All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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"Since my visit [last July] to Ethiopia," Netanyahu said, "we've increased our economic cooperation, and I look forward to deepening that today, particularly in water. This is an area that Prime Minister Desalegn knows particularly well -- he is a great engineer of water and he understands the full potential of what can be done with it. In agriculture as well, in heath, security, in all these areas and many others. Israel is a world leader in these fields and we hope that by working together we can solve some pressing problems, and just provide a better future for both our peoples."

(full article online)
  • This apparent repudiation of terrorism is a startling development for Abbas. The only catch is that when it comes to Israel, Abbas takes quite the opposite line.

  • For the past two years, Palestinians have been waging a new type of "intifada" against Israel -- one that consists of knife and car-ramming attacks, similar to the ones carried out in Britain, France and Germany. This wave of attacks, which began in September 2015, has claimed the lives of 49 people and injured more than 700. Since then, Palestinians have carried out more than 177 stabbings, 144 shootings and 58 vehicular attacks.

  • Adding to the hypocrisy, Abbas and his PA leadership often point an accusing finger at Israel for killing the terrorists. Instead of condemning the perpetrators, Abbas and the Palestinians regularly accuse Israel of carrying out "extra-judicial killings" of the terrorists. In other words, Palestinian leaders save their condemnation for Israeli soldiers and policemen for defending themselves and firing at those who come to stab them with knives and axes or try to run them over with their cars. How would the British or French governments react if someone condemned them for killing the terrorists on the streets of Paris and London?

(full article online)

Palestinians: Crocodile Tears and Terrorism
[How long before these countries get pirated copies of the movie?
And how long does it take for the leaders, or the ones with money, to get one of those copies and watch the movie in the comfort of their homes]

Tunisia has joined Lebanon and Jordan, after a Tunisian court temporarily suspended the showing of the new Wonder Woman movie while it examines a lawsuit demanding the movie be completely banned, according to reports in Ynet and Reuters.

The Arab countries are banning the movie because Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot is a proud Israeli.

Yet another Arab country afraid of strong Israeli women.

Maybe Israel should simply announce they’re sending a couple of female IDF soldiers to fight Hezbollah in Lebanon. That should clear out the entire country of terrorists within an hour.
With the Hebrew University in 145th place, this is how it compares with other universities in the region, outside Israel:

Saudi Arabia: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) – ranked joint 173rd

Lebanon: American University of Beirut (AUB) – ranked 235th

Qatar: Qatar University – ranked joint 349th

United Arab Emirates: United Arab Emirates University – ranked 390th.

Egypt: American University in Cairo – ranked joint 395th

Bahrain: Arabian Gulf University – ranked 411-420

Oman: Sultan Qaboos University – ranked 451-460

Iran: Sharif University of Technology – ranked 471-480

Iraq: University of Baghdad – ranked 501-550

Jordan: University of Jordan – ranked 551-600

Kuwait: Kuwait University – ranked 651-700

Palestinian Authority: Birzeit University – ranked 801-1000
An Arab-run survey of Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza returned some surprising results, according to a report on Israel’s Channel 2.

For approximately half the Arabs living in the PA and Gaza, what interests them most is their personal economic welfare and stability, and not nationalistic ambitions or terrorism.

They want more interaction with Israelis, not less.

They want the Arab states in the region to be at peace with Israel.

Unlike BDS, they want more Israeli-owned workplaces near their homes (like SodaStream used to be) in Judea and Samaria providing them jobs.

They want Hamas to not attack Israel.

They aren’t bothered that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state.

They don’t like that terrorist families get special treatment.

In short, we can easily find a way to be at peace with some 50% of the Arab population in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as they recognize the personal benefits of living together in peace with the Jewish people. It’s that remaining percentage who are still the problem.

Here are the results as shown by Channel 2.

66% don’t believe that families of prisoners [terrorists] deserve special financial benefits.

56% don’t care if the US Embassy is moved to Jerusalem.

43% want more Israeli companies to open up workplaces for them in the West Bank.

55% want the cease fire with Hamas [and Israel] to continue.

57% are for a regional approach to a [peace] arrangement.
An Arab-run survey of Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza returned some surprising results, according to a report on Israel’s Channel 2.

For approximately half the Arabs living in the PA and Gaza, what interests them most is their personal economic welfare and stability, and not nationalistic ambitions or terrorism.

They want more interaction with Israelis, not less.

They want the Arab states in the region to be at peace with Israel.

Unlike BDS, they want more Israeli-owned workplaces near their homes (like SodaStream used to be) in Judea and Samaria providing them jobs.

They want Hamas to not attack Israel.

They aren’t bothered that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state.

They don’t like that terrorist families get special treatment.

In short, we can easily find a way to be at peace with some 50% of the Arab population in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as they recognize the personal benefits of living together in peace with the Jewish people. It’s that remaining percentage who are still the problem.

Here are the results as shown by Channel 2.

66% don’t believe that families of prisoners [terrorists] deserve special financial benefits.

56% don’t care if the US Embassy is moved to Jerusalem.

43% want more Israeli companies to open up workplaces for them in the West Bank.

55% want the cease fire with Hamas [and Israel] to continue.

57% are for a regional approach to a [peace] arrangement.

Palestinian Authority Survey Returns Surprising ResultsThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 15 Sivan 5777 – June 8, 2017 |
They don't list the questions.
Missing persons, regardless of their status – fallen or captured soldiers during fighting, or civilians taken captive by an adverse party – are protected by humanitarian law. They and their families must be shown due regard under the law.

"Persons captured alive must be accounted for and treated humanely. Human remains, too, must be handled with dignity, identified and returned to the families concerned," said Jacques de Maio, the head of the ICRC's delegation in Israel and the occupied territories. "These are among the most widely accepted rules of warfare."

The ICRC has consistently reminded the Hamas authorities, at the highest level, of their legal and humanitarian obligations, and told them that intentionally withholding information about missing persons is acting in violation of humanitarian law.

(full article online)

Missing Israeli nationals: Hamas must abide by international humanitarian law
These reports were conveyed to Moscow, but they made no difference. Deception and disinformation that had been cooked up in the K.G.B.’s headquarters had already put Israel and its neighbors on a path to war.

The way that Soviet intelligence tried to reshape the balance of power in the Middle East is essential to understand the developments that led to the outbreak of the Six-Day War. But it also explains the mind-set of the people who grew up in the K.G.B. and run Russia today, and the ways in which they try to influence international politics.

The K.G.B. used to call this modus operandi Active Measures. According to K.G.B. documents, they are “aimed at exerting useful influence on aspects of interest in the political life of a target country, including its foreign policy; misleading the adversary; undermining and weakening the adversary’s positions.”

(full article online)
An Arab-run survey of Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza returned some surprising results, according to a report on Israel’s Channel 2.

For approximately half the Arabs living in the PA and Gaza, what interests them most is their personal economic welfare and stability, and not nationalistic ambitions or terrorism.

They want more interaction with Israelis, not less.

They want the Arab states in the region to be at peace with Israel.

Unlike BDS, they want more Israeli-owned workplaces near their homes (like SodaStream used to be) in Judea and Samaria providing them jobs.

They want Hamas to not attack Israel.

They aren’t bothered that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state.

They don’t like that terrorist families get special treatment.

In short, we can easily find a way to be at peace with some 50% of the Arab population in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as they recognize the personal benefits of living together in peace with the Jewish people. It’s that remaining percentage who are still the problem.

Here are the results as shown by Channel 2.

66% don’t believe that families of prisoners [terrorists] deserve special financial benefits.

56% don’t care if the US Embassy is moved to Jerusalem.

43% want more Israeli companies to open up workplaces for them in the West Bank.

55% want the cease fire with Hamas [and Israel] to continue.

57% are for a regional approach to a [peace] arrangement.

Palestinian Authority Survey Returns Surprising ResultsThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 15 Sivan 5777 – June 8, 2017 |
They don't list the questions.

This is a thread for parroting Jewish propaganda from Hasbara sponsored sites. What do you except?
An Arab-run survey of Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza returned some surprising results, according to a report on Israel’s Channel 2.

For approximately half the Arabs living in the PA and Gaza, what interests them most is their personal economic welfare and stability, and not nationalistic ambitions or terrorism.

They want more interaction with Israelis, not less.

They want the Arab states in the region to be at peace with Israel.

Unlike BDS, they want more Israeli-owned workplaces near their homes (like SodaStream used to be) in Judea and Samaria providing them jobs.

They want Hamas to not attack Israel.

They aren’t bothered that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state.

They don’t like that terrorist families get special treatment.

In short, we can easily find a way to be at peace with some 50% of the Arab population in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as they recognize the personal benefits of living together in peace with the Jewish people. It’s that remaining percentage who are still the problem.

Here are the results as shown by Channel 2.

66% don’t believe that families of prisoners [terrorists] deserve special financial benefits.

56% don’t care if the US Embassy is moved to Jerusalem.

43% want more Israeli companies to open up workplaces for them in the West Bank.

55% want the cease fire with Hamas [and Israel] to continue.

57% are for a regional approach to a [peace] arrangement.

Palestinian Authority Survey Returns Surprising ResultsThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 15 Sivan 5777 – June 8, 2017 |
They don't list the questions.

This is a thread for parroting Jewish propaganda from Hasbara sponsored sites. What do you except?

I expect for you to own up that you know very well what the Arab leaders have been saying about who are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel and how long the "Palestinian People" have existed and what for.

Yalla Habibi, you can do it. Trust your Arabic and march in front of those other Arab/Muslims who do know that the Jewish People are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel and deserve to live on the land IN PEACE, after 1300 years of Muslim mistreatment.
The Zionists are from Europe. The people of Palestine were Christians, not Jews, when the Muslims conquered Palestine. The Palestinians were Christians when Eusebio of Caeserea (a Christian city in Palestine) wrote the Palestinian Martyrs in 411 AD.

De martyribus Palestinae (the Palestinian Martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)

Jews were always there and Zionism is as old as the decree of Cyrus II.
The Zionists are from Europe. The people of Palestine were Christians, not Jews, when the Muslims conquered Palestine. The Palestinians were Christians when Eusebio of Caeserea (a Christian city in Palestine) wrote the Palestinian Martyrs in 411 AD.

De martyribus Palestinae (the Palestinian Martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)
Sure, cupcake.

Snowflakes don't do facts. I get it.
The Zionists are from Europe. The people of Palestine were Christians, not Jews, when the Muslims conquered Palestine. The Palestinians were Christians when Eusebio of Caeserea (a Christian city in Palestine) wrote the Palestinian Martyrs in 411 AD.

De martyribus Palestinae (the Palestinian Martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)
Sure, cupcake.

Snowflakes don't do facts. I get it.
I don't get my artifacts from
Turkish media are talking about the news that the government of Turkey never paid the families the $20 million that Israel gave for compensation for the incident where the Mavi Marmara ship was intercepted in 2010 and 10 people were killed as they were attacking the Israeli paratroopers.

Israel refused to apologize and agreed to pay the money only after there were assurances that there would be no further legal claims.

According to the reports, Turkey never paid the families the money they were due, coming up with various insulting excuses.

Israel paid compensation for those killed on the Mavi Marmara.. Turkey never gave their families the money. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Turkish media are talking about the news that the government of Turkey never paid the families the $20 million that Israel gave for compensation for the incident where the Mavi Marmara ship was intercepted in 2010 and 10 people were killed as they were attacking the Israeli paratroopers.

Israel refused to apologize and agreed to pay the money only after there were assurances that there would be no further legal claims.

According to the reports, Turkey never paid the families the money they were due, coming up with various insulting excuses.

Israel paid compensation for those killed on the Mavi Marmara.. Turkey never gave their families the money. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
10 people were killed as they were attacking the Israeli paratroopers.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Only a Zionist can say something that stupid.
“Responding to what they saw,” Zax wrote, “the anthologized writers took on subjects ranging from activism in the Shuafat Refugee Camp, the only Palestinian camp that falls under Israeli jurisdiction, to the world of Palestinian soccer.”

Wait, what?

Did Zax just call it “the only Palestinian camp that falls under Israeli jurisdiction?”

How can that possibly be? The entire Chabon-Waldman book is about how the Palestinians are mercilessly “occupied” by the cruel Israelis. Their essays, and all the others in the book, are about how the Israelis subjugate, oppress and persecute the Palestinians.

How can the Israelis do all that subjugating, oppressing and persecuting, if nearly all the Palestinian refugee camps are not even under their jurisdiction?

Poor Zax. She just let the cat out of the bag. Her only hope is that nobody notices.

It’s the big dirty secret that the anti-occupation activists try so hard to keep in the closet—that more than 98 percent of the Palestinian Arabs don’t even live under Israeli control. They’re “occupied” by the Palestinian Authority (PA). Way back in 1995, Yitzhak Rabin withdrew Israel’s troops from the cities where nearly all the Palestinian Arabs reside.

That’s why, when Chabon, Waldman and their friends visited Palestinian cities, they didn’t see any Israeli governor or military administration. The Israelis left more than 20 years ago.

Chabon’s own essay in the book concerns one Sam Bahour, “a Palestinian-American businessman who moved to Ramallah to build the Palestinian economy in the wake of the Oslo peace accords, only to watch the Israeli occupation deepen around him.” What a remarkable statement! Ramallah is the de facto capital of the PA regime. There are no Israeli soldiers in Ramallah. Yet somehow Bahour, in Ramallah, is “watching the Israeli occupation deepen around him.”

But Chabon and Waldman can’t acknowledge any of this. It would mean no more lectures, cocktail parties or interviews with panting fans disguised as reporters. So they prefer to stick to what they, as novelists, know best: fiction. The fiction of “the Israeli occupation.”

(full article online)

Israel critics accidentally admit there is no ‘occupation’
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