All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

You won't see this on fake news.

The NK.

You are a hoot.

Remember a few years ago they would hold a rally and there would be about three people.

Looks like progress to me.

A few more loons. Yes, that represents progress to you.

What a hoot.

Remember a few years ago when the Arabs-Moslems who are posing as “Pal’istanians” were the tip of the sword for the Arab-Moslem world in its flailing away at Israel? Now, even Egypt has learned it must protect itself from those posers.

Looks like progress to me.

Israel is adamantly opposed to Palestinian admission to all international organizations.
Israel suffered a stinging diplomatic setback on Wednesday when the International Police Organization (Interpol) voted to accept “Palestine” as a full member state.

The move at Interpol’s annual General Assembly meeting, held this year in Beijing, came despite furious Israeli efforts over the last few weeks to thwart it. The US was also actively involved up until the last minute in trying to stop the move.

Interpol votes to admit 'State of Palestine' as new member state
Interpol approves membership for State of Palestine over Israeli objections

Interpol?! Ha ha ha. And where does this Palestinian state exist, what are it borders?

Perhaps Interpol believes it's better to cooperate with terrorists that govern a terrorist haven, than to shut them out. Yup, that's more like it.
"Shortly before the vote in the Chinese capital, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said Israel’s efforts to delay the ballot until next year had failed." A Palestinian bid to join last year, at an Interpol conference in Indonesia, was foiled by what Israel said was its diplomatic campaign against it.
Interpol?! Ha ha ha. And where does this Palestinian state exist, what are it borders?

Perhaps Interpol believes it's better to cooperate with terrorists that govern a terrorist haven, than to shut them out. Yup, that's more like it.
“This victory was made possible because of the principled position of the majority of Interpol members,” Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said in a statement.
Newsflash: Interpol is an international terror / crime fighting agency.

Anytime you have a direct line into terrorists for info, it's a victory.

Of course the Palestinians are stupid enough to fall for the fake Israeli protests. Ha ha ha.
To keep Interpol as politically neutral as possible, its charter forbids it, at least in theory, from undertaking interventions or activities of a political, military, religious, or racial nature or involving itself in disputes over such matters.[6] Its work focuses primarily on public safety and battling terrorism, crimes against humanity, genocide, environmental crime, war crimes,[7] organized crime, piracy, illicit traffic in works of art, illicit drug production, drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human trafficking, money laundering, child pornography, white-collar crime, cybercrime, intellectual property crime, and corruption. Interpol - Wikipedia
Exactly why they want to keep tabs with a group of people that so much terror, barbarism, and crimes against humanity has emanated from.
Hamas arrests suspected jihadist leader in Gaza

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Hamas police detained a suspected jihadist leader in Gaza on Saturday, a security source said, the latest in a series of arrests of those accused of Islamic State group ideology.

"This morning, security forces arrested Nour Issa, 27, who is a leader of the deviant thought movement and is from Bureij Camp in central Gaza, along with others," the source said, using a phrase Hamas officials routinely use to refer to jihadists, including IS.

The Islamist Hamas movement has run Gaza for a decade but it has been challenged by small hardline factions, some of them inspired by IS, who advocate a stricter, Salafist interpretation of the faith.

Hamas arrests suspected jihadist leader in Gaza
Hamas arrests suspected jihadist leader in Gaza

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Hamas police detained a suspected jihadist leader in Gaza on Saturday, a security source said, the latest in a series of arrests of those accused of Islamic State group ideology.

"This morning, security forces arrested Nour Issa, 27, who is a leader of the deviant thought movement and is from Bureij Camp in central Gaza, along with others," the source said, using a phrase Hamas officials routinely use to refer to jihadists, including IS.

The Islamist Hamas movement has run Gaza for a decade but it has been challenged by small hardline factions, some of them inspired by IS, who advocate a stricter, Salafist interpretation of the faith.

Hamas arrests suspected jihadist leader in Gaza

I suppose the Hamas terrorists thought this would play well as a propaganda ploy.
Hamas arrests suspected jihadist leader in Gaza

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Hamas police detained a suspected jihadist leader in Gaza on Saturday, a security source said, the latest in a series of arrests of those accused of Islamic State group ideology.

"This morning, security forces arrested Nour Issa, 27, who is a leader of the deviant thought movement and is from Bureij Camp in central Gaza, along with others," the source said, using a phrase Hamas officials routinely use to refer to jihadists, including IS.

The Islamist Hamas movement has run Gaza for a decade but it has been challenged by small hardline factions, some of them inspired by IS, who advocate a stricter, Salafist interpretation of the faith.

Hamas arrests suspected jihadist leader in Gaza
Islamist gang members protecting their territory. It's the same with the criminal gangs here in the US, when another gang infringes into their territory.
Israeli Airlines Allegedly Strip-Searched Palestinian Women

Three female Palestinian Arab-Israeli students from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem traveled to Belgrade for a short break in October 2016 when security agents told them they were not going to be allowed on the plane going back to Tel Aviv unless they agreed to be strip-searched.

No other passengers were singled out, the lawsuit against Arkia Airlines and El Al, the national carrier, claims.

Israeli Airlines Forced Palestinian Women To Strip Before Flight
Israeli Airlines Allegedly Strip-Searched Palestinian Women

Three female Palestinian Arab-Israeli students from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem traveled to Belgrade for a short break in October 2016 when security agents told them they were not going to be allowed on the plane going back to Tel Aviv unless they agreed to be strip-searched.

No other passengers were singled out, the lawsuit against Arkia Airlines and El Al, the national carrier, claims.

Israeli Airlines Forced Palestinian Women To Strip Before Flight
Cause we know these burka clad Muslim women never, ever, ever hide guns or explosives under their Islamic garb, now don't we?
Israeli Airlines Allegedly Strip-Searched Palestinian Women

Three female Palestinian Arab-Israeli students from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem traveled to Belgrade for a short break in October 2016 when security agents told them they were not going to be allowed on the plane going back to Tel Aviv unless they agreed to be strip-searched.

No other passengers were singled out, the lawsuit against Arkia Airlines and El Al, the national carrier, claims.

Israeli Airlines Forced Palestinian Women To Strip Before Flight

This is a tough one. I can honestly see both sides.

On the one hand, its not okay to discriminate against people by profiling them by race or gender or nationality.

On the other hand, its a natural outgrowth of terrorism -- if terrorists are going to deliberately disguise themselves as civilians in order to pass through security -- security has to meet that threat.

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