All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Dont forget that blacks were better at being chattel. Thats kinda important but I can see how you'd want to leave that off. Humans as property isnt very popular and all..

they appear to be worse off on the Democrat plantation today......

families are broken apart....abortions abound....rape and drugs and killings work religious ethic....unending poverty.....etc. etc.

i can see how you'd want to leave that off...

Yeah because Slavery and being owned was better. Dont change ok :smiliehug:

2016 is coming

you Dimwits definitely seem to think political slavery and being owned is better than real freedom......

maybe in 2016 we can get blacks off the Democrat plantation....starting with things like new jobs and school vouchers...
Bundy and his supporters, all American citizens stood up too and brought Reid and this Obama administration's gestapo treatment of an American citizen out into the spotlight and I believe it will hurt Democrats because of because of that, he and his supporters must be the smears, slander, picking about anything he says is right out of the progressive dirty politics playbook

wake up people
That is the reason they aborted their actions! I'm sure the word came straight from Obama to cease, and desist - remembering Waco, and the midterms!

This is more anti FED than it is pro Bundy - as they are as political as it gets; targeting their " enemies " with an overwhelming hand, while ignoring mass offenders who don't fit their political expediency!

There are millions of Americans who absolutely hate this administration; how it has diminished us; it's plain anti American agenda! They are the ones who have taken sides in this catalyst. The wanton slaughter of mass cattle was a big hit too :badgrin:

What Bundy thinks of black people is irrelevant. I wonder where the term porch monkeys came from :eusa_shifty:

Bundy should have paid his taxes! The feds shouldn't act like a bunch of brainless assholes! Someone needs to stand up to the cock suckers!
Bundy and his supporters, all American citizens stood up too and brought Reid and this Obama administration's gestapo treatment of an American citizen out into the spotlight and I believe it will hurt Democrats because of because of that, he and his supporters must be the smears, slander, picking about anything he says is right out of the progressive dirty politics playbook

wake up people

The Welfare Rancher has lost in a court of law twice. The armed militants are lucky it was not the Gestapo whom they confronted.

Also his position about Knee-Grows needs no smears.
they appear to be worse off on the Democrat plantation today......

families are broken apart....abortions abound....rape and drugs and killings work religious ethic....unending poverty.....etc. etc.

i can see how you'd want to leave that off...

Yeah because Slavery and being owned was better. Dont change ok :smiliehug:

2016 is coming

you Dimwits definitely seem to think political slavery and being owned is better than real freedom......

maybe in 2016 we can get blacks off the Democrat plantation....starting with things like new jobs and school vouchers...

Well take the Pepsi challenge chief.

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He originally paid the government, but when they changed the terms he disputed it and withheld payment. He's on record saying he would pay Nevada, he just won't pay the feds.

and the government gets not only his fees (if he paid them) they get the sales taxes on his product, his income taxes, and the county gets his property taxes. The government is getting paid, just not his grazing fees until the dispute is settled.

the disputes been settled for decades. he took his case to court and lost.
And the courts are the ones to intercede not the federal government.

The courts ordered him to remove his cattle from federal lands. He has refused to obey the courts.
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Let's pick this apart now, because if you want to avoid Civil War, it's paramount that we discuss the underlying problem.

Many businesses, (in this particular case Ranchers) are being driven out of business by absurd and inane taxation. The amount of people businesses fleeing Blue States like California should give you a hint, even New York State has begone a "StartUp NY" program which makes the first 10 years tax-free for all new businesses.

In Nevada, practically every cattle rancher in Clark County has left, because of shady and unjust codes and taxes being passed by an Army of Unelected Pencil Pushers. What are these taxes for? TO maintain the WELFARE STATE.

Whether it's Too-big-to-fail Corporate welfare, or Buy-minority-vote welfare, the Welfare State, in all it's forms, comprises the overwhelming majority of the US expenses. The Government must find as many revenue sources as it can to keep buy minority votes and keeping the people under control with Government handouts. This mean that they must TAKE from those who WORK and give it to those who DO NOT WORK.

They must print (burrow) money and pass innumerable codes and taxes and regulations in between to make up the shortfall. This drives inflation and makes it so that the "WORKING POOR" cannot even afford to live without welfare. The result is that now the Government must take MORE from those who WORK and re fortunate enough to make ends meet, and give it to those who are also working but cannot --- because of runaway inflation.

However, the difference in lifestyle between the Working Poor and the Welfare-Receiver has become too small for the Welfare-Receiver to go back to work. Thus, the Welfare-Receiver has no incentive to do better. They'd rather sit in front of the Welfare House for days with their whole family.

Their children grow up never learning HOW TO WORK, this is where the "picking cotton" statement comes from. WHITE ranchers and farmers are out there in Nevada literally doing chores as tedious and tiresome as PICKING COTTON, while the Government TAXES THE SHIT OUT OF THEM to steal their money and give it to ABLE BODIED WELFARE-RECIPIENTS.

So if you want to understand why we're in this situation, why there has been a prelude to Civil War over the past two weeks, this is why.

And ask yourselves, are blacks any better off in Chicago, Detroit, Rochester, Camden, etc, then they were before LBJ's Welfare State: "I'll have these ******* Voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

Yes, LBJ will most certainly have them voting Democrat for the next 200 years to STEAL our money unless we put an end to this absurdity --- Civil War.

Are you ready?

Something has got to give. To be honest with you, I've been preparing for the worst but hoping for the best for the past 10 years. I live pretty close to an inner city and tensions are high these days. I won't tell you exactly how prepared I am but more so than 98% of all other Americans. Food, water, ammo, action plans, bug-out supplies, etc.

I truly hope that common sense prevails but at the rate things are going I don't have high hopes.

Obama promised that he would "change" the foundations of America and that's about the only promise he's kept (and is keeping). Sooner or later the camel's back will either break or it's going to buck the load off of its back.
Bundy and his supporters, all American citizens stood up too and brought Reid and this Obama administration's gestapo treatment of an American citizen out into the spotlight and I believe it will hurt Democrats because of because of that, he and his supporters must be the smears, slander, picking about anything he says is right out of the progressive dirty politics playbook

wake up people

The Welfare Rancher has lost in a court of law twice. The armed militants are lucky it was not the Gestapo whom they confronted.

Also his position about Knee-Grows needs no smears.

So losing in court a whole two times now is the end of the discussion? I guess after two appeals we can fry anyone on death row then without worrying about it.
Q: Does the guy owe the money?

A: Yes.

No. To whom does he owe money? What service does he receive in return for paying his cattle grazing fees?

This isn't tax evasion; it's theft avoidance.

Please ....
He gets feed for his cattle.

Nope, not on the taxpayers dime.

Don't like the law, change it. The laws were passed by our elected representatives in congress - NOT some administrative fiat. So get your votes together and change it, or pay what you owe.

Does the federal government actually re-seed what his cattle eats? Does the grazing cause them to have to do any restoration work to the land? This isn't a small park, usually nature just runs its course.
Q: Does the guy owe the money?

A: Yes.

No. To whom does he owe money? What service does he receive in return for paying his cattle grazing fees?

This isn't tax evasion; it's theft avoidance.

Bundy is a thief using public land for a profit

He owes money to the American People

Bundy is no thief.....he used to pay his grazing fees before the Feds stepped in....

speaking of thieves....Harry Reid and his deals come to mind....
they appear to be worse off on the Democrat plantation today......

families are broken apart....abortions abound....rape and drugs and killings work religious ethic....unending poverty.....etc. etc.

i can see how you'd want to leave that off...

Yeah because Slavery and being owned was better. Dont change ok :smiliehug:

2016 is coming

you Dimwits definitely seem to think political slavery and being owned is better than real freedom......

maybe in 2016 we can get blacks off the Democrat plantation....starting with things like new jobs and school vouchers...

You cant appeal to blacks by saying that blacks were better off when they were someones property. Or that picking cotton was a character building exercise. You cant be this dumb, maybe you're just pretending but I cant understand why..
That takes the freaking cake.


Don't you fucking get that?


Simple as that. And if you don't like it?


not that 'simple' because people are starting to see things they don't like...

what's getting freaking scary is how many 'enforcement arms' there are in the government today.....seems every fucking department and czar has one......

the only one who should be confiscating cattle via the courts is the local Sheriff.....not some FEDERAL SWAT TEAM...

This is the way it's been from the beginning, bub.

Refuse to pay your taxes? The government takes stuff.

Ask MC Hammer. Ask Wesley Snipes. Ask Willie Nelson.

don't ever get in a dispute with the IRS then....

their SWAT team will be at your door...
the disputes been settled for decades. he took his case to court and lost.
And the courts are the ones to intercede not the federal government.

The courts ordered him to remove his cattle from federal lands. He has refused to obey the courts.

The courts have ordered illegals to enter the country legally. They refuse to obey the courts (but the libs coddle them and protect them anyway). Double standard?
No. To whom does he owe money? What service does he receive in return for paying his cattle grazing fees?

This isn't tax evasion; it's theft avoidance.

Please ....
He gets feed for his cattle.

Nope, not on the taxpayers dime.

Don't like the law, change it. The laws were passed by our elected representatives in congress - NOT some administrative fiat. So get your votes together and change it, or pay what you owe.

Does the federal government actually re-seed what his cattle eats? Does the grazing cause them to have to do any restoration work to the land? This isn't a small park, usually nature just runs its course.

Doesn't matter. Is Bundy - or any rancher - ENTITLED to free feed for his cattle? Are the people of the United States - the owners of this land - entitled to reasonable fees for the commercial use of their land?

Does someone have the right to free land in Yellowstone to open up a Taco Bell or a Walmart?

If the fees are unreasonable, I'm open to discussion on what would be a more equitable rate. But you don't get to just ignore you bills, no matter how big a wad you get your panties in. There are plenty of things the government gives away (at our expense) that I disagree with. The people of the United States may own too much land. There are probably a whole lot of other cheats who are much worse. But none of those things change the fact that this guy owes the money, he is in defiance of court orders, and there are some very justifiable consequences for that. imho.
Yeah because Slavery and being owned was better. Dont change ok :smiliehug:

2016 is coming

you Dimwits definitely seem to think political slavery and being owned is better than real freedom......

maybe in 2016 we can get blacks off the Democrat plantation....starting with things like new jobs and school vouchers...

You cant appeal to blacks by saying that blacks were better off when they were someones property. Or that picking cotton was a character building exercise. You cant be this dumb, maybe you're just pretending but I cant understand why..

you're the dumbo.....all Bundy was talking about was the different work ethic of blacks today vs black slaves of the past.....

oooooooh.....he said 'slaves'.......QUICK....pull out the RACE CARD !

idiot Dimwit....:eusa_hand:
You cant appeal to blacks by saying that blacks were better off when they were someones property. Or that picking cotton was a character building exercise. You cant be this dumb, maybe you're just pretending but I cant understand why..

The Problem is that there is no way to appeal to Blacks. They keep voting Democrat after Democrats turned their cities and communities into death camps.

There is no reasoning to be had.

I've tried several times going to black churches and communities in the last couple of years talking about Jury Nullification, and how it can prevent black men being sent to jail over victimless crimes, which leaves families fatherless and without a breadwinner, and turns those black men into hardened criminals afterwards.

Then I get a Newsday article that covers my visit to one of these Churches and invokes the rare examples of Whites being freed by all white juries for murdering blacks via Jury Nullification.

Then the black churches no longer allow me to speak there, even though their congregation was very glad when I was there showing them the Peaceful Way out.

Fuck it.
Basically what his position SEEMS to be is what several people on this board have said. That entitlements have ruined black inner city culture and society. What he did wrong is the way he said it, which quite frankly is about as offensive as you can get. Bringing up cotton picking is idiotic.

His tone does not imply hatred of black people, nor do his words. It implies an observation of a situation.

Again, though, his choice of words was quite frankly horrific.

No offense but you really can't have it both ways, unless what you call the truth horrifies you.

How is this having it both ways? Did he out and out say he hated black people? From what I have read is the reporter asked him his position on the welfare state, and he replied.

Yes his language was crude. He's an older guy, and I run into that from older people of all races. Every listen to an old black man (who as Chris Rock says, experienced ACTUAL racism) talk about white people when he thinks no one is listening?

Congrats. progressives have their "gotcha" moment. Now instead of arguing the merits of the debate they can call him a racist and absolve themselves of ever having to make another actual point in the discussion. Maybe next we will find out he doesn't like gay marriage and we can round up a lynch mob.

I'm saying it doesn't sound like you're particularly horrified by his words at all, so don't say that you are. That is all.
you Dimwits definitely seem to think political slavery and being owned is better than real freedom......

maybe in 2016 we can get blacks off the Democrat plantation....starting with things like new jobs and school vouchers...

You cant appeal to blacks by saying that blacks were better off when they were someones property. Or that picking cotton was a character building exercise. You cant be this dumb, maybe you're just pretending but I cant understand why..

you're the dumbo.....all Bundy was talking about was the different work ethic of blacks today vs black slaves of the past.....

oooooooh.....he said 'slaves'.......QUICK....pull out the RACE CARD !

idiot Dimwit....:eusa_hand:

Right and when he said blacks were better off picking cotton thats totally reasonable.

Remember that the next time you wonder to yourself why blacks dont vote for republicans who believe that slavery was pretty good for blacks

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