All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Except that's not true at all because slavery and race aren't linked. Are you seriously thinking the Romans were racist for thinking their slaves were better off as slaves than being free?

Slavery and race are only uniquely mixed in the United States history. The ironic part is it was started by a black man.

Sit back, folks, and hear the story about how slavery in the USA is all the fault of the black man. You will love it! It is better than watching "Song of the South" in Technicolor!

You got a problem with facts, the first slave owner in this country was a black man.

Who was the first slave owner in the US

Hell's bells so many libs don't realize that the first slaves in America were white children from Britain. Or that Cromwell cleansed a defeated Ireland and shipped the Irish as slaves for the Caribbean. Some to New England. Or that First Nations had slaves. Or that slavery continues today in so many parts of Africa and Asia.

Because "racism" and "race as a divisive political tool" for liberals they continually beat the drum that only blacks in America have been slaves.

It's an out and out lie; but what the heck Dems favorite party platforms are based on lies. Truth eludes liberals on a continual basis.
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When the court is on the same side as the agency you are suing, it probably is.

And he called no one, those people showed up on their own.

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This is for informing people. i don't see an invite for people to show up and confront anyone. Also, I didn't see who actually made the website.

It's linked from the Bundy Ranch Facebook page. There are numerous posts asking for support and donations. The notion that these people just showed up unsolicited is obviously false.
Sit back, folks, and hear the story about how slavery in the USA is all the fault of the black man. You will love it! It is better than watching "Song of the South" in Technicolor!

You got a problem with facts, the first slave owner in this country was a black man.

Who was the first slave owner in the US

Hell's bells so many libs don't realize that the first slaves in America were white children from Britain. Or that Cromwell cleansed a defeated Ireland and shipped the Irish as slaves for the Caribbean. Or that slavery continues today in so many parts of Africa and Asia.

Because "racism" and "race as a divisive political tool" for liberals they continually beat the drum that only blacks in America have been slaves.

It's an out and out lie; but what the heck Dems favorite party platforms are based on lies. Truth eludes liberals on a continual basis.

speaking of slavery......why don't the Dimwits scream about the prostitution rings coming across our borders TODAY.....?
bigotry and racism, both sides do it, but many people never see it as a problem in both political sphere's and point want to point fingers at one..
As long as this occurs, the issues we face will never be settled..
Which would make what point?

- Therefore slavery is acceptable
- Therefore, whites have no culpability
- Therefore, blacks have nothing to complain about
- Therefore, Cliven Bundy is not a racist asshole

The point that racism and slavery are not inseparably connected. Considering I've stated that multiple times, you'd think you would understand already

But what's your point? That if Bundy had said all the unemployed of all colors might be better off as slaves,

that would be better, because it wouldn't be racist?

lol, classic.

You're stupid.

This is for informing people. i don't see an invite for people to show up and confront anyone. Also, I didn't see who actually made the website.

It's linked from the Bundy Ranch Facebook page. There are numerous posts asking for support and donations. The notion that these people just showed up unsolicited is obviously false.

Is there a specific request from Bundy or his family for people to show up like they did?
Which would make what point?

- Therefore slavery is acceptable
- Therefore, whites have no culpability
- Therefore, blacks have nothing to complain about
- Therefore, Cliven Bundy is not a racist asshole

The point that racism and slavery are not inseparably connected. Considering I've stated that multiple times, you'd think you would understand already

Except in this country? Yeah, they are connected.

Trolling through history to find some outliers doesn't help your case either.

In fact, it makes you look ridiculous.

So you're conceding I'm right while still trying to declare I'm wrong.

And you wonder why you guys have zero credibility.
When the court is on the same side as the agency you are suing, it probably is.

And he called no one, those people showed up on their own.

Support Cliven Bundy
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Email and Text Messages are the fastest way for us to inform you. Text Messages will be use sparingly and only when we need you to move FAST.

This is for informing people. i don't see an invite for people to show up and confront anyone. Also, I didn't see who actually made the website.

That's it tell him boyo.

In the face of facts? Move the goalposts.

Bundy had the Oath Keeper terrorists surrounding him when he was on a diatribe about ordering the local sheriff to disarm the Federal Agents.
The point that racism and slavery are not inseparably connected. Considering I've stated that multiple times, you'd think you would understand already

Except in this country? Yeah, they are connected.

Trolling through history to find some outliers doesn't help your case either.

In fact, it makes you look ridiculous.

So you're conceding I'm right while still trying to declare I'm wrong.

And you wonder why you guys have zero credibility.

Eyah.."Zero" credibility.

Please do, keep it up.

I really don't want any of you fools in positions of power.
This is for informing people. i don't see an invite for people to show up and confront anyone. Also, I didn't see who actually made the website.

It's linked from the Bundy Ranch Facebook page. There are numerous posts asking for support and donations. The notion that these people just showed up unsolicited is obviously false.

Is there a specific request from Bundy or his family for people to show up like they did?

Of course. Go to the Bundy ranch facebook page, read the link I provided.
Dem Logic:

"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- Not racist

Democrat programs have devastated the black family -- racist

Did that clear it up?
Which part of what I said was inaccurate?
The stupid part --> slavery was started by a black man in America.

I've been round this rodeo plenty of times on that nonsense quipped by the low IQ crowd, so if you're thinking you're going to throw down a John Punch-er, think better, because you will lose.

It was 100% accurate. And it points out the flaw you guys are arguing that slavery and racism are inseparably connected.
No, you're 100% wrong.

And you have the temerity to call others stupid.

This is for informing people. i don't see an invite for people to show up and confront anyone. Also, I didn't see who actually made the website.

That's it tell him boyo.

In the face of facts? Move the goalposts.

Bundy had the Oath Keeper terrorists surrounding him when he was on a diatribe about ordering the local sheriff to disarm the Federal Agents.

You have to work real hard (and be more than a little dishonest imho) to continue the "unsolicited support" meme
You got a problem with facts, the first slave owner in this country was a black man.

Who was the first slave owner in the US

Hell's bells so many libs don't realize that the first slaves in America were white children from Britain. Or that Cromwell cleansed a defeated Ireland and shipped the Irish as slaves for the Caribbean. Or that slavery continues today in so many parts of Africa and Asia.

Because "racism" and "race as a divisive political tool" for liberals they continually beat the drum that only blacks in America have been slaves.

It's an out and out lie; but what the heck Dems favorite party platforms are based on lies. Truth eludes liberals on a continual basis.

speaking of slavery......why don't the Dimwits scream about the prostitution rings coming across our borders TODAY.....?

Enslaved in America
'Modern-day slavery': State Dept. says millions of human trafficking victims go unidentified - U.S. News
MSNBC Documentaries on msnbc
Human trafficking survivor discusses arrest | MSNBC

Any more dumb fucking points you want to make that I can completely destroy?

The stupid part --> slavery was started by a black man in America.

I've been round this rodeo plenty of times on that nonsense quipped by the low IQ crowd, so if you're thinking you're going to throw down a John Punch-er, think better, because you will lose.

It was 100% accurate. And it points out the flaw you guys are arguing that slavery and racism are inseparably connected.
No, you're 100% wrong.

And you have the temerity to call others stupid.

Well, you denied the facts, that sure showed me.

If you too lazy or unable to follow a simple discussion, then you are stupid.
Dem Logic:

"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- Not racist

Democrat programs have devastated the black family -- racist

Did that clear it up?

except he said blacks might have been better off as slaves. But nice try at deflection.

I still wonder why you guys try. The land issue is actually worth considering. Trying to deflect from the racism doesn't advance the issue.
The point that racism and slavery are not inseparably connected. Considering I've stated that multiple times, you'd think you would understand already


We are talking about US History. And for 200 years Black=Slave

Trying to nibble at the edges does not refute that fact. Neither does it refute that Cliven Bundy is a racist asshole
It was not a racist statement Bundy said about negroes. Even after slavery black families worked and their family unit was intact with moral values and ethics. Now that is all gone since the Civil Rights Act was passed and putting them on government subsidies. Bundy made a good accurate analogy that was the gospel truth.

Coming from a guy with the first family depicted as apes in his avatar

We are talking about US History. And for 200 years Black=Slave

Trying to nibble at the edges does not refute that fact. Neither does it refute that Cliven Bundy is a racist asshole
It was not a racist statement Bundy said about negroes. Even after slavery black families worked and their family unit was intact with moral values and ethics. Now that is all gone since the Civil Rights Act was passed and putting them on government subsidies. Bundy made a good accurate analogy that was the gospel truth.

Coming from a guy with the first family depicted as apes in his avatar

exactly. When one tries to defend a racist statement, what's that make them ....

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