All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

"The Negro"

Bundy folks, seriously accept that a guy can be for less federal control and be a raving racist at the same time.

Again, I think most would be open to exploring how states could be given more power to care for public land, but lose the racist pos.

Hey, comon, I haven't finished enjoying the rightwing inmates here supporting this guys belief in bringing back slavery for the good of black America.

And now we see the teahadists for what they are :eusa_whistle:
Better off as slaves?

Go the fuck away

if you don't want to be slaves, why do you promote policies that make people, regardless of race, slaves to an all powerful government?

Not new slaves...People as property slaves. Thats what he thinks was the bees knees.

And you defend proud

Slaves are slaves. And no I don't. That's my whole point.

You complain about slavery while forcing people into it every day. If you were against slavery, you'd oppose Obamacare for one.

Let's generate policies that get people working less for the government and more for themselves.
If I were standing next to him I would be horrified (or at least mortified) but as I am all about the rules when it comes to government, I am all about intent when it comes to language.

You don't bring up cotton picking and black people in the same thought. that's wrong no matter what point you are trying to bring up. He's intent was not to say black people should go back to picking cotton, which is what the progs here are alluding to.

From what I read his question was, (and keep in mind he was asked about the welfare state by the reporter) that people on it, (and yes he used the word Negro, considering the UNCF is still around that can't be offensive) is there any difference between slavery in the old days and the current system of people being dependent on the government.

that (in red) is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS......i.e., thought and speech control....

If the government said not do it, its speech control. If i decide to sue him because he said it, or try to get him fired from his job, its speech control.

If I were standing there and told him he's an idiot for saying that and he should apologize, that's not speech control.

political correctness exists in all forms of political communication....not just through the government only.....such as in the free press......

oh wait...
So losing in court a whole two times now is the end of the discussion? I guess after two appeals we can fry anyone on death row then without worrying about it.

He's actually had five days in court - lost all five.
How is this having it both ways? Did he out and out say he hated black people? From what I have read is the reporter asked him his position on the welfare state, and he replied.

Yes his language was crude. He's an older guy, and I run into that from older people of all races. Every listen to an old black man (who as Chris Rock says, experienced ACTUAL racism) talk about white people when he thinks no one is listening?

Congrats. progressives have their "gotcha" moment. Now instead of arguing the merits of the debate they can call him a racist and absolve themselves of ever having to make another actual point in the discussion. Maybe next we will find out he doesn't like gay marriage and we can round up a lynch mob.

I'm saying it doesn't sound like you're particularly horrified by his words at all, so don't say that you are. That is all.

If I were standing next to him I would be horrified (or at least mortified) but as I am all about the rules when it comes to government, I am all about intent when it comes to language.

You don't bring up cotton picking and black people in the same thought. that's wrong no matter what point you are trying to bring up. He's intent was not to say black people should go back to picking cotton, which is what the progs here are alluding to.

From what I read his question was, (and keep in mind he was asked about the welfare state by the reporter) that people on it, (and yes he used the word Negro, considering the UNCF is still around that can't be offensive) is there any difference between slavery in the old days and the current system of people being dependent on the government.

Why? Because you said so?

Eat shit.

There's a Conservative Black Journalist that appears on FNC every now and then that talked about his past and how he made it from poverty to where he is now. Can't think of his name.

He told Megan Kelly (be still my heart) that he picked cotton as a young man to make ends meet.

I put up hay for $1 an hour as a kid so I could buy gas for my car and go into town once in a while. Talk about poor? Six kids, Mom didn't work, Dad busted his ass but still -- Six kids :dunno:

We never went hungry, but there was no money to give the kids so we could piss it away on frivolities.

So what?

You haven't earned the right to tell anybody anything. All you people do is sit back and try to pass judgement while stealing money from people who work for it so you can give it to poor people and trap them in poverty for the rest of their lives.

dimocraps suck and I'm done with this thread.
Bundy folks, seriously accept that a guy can be for less federal control and be a raving racist at the same time.

Again, I think most would be open to exploring how states could be given more power to care for public land, but lose the racist pos.

Hey, comon, I haven't finished enjoying the rightwing inmates here supporting this guys belief in bringing back slavery for the good of black America.

He said no such thing. Eat a neg for being an idiot.
If the Right didn't pick heroes like Bundy, us democrats would have to invent them, but nobody would believe us if we just accused the extreme Right of being so blatancy stupid and delusional. I honestly do not know whether or not they really have a subconscious need to alienate their potential constituency, or if they are too dumb to understand that one is not likely to attract voters by telling them that they were better off as slaves picking cotton. But, it doesn't stop there. They do the same thing with women, Hispanics, Jews, Asians, gays, whatever. But, no matter, conservatives! We love ya', and hope that you will stay just as you are. Ignorant, bigoted, clueless gun nuts, bent of pissing off 98% of the rest of America!

Why do you people assume that standing for someones rights means they are your hero? The whole concept is absurd.

I'd stand for your rights any day of the week. And I sure as heck don't consider you a hero.
No wonder Republicans have a hard time seeing racism or racist thoughts. They just spin everything and pretend they are "serious" discussions.

Actually, we don't have a problem seeing it. it's just far more common on the left than the right.

I know, and far more liberals defend it too if only you ignore this thread and every other one too then yeah :eusa_boohoo:
Eventually the only supporters this guy will have will be the rightwingers on USMB and Ted Nugent.

Senators Rand Paul and Heller have already condemned his remarks so all of you who are defending them can go argue with those two of your conservative politician pals.

Given the baggage that Rand Paul is trying to shed ... this doesn't surprise me at all.

I think the Rand Paul thing is called metamorphosis in some circles, lol.

I guess we'll see if he can erase his past.
I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

"The Negro"


Yeah, that word automatically makes you a racist.

United Negro College Fund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the courts are the ones to intercede not the federal government.

The courts ordered him to remove his cattle from federal lands. He has refused to obey the courts.

The courts have ordered illegals to enter the country legally. They refuse to obey the courts (but the libs coddle them and protect them anyway). Double standard?

Which illegals have the courts ordered to do that?
Right and when he said blacks were better off picking cotton thats totally reasonable.

Remember that the next time you wonder to yourself why blacks dont vote for republicans who believe that slavery was pretty good for blacks

Plenty of black people picked cotton without being slaves. That was their job as agricultural workers. Black people were replaced by Hispanics. Now black people are unemployed living off welfare. Hispanics now pick cotton.

Nice spin! But it doesnt change the fact that you ignored he said blacks were better off as slaves but its fun to see you chase your tail like this

Considering he said was speculating, no he did not say they were better off as slaves. I think his alleged comments are fairly stupid, but if you are going to get upset over them, get upset over what he actually said and not what you want him to have said.

Doesn't change anything about his case though.
I'm saying it doesn't sound like you're particularly horrified by his words at all, so don't say that you are. That is all.

If I were standing next to him I would be horrified (or at least mortified) but as I am all about the rules when it comes to government, I am all about intent when it comes to language.

You don't bring up cotton picking and black people in the same thought. that's wrong no matter what point you are trying to bring up. He's intent was not to say black people should go back to picking cotton, which is what the progs here are alluding to.

From what I read his question was, (and keep in mind he was asked about the welfare state by the reporter) that people on it, (and yes he used the word Negro, considering the UNCF is still around that can't be offensive) is there any difference between slavery in the old days and the current system of people being dependent on the government.

Why? Because you said so?

Eat shit.

There's a Conservative Black Journalist that appears on FNC every now and then that talked about his past and how he made it from poverty to where he is now. Can't think of his name.

He told Megan Kelly (be still my heart) that he picked cotton as a young man to make ends meet.

I put up hay for $1 an hour as a kid so I could buy gas for my car and go into town once in a while. Talk about poor? Six kids, Mom didn't work, Dad busted his ass but still -- Six kids :dunno:

We never went hungry, but there was no money to give the kids so we could piss it away on frivolities.

So what?

You haven't earned the right to tell anybody anything. All you people do is sit back and try to pass judgement while stealing money from people who work for it so you can give it to poor people and trap them in poverty for the rest of their lives.

dimocraps suck and I'm done with this thread.

If you want to make your point, you try not to use language to piss off the people you are talking to or about.

How about you read what I post instead of assuming I'm some leftist twat?

I am explaining myself on a message board, and I have every right to do it. Turn down the burners son.
you're the dumbo.....all Bundy was talking about was the different work ethic of blacks today vs black slaves of the past.....

oooooooh.....he said 'slaves'.......QUICK....pull out the RACE CARD !

idiot Dimwit....:eusa_hand:

Right and when he said blacks were better off picking cotton thats totally reasonable.

Remember that the next time you wonder to yourself why blacks dont vote for republicans who believe that slavery was pretty good for blacks

Plenty of black people picked cotton without being slaves. That was their job as agricultural workers. Black people were replaced by Hispanics. Now black people are unemployed living off welfare. Hispanics now pick cotton.

Like this?
The courts ordered him to remove his cattle from federal lands. He has refused to obey the courts.

The courts have ordered illegals to enter the country legally. They refuse to obey the courts (but the libs coddle them and protect them anyway). Double standard?

Which illegals have the courts ordered to do that?

Without going into hundreds of links. Deportation hearings is what telling illegals to leave the country all the time. obama's now deceased Auntie was ordered out of the country numerous times (as was his alcoholic uncle) and the libs protected them every time.
Given the baggage that Rand Paul is trying to shed ... this doesn't surprise me at all.

I think the Rand Paul thing is called metamorphosis in some circles, lol.

I guess we'll see if he can erase his past.

Since his destiny is to make a lucrative career out of becoming a professional presidential candidate, who never wins, just like that other Paul guy,

I don't think erasing his past is that important.
What happened at the Bundy ranch is nothing compared to what's getting ready to go down in Texas.

I seriously hope not. Last thing we need to do is start getting violent. The people aren't prepared.

They seem to be pretty prepared in Texas. There are 50,000 militia from Oklahoma ready to come and help them too.

The time has come for the federal government to give up their land grabs and let the states take care of their own.

Stirring up violence is absolutely foolish. We need to prepare the mind and hearts of the people and do everything we can to avoid it. Violence is a last resort that comes after the other guys start it.
Plenty of black people picked cotton without being slaves. That was their job as agricultural workers. Black people were replaced by Hispanics. Now black people are unemployed living off welfare. Hispanics now pick cotton.

Nice spin! But it doesnt change the fact that you ignored he said blacks were better off as slaves but its fun to see you chase your tail like this

Considering he said was speculating, no he did not say they were better off as slaves. I think his alleged comments are fairly stupid, but if you are going to get upset over them, get upset over what he actually said and not what you want him to have said.

Doesn't change anything about his case though.

You dont get the tell me what to and what not to take umbrage with. Hes a fucking retard and like other racist or racial retards the right seeks to explain away his bullshit way of thinking.

If you stopped trying to make sense out of non sense you'd look credible. But saying he isnt doing what he IS doing is equal to smacking someone in the face and saying it wasnt you.

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