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Israeli secret dossier contains no evidence of “terror” by Palestinian groups​


The staff of Palestinian human rights groups newly designated as “terror organizations” with their Israeli counterparts in Ramallah on 27 October 2021.
Keren Manor ActiveStills

It was widely suspected that the “secret evidence” justifying Israel’s declaration of six Palestinian organizations as “terror groups” last month was without merit.

An exposé on the contents of a classified government document indicates that Israel has no evidence and is relying on the testimony of two Palestinian detainees who may have been tortured.

Israel alleges that the six groups – Al-Haq, Addameer, Defense for Children International Palestine, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, the Union of Palestinian Women Committees and the Bisan Center for Research and Development – serve as an arm of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Tel Aviv – along with the US and EU – list as “terror organizations” the PFLP and other Palestinian political parties with armed wings that resist Israeli occupation and colonization.

Israel and its lobby groups have long attempted to discredit, defund and disrupt the work of Palestinian human rights groups like those declared illegal last month.

Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies announced on November 13 the launch of its inaugural issue on “The Meaning of Colonization in the 21st Century”. The journal’s first issue is edited by Peter Trnka and Mohamed Salah Eddine Madiou.

This first issue focuses on colonization in general and on Palestine in particular, and features works by renowned scholars of resistance, such as Gayatri Spivak and Ilan Pappé, and by researchers, poets, and artists, such as Ahmad Qabaha, Ramzy Baroud, Deborah Root, Syrine Hout, Romana Rubeo, Bilal Hamamra, M. Véronique Switzer, Louis Brehony, Rebecca Salazar, Jay Foster, Heather Nolan, Fadi Abou-Rihan, Diane Roberts, and Shazia Hafiz Ramji.

The issue has been praised for its strength, confrontation, and style, and described as a long-overdue critique of colonization. Palestinian historian Nur Masalha describes the journal and its first issue as “a major achievement,” scholar Timothy Brennan as “beautiful with impressive content,” and cultural theorist Imre Szeman as “a wonderful initiative.”
There’s a certain degree of danger in hurting Moslem’s feelings by referring to Islamic totalitarianism as… you know…. Islamic totalitarianism.


Israeli secret dossier contains no evidence of “terror” by Palestinian groups​


The staff of Palestinian human rights groups newly designated as “terror organizations” with their Israeli counterparts in Ramallah on 27 October 2021.
Keren Manor ActiveStills

It was widely suspected that the “secret evidence” justifying Israel’s declaration of six Palestinian organizations as “terror groups” last month was without merit.

An exposé on the contents of a classified government document indicates that Israel has no evidence and is relying on the testimony of two Palestinian detainees who may have been tortured.

Israel alleges that the six groups – Al-Haq, Addameer, Defense for Children International Palestine, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, the Union of Palestinian Women Committees and the Bisan Center for Research and Development – serve as an arm of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Tel Aviv – along with the US and EU – list as “terror organizations” the PFLP and other Palestinian political parties with armed wings that resist Israeli occupation and colonization.

Israel and its lobby groups have long attempted to discredit, defund and disrupt the work of Palestinian human rights groups like those declared illegal last month.
Are they grouped in order of who gets the most UNRWA welfare fraud money?

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