All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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It’s what Allah wants.

Muslim terrorist blew himself up while trying to hurl an explosive device at IDF troops

Muslim terrorist blew himself up while trying to hurl an explosive device at IDF troops


A Muslim terrorist blew himself up while attempting to throw an explosive device at IDF troops near the Karni border crossing in northern Gaza, during Friday’s riots.

No injuries to IDF soldiers were reported.

The explosive device went off within Gaza and injured several Muslim terrorists.
Why don't we want to discuss this?

"Why don't we want to discuss this?" --- "Muslim terrorist blew himself up while trying to hurl an explosive device at IDF troops"

what's there to say?:

- another misguided youth

- the combination of his fragile mental state [+ what's in his soul to begin with] + even sicker adults coaching him and pushing him over the edge to participate in terrorism - [who gave him the "explosive device" - his grandma ?]

..........this is what happens.

he must have thought it was as easy as tossing a chinese firecracker....
It’s what Allah wants.

Muslim terrorist blew himself up while trying to hurl an explosive device at IDF troops

Muslim terrorist blew himself up while trying to hurl an explosive device at IDF troops


A Muslim terrorist blew himself up while attempting to throw an explosive device at IDF troops near the Karni border crossing in northern Gaza, during Friday’s riots.

No injuries to IDF soldiers were reported.

The explosive device went off within Gaza and injured several Muslim terrorists.
Why don't we want to discuss this?

"Why don't we want to discuss this?" --- "Muslim terrorist blew himself up while trying to hurl an explosive device at IDF troops"

what's there to say?:

- another misguided youth

- the combination of his fragile mental state [+ what's in his soul to begin with] + even sicker adults coaching him and pushing him over the edge to participate in terrorism - [who gave him the "explosive device" - his grandma ?]

..........this is what happens.

he must have thought it was as easy as tossing a chinese firecracker....
But you don't say i have no partucular interest in discussing it. You're claiming I do not want to discuss it - as though I had once been given the opportunity and I turned it down.
Well, I guess that's one way the islamic terrorist welfare cheats can hope to keep the kuffar welfare dollars coming in.

Senior PA official Nabil Shaath:
Australia is "worthy of being spat on"

  • spat%20on.PNG

Mahmoud Abbas' advisor on Foreign Affairs and International Relations Nabil Shaath: "This filthy talk of ''the criminals'' in connection with our Martyrs and prisoners - while they are our heroes, the heroes of self-sacrifice and the candles of freedom. They cannot be compared to the Israeli criminals in Israel's prisons... Australia's decision [to stop] transferring $10 million angered me greatly... It transferred [the aid to the UN]... so that it would not serve for payment of the salaries of the [prisoners and Martyrs'] families. In other words, the truth is they are worthy of being spat on. You [Australians] are the servants of the US... I don't want your 10 million, I don't want to chase after them."
[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, July 3, 2018]

Shaath's definition of Palestinian terrorist prisoners as "heroes" and "candles of freedom" exemplifies the PA's policy of honoring terrorists and murderers, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch. Shaath's comments are also a result of Israel's passing of the law to deduct terror salaries from PA tax money.

The law was passed by the Israeli Parliament on July 2, 2018 and deducts the amount of money the PA pays imprisoned terrorists and families of "Martyrs" from the tax money Israel collects for the PA. The law freezes the deducted money and has Israel hold it indefinitely. Should the PA not pay terrorists' salaries or allowances to families of "Martyrs" for a full year, the Israeli government would have the option of giving all or part of the frozen money to the PA.

Well, I guess that's one way the islamic terrorist welfare cheats can hope to keep the kuffar welfare dollars coming in.

Senior PA official Nabil Shaath:
Australia is "worthy of being spat on"

  • spat%20on.PNG

Mahmoud Abbas' advisor on Foreign Affairs and International Relations Nabil Shaath: "This filthy talk of ''the criminals'' in connection with our Martyrs and prisoners - while they are our heroes, the heroes of self-sacrifice and the candles of freedom. They cannot be compared to the Israeli criminals in Israel's prisons... Australia's decision [to stop] transferring $10 million angered me greatly... It transferred [the aid to the UN]... so that it would not serve for payment of the salaries of the [prisoners and Martyrs'] families. In other words, the truth is they are worthy of being spat on. You [Australians] are the servants of the US... I don't want your 10 million, I don't want to chase after them."
[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, July 3, 2018]

Shaath's definition of Palestinian terrorist prisoners as "heroes" and "candles of freedom" exemplifies the PA's policy of honoring terrorists and murderers, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch. Shaath's comments are also a result of Israel's passing of the law to deduct terror salaries from PA tax money.

The law was passed by the Israeli Parliament on July 2, 2018 and deducts the amount of money the PA pays imprisoned terrorists and families of "Martyrs" from the tax money Israel collects for the PA. The law freezes the deducted money and has Israel hold it indefinitely. Should the PA not pay terrorists' salaries or allowances to families of "Martyrs" for a full year, the Israeli government would have the option of giving all or part of the frozen money to the PA.

I don't believe there is such a thing as Islamic terrorist welfare.
Israeli Border Police soldiers stationed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron saved the life of a nine-month-old Palestinian boy on Sunday, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.

The soldiers heard shouts coming from a nearby home and when they arrived they found an unconscious baby surrounded by distressed family members who were trying to resuscitate him.

The baby was not breathing and his face had turned blue. The soldiers took over the effort to revive him, and a Border Police medic who was called to the scene succeeded in getting him breathing again.

Watch an Israel Police video of the medic treating the baby below:

(full article and video online)

Israeli Border Police Soldiers Save Life of Palestinian Baby in Hebron
Israeli Border Police soldiers stationed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron saved the life of a nine-month-old Palestinian boy on Sunday, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.

The soldiers heard shouts coming from a nearby home and when they arrived they found an unconscious baby surrounded by distressed family members who were trying to resuscitate him.

The baby was not breathing and his face had turned blue. The soldiers took over the effort to revive him, and a Border Police medic who was called to the scene succeeded in getting him breathing again.

Watch an Israel Police video of the medic treating the baby below:

(full article and video online)

Israeli Border Police Soldiers Save Life of Palestinian Baby in Hebron
The israelis don't blow up babies under 1 year of age. Good to now. I'll try to pretend to be one if I run into trouble with the authorities.
Israeli Border Police soldiers stationed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron saved the life of a nine-month-old Palestinian boy on Sunday, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.

The soldiers heard shouts coming from a nearby home and when they arrived they found an unconscious baby surrounded by distressed family members who were trying to resuscitate him.

The baby was not breathing and his face had turned blue. The soldiers took over the effort to revive him, and a Border Police medic who was called to the scene succeeded in getting him breathing again.

Watch an Israel Police video of the medic treating the baby below:

(full article and video online)

Israeli Border Police Soldiers Save Life of Palestinian Baby in Hebron
The israelis don't blow up babies under 1 year of age. Good to now. I'll try to pretend to be one if I run into trouble with the authorities.

Israelis also don't hang political opponents... or have public executions of homosexuals.
Israeli Border Police soldiers stationed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron saved the life of a nine-month-old Palestinian boy on Sunday, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.

The soldiers heard shouts coming from a nearby home and when they arrived they found an unconscious baby surrounded by distressed family members who were trying to resuscitate him.

The baby was not breathing and his face had turned blue. The soldiers took over the effort to revive him, and a Border Police medic who was called to the scene succeeded in getting him breathing again.

Watch an Israel Police video of the medic treating the baby below:

(full article and video online)

Israeli Border Police Soldiers Save Life of Palestinian Baby in Hebron
The israelis don't blow up babies under 1 year of age. Good to now. I'll try to pretend to be one if I run into trouble with the authorities.

Israelis also don't hang political opponents... or have public executions of homosexuals.
No kidding! Must be all the jewishim. God go with them.
Israeli Border Police soldiers stationed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron saved the life of a nine-month-old Palestinian boy on Sunday, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.

The soldiers heard shouts coming from a nearby home and when they arrived they found an unconscious baby surrounded by distressed family members who were trying to resuscitate him.

The baby was not breathing and his face had turned blue. The soldiers took over the effort to revive him, and a Border Police medic who was called to the scene succeeded in getting him breathing again.

Watch an Israel Police video of the medic treating the baby below:

(full article and video online)

Israeli Border Police Soldiers Save Life of Palestinian Baby in Hebron
The israelis don't blow up babies under 1 year of age. Good to now. I'll try to pretend to be one if I run into trouble with the authorities.

Israelis also don't hang political opponents... or have public executions of homosexuals.
No kidding! Must be all the jewishim. God go with them.

Ludicrous responses.
Israeli Border Police soldiers stationed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron saved the life of a nine-month-old Palestinian boy on Sunday, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.

The soldiers heard shouts coming from a nearby home and when they arrived they found an unconscious baby surrounded by distressed family members who were trying to resuscitate him.

The baby was not breathing and his face had turned blue. The soldiers took over the effort to revive him, and a Border Police medic who was called to the scene succeeded in getting him breathing again.

Watch an Israel Police video of the medic treating the baby below:

(full article and video online)

Israeli Border Police Soldiers Save Life of Palestinian Baby in Hebron
The israelis don't blow up babies under 1 year of age. Good to now. I'll try to pretend to be one if I run into trouble with the authorities.

Israelis also don't hang political opponents... or have public executions of homosexuals.
No kidding! Must be all the jewishim. God go with them.

The reason Palestinians have capital punishment for heterosexuality has nothing to do with Jews,
only a lowlife racist would go that far openly.

Are You a #BDS-hole by chance?
Police seize automatic rifles from Arab terror suspects in Jerusalem

Police seize automatic rifles from Arab terror suspects in Jerusalem

July 5, 2018


Gee-had denied, creeps.

It’s… odd … that the mere existence of Jews, Christians and even the "wrong kind" of islamics sets islamics into fiery, murderous rampages.

What a shame that the islamist world can’t seem to find the will to rampage and riot in protest of the islamics who are the most adept at maiming and kill their fellow islamics.

It seems that Allah has again played a cruel joke on islamics.
Israeli Border Police soldiers stationed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron saved the life of a nine-month-old Palestinian boy on Sunday, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.

The soldiers heard shouts coming from a nearby home and when they arrived they found an unconscious baby surrounded by distressed family members who were trying to resuscitate him.

The baby was not breathing and his face had turned blue. The soldiers took over the effort to revive him, and a Border Police medic who was called to the scene succeeded in getting him breathing again.

Watch an Israel Police video of the medic treating the baby below:

(full article and video online)

Israeli Border Police Soldiers Save Life of Palestinian Baby in Hebron
The israelis don't blow up babies under 1 year of age. Good to now. I'll try to pretend to be one if I run into trouble with the authorities.

Israelis also don't hang political opponents... or have public executions of homosexuals.
No kidding! Must be all the jewishim. God go with them.

The reason Palestinians have capital punishment for heterosexuality has nothing to do with Jews,
only a lowlife racist would go that far openly.

Are You a #BDS-hole by chance?
Yes. Because the fact that plenty Jews state that non jews are not human is not a sign that the jews might have racists among them.
Israeli Border Police soldiers stationed at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron saved the life of a nine-month-old Palestinian boy on Sunday, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.

The soldiers heard shouts coming from a nearby home and when they arrived they found an unconscious baby surrounded by distressed family members who were trying to resuscitate him.

The baby was not breathing and his face had turned blue. The soldiers took over the effort to revive him, and a Border Police medic who was called to the scene succeeded in getting him breathing again.

Watch an Israel Police video of the medic treating the baby below:

(full article and video online)

Israeli Border Police Soldiers Save Life of Palestinian Baby in Hebron
The israelis don't blow up babies under 1 year of age. Good to now. I'll try to pretend to be one if I run into trouble with the authorities.

Israelis also don't hang political opponents... or have public executions of homosexuals.
No kidding! Must be all the jewishim. God go with them.

The reason Palestinians have capital punishment for heterosexuality has nothing to do with Jews,
only a lowlife racist would go that far openly.

Are You a #BDS-hole by chance?
Yes. Because the fact that plenty Jews state that non jews are not human is not a sign that the jews might have racists among them.

Let me understand:

Palestinians have capital punishment for suspected homosexuals,
because "Jews are bad & co"?

Do You have more of those gems of #BDS-hole idiocy?
The israelis don't blow up babies under 1 year of age. Good to now. I'll try to pretend to be one if I run into trouble with the authorities.

Israelis also don't hang political opponents... or have public executions of homosexuals.
No kidding! Must be all the jewishim. God go with them.

The reason Palestinians have capital punishment for heterosexuality has nothing to do with Jews,
only a lowlife racist would go that far openly.

Are You a #BDS-hole by chance?
Yes. Because the fact that plenty Jews state that non jews are not human is not a sign that the jews might have racists among them.

Let me understand:

Palestinians have capital punishment for suspected homosexuals,
because "Jews are bad & co"?

Do You have more of those gems of #BDS-hole idiocy?
I am letting you read - you have to allow your brain to function seperately.
Basically, I cant think of a better message the self-entitled welfare fraud industry, otherwise known as Pal’Istanians, could send acknowledging their truly profound and gritty whining

There is an underlying messages that comes from the Islamic terrorist reaction to western nations withholding their welfare payments. It is that the relevant, first world international community can (at times), have great influence in preventing the atrocities of islamist fear societies. The value of the international community is to impose certain penalties on societies that are unable to respect human rights and some very basic moral codes. Sometimes this is formal through sanctions, but more effectively by closing the welfare money spigot that showers islamic terrorists with kuffar supplied welfare funds.

Palestinians: Australian Decision to Withhold Funds 'Declaration of War'

Palestinians: Australian Decision to Withhold Funds 'Declaration of War'

JERUSALEM, Israel – The Palestinian Authority accused Australia of making a declaration of war following its decision to withhold financial aid to the PA if it continues to reward terrorists and their families. It's one more nation pressuring the PA to stop a policy many call "pay to slay."

[ How many Arabs from Gaza got to work in Egypt from 1948 to 1967? How many since 1967?
Where is Egypt's offer to give jobs to Arabs from Gaza to help solve the unemployment issue in that area?
Never happened? Never will ?
Arabs not helping Arabs, even those clans which did come from Egypt?
Now, the Hamas is not daring to attack Egypt in any way, for food, work, health. Only Israel. As per the Hamas charter. ]

Diplomat from Gulf Arab state pushes plan under which Israel would allow 5,000 Gaza workers into Israel in bid to end balloon terror wave.

(full article online)

Qatar: End Gaza riots by letting Gazans work in Israel

Not a horrible idea except the order of events is reversed. You don't reward violence with goodies. You require the violence to stop before they get goodies. Standard parenting for small children. Good behaviour gets rewarded, bad behaviour does not. Rewarding violence and terrorism will only encourage more terrorism. Especially with certain aspects of the Arab Palestinian mindset.

So the response should be that permits for employment or trade will be happily granted after a period without any sort of violence. None. Zip. Nada. Zero.
Further, this whole line of thinking assumes that Israel is the one to solve the problem. She is not. Sooner or later the Gazans will be required to address their own behaviour.
[ How many Arabs from Gaza got to work in Egypt from 1948 to 1967? How many since 1967?
Where is Egypt's offer to give jobs to Arabs from Gaza to help solve the unemployment issue in that area?
Never happened? Never will ?
Arabs not helping Arabs, even those clans which did come from Egypt?
Now, the Hamas is not daring to attack Egypt in any way, for food, work, health. Only Israel. As per the Hamas charter. ]

Diplomat from Gulf Arab state pushes plan under which Israel would allow 5,000 Gaza workers into Israel in bid to end balloon terror wave.

(full article online)

Qatar: End Gaza riots by letting Gazans work in Israel

Not a horrible idea except the order of events is reversed. You don't reward violence with goodies. You require the violence to stop before they get goodies. Standard parenting for small children. Good behaviour gets rewarded, bad behaviour does not. Rewarding violence and terrorism will only encourage more terrorism. Especially with certain aspects of the Arab Palestinian mindset.

So the response should be that permits for employment or trade will be happily granted after a period without any sort of violence. None. Zip. Nada. Zero.
Many times the Palestinians have proposed that both sides stop their violence. Israel has always refused to stop theirs.
Further, this whole line of thinking assumes that Israel is the one to solve the problem. She is not. Sooner or later the Gazans will be required to address their own behaviour.
Israel does not respect the treaties it agrees to.

"Okay, lets all stop - arabs don't attack and Israelis stop moving their sweaty asses onto other people's land."

Israel, "Cool, cool. It's alright"

Three days later.:banana2:
Replace the banana with a Palestinian kid on his way to school.
[ How many Arabs from Gaza got to work in Egypt from 1948 to 1967? How many since 1967?
Where is Egypt's offer to give jobs to Arabs from Gaza to help solve the unemployment issue in that area?
Never happened? Never will ?
Arabs not helping Arabs, even those clans which did come from Egypt?
Now, the Hamas is not daring to attack Egypt in any way, for food, work, health. Only Israel. As per the Hamas charter. ]

Diplomat from Gulf Arab state pushes plan under which Israel would allow 5,000 Gaza workers into Israel in bid to end balloon terror wave.

(full article online)

Qatar: End Gaza riots by letting Gazans work in Israel

Not a horrible idea except the order of events is reversed. You don't reward violence with goodies. You require the violence to stop before they get goodies. Standard parenting for small children. Good behaviour gets rewarded, bad behaviour does not. Rewarding violence and terrorism will only encourage more terrorism. Especially with certain aspects of the Arab Palestinian mindset.

So the response should be that permits for employment or trade will be happily granted after a period without any sort of violence. None. Zip. Nada. Zero.
Many times the Palestinians have proposed that both sides stop their violence. Israel has always refused to stop theirs.

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