All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Gaza hospitals are out of anesthetic and have been forced to cancel thousands of operations as a result.

Gaza's Ministry of Health warned on Tuesday that supplies of anesthesia drugs had stopped. About 1,000 surgeries per month are performed in Gaza.

The main drug that is running out is fentanyl.

This is all because the PA refuses to pay for medicines and other critical equipment in Gaza in an effort to exert control - at the expense of ordinary Gazans.

It is just another outrage that dwarfs the worst that anyone can credibly accuse Israel of doing, but one that won't make any headlines since Israel isn't the one that can be blamed.

Thosands of surgeries canceled in Gaza due to anasthesia shortage ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

الصحة بغزة تحذر من نفاد أدوية التخدير وتوقف 1000 عملية جراحية
This is all because the PA refuses to pay for medicines and other critical equipment in Gaza
Indeed, the US appointed government in the West Bank is a problem.

Indeed, the Great Satan™ did not appoint an Islamic terrorist government. Indeed, the Islamic terrorist turbans in Gaza'istan are as much a problem as the Islamic terrorist turbans in the West Bank'istan.

Indeed, you Islamics you have to take responsibility for the disasters you create.

Indeed you will refuse to do so, but that's makes you just another Pom Pom flailer for Islamic terrorist failure.

Indeed it does.
In 2006, the Palestinians voted that corruption out of office.
In 2007 the US/Israel put them back in.
The Palestinian Authority have not had a parliamentary election since 2006 and the last presidential election was in 2005.
This would not be considered a democracy as we know it.

If there are no elections in the West Bank and Gaza, whose fault is that? At least in Gaza, why can't Hamas allow another party to form in there, and then hold an election? I'm sure Israel would not stop it.
Gaza hospitals are out of anesthetic and have been forced to cancel thousands of operations as a result.

Gaza's Ministry of Health warned on Tuesday that supplies of anesthesia drugs had stopped. About 1,000 surgeries per month are performed in Gaza.

The main drug that is running out is fentanyl.

This is all because the PA refuses to pay for medicines and other critical equipment in Gaza in an effort to exert control - at the expense of ordinary Gazans.

It is just another outrage that dwarfs the worst that anyone can credibly accuse Israel of doing, but one that won't make any headlines since Israel isn't the one that can be blamed.

Thosands of surgeries canceled in Gaza due to anasthesia shortage ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

الصحة بغزة تحذر من نفاد أدوية التخدير وتوقف 1000 عملية جراحية
This is all because the PA refuses to pay for medicines and other critical equipment in Gaza
Indeed, the US appointed government in the West Bank is a problem.

Indeed, the Great Satan™ did not appoint an Islamic terrorist government. Indeed, the Islamic terrorist turbans in Gaza'istan are as much a problem as the Islamic terrorist turbans in the West Bank'istan.

Indeed, you Islamics you have to take responsibility for the disasters you create.

Indeed you will refuse to do so, but that's makes you just another Pom Pom flailer for Islamic terrorist failure.

Indeed it does.
In 2006, the Palestinians voted that corruption out of office.
In 2007 the US/Israel put them back in.
The Palestinian Authority have not had a parliamentary election since 2006 and the last presidential election was in 2005.
This would not be considered a democracy as we know it.

If there are no elections in the West Bank and Gaza, whose fault is that? At least in Gaza, why can't Hamas allow another party to form in there, and then hold an election? I'm sure Israel would not stop it.
If there are no elections in the West Bank and Gaza, whose fault is that?

The US. The last time we allowed an election the Palestinians voted for the wrong people. We won't let that happen again.

What political parties are available?

Fatah - Crooked as a dog's hind leg and already voted out of power once.

Hamas - Ohhh no! We Can't have that.

Islamic Jihad - We can't except that either but they are next in popularity.

Palestinian Initiative - No, we don't like them either.

It seems that the only ones we like are the crooks.
The Hamas brothers call on Saudi Arabia to stop these statements that offend the kingdom and their positions towards the cause of our people and their legitimate rights.
This is fear.

I noted in passing recently that a major pan-Arab newspaper referred to Hamas, flatly, as a terror group. Hamas notices all of this - and none of it looks good for its future.

Turning to Iran for support is not such a clear move because that would cement Hamas' reputation as being an enemy of Sunni Islam, which it claims to represent. Any shred of popular support that Hamas has in the Arab world would disappear if it openly aligns with Iran.

It must be said that a lot of this anti-Hamas rhetoric is a direct result of President Trump's speech in Saudi Arabia last month where he compared Hamas to ISIS, and no one in the Arab world objected.

This is a huge change from only a couple of years ago.

Mahmoud Abbas is taking advantage of this anti-Hamas feeling to collectively punish Gazans for supporting Hamas. He has cut off electricity, medicine, anesthetic and other essentials, to only muted criticism as Gazans suffer - something that would create world headlines if Israel did it. "Human rights organizations" suddenly don't care about Gazans.

Abbas defended his collective punishment policies, saying that they are meant to "end the division."

(full article online)

Hamas reeling from Saudi FM statements demanding Qatar sever ties with "extremist groups" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The second prisoner story is the story of the 12,000 Palestinians that have been jailed in Syrian regime prisons since the start of the Syrian civil war. These men, women and children are denied sufficient food and water. They are subjected to torture. Several cases have been reported of Palestinian female prisoners being subjected to gang rapes. More than 500 Palestinians have died in jail. More than 500 Palestinian children are behind bars.

And the plight of the Palestinians on the outside is no better.

Nearly 4,000 Palestinians have been killed by regime forces since the start of the war. Yarmouk refugee camp has been all but depopulated. Whereas before the war began in 2011, more than 120,000 Palestinians resided in the camp just 8 km. from central Damascus, today a mere 20,000 remain. Those who remain have been besieged by regime forces for nearly three years. They have been starved and parched. Running water was cut off years ago.

And yet, the only journalist who has consistently covered the story is Palestinian affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh, writing for the niche website of the Gatestone Institute.

As Abu Toameh noted in a report on the Palestinians in Syria last August, the leaders of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority like their sometimes-rivals- sometimes-partners in Hamas have refused to intervene on their behalf.

To the contrary, the PLO happily reopened its embassy in Damascus last year, despite the fact that it is accredited to a regime that is slaughtering the people that the PLO claims to represent.

Abu Toameh wrote bitterly, “The Palestinians of Syria would have been more fortunate had they been living in the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Then the international community and media would certainly have noticed them. Yet when Western journalists lavish time on Palestinians delayed at Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank, and ignore barrels of explosives dropped by the Syrian military on residential areas in refugee camps in Syria, one might start to wonder what they are really about.”

(full story online)

The second case of Pallywood, by Becky Anderson and her CNN crew, was much worse. It illustrates precisely the “public secret” among journalists, so starkly revealed in the Enderlin affair, that while the public thinks they follow the rules, they both take staged stuff and help stage stuff, to make the points they wish to communicate to their audiences/consumers. This wasn’t some sleazy corner of the already sleazy “Human Rights” NGO’s hijacked for a radical (weaponized) agenda in the 1990s, this was a major news provider, a flagship of the journalism field of information professionals, those providers of accurate information upon which the modern world’s wonders are built.

Here we see Becky and her crew setting up a scene of Muslim protesters on the streets of London after the London Bridge attack. Here’s what it looks like at the hands of high-production values/low ethical values CNN producers:

(full article online)

Pallywood 2017: The meaning of the Becky Anderson-UNRWA gaffes | Augean Stables
Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israel’s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, it’s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting
Indeed, the US appointed government in the West Bank is a problem.

Indeed, the Great Satan™ did not appoint an Islamic terrorist government. Indeed, the Islamic terrorist turbans in Gaza'istan are as much a problem as the Islamic terrorist turbans in the West Bank'istan.

Indeed, you Islamics you have to take responsibility for the disasters you create.

Indeed you will refuse to do so, but that's makes you just another Pom Pom flailer for Islamic terrorist failure.

Indeed it does.
In 2006, the Palestinians voted that corruption out of office.
In 2007 the US/Israel put them back in.
The Palestinian Authority have not had a parliamentary election since 2006 and the last presidential election was in 2005.
This would not be considered a democracy as we know it.

If there are no elections in the West Bank and Gaza, whose fault is that? At least in Gaza, why can't Hamas allow another party to form in there, and then hold an election? I'm sure Israel would not stop it.
If there are no elections in the West Bank and Gaza, whose fault is that?

The US. The last time we allowed an election the Palestinians voted for the wrong people. We won't let that happen again.

What political parties are available?

Fatah - Crooked as a dog's hind leg and already voted out of power once.

Hamas - Ohhh no! We Can't have that.

Islamic Jihad - We can't except that either but they are next in popularity.

Palestinian Initiative - No, we don't like them either.

It seems that the only ones we like are the crooks.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) is a collaborationist outfit who are bankrolled by Israel (from taxes collected by the Israelis for the PA), the United States, the European Union, and Non-Governmental Organizations to police their own beaten-down people on behalf of the occupying country, Israel. The PA is controlled by Fatah which has a reputation for collaboration, inefficacy and corruption. Although the Palestine Liberation Organization are the official representative body for Palestinians, the corrupt PA are the only people recognized by Israel as representative of the Palestinian people, despite having lost the last free election in 2006 to Hamās who are now headquartered in Gaza.
Meanwhile, it seems Israel has taken reasonable and proportionate measures. If it wants to prevent a broad uprising, Israel must protect Abbas. He is the one making sure right now that the violence does not spiral out of control. How long can he hold out? How long can he stand his ground against everyone else? This also depends on how much discretion and wisdom Israel exercises in its future steps.

Read more: Why Israel must protect Abbas
Which Abbas

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas seems to embody a great many opposing impulses in the Palestinian national movement. Ostensibly the heir to Arafat’s violent meshing of Islamism and anticolonial nationalism, the octogenarian Abbas has spent the better part of the past two decades battling against the very violence and terrorism that Arafat so eagerly promoted. Yet like his predecessor, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to lionize and celebrate the killers of Israeli civilians, naming city streets and schools after them and providing large budgets for their families’ welfare from the PA’s paltry treasury.

The contradictions don’t end there. Abbas demands Palestinian independence, but has vehemently opposed unilateral Israeli withdrawals such as the 2005 pullout from Gaza, as though how Palestine is liberated is more important to him than that it is liberated.

Abbas’s relationship with Israel’s Arab citizens is no less bewildering. One example: He is adamant that they must never be given citizenship in the new independent state of Palestine.

In 2009, in a conversation with Palestinian negotiators leaked to the British daily The Guardian, Abbas was asked point-blank by an Israeli Arab member of the PA’s negotiating team if he, the Israeli, would be eligible for Palestinian citizenship.

“The answer, strategically, is no,” Abbas replied. “You should stay where you, protect your rights are [sic] and preserve your community. You don’t need a passport to prove that you are a Palestinian. In 1948, Palestinians in Israel were 138,000 and now above a million. That homeland is your homeland. You must remain there and this does not detract whatsoever from the fact that you are Arabs and Palestinians…Raise two banners. Equality [in Israel] and an independent state for your brothers in the occupied territory.”

This was not a one-off comment. Five years later, in a November 2014 interview with the Egyptian daily Akhbar al-Yawm, translated by MEMRI, Abbas said, “Netanyahu once told me that it was an ‘idea from hell,’ from his perspective, for him to give me the Triangle [an area in northern Israel densely populated with Arab towns] and everything in it. It was occupied in 1949 and at that time it had 38,000 residents. Today, it probably has about 400,000 residents. I said: ‘I will not take anyone. Forget it, because honestly, I will not allow, or force, any Arab to relinquish his Israeli citizenship.’ You might be surprised, but this is important. As far as I’m concerned, this is sacred.”

Not only would he refuse to give Palestinian citizenship to Palestinian-Israelis, he would refuse to accept any part of Israel where Palestinian-Israelis live as part of a newly liberated Palestinian state.

(full article online)

Why peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians keep failing
Indeed, the US appointed government in the West Bank is a problem.

Indeed, the Great Satan™ did not appoint an Islamic terrorist government. Indeed, the Islamic terrorist turbans in Gaza'istan are as much a problem as the Islamic terrorist turbans in the West Bank'istan.

Indeed, you Islamics you have to take responsibility for the disasters you create.

Indeed you will refuse to do so, but that's makes you just another Pom Pom flailer for Islamic terrorist failure.

Indeed it does.
In 2006, the Palestinians voted that corruption out of office.
In 2007 the US/Israel put them back in.
The Palestinian Authority have not had a parliamentary election since 2006 and the last presidential election was in 2005.
This would not be considered a democracy as we know it.

If there are no elections in the West Bank and Gaza, whose fault is that? At least in Gaza, why can't Hamas allow another party to form in there, and then hold an election? I'm sure Israel would not stop it.
If there are no elections in the West Bank and Gaza, whose fault is that?

The US. The last time we allowed an election the Palestinians voted for the wrong people. We won't let that happen again.

What political parties are available?

Fatah - Crooked as a dog's hind leg and already voted out of power once.

Hamas - Ohhh no! We Can't have that.

Islamic Jihad - We can't except that either but they are next in popularity.

Palestinian Initiative - No, we don't like them either.

It seems that the only ones we like are the crooks.

You're still retreating from the reality that you're not willing to confront.

The refusal of both Islamic terrorist franchises to allow elections has nothing to do with the Great Satan™ or Israel.

You need to invent an external enemy to explain the typical pattern of Arab-Moslem dictators controlling Arab-Moslem fear societies. That's child-like and dishonest, but it's a typical pattern of behaviour for those who need excuses for Islamic terrorists who have no intention of losing control of a welfare fraud entitlement.
Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israel’s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, it’s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting

The Hasbara propaganda site "Honest Reporting" (defending Israel from media bias) have the nerve to claim that Sophie McNeill, one of the world's great journalists is "masquerading as a journalist". A propaganda site claiming that a real journalist, working with one of the world's premier news organizations, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, is masquerading, has to take the cake.

You Mr. 60s, are an abject propagandist and are, frankly a disgusting piece of work.

"Sophie McNeill
Sophie McNeill is a video-journalist based in the Middle East for the ABC.
She has worked across the region including Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey and Gaza.
She has twice been awarded Australian Young TV Journalist of the Year and in 2010 won a Walkley award for her investigation into the killing of five children in Afghanistan by Australian Special Forces soldiers.
Sophie was nominated for a Walkley in 2015 for her coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis.
In September 2015, her reporting helped reunite a Syrian refugee family that had become separated on the European refugee trail.
In early 2016, Sophie broke the story of children starving to death in the besieged town of Madaya, Syria.
Her coverage in August 2016 in Yemen exposed alleged Saudi coalition war crimes, the starvation of children and the recruitment of child soldiers by Houthi rebels.
Her reports on doctors working inside Aleppo, Syria gave rare insights into life in the besieged, war-torn city.
Sophie previously worked as a reporter for ABC's Foreign Correspondent and SBS's Dateline program and is a former host of triple j's news and current affairs program Hack."

Sophie McNeill
Knesset Speaker Yoel (Yuli) Edelstein, Binyamin Regional Council Chairman Avi Roeh, MKs Yuval Steinitz (Likud) and Bezalel Smotrich (Jewish Home), and a host of local dignitaries gathered last Thursday at the Binyamin Industrial Park, north of Jerusalem adjacent to Psagot, to lay the cornerstone for a medical center slated to become the largest provider of health services for both Israelis and Palestinian Authority citizens in Judea and Samaria.

(full article online)

Cornerstone Laid for Largest Medical Center in Judea, SamariaThe Jewish Press | TPS / Tazpit News Agency | 3 Sivan 5777 – May 28, 2017 |
Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israel’s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, it’s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting

The Hasbara propaganda site "Honest Reporting" (defending Israel from media bias) have the nerve to claim that Sophie McNeill, one of the world's great journalists is "masquerading as a journalist". A propaganda site claiming that a real journalist, working with one of the world's premier news organizations, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, is masquerading, has to take the cake.

You Mr. 60s, are an abject propagandist and are, frankly a disgusting piece of work.

"Sophie McNeill
Sophie McNeill is a video-journalist based in the Middle East for the ABC.
She has worked across the region including Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey and Gaza.
She has twice been awarded Australian Young TV Journalist of the Year and in 2010 won a Walkley award for her investigation into the killing of five children in Afghanistan by Australian Special Forces soldiers.
Sophie was nominated for a Walkley in 2015 for her coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis.
In September 2015, her reporting helped reunite a Syrian refugee family that had become separated on the European refugee trail.
In early 2016, Sophie broke the story of children starving to death in the besieged town of Madaya, Syria.
Her coverage in August 2016 in Yemen exposed alleged Saudi coalition war crimes, the starvation of children and the recruitment of child soldiers by Houthi rebels.
Her reports on doctors working inside Aleppo, Syria gave rare insights into life in the besieged, war-torn city.
Sophie previously worked as a reporter for ABC's Foreign Correspondent and SBS's Dateline program and is a former host of triple j's news and current affairs program Hack."

Sophie McNeill

<<Yet in an example of her continuing mission to put anti-Israel advocacy above professional journalism, McNeill avoids mentioning even one of the many, ongoing, present-day terror attacks against Israel.

In a transparent attempt to avoid accusations of unfairness, McNeill gives readers a pro forma reference to the “deadly second intifada,” and a partial quote from an unnamed “Israeli spokesperson” stating in a general way that Palestinians are “ trying to destroy the state of Israel.” That’s a total of 113 words: only 3.2% of her 3,506 word diatribe, which is chock full of in-depth interviews with many Palestinians, as well as statements from anti-Israel organizations.

Does this sound like balance or fairness?>>>

Yeaph, this is what today passes for honest, award winning journalism about Israel. And she is not the only one.
On Saturday, Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub gave an interview in Hebrew to Israeli TV Channel 2. Rajoub stated that Palestinians understand that the Western Wall is "holy for the Jews," and that it should be "under Jewish sovereignty... We have no argument with that."

However, addressing Palestinians in Arabic, Rajoub denies having made this statement. Rather, he claims to have said that the site should be "under Jewish religious supervision," and wrote explicitly on his personal Facebook page: "I did not mention the word sovereignty or Israel." He also accused Israeli TV of editing out parts of the interview with him.



Rajoub in Hebrew to Israelis:
Rajoub: "When [US President Trump] came, he went to the Western Wall, and we understand that it is a holy site for the Jews, and in the end it has to be under Jewish sovereignty. We have no argument with that."
Israeli TV interviewer Rina Matsliah: "That the Western Wall will remain under Jewish sovereignty?"
Rajoub: "Yes, of course. It is a holy site for the Jews."
[Israeli TV Channel 2, June 3, 2017]
Rajoub in Arabic to Palestinians:

(vide online)

Rajoub lies to Palestinians: "I did not mention the word sovereignty" re. the Western Wall - PMW Bulletins
Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israel’s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, it’s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting

The Hasbara propaganda site "Honest Reporting" (defending Israel from media bias) have the nerve to claim that Sophie McNeill, one of the world's great journalists is "masquerading as a journalist". A propaganda site claiming that a real journalist, working with one of the world's premier news organizations, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, is masquerading, has to take the cake.

You Mr. 60s, are an abject propagandist and are, frankly a disgusting piece of work.

"Sophie McNeill
Sophie McNeill is a video-journalist based in the Middle East for the ABC.
She has worked across the region including Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey and Gaza.
She has twice been awarded Australian Young TV Journalist of the Year and in 2010 won a Walkley award for her investigation into the killing of five children in Afghanistan by Australian Special Forces soldiers.
Sophie was nominated for a Walkley in 2015 for her coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis.
In September 2015, her reporting helped reunite a Syrian refugee family that had become separated on the European refugee trail.
In early 2016, Sophie broke the story of children starving to death in the besieged town of Madaya, Syria.
Her coverage in August 2016 in Yemen exposed alleged Saudi coalition war crimes, the starvation of children and the recruitment of child soldiers by Houthi rebels.
Her reports on doctors working inside Aleppo, Syria gave rare insights into life in the besieged, war-torn city.
Sophie previously worked as a reporter for ABC's Foreign Correspondent and SBS's Dateline program and is a former host of triple j's news and current affairs program Hack."

Sophie McNeill

<<Yet in an example of her continuing mission to put anti-Israel advocacy above professional journalism, McNeill avoids mentioning even one of the many, ongoing, present-day terror attacks against Israel.

In a transparent attempt to avoid accusations of unfairness, McNeill gives readers a pro forma reference to the “deadly second intifada,” and a partial quote from an unnamed “Israeli spokesperson” stating in a general way that Palestinians are “ trying to destroy the state of Israel.” That’s a total of 113 words: only 3.2% of her 3,506 word diatribe, which is chock full of in-depth interviews with many Palestinians, as well as statements from anti-Israel organizations.

Does this sound like balance or fairness?>>>

Yeaph, this is what today passes for honest, award winning journalism about Israel. And she is not the only one.

Yes, it is honest, award winning journalism. The problem with you people is that pro-Israel western media has brainwashed most westerners and when the facts are reported, they diverge so much from the pro-Zionist propaganda that leads brainwashed people like you to think facts are anti-Israel. Facts are facts. Israel maintains a oppressive, belligerent military occupation and blockade against non-Jews. This is the fact.
Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israel’s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, it’s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting

The Hasbara propaganda site "Honest Reporting" (defending Israel from media bias) have the nerve to claim that Sophie McNeill, one of the world's great journalists is "masquerading as a journalist". A propaganda site claiming that a real journalist, working with one of the world's premier news organizations, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, is masquerading, has to take the cake.

You Mr. 60s, are an abject propagandist and are, frankly a disgusting piece of work.

"Sophie McNeill
Sophie McNeill is a video-journalist based in the Middle East for the ABC.
She has worked across the region including Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey and Gaza.
She has twice been awarded Australian Young TV Journalist of the Year and in 2010 won a Walkley award for her investigation into the killing of five children in Afghanistan by Australian Special Forces soldiers.
Sophie was nominated for a Walkley in 2015 for her coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis.
In September 2015, her reporting helped reunite a Syrian refugee family that had become separated on the European refugee trail.
In early 2016, Sophie broke the story of children starving to death in the besieged town of Madaya, Syria.
Her coverage in August 2016 in Yemen exposed alleged Saudi coalition war crimes, the starvation of children and the recruitment of child soldiers by Houthi rebels.
Her reports on doctors working inside Aleppo, Syria gave rare insights into life in the besieged, war-torn city.
Sophie previously worked as a reporter for ABC's Foreign Correspondent and SBS's Dateline program and is a former host of triple j's news and current affairs program Hack."

Sophie McNeill

<<Yet in an example of her continuing mission to put anti-Israel advocacy above professional journalism, McNeill avoids mentioning even one of the many, ongoing, present-day terror attacks against Israel.

In a transparent attempt to avoid accusations of unfairness, McNeill gives readers a pro forma reference to the “deadly second intifada,” and a partial quote from an unnamed “Israeli spokesperson” stating in a general way that Palestinians are “ trying to destroy the state of Israel.” That’s a total of 113 words: only 3.2% of her 3,506 word diatribe, which is chock full of in-depth interviews with many Palestinians, as well as statements from anti-Israel organizations.

Does this sound like balance or fairness?>>>

Yeaph, this is what today passes for honest, award winning journalism about Israel. And she is not the only one.

Yes, it is honest, award winning journalism. The problem with you people is that pro-Israel western media has brainwashed most westerners and when the facts are reported, they diverge so much from the pro-Zionist propaganda that leads brainwashed people like you to think facts are anti-Israel. Facts are facts. Israel maintains a oppressive, belligerent military occupation and blockade against non-Jews. This is the fact.

Yes, of course. "Most westerners are brainwashed".

How do we know that? The Monty says so. Really, sweetie, go peddle your self-hatreds / Joooooo hatreds elsewhere. Don't presume to foist your inadequacies on "most Westerners".
The second prisoner story is the story of the 12,000 Palestinians that have been jailed in Syrian regime prisons since the start of the Syrian civil war. These men, women and children are denied sufficient food and water. They are subjected to torture. Several cases have been reported of Palestinian female prisoners being subjected to gang rapes. More than 500 Palestinians have died in jail. More than 500 Palestinian children are behind bars.

And the plight of the Palestinians on the outside is no better.

Nearly 4,000 Palestinians have been killed by regime forces since the start of the war. Yarmouk refugee camp has been all but depopulated. Whereas before the war began in 2011, more than 120,000 Palestinians resided in the camp just 8 km. from central Damascus, today a mere 20,000 remain. Those who remain have been besieged by regime forces for nearly three years. They have been starved and parched. Running water was cut off years ago.

And yet, the only journalist who has consistently covered the story is Palestinian affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh, writing for the niche website of the Gatestone Institute.

As Abu Toameh noted in a report on the Palestinians in Syria last August, the leaders of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority like their sometimes-rivals- sometimes-partners in Hamas have refused to intervene on their behalf.

To the contrary, the PLO happily reopened its embassy in Damascus last year, despite the fact that it is accredited to a regime that is slaughtering the people that the PLO claims to represent.

Abu Toameh wrote bitterly, “The Palestinians of Syria would have been more fortunate had they been living in the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Then the international community and media would certainly have noticed them. Yet when Western journalists lavish time on Palestinians delayed at Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank, and ignore barrels of explosives dropped by the Syrian military on residential areas in refugee camps in Syria, one might start to wonder what they are really about.”

(full story online)

All the more reason to let them back home.
Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israel’s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, it’s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting
Honest Reporting is an Israeli propaganda organization.

That said. In their reporting they do not mention that the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing, as a policy, around 2005 and 2006. They always point to the wall for this reduction.

Are the wall and checkpoints for security or harassment?

Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israel’s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, it’s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting
Honest Reporting is an Israeli propaganda organization.

That said. In their reporting they do not mention that the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing, as a policy, around 2005 and 2006. They always point to the wall for this reduction.

Are the wall and checkpoints for security or harassment?

That's lovely that the Islamist Death Cult stopped suicide bombing. Lets understand that suicide / mass murder attacks stopped only because the Israeli reprisals for such acts of Islamist terrorism became increasingly severe.

The Islamic terrorist attacks aimed at civilians never ended. The tactics just morphed toward less spectacular attacks as a way to lessen the beat down delivered by IDF forces.
Which Abbas

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas seems to embody a great many opposing impulses in the Palestinian national movement. Ostensibly the heir to Arafat’s violent meshing of Islamism and anticolonial nationalism, the octogenarian Abbas has spent the better part of the past two decades battling against the very violence and terrorism that Arafat so eagerly promoted. Yet like his predecessor, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to lionize and celebrate the killers of Israeli civilians, naming city streets and schools after them and providing large budgets for their families’ welfare from the PA’s paltry treasury.

The contradictions don’t end there. Abbas demands Palestinian independence, but has vehemently opposed unilateral Israeli withdrawals such as the 2005 pullout from Gaza, as though how Palestine is liberated is more important to him than that it is liberated.

Abbas’s relationship with Israel’s Arab citizens is no less bewildering. One example: He is adamant that they must never be given citizenship in the new independent state of Palestine.

In 2009, in a conversation with Palestinian negotiators leaked to the British daily The Guardian, Abbas was asked point-blank by an Israeli Arab member of the PA’s negotiating team if he, the Israeli, would be eligible for Palestinian citizenship.

“The answer, strategically, is no,” Abbas replied. “You should stay where you, protect your rights are [sic] and preserve your community. You don’t need a passport to prove that you are a Palestinian. In 1948, Palestinians in Israel were 138,000 and now above a million. That homeland is your homeland. You must remain there and this does not detract whatsoever from the fact that you are Arabs and Palestinians…Raise two banners. Equality [in Israel] and an independent state for your brothers in the occupied territory.”

This was not a one-off comment. Five years later, in a November 2014 interview with the Egyptian daily Akhbar al-Yawm, translated by MEMRI, Abbas said, “Netanyahu once told me that it was an ‘idea from hell,’ from his perspective, for him to give me the Triangle [an area in northern Israel densely populated with Arab towns] and everything in it. It was occupied in 1949 and at that time it had 38,000 residents. Today, it probably has about 400,000 residents. I said: ‘I will not take anyone. Forget it, because honestly, I will not allow, or force, any Arab to relinquish his Israeli citizenship.’ You might be surprised, but this is important. As far as I’m concerned, this is sacred.”

Not only would he refuse to give Palestinian citizenship to Palestinian-Israelis, he would refuse to accept any part of Israel where Palestinian-Israelis live as part of a newly liberated Palestinian state.

(full article online)

Why peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians keep failing
This is not a conflict between two nations, the Palestinian narrative insists, but between an authentic, rooted people battling a political program sustained by nefarious ideologues. Israel is at its core a “colonial” project, or “apartheid,” or “imperialist” — the specific terminology or injustice Israel is accused of hardly matters. What is important to Palestinian discourse about Israel is the category.

That is, Israel is not a nation, but merely a political structure like those from which epithets like “apartheid” or “imperialist” are drawn. And that matters, because political structures can be peeled off a land or a people. Nations cannot. Nations may make mistakes, they may commit crimes, but nothing they do can lose them the one fundamental right granted to all nations by natural law: existence itself.

In other words, this is not an argument about Israel’s injustices or inequalities, but about its nationhood, and thus its fundamental legitimacy.​

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