All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

If you're asking the question, you're a racist. Only a racist would speculate that slavery was better.

Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.

Sit back, folks, and hear the story about how slavery in the USA is all the fault of the black man. You will love it! It is better than watching "Song of the South" in Technicolor!

Is it even possible for you to try to be honest in discussion? When you start listening to what I actually say, ill take you seriously.
Its 1230 on April 24

How fast can Fox News and the Republicans run away from Bundy? When are they going to do another impassioned plea on his plight

Lets remember that Bundy "wondered" all this from driving by a house and seeing blacks outside. So he figured they MUST be all low lifes because he saw them and they were black.
If you're asking the question, you're a racist. Only a racist would speculate that slavery was better.

Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.
Oh geezez. This stupidity again.

Which part of what I said was inaccurate?
If you're asking the question, you're a racist. Only a racist would speculate that slavery was better.

Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.

Since there are far more unemployed whites than blacks in America, how can it not be racist to single out the black unemployed for the remedy of returning them to slavery for 'their own good'?

Oh, btw, applying Bundy's logic to the problems of poverty and unemployment among Native Americans,

wouldn't the right remedy be to return them to their condition when they had it 'better'?

As in, give them their 'ancestral' rights to all of the lands that were taken from them?

if he was asked specifically about blacks, why we he answer for anyone else?

He said something stupid. No doubt. Just stop claiming he said something he didn't and stop pretending that his statements mirror the feelings of anyone else. Not that difficult.
The courts have ordered illegals to enter the country legally. They refuse to obey the courts (but the libs coddle them and protect them anyway). Double standard?

Which illegals have the courts ordered to do that?

Without going into hundreds of links. Deportation hearings is what telling illegals to leave the country all the time. obama's now deceased Auntie was ordered out of the country numerous times (as was his alcoholic uncle) and the libs protected them every time.

370,000 illegal migrants were deported last year.
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Let's pick this apart now, because if you want to avoid Civil War, it's paramount that we discuss the underlying problem.

Many businesses, (in this particular case Ranchers) are being driven out of business by absurd and inane taxation. The amount of people businesses fleeing Blue States like California should give you a hint, even New York State has begone a "StartUp NY" program which makes the first 10 years tax-free for all new businesses.

In Nevada, practically every cattle rancher in Clark County has left, because of shady and unjust codes and taxes being passed by an Army of Unelected Pencil Pushers. What are these taxes for? TO maintain the WELFARE STATE.

Whether it's Too-big-to-fail Corporate welfare, or Buy-minority-vote welfare, the Welfare State, in all it's forms, comprises the overwhelming majority of the US expenses. The Government must find as many revenue sources as it can to keep buy minority votes and keeping the people under control with Government handouts. This mean that they must TAKE from those who WORK and give it to those who DO NOT WORK.

They must print (burrow) money and pass innumerable codes and taxes and regulations in between to make up the shortfall. This drives inflation and makes it so that the "WORKING POOR" cannot even afford to live without welfare. The result is that now the Government must take MORE from those who WORK and re fortunate enough to make ends meet, and give it to those who are also working but cannot --- because of runaway inflation.

However, the difference in lifestyle between the Working Poor and the Welfare-Receiver has become too small for the Welfare-Receiver to go back to work. Thus, the Welfare-Receiver has no incentive to do better. They'd rather sit in front of the Welfare House for days with their whole family.

Their children grow up never learning HOW TO WORK, this is where the "picking cotton" statement comes from. WHITE ranchers and farmers are out there in Nevada literally doing chores as tedious and tiresome as PICKING COTTON, while the Government TAXES THE SHIT OUT OF THEM to steal their money and give it to ABLE BODIED WELFARE-RECIPIENTS.

So if you want to understand why we're in this situation, why there has been a prelude to Civil War over the past two weeks, this is why.

And ask yourselves, are blacks any better off in Chicago, Detroit, Rochester, Camden, etc, then they were before LBJ's Welfare State: "I'll have these ******* Voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

Yes, LBJ will most certainly have them voting Democrat for the next 200 years to STEAL our money unless we put an end to this absurdity --- Civil War.

Are you ready?

The left will never look at the truth regarding the welfare state and what their policies have done to change how minority families function. Great points that you made, but all will fly over the heads of the talking point parrots.

How many times would you have to be reminded that there are far more whites than blacks on welfare before it would get through your skull?

Give me a ballpark estimate, so I can figure out if it's worth trying.
Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.
Oh geezez. This stupidity again.

Which part of what I said was inaccurate?

In their minds, any part that doesn't tie the progressive line.
If you're asking the question, you're a racist. Only a racist would speculate that slavery was better.

Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.

Sit back, folks, and hear the story about how slavery in the USA is all the fault of the black man. You will love it! It is better than watching "Song of the South" in Technicolor!

You got a problem with facts, the first slave owner in this country was a black man.

Who was the first slave owner in the US
Its 1230 on April 24

How fast can Fox News and the Republicans run away from Bundy? When are they going to do another impassioned plea on his plight

FYI many of us were not on his side to start with. That includes Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Your broad brush is getting more paint on you than anyone else.

They don't care. They don't even have the integrity to deal with his actual comments. They have to alter them to sound worse (like they weren't bad enough to begin with). These are people with absolutely no integrity in their heart. And they are too focused on demonizing others than fixing their own flaws.
Which is why he should be fighting to get the law changed. Be a much wiser use of his time.

So court is a waste of time.
Grabbing your guns and calling your militia buddies over to join your "range war" is a "better" use of his time?????

When the court is on the same side as the agency you are suing, it probably is.

And he called no one, those people showed up on their own.

He used his blog and social media to ask for folks to come join him in his "range war"
So no - he did not telephone them.
Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.
Oh geezez. This stupidity again.

Which part of what I said was inaccurate?
The stupid part --> slavery was started by a black man in America.

I've been round this rodeo plenty of times on that nonsense quipped by the low IQ crowd, so if you're thinking you're going to throw down a John Punch-er, think better, because you will lose.
I agree 100% what patriot Mr. Bundy said and you know what, there are tens of millions out there that think just like Mr. Bundy. What he stated wasn't racist. It was the truth!
Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.

Sit back, folks, and hear the story about how slavery in the USA is all the fault of the black man. You will love it! It is better than watching "Song of the South" in Technicolor!

You got a problem with facts, the first slave owner in this country was a black man.

Who was the first slave owner in the US

Which would make what point?

- Therefore slavery is acceptable
- Therefore, whites have no culpability
- Therefore, blacks have nothing to complain about
- Therefore, Cliven Bundy is not a racist asshole
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Sit back, folks, and hear the story about how slavery in the USA is all the fault of the black man. You will love it! It is better than watching "Song of the South" in Technicolor!

You got a problem with facts, the first slave owner in this country was a black man.

Who was the first slave owner in the US

Which would make what point?

- Therefore slavery is acceptable
- Therefore, whites have no culpability
- Therefore, blacks have nothing to complain about
- Therefore, Cliven Bundy is not a racist asshole
The whole concept is stupid.

Slavery was legalized in Massachusetts in 1641.

There were laws regarding fugitive slaves there in the 1630's.

To say slavery was "started by a black man" is Dumb -- beyond dumb dumb
Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.

Since there are far more unemployed whites than blacks in America, how can it not be racist to single out the black unemployed for the remedy of returning them to slavery for 'their own good'?

Oh, btw, applying Bundy's logic to the problems of poverty and unemployment among Native Americans,

wouldn't the right remedy be to return them to their condition when they had it 'better'?

As in, give them their 'ancestral' rights to all of the lands that were taken from them?

if he was asked specifically about blacks, why we he answer for anyone else?

I missed the part where he was asked to limit his comments to 'specifically about blacks'.

He said something stupid. No doubt. Just stop claiming he said something he didn't and stop pretending that his statements mirror the feelings of anyone else. Not that difficult.

According to one of our more distinguished USMB racists in post 296, there are millions of Americans who agree with Bundy's musings about returning blacks to slavery for their own good.

Go argue with him.
Which is why he should be fighting to get the law changed. Be a much wiser use of his time.

So court is a waste of time.
Grabbing your guns and calling your militia buddies over to join your "range war" is a "better" use of his time?????

When the court is on the same side as the agency you are suing, it probably is.

And he called no one, those people showed up on their own.

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