All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Is Trump envoy Jason Greenblatt helping Israel violate US law?

Jason Greenblatt, the Trump administrationā€™s ā€œpeace processā€ envoy, met last week with Gilad Erdan, Israelā€™s minister of strategic affairs and public security who oversees Israelā€™s global operation to combat BDS ā€“ the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights.

Greenblatt took to Twitter to laud his ā€œgreat meetingā€ with Erdan to discuss BDS, which he claimed is ā€œanti-Semitic and hurts Israelis and Palestinians.ā€ He also reaffirmed the ā€œunshakable bond between our two countries.ā€

If Greenblatt and Erdan discussed coordinating efforts between Israel and the United States to counter BDS, then Greenblatt may be assisting a foreign government to violate a little known provision of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).

According to this provision, if the president determines that a foreign country ā€œengaged in a consistent pattern of acts of intimidation or harassment directed against individuals in the United States,ā€ then ā€œno letters of offer may be issued, no credits or guarantees may be extended, and no export licenses may be issuedā€ for the export of US arms to that country.

Is Trump envoy Jason Greenblatt helping Israel violate US law?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,


Is Trump envoy Jason Greenblatt helping Israel violate US law?

Insinuations and vague claims such as this only serve to malign nations and the application of foreign policy.

The President made no such finding that Israel ā€œengaged in a consistent pattern of acts of intimidation or harassment directed against individuals in the United States,ā€.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is a Palestinian-led campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel. It is both a propaganda effort and a direct economic and financial attack on the State of Israel by pro-Palestinian (ie foreign entanglement) that support the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters that advocate armed struggle (conflict) and violence in the Middle East Region.

BDS, by its own admission, is an activity that includes ā€”

(A) Acts within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intendedā€”

ā—ˆ to intimidate or coerce US domestic civilian population against supporting an allied government; intentional targeting of civilians.

ā—ˆ to influence the policy of the US Government the intimidation or coercion of Americans, through civil disobedience and protests, against an allied government; in favor of pro-Palestinians that support state-terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,


Is Trump envoy Jason Greenblatt helping Israel violate US law?

Insinuations and vague claims such as this only serve to malign nations and the application of foreign policy.

The President made no such finding that Israel ā€œengaged in a consistent pattern of acts of intimidation or harassment directed against individuals in the United States,ā€.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is a Palestinian-led campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel. It is both a propaganda effort and a direct economic and financial attack on the State of Israel by pro-Palestinian (ie foreign entanglement) that support the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters that advocate armed struggle (conflict) and violence in the Middle East Region.

BDS, by its own admission, is an activity that includes ā€”
(A) Acts within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intendedā€”

ā—ˆ to intimidate or coerce US domestic civilian population against supporting an allied government; intentional targeting of civilians.

ā—ˆ to influence the policy of the US Government the intimidation or coercion of Americans, through civil disobedience and protests, against an allied government; in favor of pro-Palestinians that support state-terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
Oooooo, terrorism. :laugh::laugh::laugh: You are too funny.

The bottom line is that Israel spies on, threatens, and intimidates people in the US who are engaged in constitutionally protected speech and political activity.

That is illegal.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,


Is Trump envoy Jason Greenblatt helping Israel violate US law?

Insinuations and vague claims such as this only serve to malign nations and the application of foreign policy.

The President made no such finding that Israel ā€œengaged in a consistent pattern of acts of intimidation or harassment directed against individuals in the United States,ā€.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is a Palestinian-led campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel. It is both a propaganda effort and a direct economic and financial attack on the State of Israel by pro-Palestinian (ie foreign entanglement) that support the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters that advocate armed struggle (conflict) and violence in the Middle East Region.

BDS, by its own admission, is an activity that includes ā€”
(A) Acts within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intendedā€”

ā—ˆ to intimidate or coerce US domestic civilian population against supporting an allied government; intentional targeting of civilians.

ā—ˆ to influence the policy of the US Government the intimidation or coercion of Americans, through civil disobedience and protests, against an allied government; in favor of pro-Palestinians that support state-terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
Oooooo, terrorism. :laugh::laugh::laugh: You are too funny.

The bottom line is that Israel spies on, threatens, and intimidates people in the US who are engaged in constitutionally protected speech and political activity.

That is illegal.

Your conspiracy theories are a hoot.
Gee whiz. I suppose those personal bank accounts of Islamic terrorists saw some large deposits in the last few months. I guess they deposit their welfare fraud money with a per-pound deposit slip.

Qatar Changes Plan, Decides To Use Money For Humanitarian Aid In Gaza, Not Hamas

Qatar Changes Plan, Decides To Use Money For Humanitarian Aid In Gaza, Not Hamas

DANIEL ESTRIN, BYLINE: The main post office in Gaza City isn't very exciting. It's just a mid-rise tan building. But in the last few months, witnesses say something unusual happened here. Several cars pulled up to the back courtyard with a lot of security guards, and they took out suitcases stuffed with $15 million in $100 bills. This happened even though Israel has been trying to isolate Hamas since it took control here 12 years ago.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

WOW! "Israel spies on threatens, and intimidates people in the US."

Ya know, I've been looking for articles on the Israeli Government involvement in some sort of intimidation activity since you brought it up, and can't seem to find such being reported. I'd be interested in knowing what evidence you have on "intimidation or coercion" activities used by Israel on Americans...

Oooooo, terrorism. :laugh::laugh::laugh: You are too funny.

The bottom line is that Israel spies on, threatens, and intimidates people in the US who are engaged in constitutionally protected speech and political activity.

That is illegal.

If you are talking about news stories by freelance investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, well --- that's something else. It is unusual that the FBI or OSI would share such counterintelligence with Madsen. Madsen is talking about a HUMINT effort and not SIGINT/IMINT efforts. We all know that Edward Snowden leaked some general intelligence information from the National Security Agency (NSA) concerning overhead platforms run by Russia, China, Japan, and others.

Union of Concerned Scientist Overhead Collections Estimate.png

The fact is that over half the world is involved in either HUMINT, SIGINT or IMINT (if not all three) efforts directed upon the US. Just as the US is (it is safe to say) is involved in similar activities on most of the world (hence the reason for the 17 member US Intelligence Community).

In a time before the arrest of Jonathan Pollard, America has known the about the Israeli effort. But Israel is just one of many countries involved in espionage programs focused on the US; and one of the least harmful.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

WOW! "Israel spies on threatens, and intimidates people in the US."

Ya know, I've been looking for articles on the Israeli Government involvement in some sort of intimidation activity since you brought it up, and can't seem to find such being reported. I'd be interested in knowing what evidence you have on "intimidation or coercion" activities used by Israel on Americans...

Oooooo, terrorism. :laugh::laugh::laugh: You are too funny.

The bottom line is that Israel spies on, threatens, and intimidates people in the US who are engaged in constitutionally protected speech and political activity.

That is illegal.

If you are talking about news stories by freelance investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, well --- that's something else. It is unusual that the FBI or OSI would share such counterintelligence with Madsen. Madsen is talking about a HUMINT effort and not SIGINT/IMINT efforts. We all know that Edward Snowden leaked some general intelligence information from the National Security Agency (NSA) concerning overhead platforms run by Russia, China, Japan, and others.

The fact is that over half the world is involved in either HUMINT, SIGINT or IMINT (if not all three) efforts directed upon the US. Just as the US is (it is safe to say) is involved in similar activities on most of the world (hence the reason for the 17 member US Intelligence Community).

In a time before the arrest of Jonathan Pollard, America has known the about the Israeli effort. But Israel is just one of many countries involved in espionage programs focused on the US; and one of the least harmful.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

WOW! "Israel spies on threatens, and intimidates people in the US."

Ya know, I've been looking for articles on the Israeli Government involvement in some sort of intimidation activity since you brought it up, and can't seem to find such being reported. I'd be interested in knowing what evidence you have on "intimidation or coercion" activities used by Israel on Americans...

Oooooo, terrorism. :laugh::laugh::laugh: You are too funny.

The bottom line is that Israel spies on, threatens, and intimidates people in the US who are engaged in constitutionally protected speech and political activity.

That is illegal.

If you are talking about news stories by freelance investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, well --- that's something else. It is unusual that the FBI or OSI would share such counterintelligence with Madsen. Madsen is talking about a HUMINT effort and not SIGINT/IMINT efforts. We all know that Edward Snowden leaked some general intelligence information from the National Security Agency (NSA) concerning overhead platforms run by Russia, China, Japan, and others.

The fact is that over half the world is involved in either HUMINT, SIGINT or IMINT (if not all three) efforts directed upon the US. Just as the US is (it is safe to say) is involved in similar activities on most of the world (hence the reason for the 17 member US Intelligence Community).

In a time before the arrest of Jonathan Pollard, America has known the about the Israeli effort. But Israel is just one of many countries involved in espionage programs focused on the US; and one of the least harmful.

Most Respectfully,

Thatā€™s very impressive you found someoneā€™s opinion in a YouTube video.
Oh, my. Mahmoud ā€œGive Me a Suitcase Foll of Cashā€ Abbas is a bit miffed that the rival Islamic terrorist syndicate is getting his entitlement to suitcases full of cash.

Those Islamic terrorists, theyā€™re such delicate flowers.

Palestinian Authority Furious At Qatar For Financing Hamas, Accuses It Of Perpetuating Palestinian Schism, Serving U.S. And Israeli Interests

Palestinian Authority Furious At Qatar For Financing Hamas, Accuses It Of Perpetuating Palestinian Schism, Serving U.S. And Israeli Interests

On November 8, 2018, Muhammad Al-'Amadi, Qatar's envoy to Gaza, delivered three suitcases filled with $15 million in cash from Qatar to Hamas, as part of an arrangement with Israel brokered by Egypt and the UN. The money, which passed into Gaza with Israel's consent, is part of a plan promoted by Egypt to affect a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel and subsequently also reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah.[1] According to this plan, Qatar will deliver $90 million to Hamas in the next half year, in six monthly installments of $15 million, to pay the salaries of Hamas's civil servants.[2] On November 9, 2018, the day after the delivery of the first installment, the Hamas authorities announced that the money was being transferred to the civil servants, and would also be used to fund temporary employment programs for Gaza's jobless.[3]


Hundreds infected by polluted water in West Bank


Around one thousand Palestinians were infected by polluted water and were treated in Marda village clinic while others were transferred to Salfit hospital in the northern West Bank on Thursday.

The Palestinian ministry of health said that the citizens were infected by the polluted water poured by the nearby Ariel settlement bloc into the villageā€™s main water spring. They complained of stomach ache and nausea.

According to Palestinian officials and experts, about 60 percent of all Israeli waste is disposed of in the occupied Palestinian territories in flagrant violation of international law and environment protection laws.

Hundreds infected by polluted water in West Bank
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Israel expands fishing zone, allows fuel supplies into Gaza


The Israeli occupation authorities have decided to expand the fishing zone in Gaza waters to 15 nautical miles starting Friday.

On Friday morning the Israeli authorities allowed the entry of Qatari fuel supplies into Gaza after a ban imposed since Tuesday.

Israeli media on Thursday night announced that an Egypt mediated agreement had been reached between Israel and Palestinian resistance groups in the Gaza Strip.

Based on the agreement, Israel is supposed to expand the permitted fishing area, return all seized fishing boats, allow fuel supplies into the enclave, and prevent its forces from opening fire at the Great March of Return protesters.

Israel expands fishing zone, allows fuel supplies into Gaza
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Hundreds infected by polluted water in West Bank


Around one thousand Palestinians were infected by polluted water and were treated in Marda village clinic while others were transferred to Salfit hospital in the northern West Bank on Thursday.

The Palestinian ministry of health said that the citizens were infected by the polluted water poured by the nearby Ariel settlement bloc into the villageā€™s main water spring. They complained of stomach ache and nausea.

According to Palestinian officials and experts, about 60 percent of all Israeli waste is disposed of in the occupied Palestinian territories in flagrant violation of international law and environment protection laws.

Hundreds infected by polluted water in West Bank
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

Who needs clean water when Mahmoud needs a presidential jet?
Israel expands fishing zone, allows fuel supplies into Gaza


The Israeli occupation authorities have decided to expand the fishing zone in Gaza waters to 15 nautical miles starting Friday.

On Friday morning the Israeli authorities allowed the entry of Qatari fuel supplies into Gaza after a ban imposed since Tuesday.

Israeli media on Thursday night announced that an Egypt mediated agreement had been reached between Israel and Palestinian resistance groups in the Gaza Strip.

Based on the agreement, Israel is supposed to expand the permitted fishing area, return all seized fishing boats, allow fuel supplies into the enclave, and prevent its forces from opening fire at the Great March of Return protesters.

Israel expands fishing zone, allows fuel supplies into Gaza
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

The Islamic terrorists will find a way to screw this up.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

Boy, did the Arab Palestinian Propaganda Machine dig deep to get this story? But first, let me say that no matter whatever the other circumstances might be, ā†’ water contamination is a big deal and should not be taken lightly.

Hundreds infected by polluted water in West Bank

Around one thousand Palestinians were infected by polluted water and were treated in Marda village clinic while others were transferred to Salfit hospital in the northern West Bank on Thursday.

Hundreds infected by polluted water in West Bank
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

The Village of Marda is in the rural land of the West Bank.

ā€¢ Marda has a population of approximately 2,500 villagers who own 8,816 dunums,

ā€¢ The Arab Palestinians own 1,398 dunums (ā‰ˆ 345 acres) (15.8 percent) classified as Area B, where the Palestinian Authority only assumes civilian control.

ā€¢ In contrast, a total of 7,418 dunums (ā‰ˆ 1833 acres) are classified as Area C, where Israel retains full control.​

Now two things to keep in mind here (not explained in the story).

ā€¢ This is NO Waste Water Network for the Village.

ā€¢ Solid Waste Management System is the responsibility of the Joint Services Council - East of Salfit (JSC-ES). The Joint Service Council for Solid Waste Management in the Governorate of Ramallah and Al-Bireh (JSC) is a non profitable institution established in 2007. The council operates under the supervision and approval of the Palestinian Ministry of Local Government (MoLG).​

Now Israel does not have the responsibility for infrastructure in the Village. However, in the case of a declared Health Crisis, The Isreali Authorities can organize and scramble the appropriate response for the village should the Village Elders or the JSC make their case.

You may not know this; but, the UN World Health Organization ranks the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military Field Hospital with the Highest Rating awards. Israel has Air Ambulance and Medical Air Transport Services; as well as Medical First Responders and Engineering Resources.

I'm not sure you can lay this totally at the feet of Israel. But I'm sure that it is possible that Israeli Authorities might be able to render assistance if asked. I have no reason to believe that Israel wants medical issues radiation out from Marda.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully.

The Lie Of The Century

Well itā€™s happened. Itā€™s real. Mr Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and Senior Advisor of President Trump has delivered 136 pages of lies, suppositions and conjuring tricks to seduce or compel us Palestinians to accept our fate and surrender our rights. What rights? As far as this document is concerned Palestinians have no rights whatsoever and as for a Palestinian perspective, what is that?

The Palestinians were not even invited to Manama, let alone considered. What about the Israelis? Were they there? Were they invited? On the face of it, no, but in reality they were amply represented. What is Jared Kushner if not the team captain for the Greater Israel Project? After all, he is Jewish, an ardent Zionist, an investor in the illegal settlements in Palestine and an advocate, par excellence, for Israeli survival and supremacy.

The Lie Of The Century
The Lie Of The Century

Well itā€™s happened. Itā€™s real. Mr Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and Senior Advisor of President Trump has delivered 136 pages of lies, suppositions and conjuring tricks to seduce or compel us Palestinians to accept our fate and surrender our rights. What rights? As far as this document is concerned Palestinians have no rights whatsoever and as for a Palestinian perspective, what is that?

The Palestinians were not even invited to Manama, let alone considered. What about the Israelis? Were they there? Were they invited? On the face of it, no, but in reality they were amply represented. What is Jared Kushner if not the team captain for the Greater Israel Project? After all, he is Jewish, an ardent Zionist, an investor in the illegal settlements in Palestine and an advocate, par excellence, for Israeli survival and supremacy.

The Lie Of The Century

But, hang on a minute, how could an occupier who seized our land by brute force be made a legitimate land-lord over us?

But enough about the Turks.

Nowhere in the document was there any mention of Palestinian political rights, the right of return of the Palestinian refugees or even the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

What would they mention imaginary things?

Surrender is not in our character. Weā€™d rather die standing up, defending our rights than exist, kneeling at the feet of our self-appointed land-lords and benefactors.

That's why "your" territory gets smaller and smaller and smaller.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
āœā†’ Toddsterpatriot, et al,

You make a similar mistake as our friend "P F Tinmore" makes.

But, hang on a minute, how could an occupier who seized our land by brute force... ?


The occupier (in this case you mean the Israelis) DID NOT seize our land (in this case meaning Arab Palestinian land) by brute force." Israel did not seize any Arab Palestinian sovereign territory.

... be made a legitimate land-lord over us?


Israel holds three authorities:

ā€¢ Article 43 Hague Regulation. The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.

ā€¢ That authority agreed to by the Arab Palestinians in the Oslo Accords (A/51/889-S/1997/357 Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 28 September 1995)

ā€¢ Article 2(4) UN Charter. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

ā€¢ Article 51 of the UN Charter. Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense.​

I see no evidence that Israel wants to actually be responsible for the albatross of the Arab Palestinian. It is essentially a failed state that is parasitic on donor contributions.

Most Respectfully,
The Lie Of The Century

Well itā€™s happened. Itā€™s real. Mr Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and Senior Advisor of President Trump has delivered 136 pages of lies, suppositions and conjuring tricks to seduce or compel us Palestinians to accept our fate and surrender our rights. What rights? As far as this document is concerned Palestinians have no rights whatsoever and as for a Palestinian perspective, what is that?

The Palestinians were not even invited to Manama, let alone considered. What about the Israelis? Were they there? Were they invited? On the face of it, no, but in reality they were amply represented. What is Jared Kushner if not the team captain for the Greater Israel Project? After all, he is Jewish, an ardent Zionist, an investor in the illegal settlements in Palestine and an advocate, par excellence, for Israeli survival and supremacy.

The Lie Of The Century

My, that was an opinion pretty typical of the angry Islamist.

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