All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Here we have another old white man asking the question... if 'negros' today are better off as 'slaves"? WE don't know Mr. Bundy, why don't you personally ask the 'negros' yourself?


Cliven Bundy on blacks: ?Are they better off as slaves??

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
Here we have a man receiving a million dollars in Federal Welfare mocking "negroes" who are on welfare

How is he mocking blacks? He's spot on that once you are on welfare you do lose your freedom.

And puhleeeeeeeeeeeze trying to make Bundy out to be a welfare queen is laughable. He's got a beef with the BLM and he's not the only one.

Better off as slaves?

Go the fuck away

if you don't want to be slaves, why do you promote policies that make people, regardless of race, slaves to an all powerful government?
You cant appeal to blacks by saying that blacks were better off when they were someones property. Or that picking cotton was a character building exercise. You cant be this dumb, maybe you're just pretending but I cant understand why..

The Problem is that there is no way to appeal to Blacks. They keep voting Democrat after Democrats turned their cities and communities into death camps.

Is that your excuse for being a shit heel?

There is no reasoning to be had.

I've tried several times going to black churches and communities in the last couple of years talking about Jury Nullification, and how it can prevent black men being sent to jail over victimless crimes, which leaves families fatherless and without a breadwinner, and turns those black men into hardened criminals afterwards.

Good! That is exactly the cycle.

Then I get a Newsday article that covers my visit to one of these Churches and invokes the rare examples of Whites being freed by all white juries for murdering blacks via Jury Nullification.

Then the black churches no longer allow me to speak there, even though their congregation was very glad when I was there showing them the Peaceful Way out.

Fuck it.

Aww you're butthurt and now the blacks must pay. Dont visit any clocktowers ok?
You cant appeal to blacks by saying that blacks were better off when they were someones property. Or that picking cotton was a character building exercise. You cant be this dumb, maybe you're just pretending but I cant understand why..

The Problem is that there is no way to appeal to Blacks. They keep voting Democrat after Democrats turned their cities and communities into death camps.

There is no reasoning to be had.

I've tried several times going to black churches and communities in the last couple of years talking about Jury Nullification, and how it can prevent black men being sent to jail over victimless crimes, which leaves families fatherless and without a breadwinner, and turns those black men into hardened criminals afterwards.

Then I get a Newsday article that covers my visit to one of these Churches and invokes the rare examples of Whites being freed by all white juries for murdering blacks via Jury Nullification.

Then the black churches no longer allow me to speak there, even though their congregation was very glad when I was there showing them the Peaceful Way out.

Fuck it.

the Party line controls all from the top down....simply tyranny from within....
How is he mocking blacks? He's spot on that once you are on welfare you do lose your freedom.

And puhleeeeeeeeeeeze trying to make Bundy out to be a welfare queen is laughable. He's got a beef with the BLM and he's not the only one.

Better off as slaves?

Go the fuck away

if you don't want to be slaves, why do you promote policies that make people, regardless of race, slaves to an all powerful government?

Not new slaves...People as property slaves. Thats what he thinks was the bees knees.

And you defend proud
Obviously no one is allowed to comment on the ghetto conditions that many blacks have to live in or one is a racist. Keep banging that "you're a racist drum" libs.

You've banged it so long and loud no one gives a shit anymore.
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You cant appeal to blacks by saying that blacks were better off when they were someones property. Or that picking cotton was a character building exercise. You cant be this dumb, maybe you're just pretending but I cant understand why..

you're the dumbo.....all Bundy was talking about was the different work ethic of blacks today vs black slaves of the past.....

oooooooh.....he said 'slaves'.......QUICK....pull out the RACE CARD !

idiot Dimwit....:eusa_hand:

Right and when he said blacks were better off picking cotton thats totally reasonable.

Remember that the next time you wonder to yourself why blacks dont vote for republicans who believe that slavery was pretty good for blacks

Plenty of black people picked cotton without being slaves. That was their job as agricultural workers. Black people were replaced by Hispanics. Now black people are unemployed living off welfare. Hispanics now pick cotton.
"They never learned how to pick cotton."

Welcome back to the 1950s, ladies and gentlemen.
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Bundy folks, seriously accept that a guy can be for less federal control and be a raving racist at the same time.

Again, I think most would be open to exploring how states could be given more power to care for public land, but lose the racist pos.
Obviously no one is allowed to comment on the ghetto conditions that many blacks have to live in or one is a racist.

That wasn't the part of his comments that sounded racist. But I think you know that. I think you are attempting some slight-of-hand.

Not that Obama and crew would ever be guilty of "slight of hand."

"If you like your policy you can keep your policy!"
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor!"

"You'll have to pass the bill to know what's in it."

Yeah ... experts at "slight of hand."
You cant appeal to blacks by saying that blacks were better off when they were someones property. Or that picking cotton was a character building exercise. You cant be this dumb, maybe you're just pretending but I cant understand why..

you're the dumbo.....all Bundy was talking about was the different work ethic of blacks today vs black slaves of the past.....

oooooooh.....he said 'slaves'.......QUICK....pull out the RACE CARD !

idiot Dimwit....:eusa_hand:

Right and when he said blacks were better off picking cotton thats totally reasonable.

Remember that the next time you wonder to yourself why blacks dont vote for republicans who believe that slavery was pretty good for blacks

as usual you Dims set up a false comparison....twisting a man's words...

the primary comparison presented by Bundy is not between being free or a's between working and not working...
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ummm ... there's no twisting words. He said they may have been better off as slaves picking cotton. That's a racist mutherfker
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Obviously no one is allowed to comment on the ghetto conditions that many blacks have to live in or one is a racist.

That wasn't the part of his comments that sounded racist. But I think you know that. I think you are attempting some slight-of-hand.

Not that Obama and crew would ever be guilty of "slight of hand."

"If you like your policy you can keep your policy!"
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor!"

"You'll have to pass the bill to know what's in it."

Yeah ... experts at "slight of hand."

Two wrongs don't make a right. 1,000 wrongs don't make a right.
So are you content to be just one more part of the problem? What makes your wrong any better?
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No offense but you really can't have it both ways, unless what you call the truth horrifies you.

How is this having it both ways? Did he out and out say he hated black people? From what I have read is the reporter asked him his position on the welfare state, and he replied.

Yes his language was crude. He's an older guy, and I run into that from older people of all races. Every listen to an old black man (who as Chris Rock says, experienced ACTUAL racism) talk about white people when he thinks no one is listening?

Congrats. progressives have their "gotcha" moment. Now instead of arguing the merits of the debate they can call him a racist and absolve themselves of ever having to make another actual point in the discussion. Maybe next we will find out he doesn't like gay marriage and we can round up a lynch mob.

I'm saying it doesn't sound like you're particularly horrified by his words at all, so don't say that you are. That is all.

If I were standing next to him I would be horrified (or at least mortified) but as I am all about the rules when it comes to government, I am all about intent when it comes to language.

You don't bring up cotton picking and black people in the same thought. that's wrong no matter what point you are trying to bring up. He's intent was not to say black people should go back to picking cotton, which is what the progs here are alluding to.

From what I read his question was, (and keep in mind he was asked about the welfare state by the reporter) that people on it, (and yes he used the word Negro, considering the UNCF is still around that can't be offensive) is there any difference between slavery in the old days and the current system of people being dependent on the government.
If the Right didn't pick heroes like Bundy, us democrats would have to invent them, but nobody would believe us if we just accused the extreme Right of being so blatancy stupid and delusional. I honestly do not know whether or not they really have a subconscious need to alienate their potential constituency, or if they are too dumb to understand that one is not likely to attract voters by telling them that they were better off as slaves picking cotton. But, it doesn't stop there. They do the same thing with women, Hispanics, Jews, Asians, gays, whatever. But, no matter, conservatives! We love ya', and hope that you will stay just as you are. Ignorant, bigoted, clueless gun nuts, bent of pissing off 98% of the rest of America!
you're the dumbo.....all Bundy was talking about was the different work ethic of blacks today vs black slaves of the past.....

oooooooh.....he said 'slaves'.......QUICK....pull out the RACE CARD !

idiot Dimwit....:eusa_hand:

Right and when he said blacks were better off picking cotton thats totally reasonable.

Remember that the next time you wonder to yourself why blacks dont vote for republicans who believe that slavery was pretty good for blacks

Plenty of black people picked cotton without being slaves. That was their job as agricultural workers. Black people were replaced by Hispanics. Now black people are unemployed living off welfare. Hispanics now pick cotton.

Nice spin! But it doesnt change the fact that you ignored he said blacks were better off as slaves but its fun to see you chase your tail like this

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