All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Same title all other indigenous people in the world still have, and always will have.

They were there first, created Nations first.

Which is why all person who were in the Americas, Australia, etc are still known as the indigenous First Nations of the lands.

The very same way the Copts are the First Nations, indigenous people of Egypt. The Berbers, of Morocco, etc etc etc.

And by the way, just like all of the above Nations, the Jewish Nation always had Jewish people living on its ancestral land.

But, by the looks of your poster, "once lived there" says everything about what your knowledge and belief s are.

Not to worry, the indigenous people in the world are grateful that proud that the descendants of the Hebrews have achieved what they themselves continue to dream about.

To have sovereignty over their ancestral lands.
What Abbas means when he says “We'll never stop paying terrorists' salaries” is that “We'll never stop paying terrorists' salaries as long as the kuffar supplied welfare dollars keep pouring in

The Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza’istan and Abbas’istan exist because the West continues to shower these Islamic misfits with welfare dollars. We don’t them accountable which is why the Islamic terrorists at the top of the welfare fraud pyramid scheme accumulate incredible wealth while they use our welfare payments to fund Islamic terrorism.

Palestinian Authority:
We'll never stop paying terrorists' salaries

Palestinian Authority officials promise to continue paying 'martyrs'' salaries, claim Netanyahu is 'destroying' the Palestinian Authority.

Contact Editor
Arutz Sheva Staff, 04/07/18 11:15

The title of the linked article is posed incorrectly. I would much prefer it read “America Finally Ending Funding for Palestinian Terrorism“.

I think that when the “Islamic Terrorist Ministry of Welfare Fraud” suggests that their schools for gee-had, their Hitler Youth Camps and their retrograde societal norms are “completely devoid of any incitement, stressing that such curricula were devoted to students, the love of science, life and creativity…” we in the West need to understand that these Islamic misfits need to be dealt with as we would deal with any other entity that displays a pathology dangerous to themselves and others.

Is America Finally Ending Funding for Palestinian Terrorism?

Is America Finally Ending Funding for Palestinian Terrorism?

Palestinian students raise their hands in a school run by UNRWA. Photo: UN / Shareef Sarhan.

A curious item appeared last month on the Facebook page of the Palestinian Ministry of Education.

“The UNRWA Director in Jerusalem, Scott Anderson … confirmed that the Palestinian curriculum was completely devoid of any incitement, stressing that such curricula were devoted to students, the love of science, life and creativity…” (Google translation)
How nice. A breeding program designed to provide the next generation of dead fetuses walking

PA TV to pregnant Palestinians:

Your fetus will be a “Martyr for Palestine”

PA TV to pregnant Palestinians: Your fetus will be a “Martyr for Palestine” - PMW Bulletins

Palestine is etched on the heart of the fetus
A proud Martyr in his mother’s womb”-
song on PA TV, Fatah TV, and PA radio idealizes Martyrdom

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Pregnant mothers all over the world are busy imagining the future of their unborn child and wishing him/her the best. The Palestinian Authority is promoting a song lately in which mothers are taught to see their unborn fetus as a future “Martyr for Palestine.” The song has been broadcast on official PA radio, Fatah’s Awdah TV, and now official PA TV.
Jews and Arabs can live together. Under Jewish rule in the Jewish State of Israel, Arab and Muslims have full equality. They serve as Supreme Court Justices, police officers, Parliament Members etc. All jobs are open to them. Israeli hospitals are filled with Jewish and Arab doctors and nurses as well as patients from both populations.

(full article online)

What Jews and Arabs think about Gaza might surprise you
There was a good article in jpost relative to an awakening in the West regarding our funding of islsmic terrorism and paying those who reward Islamic terrorism. Ultimately, the two Islamic terrorist franchises will need to go on something of a welfare diet as the kuffar money spigot draws down. As so much of “Pal’istanian” society is dependent on direct welfare payments, those at the top of the welfare fraud pyramid scheme better keep a suitcase full of cash available for a quick exit from the angry islamo-minions when their welfare checks bounce.


Analysis: Planning for when Palestinian terrorism no longer pays

In March, the US Congress passed the Taylor Force Act — named after an American citizen killed in a Palestinian terror attack in Tel Aviv — which, if approved by the Senate and signed into law by President Donald Trump, will cut off hundreds of millions of dollars in American financial support to the PA.

And now, the Israeli parliament has passed into law similar legislation that will immediately begin deducting portions of the estimated $400 million the PA pays out annually to terrorists and their relatives from the taxes Jerusalem collects on Ramallah’s behalf, as stipulated by the 1993 Oslo Accords.

The PA is thus staring directly in the face of a major crisis that, barring intervention, has the potential to lead to its total collapse (a predicament that obviously could be averted at the stroke of Abbas’ pen were he to choose to stop paying these “salaries”). Nevertheless, the PA is likely to weather the storm over the short-term, with other countries, particularly those in Europe, liable to step in to fill the budgetary shortfall.
Jews and Arabs can live together. Under Jewish rule in the Jewish State of Israel, Arab and Muslims have full equality. They serve as Supreme Court Justices, police officers, Parliament Members etc. All jobs are open to them. Israeli hospitals are filled with Jewish and Arab doctors and nurses as well as patients from both populations.

(full article online)

What Jews and Arabs think about Gaza might surprise you
Good ad for a one state solution.
Jews and Arabs can live together. Under Jewish rule in the Jewish State of Israel, Arab and Muslims have full equality. They serve as Supreme Court Justices, police officers, Parliament Members etc. All jobs are open to them. Israeli hospitals are filled with Jewish and Arab doctors and nurses as well as patients from both populations.

(full article online)

What Jews and Arabs think about Gaza might surprise you
Good ad for a one state solution.
The State is called Israel.

In your Palestine, there will be no more Jews living on the land.
There are no Jews in TransJordan, Gaza and the PA areas A and B.

So much for how your brain works about a "one state solution"
Jews and Arabs can live together. Under Jewish rule in the Jewish State of Israel, Arab and Muslims have full equality. They serve as Supreme Court Justices, police officers, Parliament Members etc. All jobs are open to them. Israeli hospitals are filled with Jewish and Arab doctors and nurses as well as patients from both populations.

(full article online)

What Jews and Arabs think about Gaza might surprise you
Can the Palestinians in Israel buy land for farming or to build a factory?
Jews and Arabs can live together. Under Jewish rule in the Jewish State of Israel, Arab and Muslims have full equality. They serve as Supreme Court Justices, police officers, Parliament Members etc. All jobs are open to them. Israeli hospitals are filled with Jewish and Arab doctors and nurses as well as patients from both populations.

(full article online)

What Jews and Arabs think about Gaza might surprise you
Can the Palestinians in Israel buy land for farming or to build a factory?

Only with a character reference from an Israeli living in Gaza’istan.
[ Like the "Palestinians", the Egyptian people paid a price for refusing peace. Will the Palestinian leaders ever learn? Not until any and all money and weapons are sent their way by Iran and others ]

"What was the result of rejecting this proposal? [The result was] the refusal of the World Bank to grant Egypt a loan for the establishment of the [Aswan] High Dam. This, [in turn], led to the decision to nationalize the Suez Canal that led to the threefold [British-French-Israeli] aggression against Egypt [in 1956]. Egypt was forced to take a loan from Russia, and today we are witness to [Russia's] ice-cold stance... [manifested in] stopping the flights and the tourism to Egypt...[3]

"What if the 1956 war had never occurred? If we had good relations with Israel and Egyptian territory extended to Jordan, what would the situation be today? Everything would be completely different. We wouldn't have undergone the 1956 war, or experienced the 1967 defeat. We wouldn't have had to mobilize all the resources of the country for the war of liberation and of restoring our dignity in 1973. Were all these wars necessary?

"This alternative [Operation Alpha] was submitted to us at the time on a silver platter, and we transformed it into a platter of fire. This is a document we can only wish for today, and we totally it rejected when it was offered to us. The State of Israel [even then] was a fact on the ground. What was the price of this refusal? Wars, conflicts, battles, and numerous losses that Egypt sustained, which brought us to the situation in which we find ourselves today.

(full article online)

Owner Of Egyptian Daily: Egypt Paid A Heavy Price For Rejecting An American Proposal For A Settlement With Israel In The 1950s
Jews and Arabs can live together. Under Jewish rule in the Jewish State of Israel, Arab and Muslims have full equality. They serve as Supreme Court Justices, police officers, Parliament Members etc. All jobs are open to them. Israeli hospitals are filled with Jewish and Arab doctors and nurses as well as patients from both populations.

(full article online)

What Jews and Arabs think about Gaza might surprise you
Can the Palestinians in Israel buy land for farming or to build a factory?

You've been given an answer to that question today, not a day even passed.
Facts don't change so quickly to fit the bs You choose to believe.
Large portion of Arab owned business in Israel are in the industrial complex, and I have already given You the details.

Q.What's the punishment under PA/Hamas for selling land to Jews?
The indispensable PalMedia Watch again allows us to look at the very dark place that is the diseased Arab-Moslem mind.

PMW Bulletins
Terrorists who participated in brutal murder of Israeli soldiers in 2000 honored as “heroic” by PA TV
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
July 5, 2018 " valign="middle" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

Terrorists who participated in brutal murder of Israeli soldiers in 2000 honored as “heroic” by PA TV - PMW Bulletins

3 Ramallah lynch terrorists
who participated in brutal murder
of 2 Israeli soldiers in 2000
all honored as “heroic” by PA TV

Since their arrest, the PA has paid the 3 terrorists salaries
reaching a combined total of
2,023,600 shekels ($583,606)

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

In October 2000, two Israeli reserve soldiers, Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami, accidentally entered Ramallah. They were lynched by a Palestinian mob who brutally murdered them and mutilated their bodies. Many remember the following photo of one of the Palestinian murderers joyously displaying his bloody hands to the frenzied Palestinian mob.
Dozens of Arabs threw firebombs and rocks at IDF forces in Hevron Friday, until their ringleader was arrested in an IDF ambush.

A team from the IDF's 636th Battalion, which specializes in field intelligence, was able to identify the terrorist who led the violent activity.

This enabled a force from the Nahal 932nd Battalion to carry out a successful ambush, catch the suspect and bring him in to be questioned.

His arrest brought about the immediate cessation of the violent rioting.

(full article online)

Arabs riot, IDF ambush nets ringleader
Back to the “Ultimate Deal”

Clearly then,, for Israel, who controls Jordan is a matter of critical importance—especially in light of the grim experience of the “Arab Spring”.

Indeed, despite all the grievances Israel may have regarding the repeated displays of diplomatic animosity by the current Jordanian regime, its seems highly implausible that any successor regime is likely to be more amicable. Quite the opposite. Barring some unforeseen development, pundits would generally agree that the most likely candidates to take over the reins of power are extreme Islamist elements, who would be more radical and more inimical to Israel by far.

Accordingly, when weighing any territorial concessions, it matters hugely whether Jordan is governed by a relatively moderate pro-western monarch or by an extremist Jihadist regime—whose territorial reach extends from the Jordan River to the western fringes of Iraq.

Putting aside for the moment the weighty question of whether any Palestinian interlocutor can be trusted to honor any deal struck with him, it is clear that in the latter case, territorial concessions are likely to be far more perilous than in the former. After all, the territory conceded will be far more accessible to hostile anti-Israel elements and far more susceptible to incendiary incitement from Jihadi elements.

(full article online)

Instability in Jordan: The impact on Trump’s “Ultimate Deal”
[ Hey everyone !!! Islam is not only the religion of Peace, but the religion of Hope !!!! Everyone but the Muslims know that :) ]

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) denounced the Muslim Congress for its plan to feature anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying, anti-gay, and pro-terrorist speakers at its 14th annual conference – entitled “Islam: Religion of Hope”—on July 6-8 in Orlando, Florida.

The Muslim Congress represents itself as a charitable 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization whose objectives are “to promote Islamic knowledge, morality, divine values and cooperation among members living in various Muslim communities of North America.” Yet the speakers that the Muslim Congress chose to feature at its conference...promote hateful and divisive views, making false accusations against Jews, denying the Holocaust, inciting violence against gays, and promoting Islamic terrorist groups that have wreaked havoc on innocent civilians, including by kidnapping and raping young girls and women, and engaging in suicide bombings, beheadings, and other violence.

Asad Jafri, another scheduled speaker at the conference, has promoted safeguarding Islamic terrorists and called for Israel’s destruction. At a rally in Toronto, he implored, “Leave ISIS alone, leave Al Qaida alone, leave Al Nusra alone, leave Boko Haram alone . . . down with Zionism!” He also threatened, “You will see the destruction of Israel very soon.” .

(full article online)

Muslim Congress this week in Florida includes antisemitic, anti-gay, Holocaust denying speakers ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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