All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

The 1948 Conflict involving the Arab League incursion is what it is. The
I didn't say the 1948 war. That was different than the Nakba. The Nakba started before 1948 and continues today.
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RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Expanded
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The situation in the Middle East is not centered on the Israeli or the Arab Palestinian. And the "
Quartet" (Envoys from the European Union, the Russian Federation, the United States, and the United Nations)(since 2016) has not been there to enforce or impose peace, but rather to set the conditions for peace. And by setting the conditions for peace, we don't necessarily mean playing nice with the parties to the peace. Being benevolent and nice → does not always work.

The Envoys express deep concern over the daily clashes and violence in East Jerusalem, in particular last night’s confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli security forces at Haram Al-Sharif/Temple Mount. We are alarmed by the provocative statements made by some political groups, as well as the launching of rockets and the resumption of incendiary balloons from Gaza towards Israel, and attacks on Palestinian farmland in the West Bank.
The 1948 Conflict involving the Arab League incursion is what it is. The

P F Tinmore said:
I didn't say the 1948 war. That was different than the Nakba. The Nakba started before 1948 and continues today.

And this is an example of "indecipherable content and meaning within the message." Much like a doctor's prescription, you know it says something, just not understood. It says what it is not, but not what it is...

P F Tinmore said:
RoccoR said:
The Arab Palestinians have not identified a means of peaceful resolution without attaching a precondition.

P F Tinmore said:
Nice duck. What preconditions.\
Israel has major preconditions.

Yes, I read that same quote from the Middle East Monitor (8 DEC 2020):

If Abbas agrees to negotiations without preconditions, he would do well to remember all the preconditions which Israel has already imposed on the Palestinian people. Ashkenazi's statement is not a requirement, but an assertion of fact, bolstered by the knowledge that no diplomatic entity involved in the negotiations will contradict Israel's expansionist agenda.​

The pre-conditions for the next attempt at discussions have NOT (obviously) been established since the Protocol for the "Talks" has not been established (Meeting With or without preconditions).

P F Tinmore said:
RoccoR said:
As long as the Arab Palestinian cannot be pleased with any outcome other than the one they submit, they will not invoke a peaceful means.

P F Tinmore said:
What peaceful means are available?

The Principle is that:
  • Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.
  • States shall accordingly seek early and just settlement of their international disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. In seeking such a settlement the parties shall agree upon such peaceful means as may be appropriate to the circumstances and nature of the dispute.

Most Respectfully,
The Principle is that:
That didn't say anything. Where to go? Who to see? It isn't about disputes. It is about rights. Rights are not negotiable.
Curious comment “it is about rights”. Rights of the non-Moslem under Islamic majority tule tend to be a waking nightmare of persecution and subjugation.

What rights are extended to Jews under the Hamas Charter?

At a time when Israeli violence is shattering Palestinian lives and dreams once again, an important political development is taking place in the United States. Some American leaders are not taking Israel’s side to the hilt for the simple reason that the Democratic Party base is aroused and angry over the persecution of Palestinians, and the mainstream media are reflecting that view.

The progressive base is at last making itself heard in Congress, and the White House hears the echoes. While no one should be celebrating this moment, we need to acknowledge a grassroots victory that appears to be reshaping American politics and, ultimately, policy. The era of Israeli impunity in U.S. politics appears to be coming to an end with Israel’s violent response to Palestinian protests.

At a time when Israeli violence is shattering Palestinian lives and dreams once again, an important political development is taking place in the United States. Some American leaders are not taking Israel’s side to the hilt for the simple reason that the Democratic Party base is aroused and angry over the persecution of Palestinians, and the mainstream media are reflecting that view.

The progressive base is at last making itself heard in Congress, and the White House hears the echoes. While no one should be celebrating this moment, we need to acknowledge a grassroots victory that appears to be reshaping American politics and, ultimately, policy. The era of Israeli impunity in U.S. politics appears to be coming to an end with Israel’s violent response to Palestinian protests.
Firing rockets at Israeli civilians isn't "protest". Stupid fucking terrorist sympathizer.

At a time when Israeli violence is shattering Palestinian lives and dreams once again, an important political development is taking place in the United States. Some American leaders are not taking Israel’s side to the hilt for the simple reason that the Democratic Party base is aroused and angry over the persecution of Palestinians, and the mainstream media are reflecting that view.

The progressive base is at last making itself heard in Congress, and the White House hears the echoes. While no one should be celebrating this moment, we need to acknowledge a grassroots victory that appears to be reshaping American politics and, ultimately, policy. The era of Israeli impunity in U.S. politics appears to be coming to an end with Israel’s violent response to Palestinian protests.
Israel violence ? Did you really expect Israel to just sit and do nothing while rockets are fired like that? It’s the same old story, Hamas sends a barrage of rockets into Israel, Israel retaliates and pro Palestinians propagandists like yourself start complaining of “ Israeli Violenece”.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Expanded
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You try to use that • "it is all about rights"• like it is some kind of shield. It is not.

The Principle is that:
That didn't say anything. Where to go? Who to see? It isn't about disputes. It is about rights. Rights are not negotiable.

You are just making excuses.

As a matter of fact, the newest INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURES (Including Mediation and Arbitration Rules) Rules were just recently amended and became Effective March 1, 2021.

I don't practice law (I'm not a lawyer), but even I know enough to tell you that there are entire libraries devoted to the subject. And if I were to attempt to set out every single aspect of this nonsense argument the Arab Palestinians postulate that they have this right to armed struggle and terrorism, there would not be enough bandwidth in all of the USMB to write it down.

But I have to say that this lame excuse (Where to go? Who to see?) - or - this idea that the undefined "right" you are talking about some "right" that grants some special advantage to the Arab Palestinian, is absolutely ridiculous. You are being ridiculous.


Most Respectfully,


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