All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Rearranging some furniture in Islamic Terrorist’istan.


1 minute read.

IDF strikes Hamas posts in Gaza Strip after rockets fired on Israel

Hamas values European court decision to remove it from terror list


The Hamas Movement has appreciated the verdict of a European court in Luxembourg to cancel previous decisions designating it and its armed wing, al-Qassam Brigades, as terror entities.

Hamas spokesman Abdul-Latif Qanua stated in a press release that the decision was a positive step in the right direction and would contribute to supporting the Palestinian people’s national cause and their right to struggle against the occupation.

“All laws have given our Palestinian people the right to struggle against the Israeli occupation and defend their national rights,” spokesman Qanua said.

He called for necessarily building up on this decision to remove further unjust bias against his Movement.

Hamas values European court decision to remove it from terror list
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Hamas: Israel should be designated a “terrorist state”


The Hamas Movement has held the Israeli occupation state fully responsible for the consequences of its persistence in shedding the blood of Palestinian citizens participating in the March of Return rallies in the Gaza Strip.

“The deliberate targeting of peaceful protesters by the occupation forces confirms the bloodthirsty nature of Israeli leaders, whose terrorism has not ceased since the arrival of Zionist gangs in the land of Palestine,” Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem stated on Friday.

“The [Israeli] occupation should be classified as a terrorist state and its leaders should be prosecuted as war criminals,” Qasem said.

Hamas: Israel should be designated a “terrorist state”
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Hamas values European court decision to remove it from terror list


The Hamas Movement has appreciated the verdict of a European court in Luxembourg to cancel previous decisions designating it and its armed wing, al-Qassam Brigades, as terror entities.

Hamas spokesman Abdul-Latif Qanua stated in a press release that the decision was a positive step in the right direction and would contribute to supporting the Palestinian people’s national cause and their right to struggle against the occupation.

“All laws have given our Palestinian people the right to struggle against the Israeli occupation and defend their national rights,” spokesman Qanua said.

He called for necessarily building up on this decision to remove further unjust bias against his Movement.

Hamas values European court decision to remove it from terror list
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

The Hamas Movement has appreciated the verdict of a European court in Luxembourg to cancel previous decisions designating it and its armed wing, al-Qassam Brigades, as terror entities.

To celebrate, they'll launch 100 rockets at Israeli civilians.

Death to the infidels!!!
Tens of Thousands Jews Protesting the State of Israel in New York City

It's sad that people have been so much beaten up as a minority throughout history,
that they still feel the need to constantly prove everyone how they're more loyal to the exile than the king of the place, and apologize to others for their existence.

With all that said, to give due credit, they're among top investors in the nation living in Zion.
This the second time this year that their leading Rabbi visits Israel:

The Satmar Rebbe of WIlliamsburg Planning a Trip to Eretz Yisrae


With HaRav Kaniyevsky Shlit"a, Gdol HaDor, elder of the generation and leader of the orthodoxy worldwide, in Israel.

Yeshiva World 2019 - The Satmar Rebbe of WIlliamsburg Planning a Trip to Eretz Yisrael
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California academics condemn detention of Birzeit professor

September 13, 2019

To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Justic Ayalet Shaked, and Minister of Higher Education Rafi Peretz:

We, the California Scholars for Academic Freedom, a group of over 200 academics working in higher education in California, write to condemn in the strongest terms the brutal invasion of the home of Professor Widad Barghouti and her subsequent detention without cause on September 1, 2019. Professor Barghouti, who teaches communications and media at Birzeit University, has been put under administrative detention subject to interrogations without cause and without recourse to due process.
Jewish Chronicle pays libel damages to Palestine charity

Interpal, a British charity which aids Palestinians, has won $60,000 in libel damages from The Jewish Chronicle.

The newspaper’s editors published an apology in August stating that they “accept that neither Interpal, nor its trustees, have ever been involved with or provided support for terrorist activity of any kind.”

It also agreed to pay the charity’s legal costs.

This is not the first time Interpal has won a defamation case.

In April, The Daily Mail issued a similar correction to an article it published last year.

Interpal was paid more than $140,000 in damages.

In 2005, in response to another Interpal libel suit, pro-Israel lobby group the Board of Deputies of British Jews admitted it should not have dubbed Interpal a “terrorist organization.”

The Jewish Chronicle has also libeled Palestine solidarity activists before.

In 2009, Raphael Cohen, a Jewish anti-Zionist active with the International Solidarity Movement, was awarded an apology and a settlement of more than $36,000 from the paper.

Jewish Chronicle pays libel damages to Palestine charity
Since 60s Fan started a propaganda thread where he posts links to Hasbara sites, I thought that there should be a thread that does the same thing from the opposite perspective. Articles from Electronic Intifada, Arab news sources, Muslim news sources are acceptable for this thread.

Here is one that is astonishing. Israeli soldiers in uniform are attacking American students in the U.S. This is unbelievable. Can you imagine any other country's soldiers going on an American university campus to harass Americnas?

Israeli soldiers harass students on US campus

what do you call a huge pile of smoldering Palestinians? …… a good start

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