All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Which Abbas

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas seems to embody a great many opposing impulses in the Palestinian national movement. Ostensibly the heir to Arafatā€™s violent meshing of Islamism and anticolonial nationalism, the octogenarian Abbas has spent the better part of the past two decades battling against the very violence and terrorism that Arafat so eagerly promoted. Yet like his predecessor, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to lionize and celebrate the killers of Israeli civilians, naming city streets and schools after them and providing large budgets for their familiesā€™ welfare from the PAā€™s paltry treasury.

The contradictions donā€™t end there. Abbas demands Palestinian independence, but has vehemently opposed unilateral Israeli withdrawals such as the 2005 pullout from Gaza, as though how Palestine is liberated is more important to him than that it is liberated.

Abbasā€™s relationship with Israelā€™s Arab citizens is no less bewildering. One example: He is adamant that they must never be given citizenship in the new independent state of Palestine.

In 2009, in a conversation with Palestinian negotiators leaked to the British daily The Guardian, Abbas was asked point-blank by an Israeli Arab member of the PAā€™s negotiating team if he, the Israeli, would be eligible for Palestinian citizenship.

ā€œThe answer, strategically, is no,ā€ Abbas replied. ā€œYou should stay where you, protect your rights are [sic] and preserve your community. You donā€™t need a passport to prove that you are a Palestinian. In 1948, Palestinians in Israel were 138,000 and now above a million. That homeland is your homeland. You must remain there and this does not detract whatsoever from the fact that you are Arabs and Palestiniansā€¦Raise two banners. Equality [in Israel] and an independent state for your brothers in the occupied territory.ā€

This was not a one-off comment. Five years later, in a November 2014 interview with the Egyptian daily Akhbar al-Yawm, translated by MEMRI, Abbas said, ā€œNetanyahu once told me that it was an ā€˜idea from hell,ā€™ from his perspective, for him to give me the Triangle [an area in northern Israel densely populated with Arab towns] and everything in it. It was occupied in 1949 and at that time it had 38,000 residents. Today, it probably has about 400,000 residents. I said: ā€˜I will not take anyone. Forget it, because honestly, I will not allow, or force, any Arab to relinquish his Israeli citizenship.ā€™ You might be surprised, but this is important. As far as Iā€™m concerned, this is sacred.ā€

Not only would he refuse to give Palestinian citizenship to Palestinian-Israelis, he would refuse to accept any part of Israel where Palestinian-Israelis live as part of a newly liberated Palestinian state.

(full article online)

Why peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians keep failing
This is not a conflict between two nations, the Palestinian narrative insists, but between an authentic, rooted people battling a political program sustained by nefarious ideologues. Israel is at its core a ā€œcolonialā€ project, or ā€œapartheid,ā€ or ā€œimperialistā€ ā€” the specific terminology or injustice Israel is accused of hardly matters. What is important to Palestinian discourse about Israel is the category.

That is, Israel is not a nation, but merely a political structure like those from which epithets like ā€œapartheidā€ or ā€œimperialistā€ are drawn. And that matters, because political structures can be peeled off a land or a people. Nations cannot. Nations may make mistakes, they may commit crimes, but nothing they do can lose them the one fundamental right granted to all nations by natural law: existence itself.

In other words, this is not an argument about Israelā€™s injustices or inequalities, but about its nationhood, and thus its fundamental legitimacy.​


It's in good form to provide a citation for your cutting and pasting.

Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israelā€™s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, itā€™s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting

The Hasbara propaganda site "Honest Reporting" (defending Israel from media bias) have the nerve to claim that Sophie McNeill, one of the world's great journalists is "masquerading as a journalist". A propaganda site claiming that a real journalist, working with one of the world's premier news organizations, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, is masquerading, has to take the cake.

You Mr. 60s, are an abject propagandist and are, frankly a disgusting piece of work.

"Sophie McNeill
Sophie McNeill is a video-journalist based in the Middle East for the ABC.
She has worked across the region including Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey and Gaza.
She has twice been awarded Australian Young TV Journalist of the Year and in 2010 won a Walkley award for her investigation into the killing of five children in Afghanistan by Australian Special Forces soldiers.
Sophie was nominated for a Walkley in 2015 for her coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis.
In September 2015, her reporting helped reunite a Syrian refugee family that had become separated on the European refugee trail.
In early 2016, Sophie broke the story of children starving to death in the besieged town of Madaya, Syria.
Her coverage in August 2016 in Yemen exposed alleged Saudi coalition war crimes, the starvation of children and the recruitment of child soldiers by Houthi rebels.
Her reports on doctors working inside Aleppo, Syria gave rare insights into life in the besieged, war-torn city.
Sophie previously worked as a reporter for ABC's Foreign Correspondent and SBS's Dateline program and is a former host of triple j's news and current affairs program Hack."

Sophie McNeill

<<Yet in an example of her continuing mission to put anti-Israel advocacy above professional journalism, McNeill avoids mentioning even one of the many, ongoing, present-day terror attacks against Israel.

In a transparent attempt to avoid accusations of unfairness, McNeill gives readers a pro forma reference to the ā€œdeadly second intifada,ā€ and a partial quote from an unnamed ā€œIsraeli spokespersonā€ stating in a general way that Palestinians are ā€œ trying to destroy the state of Israel.ā€ Thatā€™s a total of 113 words: only 3.2% of her 3,506 word diatribe, which is chock full of in-depth interviews with many Palestinians, as well as statements from anti-Israel organizations.

Does this sound like balance or fairness?>>>

Yeaph, this is what today passes for honest, award winning journalism about Israel. And she is not the only one.
McNeill avoids mentioning even one of the many, ongoing, present-day terror attacks against Israel.
Israeli propagandists will never recognize the Palestinian's right to self defense.
Which Abbas

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas seems to embody a great many opposing impulses in the Palestinian national movement. Ostensibly the heir to Arafatā€™s violent meshing of Islamism and anticolonial nationalism, the octogenarian Abbas has spent the better part of the past two decades battling against the very violence and terrorism that Arafat so eagerly promoted. Yet like his predecessor, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to lionize and celebrate the killers of Israeli civilians, naming city streets and schools after them and providing large budgets for their familiesā€™ welfare from the PAā€™s paltry treasury.

The contradictions donā€™t end there. Abbas demands Palestinian independence, but has vehemently opposed unilateral Israeli withdrawals such as the 2005 pullout from Gaza, as though how Palestine is liberated is more important to him than that it is liberated.

Abbasā€™s relationship with Israelā€™s Arab citizens is no less bewildering. One example: He is adamant that they must never be given citizenship in the new independent state of Palestine.

In 2009, in a conversation with Palestinian negotiators leaked to the British daily The Guardian, Abbas was asked point-blank by an Israeli Arab member of the PAā€™s negotiating team if he, the Israeli, would be eligible for Palestinian citizenship.

ā€œThe answer, strategically, is no,ā€ Abbas replied. ā€œYou should stay where you, protect your rights are [sic] and preserve your community. You donā€™t need a passport to prove that you are a Palestinian. In 1948, Palestinians in Israel were 138,000 and now above a million. That homeland is your homeland. You must remain there and this does not detract whatsoever from the fact that you are Arabs and Palestiniansā€¦Raise two banners. Equality [in Israel] and an independent state for your brothers in the occupied territory.ā€

This was not a one-off comment. Five years later, in a November 2014 interview with the Egyptian daily Akhbar al-Yawm, translated by MEMRI, Abbas said, ā€œNetanyahu once told me that it was an ā€˜idea from hell,ā€™ from his perspective, for him to give me the Triangle [an area in northern Israel densely populated with Arab towns] and everything in it. It was occupied in 1949 and at that time it had 38,000 residents. Today, it probably has about 400,000 residents. I said: ā€˜I will not take anyone. Forget it, because honestly, I will not allow, or force, any Arab to relinquish his Israeli citizenship.ā€™ You might be surprised, but this is important. As far as Iā€™m concerned, this is sacred.ā€

Not only would he refuse to give Palestinian citizenship to Palestinian-Israelis, he would refuse to accept any part of Israel where Palestinian-Israelis live as part of a newly liberated Palestinian state.

(full article online)

Why peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians keep failing
This is not a conflict between two nations, the Palestinian narrative insists, but between an authentic, rooted people battling a political program sustained by nefarious ideologues. Israel is at its core a ā€œcolonialā€ project, or ā€œapartheid,ā€ or ā€œimperialistā€ ā€” the specific terminology or injustice Israel is accused of hardly matters. What is important to Palestinian discourse about Israel is the category.

That is, Israel is not a nation, but merely a political structure like those from which epithets like ā€œapartheidā€ or ā€œimperialistā€ are drawn. And that matters, because political structures can be peeled off a land or a people. Nations cannot. Nations may make mistakes, they may commit crimes, but nothing they do can lose them the one fundamental right granted to all nations by natural law: existence itself.

In other words, this is not an argument about Israelā€™s injustices or inequalities, but about its nationhood, and thus its fundamental legitimacy.​


It's in good form to provide a citation for your cutting and pasting.

Oh, the link is in the post I quoted.
Even worse: absolving Palestinians of all responsibility for a genuinely complex and dangerous situation, while utterly vilifying Israelis, is beyond unprofessional: it is just plain wrong.

According to Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting:

Sophie McNeill is a self-proclaimed political advocate, masquerading as a journalist, and ABC News Australia knowingly, and shamefully, has given her a platform in violation of their own ethical rules. McNeill openly states that her mission is to promote a Palestinian narrative at Israelā€™s expense, and this article is no exception: containing opinions disguised as news, lack of context and highly misleading commentary. The result is exactly the goal to which McNeill has dedicated her career: the utter vilification of Israel and of Israeli people, at the expense of actual journalism. In the end, itā€™s news readers who pay the price.

(full article online)

Journalist Shills For Palestinians; Slams Israel, Omits Basic Facts | HonestReporting

The Hasbara propaganda site "Honest Reporting" (defending Israel from media bias) have the nerve to claim that Sophie McNeill, one of the world's great journalists is "masquerading as a journalist". A propaganda site claiming that a real journalist, working with one of the world's premier news organizations, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, is masquerading, has to take the cake.

You Mr. 60s, are an abject propagandist and are, frankly a disgusting piece of work.

"Sophie McNeill
Sophie McNeill is a video-journalist based in the Middle East for the ABC.
She has worked across the region including Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey and Gaza.
She has twice been awarded Australian Young TV Journalist of the Year and in 2010 won a Walkley award for her investigation into the killing of five children in Afghanistan by Australian Special Forces soldiers.
Sophie was nominated for a Walkley in 2015 for her coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis.
In September 2015, her reporting helped reunite a Syrian refugee family that had become separated on the European refugee trail.
In early 2016, Sophie broke the story of children starving to death in the besieged town of Madaya, Syria.
Her coverage in August 2016 in Yemen exposed alleged Saudi coalition war crimes, the starvation of children and the recruitment of child soldiers by Houthi rebels.
Her reports on doctors working inside Aleppo, Syria gave rare insights into life in the besieged, war-torn city.
Sophie previously worked as a reporter for ABC's Foreign Correspondent and SBS's Dateline program and is a former host of triple j's news and current affairs program Hack."

Sophie McNeill

<<Yet in an example of her continuing mission to put anti-Israel advocacy above professional journalism, McNeill avoids mentioning even one of the many, ongoing, present-day terror attacks against Israel.

In a transparent attempt to avoid accusations of unfairness, McNeill gives readers a pro forma reference to the ā€œdeadly second intifada,ā€ and a partial quote from an unnamed ā€œIsraeli spokespersonā€ stating in a general way that Palestinians are ā€œ trying to destroy the state of Israel.ā€ Thatā€™s a total of 113 words: only 3.2% of her 3,506 word diatribe, which is chock full of in-depth interviews with many Palestinians, as well as statements from anti-Israel organizations.

Does this sound like balance or fairness?>>>

Yeaph, this is what today passes for honest, award winning journalism about Israel. And she is not the only one.
McNeill avoids mentioning even one of the many, ongoing, present-day terror attacks against Israel.
Israeli propagandists will never recognize the Palestinian's right to self defense.

It's a bit of a stretch to suggest that the Islamic terrorist "Pal'istanians" are defending themselves by using the tactics of ISIS in acts of offensive gee-had.

It's also a bit sleazy when you Pom Pom flailers encourage children toward acts of mass murder / suicide as a means to placate your Joooooo hatreds.

Why don't you keyboard gee-had wannabes take one for muhammud (swish) by putting a knife in one hand, your koran in the other and "do an islam"?
Which Abbas

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas seems to embody a great many opposing impulses in the Palestinian national movement. Ostensibly the heir to Arafatā€™s violent meshing of Islamism and anticolonial nationalism, the octogenarian Abbas has spent the better part of the past two decades battling against the very violence and terrorism that Arafat so eagerly promoted. Yet like his predecessor, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to lionize and celebrate the killers of Israeli civilians, naming city streets and schools after them and providing large budgets for their familiesā€™ welfare from the PAā€™s paltry treasury.

The contradictions donā€™t end there. Abbas demands Palestinian independence, but has vehemently opposed unilateral Israeli withdrawals such as the 2005 pullout from Gaza, as though how Palestine is liberated is more important to him than that it is liberated.

Abbasā€™s relationship with Israelā€™s Arab citizens is no less bewildering. One example: He is adamant that they must never be given citizenship in the new independent state of Palestine.

In 2009, in a conversation with Palestinian negotiators leaked to the British daily The Guardian, Abbas was asked point-blank by an Israeli Arab member of the PAā€™s negotiating team if he, the Israeli, would be eligible for Palestinian citizenship.

ā€œThe answer, strategically, is no,ā€ Abbas replied. ā€œYou should stay where you, protect your rights are [sic] and preserve your community. You donā€™t need a passport to prove that you are a Palestinian. In 1948, Palestinians in Israel were 138,000 and now above a million. That homeland is your homeland. You must remain there and this does not detract whatsoever from the fact that you are Arabs and Palestiniansā€¦Raise two banners. Equality [in Israel] and an independent state for your brothers in the occupied territory.ā€

This was not a one-off comment. Five years later, in a November 2014 interview with the Egyptian daily Akhbar al-Yawm, translated by MEMRI, Abbas said, ā€œNetanyahu once told me that it was an ā€˜idea from hell,ā€™ from his perspective, for him to give me the Triangle [an area in northern Israel densely populated with Arab towns] and everything in it. It was occupied in 1949 and at that time it had 38,000 residents. Today, it probably has about 400,000 residents. I said: ā€˜I will not take anyone. Forget it, because honestly, I will not allow, or force, any Arab to relinquish his Israeli citizenship.ā€™ You might be surprised, but this is important. As far as Iā€™m concerned, this is sacred.ā€

Not only would he refuse to give Palestinian citizenship to Palestinian-Israelis, he would refuse to accept any part of Israel where Palestinian-Israelis live as part of a newly liberated Palestinian state.

(full article online)

Why peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians keep failing
This is not a conflict between two nations, the Palestinian narrative insists, but between an authentic, rooted people battling a political program sustained by nefarious ideologues. Israel is at its core a ā€œcolonialā€ project, or ā€œapartheid,ā€ or ā€œimperialistā€ ā€” the specific terminology or injustice Israel is accused of hardly matters. What is important to Palestinian discourse about Israel is the category.

That is, Israel is not a nation, but merely a political structure like those from which epithets like ā€œapartheidā€ or ā€œimperialistā€ are drawn. And that matters, because political structures can be peeled off a land or a people. Nations cannot. Nations may make mistakes, they may commit crimes, but nothing they do can lose them the one fundamental right granted to all nations by natural law: existence itself.

In other words, this is not an argument about Israelā€™s injustices or inequalities, but about its nationhood, and thus its fundamental legitimacy.​


It's in good form to provide a citation for your cutting and pasting.

Here is a talk on the same topic.

Which Abbas

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas seems to embody a great many opposing impulses in the Palestinian national movement. Ostensibly the heir to Arafatā€™s violent meshing of Islamism and anticolonial nationalism, the octogenarian Abbas has spent the better part of the past two decades battling against the very violence and terrorism that Arafat so eagerly promoted. Yet like his predecessor, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to lionize and celebrate the killers of Israeli civilians, naming city streets and schools after them and providing large budgets for their familiesā€™ welfare from the PAā€™s paltry treasury.

The contradictions donā€™t end there. Abbas demands Palestinian independence, but has vehemently opposed unilateral Israeli withdrawals such as the 2005 pullout from Gaza, as though how Palestine is liberated is more important to him than that it is liberated.

Abbasā€™s relationship with Israelā€™s Arab citizens is no less bewildering. One example: He is adamant that they must never be given citizenship in the new independent state of Palestine.

In 2009, in a conversation with Palestinian negotiators leaked to the British daily The Guardian, Abbas was asked point-blank by an Israeli Arab member of the PAā€™s negotiating team if he, the Israeli, would be eligible for Palestinian citizenship.

ā€œThe answer, strategically, is no,ā€ Abbas replied. ā€œYou should stay where you, protect your rights are [sic] and preserve your community. You donā€™t need a passport to prove that you are a Palestinian. In 1948, Palestinians in Israel were 138,000 and now above a million. That homeland is your homeland. You must remain there and this does not detract whatsoever from the fact that you are Arabs and Palestiniansā€¦Raise two banners. Equality [in Israel] and an independent state for your brothers in the occupied territory.ā€

This was not a one-off comment. Five years later, in a November 2014 interview with the Egyptian daily Akhbar al-Yawm, translated by MEMRI, Abbas said, ā€œNetanyahu once told me that it was an ā€˜idea from hell,ā€™ from his perspective, for him to give me the Triangle [an area in northern Israel densely populated with Arab towns] and everything in it. It was occupied in 1949 and at that time it had 38,000 residents. Today, it probably has about 400,000 residents. I said: ā€˜I will not take anyone. Forget it, because honestly, I will not allow, or force, any Arab to relinquish his Israeli citizenship.ā€™ You might be surprised, but this is important. As far as Iā€™m concerned, this is sacred.ā€

Not only would he refuse to give Palestinian citizenship to Palestinian-Israelis, he would refuse to accept any part of Israel where Palestinian-Israelis live as part of a newly liberated Palestinian state.

(full article online)

Why peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians keep failing
This is not a conflict between two nations, the Palestinian narrative insists, but between an authentic, rooted people battling a political program sustained by nefarious ideologues. Israel is at its core a ā€œcolonialā€ project, or ā€œapartheid,ā€ or ā€œimperialistā€ ā€” the specific terminology or injustice Israel is accused of hardly matters. What is important to Palestinian discourse about Israel is the category.

That is, Israel is not a nation, but merely a political structure like those from which epithets like ā€œapartheidā€ or ā€œimperialistā€ are drawn. And that matters, because political structures can be peeled off a land or a people. Nations cannot. Nations may make mistakes, they may commit crimes, but nothing they do can lose them the one fundamental right granted to all nations by natural law: existence itself.

In other words, this is not an argument about Israelā€™s injustices or inequalities, but about its nationhood, and thus its fundamental legitimacy.​


It's in good form to provide a citation for your cutting and pasting.

Here is a talk on the same topic.

Here is a talk on the subject

Although PA chief Abbas says he rejects boycotts of Israel, Birzeit University, which calls itself ā€˜Palestineā€™s leading academic institution,ā€™ quits mock trial competition at international court to avoid facing Hebrew U

Palestinians pass up chance to debate Israelis at ICC moot court
I note you post a lot in RED,it represents the BLOOD OF Palestinians Slaughtered by the Zionist a matter of fact the Palestinians have one of the highest rates of admittance to University worldwide.Do you live in Israel Sixties because much if not all of you prose is Bias in favour of the Zionist Terrorists and totally unbalanced....steve
Although PA chief Abbas says he rejects boycotts of Israel, Birzeit University, which calls itself ā€˜Palestineā€™s leading academic institution,ā€™ quits mock trial competition at international court to avoid facing Hebrew U

Palestinians pass up chance to debate Israelis at ICC moot court
I note you post a lot in RED,it represents the BLOOD OF Palestinians Slaughtered by the Zionist a matter of fact the Palestinians have one of the highest rates of admittance to University worldwide.Do you live in Israel Sixties because much if not all of you prose is Bias in favour of the Zionist Terrorists and totally unbalanced....steve

Keep the ignorance coming.

The "RED" is the way the titles of the articles come out in this site.
And you do know that.

No Filistinians have been "slaughtered" by Jews.
And you know that as well.

You gave the information, now back it up with valid links to it, about Palestinians having the highest rates of admittance to universities worldwide.

I do not care two sticks who you are and where you live.

Saying that I give unbalanced information, is not the same as saying that what I am posting has no truth at all to it, especially when you bring absolutely nothing to back it up.

How is it being a Muslim in Australia, attempting to turn Australian minds against Jews, working out for you?
It's a wonderful thing that we now have a name and a face to investigate and it's amazing that Shaked had the gumption to do the right thing. Now we have a way to show up Breaking the Silence for what it is: an instrument for harming the State of Israel and its people. It's an incredible development that cannot be undervalued in its ability to shore up the reputation of the Israeli Defense Forces and the Democratic State of Israel. We have nothing to apologize for in our treatment of the Arab people in our midst. And now we can prove it.

(full article online)

Ayelet Shaked Takes On Dean Issacharoff (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yesterday, a surprise aerial attack on the Egyptian Air Force set the stage for some impressive military gains by Israel against her enemies in this second day of fighting.

The Egyptian armed forces are now in retreat as the IDF continues to ā€œsmash deeply into the Sinai.ā€ Gaza has also been captured by the 7th Armored Brigade led by Major General Yisrael Tal, and shells from there have now stopped falling on the beleaguered Jewish settlements lining that border.

Over the last 24 hours the IDF has fought its way to the gates of the Jordanian-held Old City in Jerusalem.

Joined by the Jerusalem Brigade, the Paratrooper Brigade under the command of Major General Mordechai Gur is now controlling all the neighborhoods and towns surrounding the Old City (the troops avoided using any armor or artillery in order not to cause damage to the areaā€™s holy places).

(full article online)

Six-Day War Day 2 ā€” At the Gates of Jerusalemā€™s Old City
The Washington Post has a story about a young American reporter in Jerusalem who witnessed Israel's capture of the Temple Mount.

The photos accompanying the article are striking.

The first one shows, as we have noted many times, the weeds sprouting through the plaza in front of the Dome of the Rock that shows how neglected the "Haram al-Sharif" was when Muslims had exclusive control.

The other one compares what a section of the Temple Mount looked like when Israeli soldiers used it to hold some Jordanian soldiers, and compares it to what it looks like today:

At the time, under Muslim rule, is was a bare area. Today, it is filled with grass and trees.

The Washington Post cannot resist some revisionist history in the caption of these two photos:

"Palestinian prisoners of war?" Did they have an army we are not aware of?

And I wonder: What is the fourth holiest site in Islam, and is it overgrown with weeds as well?

I've seen at least three answers to that question: the Ummayad Mosque in Damascus , the Eyup Sultan Mosque in Istanbul and the Great Mosque of Kairouan, Tunisia, all of which are/were kept in pristine condition (the Damascus mosque was destroyed in 2013.
Funny how the "third holiest site" was kept in such terrible condition when the fourth, fifth and sixth had been lovingly taken care of.

More photos of Muslim neglect of their "third holiest site" in 1967 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But the facts that they uncovered cannot be spun: the "moderate" Palestinians have twice again rejected formulas for peace while Israel has shown amazing flexibility to end the conflict.

There are scores of articles this week in major media decrying "50 years of occupation" - but the fact is that Israeli leaders, both left and right, have proposed and accepted peace deals throughout the entire five decades which would end Israeli rule over disputed territories, and Palestinians have rejected every single one either directly or indirectly.

1967, 2000, 2001, 2008, and now 2014. How many times does this need to occur before the world sees the truth?

John Kerry knew this more than anyone - and yet in December gave a speech that blamed Israel alone for failure of peace in the Middle East.

The anti-Israel narrative will not be scratched by the supposed "peaceniks" who will attack Israel as intransigent and praise the Palestinians as victims regardless of the facts. There will be no breast-beating NYT op-eds about how Palestinians missed another opportunity for peace, about how they continue to support violence, about how they have been intransigent and consistently rejected any progress towards an end to the conflict.

The facts don't matter.

(full article online)

Add two more to the ever growing list of peace plans that "moderate" Palestinians have rejected ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I received this nonsensical email from the "Free Palestine" movement.:


I love how the article starts off pretending to defend US armed forces in the USS Liberty and ends off saying that the US military and its allies is just a tool of the evil Zionists who are responsible for millions of deaths worldwide.

This is barely disguised classic antisemitism. It is good to know that the leftist supporters of Palestinians are so blatant in their hate.

(full article online)
ā€˜The only good Jew is a dead Jewā€™. A horrific statement not so openly suggested in Europe or the USA in 2017. In reality, this line is actually being propagated in almost every university campus in the west. Yes, it is camouflaged, but do not let that distract us from the sickening message underneath. Let me explain.

Thomas Suarez recently published a work of revisionist history titled ā€˜State of Terrorā€™. What Suarez did is simple. He engaged in research using the British archives in Kew as a way of proving what he already believed, that Israel is a nasty little state created by nasty people, who did awful things. With a highly distorted personal radar, careful document selection, and an unerring ability to misinterpret intentions, Suarez produced a piece of writing far removed from both historicity and context.

Because therein lies the rub, part of the missing context of the book is the Holocaust.

When I pointed this out on Twitter, I received a response from anti-Zionist Jew and founder of ā€˜Boycott from withinā€™ Ronnie Barkan:

(full article online)

The only good Jew is a dead Jew (the Suarez - Barkan threshold)
The article does not bother to inform BBC audiences that Obama administration officials ā€“ including John Kerry, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and Samantha Power ā€“ have made the exact same point as Ambassador Haley now raises, as have senators from across the American political spectrum. Neither are they told that the previous UN Secretary General also admitted thatā€œ[d]ecades of political maneuverings have created a disproportionate volume of resolutions, reports and conferences criticizing Israelā€ or that ten years beforehand, his predecessor Kofi Anan similarly admitted UN bias against Israel.

(full article online)

BBC fails (again) to give audiences the full story in UN HRC article
Abu Rudeineh's remarks are a reflection of a policy that has continuously been stressed by Abbas and his associates, and which states that a future Palestinian state will be free of Jews.

Netanyahu has said that the PA leadershipā€™s demand that a Palestinian state be free of Jews is ethnic cleansing and the concept of ethnic cleansing for peace is absurd.

(full article online)

PA: 'Palestine' will be free of 'settlers'
A Muslim group in Australia is demanding taxpayer funds be diverted from anti-terrorism programs to create a ā€œsafe spaceā€ for angry young Muslims to express ā€œinflammatoryā€ comments that they otherwise wouldnā€™t be allowed to say in public.

The Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) said such forums enabled young people's opinions to be "respectfully and intelligently debated and challenged", and wants money for federal counter-terrorism and anti-extremism programs be diverted, ā€œto create refuges where 'emotionally overloaded' youths can voice inflammatory comments,ā€ reports Yahoo7 News.

The safe space is needed because if such remarks were made publicly, they would be seen as ā€œinflammatory,ā€ according to the proposal.

But State Premier Daniel Andrews said he was "very troubled" by the idea of a space where people "could be radical".

(full article and video online)

Muslims demand tax-funded 'safe spaces' to incite with impunity
A Muslim group in Australia is demanding taxpayer funds be diverted from anti-terrorism programs to create a ā€œsafe spaceā€ for angry young Muslims to express ā€œinflammatoryā€ comments that they otherwise wouldnā€™t be allowed to say in public.

The Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) said such forums enabled young people's opinions to be "respectfully and intelligently debated and challenged", and wants money for federal counter-terrorism and anti-extremism programs be diverted, ā€œto create refuges where 'emotionally overloaded' youths can voice inflammatory comments,ā€ reports Yahoo7 News.

The safe space is needed because if such remarks were made publicly, they would be seen as ā€œinflammatory,ā€ according to the proposal.

But State Premier Daniel Andrews said he was "very troubled" by the idea of a space where people "could be radical".

(full article and video online)

Muslims demand tax-funded 'safe spaces' to incite with impunity

Moslems already have such a safe place to not only incite hatreds but to act upon those hatreds. It's called the Islamist Middle East.
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