All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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They're just completely whacked.

PMW Bulletins

"With our skulls we are paving the path to certain victory," PA TV host quoted arch-terrorist Abu Jihad - PMW Bulletins

"With our skulls we are paving the path to certain victory," PA TV host quoted arch-terrorist Abu Jihad
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
June 28, 2018 "

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

When Palestinians marked the anniversary earlier this year of the death of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who was responsible for the murder of at least 125 Israelis, a PA TV host quoted the terrorist, encouraging death for "Palestine":


Official PA TV host: "Thirty years since the death as a Martyr of Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad, the First Bullet and the First Stone. On this day we remember what Prince of Martyrs [Abu Jihad] said: 'Our heads will remain in the sky and our feet are planted in the homeland. With our skulls we are paving the path to certain victory and return. The compass will never err and the path will continue to guide towards Palestine.'"
[Official PA TV, Good Morning, April 20, 2018]

They're just completely whacked.

PMW Bulletins

"With our skulls we are paving the path to certain victory," PA TV host quoted arch-terrorist Abu Jihad - PMW Bulletins

"With our skulls we are paving the path to certain victory," PA TV host quoted arch-terrorist Abu Jihad
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
June 28, 2018 "

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

When Palestinians marked the anniversary earlier this year of the death of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who was responsible for the murder of at least 125 Israelis, a PA TV host quoted the terrorist, encouraging death for "Palestine":


Official PA TV host: "Thirty years since the death as a Martyr of Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad, the First Bullet and the First Stone. On this day we remember what Prince of Martyrs [Abu Jihad] said: 'Our heads will remain in the sky and our feet are planted in the homeland. With our skulls we are paving the path to certain victory and return. The compass will never err and the path will continue to guide towards Palestine.'"
[Official PA TV, Good Morning, April 20, 2018]

Its called PALESTINIAN MENTALITY.. And there are those who actually still wonder why there can be no peace between Israel & the Palestinians. Just goes to prove one need not necessarily have to be a Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ MJB12741, et al,

While it may sound very heroic, patriotic and having a bit of touch --- towards the romantic warriors, --- which is exactly the opposite.

It means that they (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) are losers; that the opponent (presumably the Israelis) will march on the bones of the enemy (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) as the victors. The victors will use the crushed skulls of they enemy (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) as paving stones.

My thought is that Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind, did not have much faith in a combat resolution favoring them.

Its called PALESTINIAN MENTALITY.. And there are those who actually still wonder why there can be no peace between Israel & the Palestinians. Just goes to prove one need not necessarily have to be a Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality.

Whatever cognitive abilities the Arab Palestinians do have, it is not focused on techniques and strategies other than those that are volatile and confrontational.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ MJB12741, et al,

While it may sound very heroic, patriotic and having a bit of touch --- towards the romantic warriors, --- which is exactly the opposite.

It means that they (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) are losers; that the opponent (presumably the Israelis) will march on the bones of the enemy (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) as the victors. The victors will use the crushed skulls of they enemy (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) as paving stones.

My thought is that Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind, did not have much faith in a combat resolution favoring them.

Its called PALESTINIAN MENTALITY.. And there are those who actually still wonder why there can be no peace between Israel & the Palestinians. Just goes to prove one need not necessarily have to be a Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality.

Whatever cognitive abilities the Arab Palestinians do have, it is not focused on techniques and strategies other than those that are volatile and confrontational.

Most Respectfully,
In Palestinian culture, as we have often seen since 1973, they win - it is a win, they lose - it is a win.

They have managed to, since 1973, to turn themselves in the mind of Jew haters all over the world, and endless number of ignorant people who do not know or understand what has been going on since 1920 - or what Islam has always been about ------- into this victims of "Israeli Oppression and 'Occupation' .

That is why the martyr idea works so well for them. They live, they die, they win.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ MJB12741, et al,

While it may sound very heroic, patriotic and having a bit of touch --- towards the romantic warriors, --- which is exactly the opposite.

It means that they (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) are losers; that the opponent (presumably the Israelis) will march on the bones of the enemy (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) as the victors. The victors will use the crushed skulls of they enemy (Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind) as paving stones.

My thought is that Abu Jihad, Arch-Terrorist and his kind, did not have much faith in a combat resolution favoring them.

Its called PALESTINIAN MENTALITY.. And there are those who actually still wonder why there can be no peace between Israel & the Palestinians. Just goes to prove one need not necessarily have to be a Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality.

Whatever cognitive abilities the Arab Palestinians do have, it is not focused on techniques and strategies other than those that are volatile and confrontational.

Most Respectfully,
In Palestinian culture, as we have often seen since 1973, they win - it is a win, they lose - it is a win.

They have managed to, since 1973, to turn themselves in the mind of Jew haters all over the world, and endless number of ignorant people who do not know or understand what has been going on since 1920 - or what Islam has always been about ------- into this victims of "Israeli Oppression and 'Occupation' .

That is why the martyr idea works so well for them. They live, they die, they win.

Excellent point! "That is why the martyr idea works so well for them, They live, they die, they win."
A flier sent to Golan residents listed more items that could be donated, such as shoes and sandals, clothes for boys and men, baby bottles, pacifiers, pots, pans, and bottles of mineral water.

The pamphlet also asked for toys in the form of dolls, stuffed animals, and cars, stating that “the goal is for every kid/refugee to have a comforting item.”

(full article online)

Israeli communities collect toys, candy, clothes for Syrian refugees
A flier sent to Golan residents listed more items that could be donated, such as shoes and sandals, clothes for boys and men, baby bottles, pacifiers, pots, pans, and bottles of mineral water.

The pamphlet also asked for toys in the form of dolls, stuffed animals, and cars, stating that “the goal is for every kid/refugee to have a comforting item.”

(full article online)

Israeli communities collect toys, candy, clothes for Syrian refugees
Do you know that Gaza put together an aid package for Haiti?
A flier sent to Golan residents listed more items that could be donated, such as shoes and sandals, clothes for boys and men, baby bottles, pacifiers, pots, pans, and bottles of mineral water.

The pamphlet also asked for toys in the form of dolls, stuffed animals, and cars, stating that “the goal is for every kid/refugee to have a comforting item.”

(full article online)

Israeli communities collect toys, candy, clothes for Syrian refugees
Do you know that Gaza put together an aid package for Haiti?
NO!!!!!! Really !!!!!!

But they cannot feed, clothe and house their own?
With the Billions they get from around the world?

Darn it !!!! I cannot find any news about it.
Are they trying to be humble about it or did it only happened in your head?
A flier sent to Golan residents listed more items that could be donated, such as shoes and sandals, clothes for boys and men, baby bottles, pacifiers, pots, pans, and bottles of mineral water.

The pamphlet also asked for toys in the form of dolls, stuffed animals, and cars, stating that “the goal is for every kid/refugee to have a comforting item.”

(full article online)

Israeli communities collect toys, candy, clothes for Syrian refugees
Do you know that Gaza put together an aid package for Haiti?
NO!!!!!! Really !!!!!!

But they cannot feed, clothe and house their own?
With the Billions they get from around the world?

Darn it !!!! I cannot find any news about it.
Are they trying to be humble about it or did it only happened in your head?
Gaza collects Haiti aid, says it was similarly shaken by Israel
A flier sent to Golan residents listed more items that could be donated, such as shoes and sandals, clothes for boys and men, baby bottles, pacifiers, pots, pans, and bottles of mineral water.

The pamphlet also asked for toys in the form of dolls, stuffed animals, and cars, stating that “the goal is for every kid/refugee to have a comforting item.”

(full article online)

Israeli communities collect toys, candy, clothes for Syrian refugees
Do you know that Gaza put together an aid package for Haiti?
NO!!!!!! Really !!!!!!

But they cannot feed, clothe and house their own?
With the Billions they get from around the world?

Darn it !!!! I cannot find any news about it.
Are they trying to be humble about it or did it only happened in your head?
Gaza collects Haiti aid, says it was similarly shaken by Israel
I would be more than curious to find out how much Hamas actually gave.

"The Red Cross director was only able to accept financial donations as transferring goods out of the Strip is near impossible, Al-Khudary added."

They suddenly want to look good to the world about Haiti, but cannot stop stealing all the goods which come to the people of Gaza to use for themselves and for military purposes.

How many homes would have been built by now if 95% of cement did not go towards the building of tunnels to use to invade a sovereign country?
Islamic terrorism really does pay, payed out of welfare donations by western nations.

With news that Australia is stopping direct welfare payments to the Islamic terrorist payrolls, I do hope that other western nations will quickly take a stand against their welfare payments being used to fund Islamist terrorism.

Terrorist family with the highest PA paid salary about to get a raise - PMW Bulletins

Terrorist family with the highest PA paid salary about to get a raise

  • The PA has turned the Palestinian mother of five murderers of Israelis into a role model. Last month Islam Abu Hmeid murdered an Israeli soldier and joined his 4 brothers who are serving multiple life sentences in prison
  • After the latest murder, PA officials honored the mother with visits, praising her as “a crown on all of our heads” and a “fighter” from whom “we draw our determination and our strength.”
  • The cumulative payments from the PA to the sons and mother of this terrorist family through May 2018 amount to $1,007,611 (3,493,800 shekels).
  • In May 2018 alone, the PA paid the family $9,920 (34,400 shekels)
  • PA Chairman Abbas has met with and endorsed the mother as role model twice in the past year.
  • In 2011, the PA chose the terrorists’ mother to lead the PA’s campaign for statehood at the UN
Islamic terrorism really does pay, payed out of welfare donations by western nations.

With news that Australia is stopping direct welfare payments to the Islamic terrorist payrolls, I do hope that other western nations will quickly take a stand against their welfare payments being used to fund Islamist terrorism.

Terrorist family with the highest PA paid salary about to get a raise - PMW Bulletins

Terrorist family with the highest PA paid salary about to get a raise

  • The PA has turned the Palestinian mother of five murderers of Israelis into a role model. Last month Islam Abu Hmeid murdered an Israeli soldier and joined his 4 brothers who are serving multiple life sentences in prison
  • After the latest murder, PA officials honored the mother with visits, praising her as “a crown on all of our heads” and a “fighter” from whom “we draw our determination and our strength.”
  • The cumulative payments from the PA to the sons and mother of this terrorist family through May 2018 amount to $1,007,611 (3,493,800 shekels).
  • In May 2018 alone, the PA paid the family $9,920 (34,400 shekels)
  • PA Chairman Abbas has met with and endorsed the mother as role model twice in the past year.
  • In 2011, the PA chose the terrorists’ mother to lead the PA’s campaign for statehood at the UN
Virtually every country has benefit packages for their veterans.
Islamic terrorism really does pay, payed out of welfare donations by western nations.

With news that Australia is stopping direct welfare payments to the Islamic terrorist payrolls, I do hope that other western nations will quickly take a stand against their welfare payments being used to fund Islamist terrorism.

Terrorist family with the highest PA paid salary about to get a raise - PMW Bulletins

Terrorist family with the highest PA paid salary about to get a raise

  • The PA has turned the Palestinian mother of five murderers of Israelis into a role model. Last month Islam Abu Hmeid murdered an Israeli soldier and joined his 4 brothers who are serving multiple life sentences in prison
  • After the latest murder, PA officials honored the mother with visits, praising her as “a crown on all of our heads” and a “fighter” from whom “we draw our determination and our strength.”
  • The cumulative payments from the PA to the sons and mother of this terrorist family through May 2018 amount to $1,007,611 (3,493,800 shekels).
  • In May 2018 alone, the PA paid the family $9,920 (34,400 shekels)
  • PA Chairman Abbas has met with and endorsed the mother as role model twice in the past year.
  • In 2011, the PA chose the terrorists’ mother to lead the PA’s campaign for statehood at the UN
Virtually every country has benefit packages for their veterans.
So, in your world, every country which has "soldiers" who attack its neighbors or goes and kills other military or civilians around the world are......


who deserve a "GI Package" of some kind.

You are defending the same mentality of the people who attacked the USA on 9/1. All 19 of them deserved a VETERAN's Package, as far as you are concerned. And a raise every now and then, as well.

That is how deeply sick in the head you are.

"Every country has package benefits for their veterans"

Except that Gaza is not a country. The PA is not a country.
They are terrorist enclaves designed to attack Israel and attempt to destroy it.

You are an endless joke:21:
Well finally, there are identifiable measures being taken to strip away the financial rewards for islamic terrorism.

Israeli MPs thank PMW
as Israel passes law to deduct terror money
from the PA

Israeli MPs thank PMW as Israel passes law to deduct terror money from the PA - PMW Bulletins

MP Avi Dichter, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee:
"Palestinian Media Watch provided us with authentic data that enabled productive and professional deliberations, nuances that are very difficult to achieve without precise data"

MP Elazar Stern:
"I want to thank... [PMW Director] Itamar Marcus ... and everyone who has pushed and accompanied this committee for a long time"

Palestinian Media Watch first exposed that the PA pays salaries to terrorist prisoners in May 2011, and presented this documentation to the US Congressin June of the same year. The Israeli Parliament yesterday voted overwhelmingly, 87-15, to deduct the amount that the PA pays to terrorists and families of "Martyrs" from tax money that Israel collects for the PA.

The two Israeli MPs who sponsored the law each thanked PMW during the parliamentary voting session, noting the unique importance of PMW's input and documentation.

Prior to the vote, MP Avi Dichter, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee said:
"The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee received much help in its deliberations, from the families of terror victims and those wounded by terror attacks who came to the discussions and shared their views with us, and with them were people from Palestinian Media Watch who provided us with authentic data that enabled productive and professional deliberations, nuances that are very difficult to achieve without precise data."
[Israeli Parliament website, July 2, 2018]
When I saw the headline that read “A sick new low”, I just knew it had something to do with the Islamic Death Cult.

Palestinians children pretend to execute Israeli soldier | Daily Mail Online

A sick new low for foreign aid: Palestinian boys and girls pretend to execute an Israeli soldier – as teachers at schools funded by YOU tell their pupils that terrorists are heroes

    • Palestinian schools funded by British foreign aid are named after terrorists
    • Pictures of 'martyrs' and revolutionary slogans are posted all over the walls
    • Despite this millions of pounds of aid continues to pour into the region
    • The Mail on Sunday is calling on the government to end foreign aid madness

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