All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Eventually the only supporters this guy will have will be the rightwingers on USMB and Ted Nugent.

Senators Rand Paul and Heller have already condemned his remarks so all of you who are defending them can go argue with those two of your conservative politician pals.
Bundy and his supporters, all American citizens stood up too and brought Reid and this Obama administration's gestapo treatment of an American citizen out into the spotlight and I believe it will hurt Democrats because of because of that, he and his supporters must be the smears, slander, picking about anything he says is right out of the progressive dirty politics playbook

wake up people

The Welfare Rancher has lost in a court of law twice. The armed militants are lucky it was not the Gestapo whom they confronted.

Also his position about Knee-Grows needs no smears.

So losing in court a whole two times now is the end of the discussion? I guess after two appeals we can fry anyone on death row then without worrying about it.

How many times does a civil court have to rule in order for it to be legitimate? Is the case under appeal?
I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

He may be closer to the truth than any fucking dimocrap.

That's what bothers you.

We're closer to the truth about you, that's for sure.
I'm saying it doesn't sound like you're particularly horrified by his words at all, so don't say that you are. That is all.

If I were standing next to him I would be horrified (or at least mortified) but as I am all about the rules when it comes to government, I am all about intent when it comes to language.

You don't bring up cotton picking and black people in the same thought. that's wrong no matter what point you are trying to bring up. He's intent was not to say black people should go back to picking cotton, which is what the progs here are alluding to.

From what I read his question was, (and keep in mind he was asked about the welfare state by the reporter) that people on it, (and yes he used the word Negro, considering the UNCF is still around that can't be offensive) is there any difference between slavery in the old days and the current system of people being dependent on the government.

that (in red) is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS......i.e., thought and speech control....

If I called someone a child-molesting, inbred, murdering, vodoo-practicing communist, and that person took offense - would that be "political correctness thought control"?

It's a matter of degree - the vast majority of reasonable people have no problem spotting when a line has been crossed. No matter who tries to tell them a line has been crossed when it hasn't or no matter who tries to tell them that a line has not been crossed when it has.

Most people aren't stupid - most people know racism when they spot it. It's not that hard.
The Welfare Rancher has lost in a court of law twice. The armed militants are lucky it was not the Gestapo whom they confronted.

Also his position about Knee-Grows needs no smears.

So losing in court a whole two times now is the end of the discussion? I guess after two appeals we can fry anyone on death row then without worrying about it.

How many times does a civil court have to rule in order for it to be legitimate? Is the case under appeal?

Maybe we have to amend the Constitution, like we did so this guy couldn't own slaves.
Eventually the only supporters this guy will have will be the rightwingers on USMB and Ted Nugent.

Senators Rand Paul and Heller have already condemned his remarks so all of you who are defending them can go argue with those two of your conservative politician pals.

Given the baggage that Rand Paul is trying to shed ... this doesn't surprise me at all.
What happened at the Bundy ranch is nothing compared to what's getting ready to go down in Texas.

I seriously hope not. Last thing we need to do is start getting violent. The people aren't prepared.

They seem to be pretty prepared in Texas. There are 50,000 militia from Oklahoma ready to come and help them too.

The time has come for the federal government to give up their land grabs and let the states take care of their own.
The Welfare Rancher has lost in a court of law twice. The armed militants are lucky it was not the Gestapo whom they confronted.

Also his position about Knee-Grows needs no smears.

So losing in court a whole two times now is the end of the discussion? I guess after two appeals we can fry anyone on death row then without worrying about it.

How many times does a civil court have to rule in order for it to be legitimate? Is the case under appeal?

Until it hits the supreme court if they decide to take it.
I'm saying it doesn't sound like you're particularly horrified by his words at all, so don't say that you are. That is all.

If I were standing next to him I would be horrified (or at least mortified) but as I am all about the rules when it comes to government, I am all about intent when it comes to language.

You don't bring up cotton picking and black people in the same thought. that's wrong no matter what point you are trying to bring up. He's intent was not to say black people should go back to picking cotton, which is what the progs here are alluding to.

From what I read his question was, (and keep in mind he was asked about the welfare state by the reporter) that people on it, (and yes he used the word Negro, considering the UNCF is still around that can't be offensive) is there any difference between slavery in the old days and the current system of people being dependent on the government.

that (in red) is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS......i.e., thought and speech control....

If the government said not do it, its speech control. If i decide to sue him because he said it, or try to get him fired from his job, its speech control.

If I were standing there and told him he's an idiot for saying that and he should apologize, that's not speech control.
Bundy folks, seriously accept that a guy can be for less federal control and be a raving racist at the same time.

Again, I think most would be open to exploring how states could be given more power to care for public land, but lose the racist pos.

Hey, comon, I haven't finished enjoying the rightwing inmates here supporting this guys belief in bringing back slavery for the good of black America.
Eventually the only supporters this guy will have will be the rightwingers on USMB and Ted Nugent.

Senators Rand Paul and Heller have already condemned his remarks so all of you who are defending them can go argue with those two of your conservative politician pals.

You people are sickening. All you ever do is accuse people of being less enlightened than you are and, therefore, inferior to you.

It's all the fuck you got. That's it. All you do is run around giving each other hand-jobs and congratualing one another on how fucking cool you are. You think you're the only people to ever go to College?

I didn't like you then, and I don't like you now. BTW, most of them ended up burnt-out stoners managing a McDonalds somewhere or working in an above-ground fucking cave for the goober-mint waiting to die. For most of them, death would be a welcome relief from the lives their forced to live.

Bundy is a simple man. He speaks in simple terms, uses simple language and uses simple analogies.

But because he didn't lace his words with PC approved bullshit, you get to scream "RACIST!!" like you're working for the Kommissar and just discovered a counter-revolutionary kitteh hiding in someone's basement.

You people, you dims..... You're scum. ALL of you.

Not saying he was right, but he's sure as hell a lot closer to the truth than you fucking douchebags are.
Typical idiot liberal. Because we support human rights and don't like government aggression, to the limited liberal mind it means we love the guy and we espouse everything he thinks and says.

You really have to have a diminished mental capacity to be liberal.

From the Department of Redundancy Department:

"Idiot Liberal"

the raw hate put out by people like Reid and their base over one citizen rancher, is some sad shit

Because lifting up the rock to show what Bundy is like is "raw hate".....:eusa_whistle:
If I were standing next to him I would be horrified (or at least mortified) but as I am all about the rules when it comes to government, I am all about intent when it comes to language.

You don't bring up cotton picking and black people in the same thought. that's wrong no matter what point you are trying to bring up. He's intent was not to say black people should go back to picking cotton, which is what the progs here are alluding to.

From what I read his question was, (and keep in mind he was asked about the welfare state by the reporter) that people on it, (and yes he used the word Negro, considering the UNCF is still around that can't be offensive) is there any difference between slavery in the old days and the current system of people being dependent on the government.

that (in red) is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS......i.e., thought and speech control....

If I called someone a child-molesting, inbred, murdering, vodoo-practicing communist, and that person took offense - would that be "political correctness thought control"?

It's a matter of degree - the vast majority of reasonable people have no problem spotting when a line has been crossed. No matter who tries to tell them a line has been crossed when it hasn't or no matter who tries to tell them that a line has not been crossed when it has.

Most people aren't stupid - most people know racism when they spot it. It's not that hard.

Bundy is entitled to his free speech as are you....

you also can say all the stupid things you want to....

including waggling your PC finger at an old man who is more wise than you can comprehend....
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ummm ... there's no twisting words. He said they may have been better off as slaves picking cotton. That's a racist mutherfker

He would have to blame them for their current situation for it to be racist. he would have to say they are like that BECAUSE they are black for it to be racist.

I consider the welfare system to be the biggest hurdle to the improvement of black american society and culture. is that racist?

if you think they were better off as slaves, then you'd be a racist. If you think the welfare system stifles self reliance ... no. But, on the other hand, there's no logic in denying some people really do need public assistance because they really are incapable of making it on their own. It's not a one side is right and the other is wrong issue.

But again, most sane people would be open to seeing if states can better steward public land. However, that issue is different from one crazy old racist.

You wouldn't automatically be racist. You would be racist if you thought they were better of slaves BECAUSE they are black, and if you thought that was the best they could hope for.
Eventually the only supporters this guy will have will be the rightwingers on USMB and Ted Nugent.

Senators Rand Paul and Heller have already condemned his remarks so all of you who are defending them can go argue with those two of your conservative politician pals.

Given the baggage that Rand Paul is trying to shed ... this doesn't surprise me at all.

I think the Rand Paul thing is called metamorphosis in some circles, lol.
"They never learned how to pick cotton."

Welcome back to the 1950s, ladies and gentlemen.

Today picking cotton is done by people who can operate and maintain machines. I didn't read the link but if that was the most damning quote, I'd say it was pretty benign.
Plenty of black people picked cotton without being slaves. That was their job as agricultural workers. Black people were replaced by Hispanics. Now black people are unemployed living off welfare. Hispanics now pick cotton.

Nice spin! But it doesnt change the fact that you ignored he said blacks were better off as slaves but its fun to see you chase your tail like this

Again, he didn't say that. he wondered if they were better off then compared to now, where they are wards of the government instead of some asshole planter.

Suuure suuure and I'm just wondering if you're a retarded inbred hillbilly. Not saying you are, I'm just "wondering".

Go play that bullshit with someone else
I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Bundy: conservative, Republican, and a racist - how unsurprising.

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