All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Eggplant from Gaza in Israeli marketing chains

A consumer claims to have seen an eggplant box from Gaza, and the farmers are outraged: "In exchange for cheap produce, we sell the values." The Ministry of Agriculture warns in response: If the negligible import from Gaza, amounting to NIS 8 million a year, is stopped, then so is the large export of fruit from Israel to the Gaza Strip worth NIS 200 million

The Director-General of the Ministry of Agriculture, in a letter sent to the Secretary-General of the Israel Farmers Association, Abu Vilan, and to the Director General of the Council of Plants, Zvi Alon, said that the importation is more profitable for Israel than for the residents of Gaza, "Only 90-80,000 tons of fresh fruit (not vegetables) are transferred from Israel's farmers to the Gaza Strip every year, worth about NIS 200 million," it says.

"Imports from the Gaza Strip to Israel are only two types of vegetables (tomatoes and eggplants), amounting to only 5,000-4,000 tons, worth NIS 8 million, ie, imports from Gaza to Israel constitute about 5% of the total exports from Israel to Gaza.

Eggplant from Gaza in Israeli marketing chains

A consumer claims to have seen an eggplant box from Gaza, and the farmers are outraged: "In exchange for cheap produce, we sell the values." The Ministry of Agriculture warns in response: If the negligible import from Gaza, amounting to NIS 8 million a year, is stopped, then so is the large export of fruit from Israel to the Gaza Strip worth NIS 200 million

The Director-General of the Ministry of Agriculture, in a letter sent to the Secretary-General of the Israel Farmers Association, Abu Vilan, and to the Director General of the Council of Plants, Zvi Alon, said that the importation is more profitable for Israel than for the residents of Gaza, "Only 90-80,000 tons of fresh fruit (not vegetables) are transferred from Israel's farmers to the Gaza Strip every year, worth about NIS 200 million," it says.

"Imports from the Gaza Strip to Israel are only two types of vegetables (tomatoes and eggplants), amounting to only 5,000-4,000 tons, worth NIS 8 million, ie, imports from Gaza to Israel constitute about 5% of the total exports from Israel to Gaza.

The people of Gaza will find the means to again become their own worst enemy.
Golan Regional Council Head Eli Malka, who initiated the collection, said, "For six years, a cruel war that claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of people has been taking place in Syria, and the world remains quiet in the face of this horror."

"We, the residents of the Golan, look right over the fence and see the people fleeing from the killing fields together with their children and clinging to the fence with Israel. We feel the moral obligation, in accordance with our values, to send humanitarian aid and as much as is possible to build a relationship of humanity with those who have always been our neighbors on the other side of the fence.

"The residents of the Golan have come together wholeheartedly to raise and collect supplies and make personal gift bags for the Syrian children to give them a moment of happiness in a great chaos.

"We thank the IDF and the 'Good Neighbor' command for the assistance in collecting and transferring supplies to the camps of the displaced."

So far, the aid provided by the Good Neighbors command in the Bashan Division and the Technological and Logistics Directorate in 30 separate operations included:

-75,700 liters of fuel for heating and operation of generators
-20 medical equipment units
-77 tons of clothing
-556 tents
-30 shadow nets
-12.5 tons of baby food
-130 tons of food

(full article online)

Residents and soldiers volunteer to assist Syrian refugees
Several days later, attendees at a Fatah Central Committee meeting heard PA president Mahmoud Abbas’ reaction to the Israeli legislation – including the interesting claim that payments to terrorists began even before the existence of any ‘occupation’.

“Abbas lashed out at Israel for its decision to deduct payments made by the PA to families of “martyrs” and security prisoners (from tax revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinians), saying the Palestinians will take measures in accordance with their interest. He did not provide details about the nature of the measures the Palestinians were planning.

“We won’t allow anyone to interfere with the money [that is paid to the prisoners and families of “martyrs],” Abbas stressed. “They are our martyrs and prisoners and the injured and we will continue to pay them. We started the payments in 1965.””

BBC audiences have not seen any coverage of that statement (along with a vow to reject the anticipated US peace plan before it has even been made public) from Mahmoud Abbas.

As was noted here at the time, the BBC’s report did not inform readers that on the same day as the Israeli law was passed, Australia announced that it had “ended direct aid to the Palestinian Authority over fears its donations will be used to pay Palestinians convicted of terrorism and their families”.

The following day senior Palestinian Authority official Nabil Shaath (who is Abbas’ advisor on Foreign Affairs and International Relations) gave his reaction to that announcement on official PA TV. The Australian reported that Shaath stated:

(full article online)

BBC News ignores PA reactions to moves relating to terror payments
Several days later, attendees at a Fatah Central Committee meeting heard PA president Mahmoud Abbas’ reaction to the Israeli legislation – including the interesting claim that payments to terrorists began even before the existence of any ‘occupation’.

“Abbas lashed out at Israel for its decision to deduct payments made by the PA to families of “martyrs” and security prisoners (from tax revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinians), saying the Palestinians will take measures in accordance with their interest. He did not provide details about the nature of the measures the Palestinians were planning.

“We won’t allow anyone to interfere with the money [that is paid to the prisoners and families of “martyrs],” Abbas stressed. “They are our martyrs and prisoners and the injured and we will continue to pay them. We started the payments in 1965.””

BBC audiences have not seen any coverage of that statement (along with a vow to reject the anticipated US peace plan before it has even been made public) from Mahmoud Abbas.

As was noted here at the time, the BBC’s report did not inform readers that on the same day as the Israeli law was passed, Australia announced that it had “ended direct aid to the Palestinian Authority over fears its donations will be used to pay Palestinians convicted of terrorism and their families”.

The following day senior Palestinian Authority official Nabil Shaath (who is Abbas’ advisor on Foreign Affairs and International Relations) gave his reaction to that announcement on official PA TV. The Australian reported that Shaath stated:

(full article online)

BBC News ignores PA reactions to moves relating to terror payments
More of Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

I typically feel as though I need an airline barf bag whenever I read about the sickness that afflicts the islamist Death Cultists posing as "Pal'istanians".

Nature has pre-programmed both humans and animals alike with a survival instinct. It's evident across the natural world. It's just a shame that a politico-religious ideology that engenders such passionate hatreds has fully consumed a retrograde society.

PMW Bulletins
What makes a Palestinian parent proud?
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
July 11, 2018 "
What makes a Palestinian parent proud? - PMW Bulletins

What makes a Palestinian parent proud?
A son who recruits suicide bombers
  • Terrorist Muhammad Aql recruited suicide bombers who murdered 14 and wounded 50 in bus bombing

  • Parents: “He is imprisoned for an action that honors us”

  • The PA pays imprisoned terrorists monthly salaries and has allocated 7.47% of its 2018 budget for such rewards to imprisoned terrorists, released terrorists, families of so-called “Martyrs” and wounded

The parents of Islamic Jihad member Muhammad Aql who recruited and prepared the suicide bombers who attacked a bus at Karkur Junction near Hadera on Oct. 21, 2002, murdering 14 and wounding 50, are such parents. When interviewed on official PA TV they described his actions as bringing them “honor”:


Mother of terrorist prisoner Muhammad Aql: “Our hope is that Allah will release them from prison. These are heroes we raise our heads thanks to them...”
Father of terrorist prisoner Muhammad Aql: “Praise Allah, he is imprisoned for an action that honors us, and not for anything else.”
[Official PA TV, Giants of Endurance, June 17, 2018]
Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed economic successes of Americans in Israel and Judea/Samaria, and stated "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment in every way that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

Within the demographic review Ettinger rejected reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding population registry and immigration, noting the PA is trying to conceal the fact that 20,000 Arabs emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs in Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort by Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.

(full article online)

20,000 Arabs migrate from Judea and Samaria every year
Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed economic successes of Americans in Israel and Judea/Samaria, and stated "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment in every way that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

Within the demographic review Ettinger rejected reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding population registry and immigration, noting the PA is trying to conceal the fact that 20,000 Arabs emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs in Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort by Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.

(full article online)

20,000 Arabs migrate from Judea and Samaria every year
Indeed, that is Israel's plan.
Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed economic successes of Americans in Israel and Judea/Samaria, and stated "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment in every way that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

Within the demographic review Ettinger rejected reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding population registry and immigration, noting the PA is trying to conceal the fact that 20,000 Arabs emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs in Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort by Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.

(full article online)

20,000 Arabs migrate from Judea and Samaria every year
Indeed, that is Israel's plan.

Indeed. Israel is going to steal your women, convert them and give them opportunities not available in your Islamic terrorist enclaves.
“You keep using that word… I do not think it means what you think it means.”

I keep hearing and reading statements from Jews, usually from America, prefaced by “my Jewish values.” Usually what follows is some sort of accusation against Israel that has little to do with facts – or an understanding of Jewish values.

The basics are really simple, if you take the time to actually look at them:

1) The Ten Commandments, not “Tikkun Olam”

The Ten Commandments are the fundamental guidelines of Jewish values, not the concept of Tikkun Olam. These are predicated on the Shema, the monotheistic declaration of faith in the One God: “Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God is one God.” Deuteronomy 6:4–9

The Ten Commandments are the guidelines that spell out what it means to be decent and provide the fundamental guidelines of moral society which have been accepted by to most of the nations on earth, including ones that do not adhere to Judeo-Christian faith. Societies that have not accepted these rules of behavior, (for example, those that permit murder for the sake of “honor”) are deemed immoral societies.

Tikkun Olam seems to be a very popular term with American Jewry. Interestingly, it has no basis in the Torah.

(full article online)

3 misunderstandings about my Jewish values (Forest Rain) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

I typically feel as though I need an airline barf bag whenever I read about the sickness that afflicts the islamist Death Cultists posing as "Pal'istanians".

Nature has pre-programmed both humans and animals alike with a survival instinct. It's evident across the natural world. It's just a shame that a politico-religious ideology that engenders such passionate hatreds has fully consumed a retrograde society.

PMW Bulletins
What makes a Palestinian parent proud?
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
July 11, 2018 "
What makes a Palestinian parent proud? - PMW Bulletins

What makes a Palestinian parent proud?
A son who recruits suicide bombers

  • Terrorist Muhammad Aql recruited suicide bombers who murdered 14 and wounded 50 in bus bombing

  • Parents: “He is imprisoned for an action that honors us”

  • The PA pays imprisoned terrorists monthly salaries and has allocated 7.47% of its 2018 budget for such rewards to imprisoned terrorists, released terrorists, families of so-called “Martyrs” and wounded

The parents of Islamic Jihad member Muhammad Aql who recruited and prepared the suicide bombers who attacked a bus at Karkur Junction near Hadera on Oct. 21, 2002, murdering 14 and wounding 50, are such parents. When interviewed on official PA TV they described his actions as bringing them “honor”:


Mother of terrorist prisoner Muhammad Aql: “Our hope is that Allah will release them from prison. These are heroes we raise our heads thanks to them...”
Father of terrorist prisoner Muhammad Aql: “Praise Allah, he is imprisoned for an action that honors us, and not for anything else.”
[Official PA TV, Giants of Endurance, June 17, 2018]

I find it impossible to support a people who praise & honor their own children as martyr hero's for blowing themselves up while killing others as well with them. It's called Palestinian mentality.
[ Here, there and everywhere.....and always..... ]

The victim, a 50-year-old Israeli Jewish professor, was wearing a kippah when he was attacked by an Arab-German man.

According to The Local, the 20-year-old Arab assailant confronted the victim, shouting “No Jews in Germany!” and shoving him. The attacker also knocked the professor’s kippah off.

(full article online)

Jewish professor attacked by Arab - then beaten by German police
But video footage obtained by TPS shows hundreds of locals in recent days denouncing Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin and gathering at the Syria-Israel border to ask for IDF protection against possible reprisals by the victorious forces.

One local resident, speaking to TPS by phone from inside Syria, stressed that Western air strikes, rather than Assad’s forces, had forced the surrender of rebel forces, and also said that the reintroduction of Assad’s army would be a “disaster” for local residents. He added that a majority of Syrians. at least in the vicinity of the Israeli border trust Israel and the IDF far more than the Syrian army and have called on Israel in recent days to move to protect them.

(full article online)

Exclusive: Syrian Locals Denounce Assad, Putin; Plead With Israel for Protection
Jumhour’s release came just hours after Israel Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich confirmed the child was being held in a Palestinian Authority-controlled area of the West Bank. He said police were in talks with their PA counterparts to free Jumhour and that the Shin Bet had also joined the manhunt.


Karim Jumhour (Courtesy)

According to Hadashot news, the kidnapping is believed to have been carried out by a crime family over unpaid debts. Other Hebrew media reports said it revolved around a financial fight among the boy’s relatives.

On Thursday, police said they arrested four suspects. Police said three of the suspects are aged 26, 27 and 41, with no details given about the fourth individual.

(full article online)

Kidnapped Israeli boy held in West Bank released after 3 days in captivity
People are murdered most every day, often en mass, by Peaceful Inner Strugglers™️ who truly believe they are doing the work of their gods and his partner. Truth for them is that they will receive carnal rewards in the afterlife. Another truth is that adherents to only one particular politico-religious ideology on the planet actively promote and further that madness

Newsweek: Palestinian Terror Campaign Caused by Israeli Attempt to End Palestinian Terror Campaign | CAMERA

Newsweek described the second Intifada as "an uprising triggered by Israel retaking Palestinian cities in the West Bank." But as CAMERA's Gilead Ini explains, that's like saying "the 1944 D-Day invasion is what triggered the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor." To be clear: the pre-planned violence of the Intifada began in September 2000 after Yasir Arafat rejected a peace proposal. Terrorists had already claimed hundreds of Israeli lives when, in 2002, a suicide bomber killed 30 Israelis celebrating Passover, triggering in response the Israeli operation to retake some Palestinian cities. So according to Newsweek, the Israeli operation to end the Intifada was responsible for starting the Intifada.

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