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In age of forest fires, Israel’s law against Palestinian goats proves self-inflicted wound for Zionism

A ban by Israel on herding black goats – on the pretext they cause environmental damage – is to be repealed after nearly seven decades of enforcement that has decimated the pastoral traditions of Palestinian communities.

The Israeli government appears to have finally conceded that, in an age of climate change, the threat of forest fires to Israeli communities is rapidly growing in the goats’ absence.

The goats traditionally cleared undergrowth, which has become a tinderbox as Israel experiences ever longer and hotter summer droughts. Exactly a year ago, Israel was hit by more than 1,500 fires that caused widespread damage.

In age of forest fires, Israel’s law against Palestinian goats proves self-inflicted wound for Zionism
In age of forest fires, Israel’s law against Palestinian goats proves self-inflicted wound for Zionism

A ban by Israel on herding black goats – on the pretext they cause environmental damage – is to be repealed after nearly seven decades of enforcement that has decimated the pastoral traditions of Palestinian communities.

The Israeli government appears to have finally conceded that, in an age of climate change, the threat of forest fires to Israeli communities is rapidly growing in the goats’ absence.

The goats traditionally cleared undergrowth, which has become a tinderbox as Israel experiences ever longer and hotter summer droughts. Exactly a year ago, Israel was hit by more than 1,500 fires that caused widespread damage.

In age of forest fires, Israel’s law against Palestinian goats proves self-inflicted wound for Zionism

lack of GOATS is a WOUND to Zionism,
AND the cause of fires??

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In age of forest fires, Israel’s law against Palestinian goats proves self-inflicted wound for Zionism

A ban by Israel on herding black goats – on the pretext they cause environmental damage – is to be repealed after nearly seven decades of enforcement that has decimated the pastoral traditions of Palestinian communities.

The Israeli government appears to have finally conceded that, in an age of climate change, the threat of forest fires to Israeli communities is rapidly growing in the goats’ absence.

The goats traditionally cleared undergrowth, which has become a tinderbox as Israel experiences ever longer and hotter summer droughts. Exactly a year ago, Israel was hit by more than 1,500 fires that caused widespread damage.

In age of forest fires, Israel’s law against Palestinian goats proves self-inflicted wound for Zionism

The bigger problem with fires has been the balloon gee-had waged by islamic terrorists, not to disparage your cut and paste YouTube video based gee-had.
Please work to participate and sign up by adding the name of all those who adopt these claims
"yes to the accountability of all those who assaulted the money of the Palestinian people"
Mr. President of the state of Palestine Brother Mahmoud Abbas God save him
Mr. Prime Minister brother Mohamed a ashtiyeh God save him
Home greeting and construction:
We are the undersigned of jurists, lawyers, journalists, intellectuals, men, women of civil society, public and all sectors of the Palestinian people, and following the serious violations of the level of waste of public money that may amount to crimes Corruption was the last to Sue the prime minister and the ministers of the previous government thousands of dollars without any legislative deed and the conduct of appointments and movements outside the framework of law and equality in the job of public jobs and under the failure of the office of financial and administrative oversight and its For reasons of information for everyone, we are asking you:
1. Stop any actions to increase the salaries of the president and members of the cabinet and recover the funds that have been arrested without any legal deed with retroactive effect.
2. Investigation with the chief of the office of financial and administrative oversight Mr. Iyad Tim and his determination for not performing his duties and silence about the serious financial and administrative abuses of the previous government in front of his eyes, and used the diwan to liquidate the personal accounts of the opponents For the government and human rights defenders, he opened the investigation with him in the abuses and suspicions published around him in press reports on the new Arab site about receiving dip contrary to the rule of law and mediation in the hajj draw and other issues.
3. Formation of an inquiry committee to review the decisions of the previous government and investigate all financial and administrative abuses and open the door to provide complaints by those affected and to correct the conditions resulting from the liquidation of accounts, the return of things to the right and the referral of violators .
4. Support the formation of a national rights team to prosecute all those who are involved in compromising the people's money and follow up on the implementation of these claims.
Manal Tamimi
IOF prevents Palestinian farmers from plowing their lands


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Saturday prevented Palestinian farmers from plowing their lands in Sebastia town, north of Nablus.

According to Wafa, Sebastia's mayor Mohammed Azem said that the IOF stormed Palestinian farmlands adjacent to Shavei Shomron settlement and prevented their owners from working there.

Azem said that the IOF further ordered the farmers to leave the area and threatened to confiscate their equipment.

IOF prevents Palestinian farmers from plowing their lands
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
IOF prevents Palestinian farmers from plowing their lands


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Saturday prevented Palestinian farmers from plowing their lands in Sebastia town, north of Nablus.

According to Wafa, Sebastia's mayor Mohammed Azem said that the IOF stormed Palestinian farmlands adjacent to Shavei Shomron settlement and prevented their owners from working there.

Azem said that the IOF further ordered the farmers to leave the area and threatened to confiscate their equipment.

IOF prevents Palestinian farmers from plowing their lands
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

Indeed, so what really happened?

The Islamic terrorist propaganda center tends to skew the facts.
Jordan stops cooperation with US deportations of Palestinians

The affidavit states that the “Common procedure for ICE to remove Palestinians is to fly into Jordan, then transport the alien to the West Bank by transiting through Jordan, then with permission from the Government of Israel, the alien enters the West Bank.”

The affidavit states that the US and Jordan had an “MOC” – a memorandum of coordination – governing these operations. It does not say when the MOC with Jordan was signed.

However, according to Bernacke, on 19 November last year, “representatives of the Government of Jordan informed ICE and US State Department personnel in Jordan that it was unilaterally terminating its MOC with ICE pertaining to Palestinian removals through or to Jordan.”

Jordan stops cooperation with US deportations of Palestinians

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