money grubbing welfare fraud thief.

July 10, 2018
Fatah to US: “We don’t want your flour, your wheat, or your aid” - PMW Bulletins


PMW Bulletins
Fatah to US: “We don’t want your flour, your wheat, or your aid”

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

At a Fatah demonstration earlier this month, Abbas' deputy chairman of Fatah, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, announced that Palestinians don't want US aid, because US is "forming an alliance" with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, "the Israeli enemy":

Fatah Deputy Chairman and Fatah Central Committee member Mahmoud Al-Aloul: "Mahmoud Abbas has told him [Trump], and we are telling him, that America is not fit to be a sponsor of peace... This American Trump is forming an alliance with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, the Israeli enemy, who is sowing havoc and destruction over the land by expropriation and building settlements... We want freedom. We want independence. We want an end to the occupation. We don't want your flour, your wheat, or your aid."
[Official PA TV, July 2, 2018
Here is more of the unhinged stuttering and mumbling coming from the Fatah version of Islamic Terrorist Welfare Fraud, Intl. Inc.

"We don’t want your flour, your wheat, or your aid”

That's fine Mahmoud. As much as your blustering will hurt my feelings, maybe do the honorable thing and return the kuffar welfare dollars you have been given already this year, you money grubbing welfare fraud thief.

July 10, 2018
Fatah to US: “We don’t want your flour, your wheat, or your aid” - PMW Bulletins


PMW Bulletins
Fatah to US: “We don’t want your flour, your wheat, or your aid”

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

At a Fatah demonstration earlier this month, Abbas' deputy chairman of Fatah, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, announced that Palestinians don't want US aid, because US is "forming an alliance" with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, "the Israeli enemy":

Fatah Deputy Chairman and Fatah Central Committee member Mahmoud Al-Aloul: "Mahmoud Abbas has told him [Trump], and we are telling him, that America is not fit to be a sponsor of peace... This American Trump is forming an alliance with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, the Israeli enemy, who is sowing havoc and destruction over the land by expropriation and building settlements... We want freedom. We want independence. We want an end to the occupation. We don't want your flour, your wheat, or your aid."
[Official PA TV, July 2, 2018
You're quite right - I'm not going to read that, but thanks for stopping by.
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

Resolution 194 is non-binding.
Not even worth the paper it's written on.
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

Resolution 194 is non-binding.
Not even worth the paper it's written on.
Nothing is binding for someone without a consciounce.
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

Resolution 194 is non-binding.
Not even worth the paper it's written on.
Resolution 194 followed closely international law. That is the basis of the resolution.
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

Resolution 194 is non-binding.
Not even worth the paper it's written on.
Resolution 194 followed closely international law. That is the basis of the resolution.

It's a non-binding opinion.

Otherwise, please don't feel a need to give us another of your goofy legal opinions.

A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

Resolution 194 is non-binding.
Not even worth the paper it's written on.
Resolution 194 followed closely international law. That is the basis of the resolution.

It's a non-binding opinion.

Otherwise, please don't feel a need to give us another of your goofy legal opinions.

I hear that all of the time by people trying to duck the issue. It is true that GA resolutions are non binding. However, if they are based on international law, that law is binding even though the resolution, in itself, is not.
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

Resolution 194 is non-binding.
Not even worth the paper it's written on.
Resolution 194 followed closely international law. That is the basis of the resolution.

Smoke blowing at best.
International law doesn't oblige states to accept hostile populations.
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

Resolution 194 is non-binding.
Not even worth the paper it's written on.
Resolution 194 followed closely international law. That is the basis of the resolution.

Smoke blowing at best.
International law doesn't oblige states to accept hostile populations.
What does the last bit mean?

International law does oblige - did you never wonder why there's a thread called boycott Israel?
A couple of months ago, Akiva Eldar wrote an article in Al Monitor, Compromise is possible on Palestinian right of return, demonstrating there is no Palestinian "right of return" according to international law:

After deliberating on a petition by Greek Cypriot refugees, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in March 2010 that claiming a certain land or property as “home” is insufficient to establish a right. An overwhelming majority of the 17 judges agreed that given that 35 years had passed since the petitioners lost their property when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and the local population had changed, the claimants were entitled to compensation in cash, but not necessarily in land. The judges warned that rectifying an old injustice could result in a new injustice. One can infer that UN Resolution 194 of 1948, stipulating that a refugee can choose between a return to Israel and compensation, does not grant every refugee a personal right to return. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

European Court of Human Rights rulings indicate no "right of return" and that Gaza isn't occupied (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He misquoted Resolution 194.

I don't believe he did. EoZ writes:

Instructs the Conciliation Commission to facilitate the repatriation, resettlement and economic and social rehabilitation of the refugees and the payment of compensation, and to maintain close relations with the Director of the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees and, through him, with the appropriate organs and agencies of the United Nations (emphasis added)

That is word-for-word from Article 11, paragraph 2 of the resolution.
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