All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

What happened at the Bundy ranch is nothing compared to what's getting ready to go down in Texas.

I seriously hope not. Last thing we need to do is start getting violent. The people aren't prepared.

They seem to be pretty prepared in Texas. There are 50,000 militia from Oklahoma ready to come and help them too.

The time has come for the federal government to give up their land grabs and let the states take care of their own.

Will the ghost of Tim McVeigh be in the vanguard?
I guess that that thing that the Right tried...digging up McCarthy...didn't work out, so setting Bundy up as a hero patriot was the next best thing. Now that their GOP has already decided that they have never heard of Bundy, they may have to go to plan C. I can't wait to see what that will be about. Maybe it will involve appointing the John Birch Society leadership committee as the steering committee for the GOP!
Plenty of black people picked cotton without being slaves. That was their job as agricultural workers. Black people were replaced by Hispanics. Now black people are unemployed living off welfare. Hispanics now pick cotton.

Nice spin! But it doesnt change the fact that you ignored he said blacks were better off as slaves but its fun to see you chase your tail like this

Considering he said was speculating, no he did not say they were better off as slaves. I think his alleged comments are fairly stupid, but if you are going to get upset over them, get upset over what he actually said and not what you want him to have said.

Doesn't change anything about his case though.


That is your excuse? Like he doesn't know for a fact so that makes it speculation

What he said was offensive to all human beings
Nice spin! But it doesnt change the fact that you ignored he said blacks were better off as slaves but its fun to see you chase your tail like this

Again, he didn't say that. he wondered if they were better off then compared to now, where they are wards of the government instead of some asshole planter.

Suuure suuure and I'm just wondering if you're a retarded inbred hillbilly. Not saying you are, I'm just "wondering".

Go play that bullshit with someone else

Now you are figuring it out. Wondering/speculating, and saying something definitive are two totally different things. It's not a difficult concept to understand.
Bundy folks, seriously accept that a guy can be for less federal control and be a raving racist at the same time.

Again, I think most would be open to exploring how states could be given more power to care for public land, but lose the racist pos.

I will go even further. I think the discussion he has prompted could become a very valuable one in terms of reviewing grazing fees, the amount and management of public land, and "environmental" restrictions. And his views are race really have no bearing on any of those discussions at all.

But none of that changes the fact that he is not entitled to free feed for his cattle. All Americans own that land and are entitled to compensation for allowing this guy to pursue his commercial venture on our land. If he refuses to pay what he owes (to the people he owes the money to) then the consequences are justified.

He says he'll pay the state of Nevada or the county the grazing fees. (although he hasn't paid them anything) But he doesn't owe JUST the people of Nevada or of Clark County - he owes ALL Americans.

I'm open to the discussion of the legitimate questions that have been raised. But I am resolute in my position that he should pay what he owes or get his cattle tossed off our land.

That's an interesting issue. The clean air and water acts have been very cost effective, and they are premised on states having the power to set up their own EPAs to enforce federal regulations. State EPAs generally cost the state taxpayer NOTHIGN, and actually bring in more money through permitting fees and such than it costs to run them.

It'd be interesting to see if states should get the revenue from public lands. I really dunno. I know for certain that in Wyo and Colo, the states get more revenue from tourists visiting public land (and not Natl Parks) than animal grazing. And in Wyoming right now there's a disturbing issue of land that is permitted for grazing also being permitted for gas extraction, which the ranchers say is screwing up the cattle.
Bundy folks, seriously accept that a guy can be for less federal control and be a raving racist at the same time.

Again, I think most would be open to exploring how states could be given more power to care for public land, but lose the racist pos.

Hey, comon, I haven't finished enjoying the rightwing inmates here supporting this guys belief in bringing back slavery for the good of black America.

And now we see the teahadists for what they are :eusa_whistle:

People who are literate.

I'm pretty sure we knew that before. Not looking good for the progressives though.
Again, he didn't say that. he wondered if they were better off then compared to now, where they are wards of the government instead of some asshole planter.

Suuure suuure and I'm just wondering if you're a retarded inbred hillbilly. Not saying you are, I'm just "wondering".

Go play that bullshit with someone else

Now you are figuring it out. Wondering/speculating, and saying something definitive are two totally different things. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

If you're asking the question, you're a racist. Only a racist would speculate that slavery was better.
So losing in court a whole two times now is the end of the discussion? I guess after two appeals we can fry anyone on death row then without worrying about it.

He's actually had five days in court - lost all five.

Which is why he should be fighting to get the law changed. Be a much wiser use of his time.
Lets also remember that Bundy DROVE past a house and determined that the blacks werent doing anything for themselves or their children while driving past a house. This man must be an X-Men of sorts. Then he said

They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

They abort their children? Blacks only have abortions or maybe abortions are the result of govt subsidy? Who knows

"they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton" They put their young men in jail? BECAUSE they never learned how to pick cotton.

Picking cotton keeps you out of jail or builds character especially when someone whips you or threatens to rape your daughter. What a wonderful time to be alive!
No wonder Republicans have a hard time seeing racism or racist thoughts. They just spin everything and pretend they are "serious" discussions.

Actually, we don't have a problem seeing it. it's just far more common on the left than the right.

I know, and far more liberals defend it too if only you ignore this thread and every other one too then yeah :eusa_boohoo:

You do when it's one of your own. And you know that.
So losing in court a whole two times now is the end of the discussion? I guess after two appeals we can fry anyone on death row then without worrying about it.

He's actually had five days in court - lost all five.

Which is why he should be fighting to get the law changed. Be a much wiser use of his time.

So court is a waste of time.
Grabbing your guns and calling your militia buddies over to join your "range war" is a "better" use of his time?????
I seriously hope not. Last thing we need to do is start getting violent. The people aren't prepared.

They seem to be pretty prepared in Texas. There are 50,000 militia from Oklahoma ready to come and help them too.

The time has come for the federal government to give up their land grabs and let the states take care of their own.

Will the ghost of Tim McVeigh be in the vanguard?

You meant Thomas Jefferson

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."-- Thomas Jefferson
Nice spin! But it doesnt change the fact that you ignored he said blacks were better off as slaves but its fun to see you chase your tail like this

Considering he said was speculating, no he did not say they were better off as slaves. I think his alleged comments are fairly stupid, but if you are going to get upset over them, get upset over what he actually said and not what you want him to have said.

Doesn't change anything about his case though.

You dont get the tell me what to and what not to take umbrage with. Hes a fucking retard and like other racist or racial retards the right seeks to explain away his bullshit way of thinking.

If you stopped trying to make sense out of non sense you'd look credible. But saying he isnt doing what he IS doing is equal to smacking someone in the face and saying it wasnt you.

If you want to get upset over the fantasy in your head of what he said, go ahead. But don't expect that to persuade anyone your position is credible when you have to misrepresent what he said.

What he said was stupid, I've said that multiple times. But that doesn't give you an excuse to blatantly lie about what was actually said. If you want to get upset over what he said, fine. Just dont get upset about what you think he said. Get upset over what he actually said.

Quite frankly, I don't know why you think it's worth your time to get upset over.
Nice spin! But it doesnt change the fact that you ignored he said blacks were better off as slaves but its fun to see you chase your tail like this

Considering he said was speculating, no he did not say they were better off as slaves. I think his alleged comments are fairly stupid, but if you are going to get upset over them, get upset over what he actually said and not what you want him to have said.

Doesn't change anything about his case though.


That is your excuse? Like he doesn't know for a fact so that makes it speculation

What he said was offensive to all human beings

Im not excusing anything. I'm telling you not to lie about what he is saying.

And only a fool gets offended by stupid comments.
They seem to be pretty prepared in Texas. There are 50,000 militia from Oklahoma ready to come and help them too.

The time has come for the federal government to give up their land grabs and let the states take care of their own.

Will the ghost of Tim McVeigh be in the vanguard?

You meant Thomas Jefferson

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."-- Thomas Jefferson

Okay, so you support, in principle, what Tim McVeigh did.
Will the ghost of Tim McVeigh be in the vanguard?

You meant Thomas Jefferson

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."-- Thomas Jefferson

Okay, so you support, in principle, what Tim McVeigh did.

I don't speak Fucking Moron Language, can you find someone to translate it for me
Suuure suuure and I'm just wondering if you're a retarded inbred hillbilly. Not saying you are, I'm just "wondering".

Go play that bullshit with someone else

Now you are figuring it out. Wondering/speculating, and saying something definitive are two totally different things. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

If you're asking the question, you're a racist. Only a racist would speculate that slavery was better.

Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.
He's actually had five days in court - lost all five.

Which is why he should be fighting to get the law changed. Be a much wiser use of his time.

So court is a waste of time.
Grabbing your guns and calling your militia buddies over to join your "range war" is a "better" use of his time?????

When the court is on the same side as the agency you are suing, it probably is.

And he called no one, those people showed up on their own.

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