All Trump has to do is be civil and American

That's all he has to do, because there will be none of this. There will be no more monsters in the dark for America.


You're wrong about that, Fakey. History shows that the Dims will hound him relentlessly no matter what he does.
That's all he has to do, because there will be none of this. There will be no more monsters in the dark for America.


Trubble is, he can only do that when he's being worshiped by drooling sycophants, because of that eggshell-fragile tiny-finger ego thing he's got going on and refuses to do anything about.

Long as he fails to deal with that, everybody suffers. Just because he can't man up and grow a pair.

For sure, but from a guy who voted for the thinnest skinned President in our history ... twice ... How did this suddenly become a standard for you?
You voted for Obama? Hmmm. Why do you want to follow in his racist footsteps? gipper and kaz apparently support the KKK who support Trump.
That's all he has to do, because there will be none of this. There will be no more monsters in the dark for America.


Trubble is, he can only do that when he's being worshiped by drooling sycophants, because of that eggshell-fragile tiny-finger ego thing he's got going on and refuses to do anything about.

Long as he fails to deal with that, everybody suffers. Just because he can't man up and grow a pair.

For sure, but from a guy who voted for the thinnest skinned President in our history ... twice ... How did this suddenly become a standard for you?
You voted for Obama? Hmmm. Why do you want to follow in his racist footsteps? gipper and kaz apparently support the KKK who support Trump.

Well then according to your logic anyone who supported Obama supports the new Panthers who are extremely racist.

Tell you what. You first.

Purge the New Panthers who are horrid and base their beliefs on Karenga's sick teachings from backing any D and then maybe we can talk.
Trubble is, he can only do that when he's being worshiped by drooling sycophants, because of that eggshell-fragile tiny-finger ego thing he's got going on and refuses to do anything about.

Long as he fails to deal with that, everybody suffers. Just because he can't man up and grow a pair.

For sure, but from a guy who voted for the thinnest skinned President in our history ... twice ... How did this suddenly become a standard for you?
You voted for Obama? Hmmm. Why do you want to follow in his racist footsteps? gipper and kaz apparently support the KKK who support Trump.

It's too early to be that drunk, Jake. Put down the bottle and sleep a few hours
^^^ Now that is a drunken comment. Why do you not want Trump to be civil and act like a true American?

Jake, seriously, your posts are just incoherent. Not one is a lucid response to the post you responded to.

Put down the bottle and take a nap. You're even being incoherent for you
You speak only for yourself, kaz, and not lucidly at all. You either condemn all racism right left or center and to act American, or you simply are not worth the weight of water in your corpulent body.
That's all he has to do, because there will be none of this. There will be no more monsters in the dark for America.


Trubble is, he can only do that when he's being worshiped by drooling sycophants, because of that eggshell-fragile tiny-finger ego thing he's got going on and refuses to do anything about.

Long as he fails to deal with that, everybody suffers. Just because he can't man up and grow a pair.

For sure, but from a guy who voted for the thinnest skinned President in our history ... twice ... How did this suddenly become a standard for you?
You voted for Obama? Hmmm. Why do you want to follow in his racist footsteps? gipper and kaz apparently support the KKK who support Trump.
Well then according to your logic anyone who supported Obama supports the new Panthers who are extremely racist.Tell you what. You first.Purge the New Panthers who are horrid and base their beliefs on Karenga's sick teachings from backing any D and then maybe we can talk.
I accept that all racism is wrong, td, including yours. Purge it all from left to right. You have no right to pick and choose.
And let us make note of the left asking for civility and decency. When last night Vice President Pence and his family are booed at Hamilton and lectured to by the cast.

I got two words for you. Suck it.
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For sure, but from a guy who voted for the thinnest skinned President in our history ... twice ... How did this suddenly become a standard for you?
You voted for Obama? Hmmm. Why do you want to follow in his racist footsteps? gipper and kaz apparently support the KKK who support Trump.

It's too early to be that drunk, Jake. Put down the bottle and sleep a few hours
^^^ Now that is a drunken comment. Why do you not want Trump to be civil and act like a true American?

Jake, seriously, your posts are just incoherent. Not one is a lucid response to the post you responded to.

Put down the bottle and take a nap. You're even being incoherent for you
You speak only for yourself, kaz, and not lucidly at all. You either condemn all racism right left or center and to act American, or you simply are not worth the weight of water in your corpulent body.

I'm not dignifying your crap with a condemnation because I've given no support ever for racism. Fuck you Jake. Go to bed
That's all he has to do, because there will be none of this. There will be no more monsters in the dark for America.


Trubble is, he can only do that when he's being worshiped by drooling sycophants, because of that eggshell-fragile tiny-finger ego thing he's got going on and refuses to do anything about.

Long as he fails to deal with that, everybody suffers. Just because he can't man up and grow a pair.

For sure, but from a guy who voted for the thinnest skinned President in our history ... twice ... How did this suddenly become a standard for you?
You voted for Obama? Hmmm. Why do you want to follow in his racist footsteps? gipper and kaz apparently support the KKK who support Trump.
Well then according to your logic anyone who supported Obama supports the new Panthers who are extremely racist.Tell you what. You first.Purge the New Panthers who are horrid and base their beliefs on Karenga's sick teachings from backing any D and then maybe we can talk.
I accept that all racism is wrong, td, including yours. Purge it all from left to right. You have no right to pick and choose.

That why you're a Republican, Jake? Because you're a racist?

This is why you ended up on my ignore list last time. You went on the kick you're on now of calling everyone who didn't support Hillary a racist. Grow the fuck up and start acting like a man
That's all he has to do, because there will be none of this. There will be no more monsters in the dark for America.


Trubble is, he can only do that when he's being worshiped by drooling sycophants, because of that eggshell-fragile tiny-finger ego thing he's got going on and refuses to do anything about.

Long as he fails to deal with that, everybody suffers. Just because he can't man up and grow a pair.

For sure, but from a guy who voted for the thinnest skinned President in our history ... twice ... How did this suddenly become a standard for you?
You voted for Obama? Hmmm. Why do you want to follow in his racist footsteps? gipper and kaz apparently support the KKK who support Trump.

Well then according to your logic anyone who supported Obama supports the new Panthers who are extremely racist.

Tell you what. You first.

Purge the New Panthers who are horrid and base their beliefs on Karenga's sick teachings from backing any D and then maybe we can talk.

Funny ---- wasn't it you who pointed out that Rump "can't help who supports him", meaning Klanners and Nazis and white supremacists? Actually we both know it was.

Having it both ways ---- Priceless.
Jakey type Liberals, the nastiest most racist people on the planet calling for civility. Unfricken believable.
That's all he has to do, because there will be none of this. There will be no more monsters in the dark for America.


Trubble is, he can only do that when he's being worshiped by drooling sycophants, because of that eggshell-fragile tiny-finger ego thing he's got going on and refuses to do anything about.

Long as he fails to deal with that, everybody suffers. Just because he can't man up and grow a pair.

For sure, but from a guy who voted for the thinnest skinned President in our history ... twice ... How did this suddenly become a standard for you?
You voted for Obama? Hmmm. Why do you want to follow in his racist footsteps? gipper and kaz apparently support the KKK who support Trump.

Well then according to your logic anyone who supported Obama supports the new Panthers who are extremely racist.

Tell you what. You first.

Purge the New Panthers who are horrid and base their beliefs on Karenga's sick teachings from backing any D and then maybe we can talk.

Funny ---- wasn't it you who pointed out that Rump "can't help who supports him", meaning Klanners and Nazis and white supremacists? Actually we both know it was.

Having it both ways ---- Priceless.

You condemning Hillary for being endorsed by the Communist party? They didn't even run a candidate, they just endorsed her.

Talk about having it both ways ...
Shoot it sweetheart. Then, thank Trump for saving your right, and the ability to protect yourself. Night honey, sweet dreams. :)
Shoot racism? I wish it were that simple. But racism lives in the hearts of certain people, and they have to be continually held up and mocked publicly.

Stop Soros from paying to promote it, and you'll be surprised at the amount of racism that goes away. We need to work together. We don't need him and Obama pulling us apart.
That's all he has to do, because there will be none of this. There will be no more monsters in the dark for America.

Is that you in the bed Jake afraid of the big bad Alt-Right?...Trump needs to be know? Like Obama was civil to his political opponents. LOL!!!!!!
So you support the race hatred of the far and alt right. Hmmm. So you guys want to act like Obama. Pathetic creampuffs.

Are we just to ignore the race hatred of the far left? Obama perpetuated far left hatred.
So what do you suggest, now that the problem is identified as all encompassing, and not unique to one group or another?
And let us make note of the left asking for civility and decency. When last night Vice President Pence and his family are booed at Hamilton and lectured to by the cast.

I got two words for you. Suck it.
Sux to be you, girl. You are held to the same standards as you hold others. Always going to be that way. Always.
If the right continues the racism of the left, then they are as bad as fucks at the left racists.
Jakey type Liberals, the nastiest most racist people on the planet calling for civility. Unfricken believable.
A typical racisYot lie from the alt right. Missour_Mike wants to continue the racism, just as he complains does the far left, so he thinks being an alt racist is somehow better.

You guys are going to get walked over because you are snowflakes.

You don't got the gumption and violence of the far right of two generations ago.
After the bullshit conservatives have witnessed and endured prior to, during and after the election no one jake is going to want to offer their hands across the aisle to the left.

There is no middle ground with the left whatsoever. They refuse to stop their obnoxious lying tactics as just witnessed over Stephen Bannon.

So no. I don't believe any conservative and I certainly hope Trump/Pence never waiver there will be no kumbaye songs.
To Jake and those like him, one is racist if they want illegal immigration stopped, a moratorium on Muslim immigration, and anyone who receives unsolicited support from the KKK. So...we must understand that trying to debate a delusional person like Jake, results in wasting time.
The delusions of gipper are that he denies racism exists from left to the right. It is America's evil in the body politic. And good Americans will keep fighting the bad Americans, like gipper, to get rid of it. Why gipper supports the KKK is crazy.
All of a sudden Jake is a moderate. Funny shit.
Jakey type Liberals, the nastiest most racist people on the planet calling for civility. Unfricken believable.
A typical racisYot lie from the alt right. Missour_Mike wants to continue the racism, just as he complains does the far left, so he thinks being an alt racist is somehow better.

You guys are going to get walked over because you are snowflakes.

You don't got the gumption and violence of the far right of two generations ago.
Jake, just put the white hood on. We know what you are.

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